
NU Nursing

C.E. Lynn College of Nursing

Nursing Courses For Summer 2007

Last Updated: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 at 21.02.27

 Course    Course Title     Credit            Meeting    Meeting                       
Pref Num  Sec   Call# Cap Enrl     Bld/Room    Days       Time        Campus           Instructor             

Courses offered at the Boca Raton campus
NUR 3028 TECHNLGCL COMPETENCIES CARING 001 C 12156 96 47 3 NU 113 M 01:00-04:10PM Boca Raton Eggenberger, Terry Permission needed from department Web-Assisted regular class w/ less than 25 pct Web
NUR 3029 BASIC NURSING SKILLS 001 C 12157 60 48 2 NU 218 M 01:00-03:10PM Boca Raton Eggenberger, Terry College of Nursing $25.00 Lab Fee Permission needed from department Web-Assisted regular class w/ less than 25 pct Web
NUR 3067 MODES OF HELPING 1 001 C 12158 18 20 2 NU 108 T 04:45-05:50PM Boca Raton Rollins, Deanna Permission needed from department Registered Nurses only CLOSED 004 C 13491 48 48 2 NU 202 M 09:00-11:10AM Boca Raton Blum, Cynthia A. Permission needed from department CLOSED
NUR 3115 INTRO NRSNG DISCIPLINE & PROF 005 C 12164 60 56 3 NU 202 W 01:00-04:10PM Boca Raton Purnell, Marguerit Web-Assisted regular class w/ less than 25 pct Web
NUR 3126 PATHOPHYSIOLOGY 1 001 C 12166 48 48 3 NU 201 W 09:00-12:20PM Boca Raton Thomas, Debera Jan Permission needed from department Web-Assisted regular class w/ less than 25 pct Web CLOSED
NUR 3815 NURSING SIT IN PROF PRACTICE 001 C 12168 50 47 3 NU 202 T 04:30-07:50PM Boca Raton White, Kelly A. Permission needed from department Web-Assisted regular class w/ less than 25 pct Web
NUR 4125 GENERAL PATHOPHYSIOLOGY 002 C 13203 60 50 3 NU 113 M 09:00-12:20PM Boca Raton Thomas, Debera Jan Permission needed from department Web-Assisted regular class w/ less than 25 pct Web
NUR 4165 NURSING RESEARCH 003 C 12174 20 19 3 NU 201 T 04:45-07:55PM Boca Raton Dyess, Susan M. Permission needed from department Writing Across Curriculum (Gordon Rule) Web-Assisted regular class w/ less than 25 pct Web
NUR 4805 NURSE AS SCHOLAR 003 C 13204 30 13 3 NU 202 T 09:00-12:10PM Boca Raton Purnell, Marguerit Permission needed from department Web-Assisted regular class w/ less than 25 pct Web
NUR 4905 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 002 C 13684 3 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Lowe, John Permission needed from department 003 C 13788 20 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Parker, Marilyn E. Permission needed from department 004 C 13873 3 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Dyess, Susan M. Permission needed from department
NUR 4905 TRNSCULTRL CARING TO NATL AMER 006 C 13990 2 2 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Lowe, John CLOSED
NUR 4905 EVOLUTION OF A NURSE LEADER 007 C 13991 1 1 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Dyess, Susan M. CLOSED
NUR 4930 EVOLUTION OF A NURSE LEADER 3 004 C 13645 15 6 1 NU 202 F 08:30-04:30PM Boca Raton Dyess, Susan M. Important info at Fast Track Course Permission needed from instructor
NUR 4936 NURSING PRACTICE LEADERSHIP 002 C 12189 30 16 3 NU 202 T 01:00-04:10PM Boca Raton Rollins, Deanna Permission needed from department
NURL3028 TECH COMPETENC CARING IN PRAC 001 C 12191 12 13 1 NU 218 T 01:00-04:20PM Boca Raton Sklar, Jody Permission needed from department CLOSED 002 C 12192 12 11 1 NU 218 T 01:00-04:20PM Boca Raton Bluni, Dawn 003 C 12193 12 12 1 NU 218 W 01:00-04:20PM Boca Raton Longo, Joy A. CLOSED 004 C 12194 12 11 1 NU 218 W 01:00-04:20PM Boca Raton Ramnon, Merlene
NURL3029 BASIC NURSING SKILLS LAB 001 C 12195 12 12 1 NU 202 R 01:00-04:20PM Boca Raton Sklar, Jody Permission needed from department CLOSED 002 C 12196 12 12 1 NU 201 F 01:00-04:20PM Boca Raton Bluni, Dawn Permission needed from department CLOSED 003 C 12197 12 12 1 NU 202 F 01:00-04:20PM Boca Raton Longo, Joy A. Permission needed from department CLOSED 004 C 12198 12 12 1 NU 218 R 01:00-04:20PM Boca Raton Ramnon, Merlene Permission needed from department CLOSED
NURL3067 MODES OF HELPING LAB 1 001 C 12200 18 20 1 NU 218 T 06:00-07:55PM Boca Raton Rollins, Deanna College of Nursing $15.00 Lab Fee Permission needed from department Registered Nurses only CLOSED 003 C 13492 48 48 1 TBA Boca Raton Blum, Cynthia A. College of Nursing $15.00 Lab Fee Permission needed from department CLOSED
NURL3069 DECISION MAKING IN NRSNG SITS 001 C 12202 12 12 3 TBA Boca Raton Sklar, Jody Permission needed from department CLOSED 002 C 12203 12 12 3 TBA Boca Raton Bluni, Dawn Permission needed from department CLOSED 003 C 12204 12 11 3 TBA Boca Raton Longo, Joy A. Permission needed from department 004 C 12205 12 12 3 TBA Boca Raton Ramnon, Merlene Permission needed from department CLOSED
NGR 6200 ADV NUR SIT: FNDNS PRIM CARE 001 C 12087 50 35 3 NU 201 R 09:15-12:50PM Boca Raton Mccaffrey, Ruth G. Permission needed from department Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
NGR 6259 ADV NR SIT:OLDR ADLTS LT CARE 002 C 13462 15 5 3 NU 208 T TB:A- Boca Raton Touhy, Theris A. Permission needed from department Important info at Mixed Mode regular class more than 25 percent Web
NGR 6718 EVALUATION IN NURSING EDUC 001 C 13217 30 18 3 NU 108 S 09:00-01:00PM Boca Raton Sutton, Douglas H. Important info at Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
NGR 6812 NURS RSRCH EVIDNC-BASED PRAC 003 C 13464 25 8 3 NU 201 R 01:00-04:10PM Boca Raton Archibald, Cynthia Permission needed from department Video Conf 25 pct Web Rec Site
NGR 6905 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 001 C 12108 20 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton Mccaffrey, Ruth G. Permission needed from instructor 002 C 12109 20 1 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton Dyess, Susan M. Permission needed from instructor
NGR 6905 STAFF DEVELOP TRENDS 005 C 12112 2 1 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton Sherman, Rosaleen Permission needed from instructor
NGR 6905 CLINICAL MANAGEMENT 006 C 14228 1 1 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton Mccaffrey, Ruth G. CLOSED
NGR 6905 ADV NURSING RESEARCH 007 C 14229 2 2 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton Mccaffrey, Ruth G. CLOSED
NGR 6905 PERSPECTIVES OF AGING 008 C 14230 1 1 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton Mccaffrey, Ruth G. CLOSED
NGR 6905 EVOLUTION NURSE LEADER 009 C 14231 1 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton Dyess, Susan M.
NGR 6930 EVOLUTION OF A NURSE LEADER 3 002 C 13646 15 8 1 NU 202 F 08:30-04:30PM Boca Raton Dyess, Susan M. Important info at Fast Track Course Permission needed from instructor
NGR 6944 NURSING EDUCATION PRACTICUM 002 C 12117 30 1 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Blum, Cynthia A. Permission needed from department 003 C 12118 30 8 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Jett, Kathleen F. Permission needed from department
NGR 7013 CREATING A DELIB PRAC MODEL 001 C 13214 15 11 3 TBA Boca Raton Chase, Susan
NGR 7818 ADV NURS RSRCH:APPL QUANT DSGN 001 C 13215 15 12 3 TBA Boca Raton Folden, Susan L.
NGR 7905 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 001 C 12128 3 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Chase, Susan Permission needed from instructor 002 C 13740 3 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Liehr, Patricia R. Permission needed from instructor 003 C 13896 3 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Liehr, Patricia R. Permission needed from instructor 004 C 13926 3 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Jett, Kathleen F. Permission needed from instructor
NGR 7905 HISTORICAL RESEARCH 2 005 C 13986 1 1 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Chase, Susan CLOSED
NGR 7905 APPLIED PUBLIC HEALTH 006 C 13987 1 1 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Liehr, Patricia R. CLOSED
NGR 7905 ADVANCED GERONTOLOGY 007 C 13988 1 1 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Jett, Kathleen F. CLOSED
NGR 7978 DOCTORAL SYNTHESIS S/U 001 B 12130 10 1 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Chase, Susan Permission needed from department
NGR 7979 ADVANCED RESEARCH S/U 001 C 12131 5 1 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Chase, Susan Permission needed from department S/U 004 C 12134 5 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Liehr, Patricia R. Permission needed from department S/U 006 C 12136 5 1 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Locsin, Rozzano C. Permission needed from department S/U 007 C 13895 3 1 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Raines, Deborah A. Permission needed from department
NGR 7980 DISSERTATION S/U 003 C 12139 8 1 1-15 TBA Boca Raton Chase, Susan Permission needed from department S/U 004 C 13729 3 1 1-15 TBA Boca Raton Baer, Ellen Permission needed from department S/U 005 C 13818 3 1 1-15 TBA Boca Raton Locsin, Rozzano C. Permission needed from department S/U 009 C 13846 3 1-15 TBA Boca Raton Raines, Deborah A. Permission needed from department
NGRL6200 ADV NRSG SIT PRAC: FNDNS CARE 001 C 12144 10 13 3 NU 108 R 01:00-02:50PM Boca Raton Thrush, Sharon A. Permission needed from department CLOSED 002 C 12145 10 10 3 NU 108 R 01:00-02:50PM Boca Raton Krause, Kathryn V. Permission needed from department CLOSED 004 C 12147 10 13 3 NU 108 R 01:00-02:50PM Boca Raton Youngkin, Ellis Q. Permission needed from department CLOSED
NGRL6253 ADV NR SIT/PRC:OLDR AD PRI CR 001 C 13213 15 7 4 TBA Boca Raton Hain, Debra J. Permission needed from department
NGRL6259 ADV NR SIT PRAC-OLDR ADLTS LTC 001 C 13207 12 4 3 TBA Boca Raton Hain, Debra J. Permission needed from department
NGRL6723 ADV NRSNG ADMNSTRTN PRCTCM I 001 C 12154 10 2 2 TBA Boca Raton Sherman, Rosaleen Permission needed from department
NGRL6724 ADV NURS ADMIN PRACTICUM 2 001 C 12155 10 2 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton Sherman, Rosaleen Permission needed from department
NGRL6759 ADV NR SIT:CNL PRACTICUM SEM 001 C 13632 20 10 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Sherman, Rosaleen 002 C 13633 20 9 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Sorbello, Barbara
Courses offered at the Davie campus
NUR 3115 INTRO NRSNG DISCIPLINE & PROF 001 C 12160 60 16 3 LA 332 T 01:15-04:25PM Davie Archibald, Cynthia
NUR 4165 NURSING RESEARCH 001 C 12172 23 26 3 LA 332 T 09:45-12:55PM Davie Archibald, Cynthia Permission needed from department Writing Across Curriculum (Gordon Rule) CLOSED
NUR 4607 NRSNG SIT INDV,FAM,GRPS 002 C 12177 40 31 4 LA 333 T 01:15-05:35PM Davie Lowe, John Permission needed from department
NUR 4805 NURSE AS SCHOLAR 001 C 12180 50 12 3 LA 233 T 04:30-07:45PM Davie Gibson, Sandra E. Permission needed from department
NURL4836 PRACTICUM: INTEGRATIVE NURSING 005 C 12210 30 32 3 TBA Davie Lowe, John Permission needed from instructor CLOSED
NGR 6605 ADV NRSG SIT: COMP PRIM CARE 001 C 12090 20 12 3 LA 150 R 04:00-07:10PM Davie Mccaffrey, Ruth G. Permission needed from department
NGR 6812 NURS RSRCH EVIDNC-BASED PRAC 002 C 12101 3 T 04:00-07:10PM Davie Tba, Staff Permission needed from department Video-Conferencing (real-time audio/video) CANCELLED 004 C 13466 20 10 3 LA 225 R 01:00-04:10PM Davie Archibald, Cynthia Permission needed from department Video Conf 25 pct Web Snd Site
NGR 6905 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 003 C 12110 15 1- 4 TBA Davie Tba, Staff Permission needed from instructor
NGRL6002 ADV NR SIT PRAC:HLTH ASSESSMNT 001 C 13600 20 17 1 LA 321 R 04:20-06:20PM Davie Krause, Kathryn V. Permission needed from department
NGRL6200 ADV NRSG SIT PRAC: FNDNS CARE 003 C 12146 3 TBA Davie Krause, Kathryn V. Permission needed from department CLOSED
NGRL6605 ADV NRSG SIT PRAC: COMP CARE 001 C 12150 12 6 4 TBA Davie Krause, Kathryn V. Permission needed from department 002 C 12151 12 6 4 TBA Davie Buitrago, Rachael Permission needed from department
Courses offered at the Port St.Lucie campus
NUR 3067 MODES OF HELPING 1 003 C 12159 19 16 2 TBA Port St.Lucie Kent, Leslie N. Permission needed from department Registered Nurses only
NUR 4936 NURSING PRACTICE LEADERSHIP 003 C 12190 25 11 3 CO 141 T 01:00-04:10PM Port St.Lucie Crouch, Suzanne Permission needed from department
NURL3067 MODES OF HELPING LAB 1 002 C 12201 19 16 1 CO 226 T 04:30-07:20PM Port St.Lucie Kent, Leslie N. College of Nursing $15.00 Lab Fee Permission needed from department Registered Nurses only
NURL4836 PRACTICUM: INTEGRATIVE NURSING 004 C 12209 3 T TB:A- Port St.Lucie Crouch, Suzanne Permission needed from department Important info at Fast Track Course CANCELLED
NGR 6812 NURS RSRCH EVIDNC-BASED PRAC 005 C 13467 20 8 3 JU 112 R 01:00-04:10PM Port St.Lucie Archibald, Cynthia Permission needed from department Video Conf 25 pct Web Rec Site
NGR 6905 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 004 C 12111 15 1- 4 TBA Port St.Lucie Tba, Staff Permission needed from instructor
NGR 6930 HLTH ASSESS COMPLEX PAT LAB 003 C 13822 15 4 1 S TB:A- Port St.Lucie Rothery, Linda H. Permission needed from department
NGRL6634 ADV NSG SIT PRAC:CARE CHLDBRG 001 C 12152 10 8 3 TBA Port St.Lucie Spisak, Patricia Permission needed from department 002 C 12153 10 6 3 TBA Port St.Lucie Rothery, Linda H. Permission needed from department
Courses offered as Distance Learning courses
NUR 3115 INTRO NRSNG DISCIPLINE & PROF 003 C 12162 45 30 3 TBA Distance Learning Smith, Catherine M College of Nursing $100.00 E-College Fee Permission needed from department Fully online class using eCollege
NUR 3145 PHARMACOTHERAPEUTICS 001 C 12167 40 37 3 TBA Distance Learning Palma, Lynne D. College of Nursing $100.00 E-College Fee Permission needed from department Fully online class using eCollege
NUR 4125 GENERAL PATHOPHYSIOLOGY 001 C 12169 45 36 3 TBA Distance Learning Sklar, Jody College of Nursing $100.00 E-College Fee Permission needed from department Fully online class using eCollege
NUR 4136 AESTHETICS OF AGING 001 A 12171 40 39 3 TBA Distance Learning Jett, Kathleen F. College of Nursing $100.00 E-College Fee Fully online class using eCollege
NUR 4165 NURSING RESEARCH 002 C 12173 20 19 3 TBA Distance Learning Mccaffrey, Ruth G. College of Nursing $100.00 E-College Fee Permission needed from department Writing Across Curriculum (Gordon Rule) Fully online class using eCollege 004 C 13375 3 TBA Distance Learning Longo, Joy A. College of Nursing $100.00 E-College Fee Permission needed from department Writing Across Curriculum (Gordon Rule) Fully online class using eCollege CANCELLED
NUR 4176 WOMEN, WITCHES AND HEALING 001 C 12175 40 43 3 TBA Distance Learning Lange, Bernadette College of Nursing $100.00 E-College Fee Permission needed from department Fully online class using eCollege CLOSED
NUR 4607 NRSNG SIT INDV,FAM,GRPS 001 C 12176 30 29 4 TBA Distance Learning Lange, Bernadette College of Nursing $130.00 E-College Fee Permission needed from department Fully online class using eCollege
NUR 4805 NURSE AS SCHOLAR 002 C 12181 30 16 3 TBA Distance Learning Ochs, Georgia College of Nursing $100.00 E-College Fee Permission needed from department Fully online class using eCollege
NUR 4930 TECHNOLOGY AND CARING 003 C 13376 30 29 3 TBA Distance Learning Locsin, Rozzano C. College of Nursing $100.00 E-College Fee Fully online class using eCollege
NUR 4936 NURSING PRACTICE LEADERSHIP 001 C 12188 30 29 3 TBA Distance Learning Ochs, Georgia College of Nursing $100.00 E-College Fee Permission needed from department Fully online class using eCollege
NURL4836 PRACTICUM: INTEGRATIVE NURSING 003 C 12208 20 6 3 TBA Distance Learning Eggenberger, Terry College of Nursing $100.00 E-College Fee Permission needed from department Fully online class using eCollege
NGR 6002 ADV NURS SITUATNS: HLTH ASSESS 001 C 13469 20 18 2 TBA Distance Learning St. Pierre, Cathy College of Nursing $100.00 E-College Fee Permission needed from department Fully online class using eCollege
NGR 6132 ADV NRSG SIT: CARE OF FAMILY 001 A 13468 30 24 3 TBA Distance Learning Barry, Charlotte D College of Nursing $100.00 E-College Fee Fully online class using eCollege
NGR 6141 ADVANCED PATHOPHYSIOLOGY 001 C 12082 40 39 3 TBA Distance Learning Chadwell, Katherin College of Nursing $100.00 E-College Fee Fully online class using eCollege
NGR 6190 ADV NR SIT:INFL HLTH CARE POL 001 C 12085 25 17 3 TBA Distance Learning Sherman, Rosaleen College of Nursing $100.00 E-College Fee Fully online class using eCollege
NGR 6199 ADVANCED PHARMACOTHERAPEUTICS 001 C 12086 25 25 3 TBA Distance Learning Thrush, Sharon A. College of Nursing $100.00 E-College Fee Permission needed from department Fully online class using eCollege CLOSED
NGR 6253 ADV NR SIT:OLDR ADLTS PRI CARE 001 C 13212 15 7 3 TBA Distance Learning Hain, Debra J. College of Nursing $100.00 E-College Fee Permission needed from department Fully online class using eCollege
NGR 6634 ADV NRSG SIT:CARE CHLDBRG FAM 001 C 12091 16 13 3 TBA Distance Learning St. Pierre, Cathy College of Nursing $100.00 E-College Fee Permission needed from department Fully online class using eCollege
NGR 6703 ADV NR PRAC GROUNDED IN CARING 002 A 12093 20 19 3 TBA Distance Learning Barry, Charlotte D College of Nursing $100.00 E-College Fee Permission needed from department Fully online class using eCollege 004 A 12095 3 TBA Distance Learning Purnell, Marguerit College of Nursing $100.00 E-College Fee Permission needed from department Fully online class using eCollege CANCELLED 005 C 13687 25 22 3 TBA Distance Learning Purnell, Marguerit College of Nursing $100.00 E-College Fee Permission needed from department Fully online class using eCollege
NGR 6744 PRTC OF ADVNCD NRSNG:RLS, PLCY 001 C 12097 50 36 3 TBA Distance Learning Jett, Kathleen F. College of Nursing $100.00 E-College Fee Fully online class using eCollege 002 C 12098 3 TBA Distance Learning Jett, Kathleen F. College of Nursing $100.00 E-College Fee Fully online class using eCollege CANCELLED
NGR 6811 PHIL THEORET FDNS OF NURSING 001 C 13211 30 30 3 TBA Distance Learning Sorbello, Barbara College of Nursing $100.00 E-College Fee Fully online class using eCollege CLOSED 002 C 13216 30 18 3 TBA Distance Learning Locsin, Rozzano C. College of Nursing $100.00 E-College Fee Fully online class using eCollege
NGR 6812 NURS RSRCH EVIDNC-BASED PRAC 001 C 12100 25 27 3 TBA Distance Learning Folden, Susan L. College of Nursing $100.00 E-College Fee Permission needed from department Fully online class using eCollege CLOSED
NGR 6930 HA COMPLEX PATIENT 001 C 13209 20 4 2 TBA Distance Learning St. Pierre, Cathy College of Nursing $70.00 E-College Fee Permission needed from department Fully online class using eCollege
Courses offered at Other campuses
NUR 4175 CARING FOR SELF 001 C 13200 19 15 3 TBA Other Purnell, Marguerit JFK Medical Center Fast Track Course Important info at
NUR 4905 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 001 C 13377 15 1- 3 TBA Other Parker, Marilyn E. Locsin, Rozzano C. Permission needed from instructor
NUR 4905 GLOBL COMM HEALTH CARE-THAILND 005 C 13989 7 4 1- 3 TBA Other Parker, Marilyn E. Locsin, Rozzano C.
NGR 6141 ADVANCED PATHOPHYSIOLOGY 002 C 13564 30 12 3 T 07:00-10:10PM Other Thompson, Marybeth Permission needed from department Important info at Memorial Medical Center
NGR 6195 GLOBL COMMUN HC TRANSITNS 001 C 13566 30 1 3 TBA Other Parker, Marilyn E. Locsin, Rozzano C. Permission needed from instructor
NGR 6812 NURS RSRCH EVIDNC-BASED PRAC 006 C 13565 30 18 3 T 03:40-06:50PM Other Focaracci, Theresa Permission needed from department Important info at Memorial Medical Center [Back to Index] [Back to Dept]