
HC Honors College-Humanities

H.L. Wilkes Honors College

Honors College-Humanities Courses For Summer 2007

Last Updated: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 at 21.02.27

 Course    Course Title     Credit            Meeting    Meeting                       
Pref Num  Sec   Call# Cap Enrl     Bld/Room    Days       Time        Campus           Instructor             

Courses offered at the Jupiter campus
HUM 2952 HONORS HUMANITIES-BEG ITAL 005 C 13833 4 2 1- 4 TBA Jupiter Barrett, Laura A. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor
HUM 4947 HONORS INTERNSHIP/HUMANITIES 005 B 13629 3 1-12 TBA Jupiter Vazquez, Miguel A. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor 001 C 11562 1 1-12 TBA Jupiter Harrawood, Michael Honors College only Permission needed from instructor 002 C 11563 2 1 1-12 TBA Jupiter Barrett, Laura A. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor 003 C 11564 1 1-12 TBA Jupiter Jiang, Yu Honors College only Permission needed from instructor 004 C 11565 5 1-12 TBA Jupiter Vazquez, Miguel A. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor 006 C 13821 4 3 1-12 TBA Jupiter Edwards, Hilary Honors College only Permission needed from instructor
HUM 4957 HONORS HUM SPAN LIT & FILM 009 B 13829 3 1 1- 4 TBA Jupiter Tba, Staff Honors College only Permission needed from instructor
Courses offered at Other campuses
HUM 2952 HONORS HUMANITIES STUDY ABROAD 001 B 11556 16 1- 4 TBA Other Barrett, Laura A. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor 002 B 11557 30 1- 4 TBA Other Barrett, Laura A. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor 003 B 11558 30 1- 4 TBA Other Barrett, Laura A. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor 004 B 11559 30 1- 4 TBA Other Barrett, Laura A. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor
HUM 4957 HONORS HUMANITIES STUDY ABROAD 001 A 11566 16 1- 4 TBA Other Barrett, Laura A. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor 002 B 11567 16 1- 4 TBA Other Barrett, Laura A. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor 003 B 11568 30 1- 4 TBA Other Barrett, Laura A. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor 004 B 11569 30 1- 4 TBA Other Barrett, Laura A. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor 007 B 11572 30 1- 4 TBA Other Barrett, Laura A. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor 008 B 11573 30 1- 4 TBA Other Barrett, Laura A. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor 005 C 11570 30 1- 4 TBA Other Barrett, Laura A. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor 006 C 11571 30 1- 4 TBA Other Barrett, Laura A. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor [Back to Index] [Back to Dept]