
ED Teacher Education

College of Education

Teacher Education Courses For Spring 2007

Last Updated: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 at 12.43.46

 Course    Course Title     Credit            Meeting    Meeting                       
Pref Num  Sec   Call# Cap Enrl     Bld/Room    Days       Time        Campus           Instructor             

Courses offered at the Boca Raton campus
ARE 4240 SPECIAL METHODS-ART 001 10243 30 19 3 ED 118 R 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Brown, Susannah L. College of Education $15.00 Lab Fee Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit
ARE 4313 ART: ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 001 10244 30 21 2 ED 118 M 04:00-05:50PM Boca Raton Tuby, Heidi College of Education $15.00 Lab Fee 002 10245 30 14 2 ED 118 W 09:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Smilan, Cathy A. College of Education $15.00 Lab Fee 003 10246 30 30 2 ED 118 R 01:00-02:50PM Boca Raton Brown, Susannah L. College of Education $15.00 Lab Fee CLOSED 004 10247 30 28 2 ED 118 R 09:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Smilan, Cathy A. College of Education $15.00 Lab Fee 011 10254 30 27 2 ED 118 W 07:10-09:00PM Boca Raton Shaw, Michelle L. College of Education $15.00 Lab Fee
ARE 4316 CURRICULUM IN ELEMENTARY ART 001 15275 3 W 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Smilan, Cathy A. CANCELLED
ARE 4940 STUDENT TEACHING-ART S/U 001 10256 50 6-12 TBA Boca Raton Carnahan, Allen L.
EDE 4943 STUDENT TEACHING-ELEMENTARY S/U 001 11442 50 42 9-12 TBA Boca Raton Carnahan, Allen L.
EDE 4945 YEARLONG ELEM STUDENT TEACHNG S/U 001 11446 75 3- 9 TBA Boca Raton Carnahan, Allen L.
EDF 2005 INTRODUCTION TO EDUCATION 001 11454 30 29 3 ED 112 TR 11:00-12:20PM Boca Raton Speiller-Morris, J Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit 002 11455 30 26 3 ED 116 M 01:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Tieger, Jay A. Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit 003 11456 30 29 3 ED 112 TR 08:00-09:20AM Boca Raton Van Patten, James Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit 004 11458 30 28 3 ED 112 M 09:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Coleman-Ferrell, T Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit 005 11459 30 22 3 ED 115 R 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Marvin, Sara P. Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit
EDF 3210 APPLIED LEARNING THEORY 001 11460 35 28 3 BU 307 M 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Alper, Nancy 003 11461 35 33 3 ED 113 T 01:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Romeo, Felicia F. 004 11462 35 33 3 ED 114 W 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Powell, Katherine 006 11463 35 33 3 ED 120 R 01:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Romeo, Felicia F. 019 11473 35 15 3 ED 112 F 01:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Romeo, Felicia F. 020 11474 35 35 3 ED 120 M 01:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Romeo, Felicia F. CLOSED 022 11476 35 33 3 ED 120 T 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Powell, Katherine 024 11478 3 S TB:A- Boca Raton Alper, Seth Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm Fast Track Course Important info at CANCELLED
EDF 3610 EDUCATION IN MULTICULTURAL SOC 001 11499 30 12 3 ED 333 M 01:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Cruz, Marta I. 002 11500 30 16 3 ED 113 M 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Herzek, Donna 003 11501 30 30 3 ED 125 W 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Ehrlich, Richard CLOSED 004 11502 30 23 3 ED 125 TR 09:30-10:50AM Boca Raton Diaz, Carlos F. 005 11503 30 28 3 ED 114 TR 11:00-12:20PM Boca Raton Diaz, Carlos F. 006 11504 30 28 3 ED 119 T 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Allgood, Ilene 007 11505 30 10 3 BU 410 W 09:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Cruz, Marta I.
EDG 1930 COMMUNICATION ACROSS CULTURES 001 16195 18 8 3 ED 115 MW 11:00-12:20PM Boca Raton Fritzer, Penelope Gordon Rule Course Permission needed from instructor
EDG 2701 TEACHING DIVERSE POPULATIONS 001 11534 30 29 3 ED 113 TR 11:00-12:20PM Boca Raton Schoorman, Dilys Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit 002 11535 30 32 3 ED 333 R 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Dobrick, Alison A. Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit CLOSED 003 11536 30 30 3 ED 116 TR 12:30-01:50PM Boca Raton Schoorman, Dilys Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit CLOSED 004 11537 30 29 3 BU 308 W 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Rodney, Desmond W. Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit 005 16520 30 12 3 GS 115 T 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Eckel, Todd Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit
EDG 3323 EFFECTIVE TEACHING PRACTICES 1 001 11538 30 31 3 ED 124 T 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Cornett, Pamela Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Permission needed from department CLOSED 002 11539 30 32 3 ED 332 W 09:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Leit, Jodi S. Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Permission needed from department CLOSED 003 11540 30 21 3 ED 123 R 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Leit, Jodi S. Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Permission needed from department 012 16773 1 1 3 ED 351 S 08:30-04:30PM Boca Raton Cross, Lorraine D. Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Permission needed from department Important info at Fast Track Course CLOSED
EDG 3324 EFFECTIVE TEACHING PRACTICES 2 001 11548 30 30 3 ED 115 T 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Dassa, Lori Prerequisite course required EDG 3323 Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit CLOSED 002 11549 30 19 3 ED 123 W 09:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Dassa, Lori Prerequisite course required EDG 3323 Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit 014 11557 30 29 3 ED 120 M 09:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Dassa, Lori Prerequisite course required EDG 3323 Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Dist Lrng - see Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) 015 16518 30 22 3 ED 120 T 09:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Dassa, Lori Prerequisite course required EDG 3323 Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit
EDG 4905 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 001 11558 30 1 1- 5 TBA Boca Raton Fritzer, Penelope Permission needed from instructor
EDG 4905 SOCIAL STUDIES INQUIRY 006 16979 1 1- 5 TBA Boca Raton Fritzer, Penelope Permission needed from instructor
EDG 4930 THE PROJECT APPROACH IN ECE 002 16130 3 M TB:A- Boca Raton Barad, Audrey Important info at CANCELLED
ESE 3940 SECONDRY SCHOOL EFFECT INSTRCT 001 12047 30 25 3 ED 120 W 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Cross, Lorraine D. Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit
FLE 4333 METH TCHNG FOREIGN LANG K-12 001 12185 30 8 4 ED 333 T 05:30-09:20PM Boca Raton Morales-Jones, Car Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit
FLE 4945 STUDENT TEACHING:FOREIGN LANG S/U 001 12186 75 6-12 TBA Boca Raton Carnahan, Allen L.
LAE 4353 LNG ARTS & LIT: BIRTH-GRADE 8 001 12652 30 30 3 ED 114 M 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Towell, Janet Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) CLOSED 002 12653 30 29 3 ED 313 T 09:30-12:20PM Boca Raton Baxley, Traci P. Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) 004 12654 30 29 3 ED 313 W 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Baxley, Traci P. Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) 005 12655 30 29 3 ED 332 R 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Abrams, Gale Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
LAE 4360 LANG ARTS:MIDDLE & SEC SCHOOL 001 12665 30 30 3 ED 332 R 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Abrams, Gale Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) CLOSED
LAE 4948 STUDENT TEACHING-ENGLISH S/U 001 12668 75 1 6-12 TBA Boca Raton Carnahan, Allen L.
MAE 4350 PRIN AND METH: K-9 SCHOOL MATH 001 12859 30 29 3 ED 313 M 01:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Worrell, Nancy 003 12861 30 30 3 ED 119 R 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Worrell, Nancy CLOSED 009 12867 30 27 3 ED 313 W 09:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Worrell, Nancy
MAE 4945 STUDENT TEACHING-MATH S/U 001 12873 75 1 6-12 TBA Boca Raton Carnahan, Allen L.
MUE 4013 MUSIC: ELEMENTARY SCHOOL I 001 13269 35 31 2 HS 078 T 04:00-05:50PM Boca Raton Schram, Deborah An 002 13270 35 34 2 HS 078 W 04:00-05:50PM Boca Raton Webel, Mary Ann 003 13271 35 32 2 HS 078 R 07:10-09:00PM Boca Raton Webel, Mary Ann
MUE 4940 STUDENT TEACHING-MUSIC S/U 001 13279 75 1 6-12 TBA Boca Raton Carnahan, Allen L.
RED 4308 READ DVLP 1: BIRTH - GRADE 3 001 14327 30 19 3 ED 332 M 09:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Crawley, Sharon J. Prerequisite course required LAE 4353 Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Permission needed from department Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) 002 14329 30 29 3 ED 332 T 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Dobrick, Alison A. Prerequisite course required LAE 4353 Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Permission needed from department Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) 003 14337 30 31 3 ED 332 W 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Towell, Janet Prerequisite course required LAE 4353 Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Permission needed from department Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) CLOSED 009 16772 1 1 3 ED 351 S 08:30-04:30PM Boca Raton Lapp, Susanne I. Prerequisite course required LAE 4353 Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Permission needed from department Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Important info at CLOSED
RED 4335 CONTENT READ:MID & SEC SCHL 001 14338 30 28 3 ED 113 R 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Charla, Gina Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
RED 4510 READING: ELEMENTARY SCHOOL I 001 14343 3 W 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Owen, Shirley B. Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) CANCELLED
RED 4552 READ DIAG & REMEDIAT: PRE K-8 001 14346 30 21 3 BU 105 M 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Gorrell, Frederick Prerequisite course required RED 4308 Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) 002 14347 30 13 3 ED 113 T 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Vance Noelk, Debra Prerequisite course required RED 4308 Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) 003 14348 30 33 3 ED 123 S 08:30-04:30PM Boca Raton East, Jill Prerequisite course required RED 4308 Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Important info at Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) CLOSED 004 14349 30 13 3 ED 313 R 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Vance Noelk, Debra Prerequisite course required RED 4308 Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
RED 4750 READING DEVELOP 2: GRADES 3-8 001 14356 3 T 09:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Crawley, Sharon J. Prerequisite course required RED 4308 Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) CANCELLED 002 14357 30 26 3 AC 122 W 09:30-12:20PM Boca Raton Baxley, Traci P. Prerequisite course required RED 4308 Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) 003 14358 30 24 3 ED 332 M 01:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Crawley, Sharon J. Prerequisite course required RED 4308 Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) 004 14359 30 19 3 ED 313 T 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Charla, Gina Prerequisite course required RED 4308 Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
SCE 4350 PRIN & MTHD: K-9 SCHOOL SCI 001 14408 30 30 3 ED 313 T 01:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Lambert, Julie L. CLOSED 002 14409 30 30 3 ED 313 M 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Hargis, John CLOSED 003 14410 30 28 3 ED 313 R 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Hargis, John
SCE 4360 SCIENCE: MIDDLE & SEC SCHOOL 002 16687 1 1 3 ED 112 T 10:00-10:45PM Boca Raton Lambert, Julie L. Permission needed from instructor CLOSED
SCE 4944 STUDENT TEACHING-SCIENCE S/U 001 14418 75 1 6-12 TBA Boca Raton Carnahan, Allen L.
SSE 4150 K-9 SOCIAL STUDIES 001 14617 30 31 3 ED 332 M 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Heckler, Ellen CLOSED 002 14618 30 22 3 ED 333 W 09:30-12:20PM Boca Raton Heckler, Ellen 003 14619 30 27 3 ED 333 R 09:30-12:20PM Boca Raton Heckler, Ellen 009 14625 30 29 3 ED 333 M 09:30-12:20PM Boca Raton Heckler, Ellen
SSE 4944 STUDENT TEACHING - SOC STDY S/U 001 14628 75 1 6-12 TBA Boca Raton Carnahan, Allen L.
TSL 4080 INTRODUCTION TO TESOL 001 14832 35 33 3 ED 114 M 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Kvasnak, Robert 002 14833 30 29 3 ED 125 W 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Torrey, Evelyn J. 003 14834 35 28 3 ED 112 W 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Friedman, Ann 004 14835 35 36 3 ED 116 R 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Kvasnak, Robert CLOSED
TSL 4081 TESOL ISSUES AND PRACTICES 001 14844 30 31 3 ED 116 M 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Lewis-Duchesne, Sh Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit CLOSED 002 14845 30 25 3 ED 112 W 09:30-12:20PM Boca Raton Zainuddin, Hanizah Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit 003 14846 30 26 3 ED 125 T 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Tieger, Jay A. Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit 004 14847 30 21 3 ED 313 R 09:30-12:20PM Boca Raton Zainuddin, Hanizah Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit
TSL 4324 ESOL STRATEGIES-CNTNT TEACHERS 001 14855 30 29 3 ED 313 W 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Fritzer, Penelope
ARE 6342 ART ED IN SEC SCHOOL 001 10262 30 5 3 ED 118 R 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton Brown, Susannah L.
EDE 6947 YEARLONG ELEMENTARY INTERSHIP 001 11450 20 6- 9 TBA Boca Raton Carnahan, Allen L. Permission needed from instructor
EDF 6637 RACE, CLASS & GENDER IN EDCTN 001 11527 30 6 3 BU 307 W 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Cruz, Marta I.
EDF 6887 FDNS OF MULTICULTRL CURRICULA 001 11528 30 7 3 BU 410 R 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Schoorman, Dilys
EDG 5931 ACTION RESEARCH 003 16196 30 9 3 ED 337 S 08:30-04:30PM Boca Raton Burnaford, Gail El Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm Important info at Fast Track Course
EDG 6223 CURRICULUM LEADERSHIP 001 15801 30 13 3 ED 333 S 08:30-04:30PM Boca Raton Kushner, Maxwell Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm Important info at Fast Track Course
EDG 6253 DESIGN COMPONENT OF CURRICULUM 001 11566 30 27 3 ED 332 S 08:30-04:30PM Boca Raton Kushner, Maxwell Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm Important info at Fast Track Course
EDG 6285 PROGRM EVALUATN IN CURR/INSTR 001 11569 30 20 3 ED 337 S 08:30-04:30PM Boca Raton Burnaford, Gail El Fast Track Course Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm Important info at
EDG 6414 CORE INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES 001 15976 20 14 3 ED 411 T 05:00-07:50PM Boca Raton Burnaford, Gail El Permission needed from instructor
EDG 6625 GLOBAL PRSPCTS OF CURRLR TRNDS 001 11573 30 19 3 ED 120 M 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Mclaughlin, Harry
EDG 6906 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 008 16684 30 1 1- 5 TBA Boca Raton Fritzer, Penelope Permission needed from instructor
EDG 6906 TEACHING FOREIGN LANG K-12 009 16710 30 1 1- 5 TBA Boca Raton Morales-Jones, Car Permission needed from instructor
EDG 6906 DUAL LANG IN EARLY CHILDHOOD 011 17324 1 1 1- 5 TBA Boca Raton Bhagwanji, Yashwan CLOSED
EDG 6940 INTERNSHIP S/U 001 11587 75 5 6-10 TBA Boca Raton Carnahan, Allen L.
EDG 7906 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 001 11593 30 1 1- 5 TBA Boca Raton Fritzer, Penelope Permission needed from instructor
EDG 7906 LITERATURE MODELS & THEORIES 006 17325 1 1 1- 5 TBA Boca Raton Bhagwanji, Yashwan CLOSED
EDG 7906 COMPREHEN & GUIDED READ 007 17326 1 1 1- 5 TBA Boca Raton Towell, Janet CLOSED
EDG 7906 MULTIMEDIA IN EDUCATION 008 17327 1 1 1- 5 TBA Boca Raton Ariza, Eileen N. CLOSED
EDG 7906 TEACHER INQUIRY STUDY 009 17328 1 1 1- 5 TBA Boca Raton Burnaford, Gail El CLOSED
EDG 7980 DISSERTATION S/U 006 16263 4 3 1-15 TBA Boca Raton Burnaford, Gail El Permission needed from instructor S/U 007 16351 1 1 1-15 TBA Boca Raton Crawley, Sharon J. Permission needed from instructor CLOSED S/U 008 16695 1 1 1-15 TBA Boca Raton Mclaughlin, Harry Permission needed from instructor CLOSED S/U 010 16741 1 1 1-15 TBA Boca Raton Fritzer, Penelope Permission needed from instructor CLOSED S/U 011 16777 3 2 1-15 TBA Boca Raton Towell, Janet
EEC 5225 GUIDG YNG CHLDREN IN EARLY ED 001 15279 30 3 3 ED 124 R 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Darling, Sharon
EEC 6275 STDS CRRCL ENRCHMNT ERLY CHDHD 001 16653 3 TBA Boca Raton Bhagwanji, Yashwan CANCELLED
EEC 6711 COMM ARTS-EARLY CHILD ED 001 15280 30 9 3 ED 332 T 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Bhagwanji, Yashwan
LAE 6415 LITERATURE: ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 001 15283 30 15 3 ED 125 R 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Towell, Janet Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
MAE 6151 MATH: ELEMENTARY/MIDDLE SCHOOL 001 12877 30 7 3 ED 313 T 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Furner, Joseph M. Dist Lrng - see Mixed Mode regular class more than 25 percent Web
RED 6351 DEVELOPMENTAL READING 001 14366 30 21 3 ED 333 W 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Read, Donna J. Mixed Mode regular class more than 25 percent Web
RED 6548 REMEDIAL READING 001 15281 30 8 3 ED 333 M 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Read, Donna J. Prerequisite course required RED 6546 Permission needed from instructor Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
RED 6836 READING PRACTICUM 001 15282 30 14 3 ED 333 R 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Read, Donna J. Prerequisite course required RED 6548 Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Permission needed from instructor Mixed Mode regular class more than 25 percent Web
RED 7933 TOPICS IN READING EDUCATION 001 16643 1 1 3 ED 112 M 10:00-10:45PM Boca Raton Crawley, Sharon J. Permission needed from instructor CLOSED
SSE 6151 SCL STDS:ELMNTRY & MDDL SCHL 001 14632 30 9 3 BU 308 R 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton Brewer, Ernest
TSL 5145 CURRICULUM DEVELPMNT IN ESOL 001 14857 30 5 3 ED 116 S 09:00-04:00PM Boca Raton Fritzer, Penelope Important info at Fast Track Course
Courses offered at the Davie campus
ARE 4313 ART: ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 005 10248 30 18 2 LA 445 T 01:00-02:50PM Davie Maloney, Charlotte College of Education $15.00 Lab Fee 006 10249 30 23 2 LA 445 T 10:00-11:50AM Davie Maloney, Charlotte College of Education $15.00 Lab Fee 007 10250 30 23 2 LA 445 R 04:00-05:50PM Davie Maloney, Charlotte College of Education $15.00 Lab Fee
ARE 4940 STUDENT TEACHING-ART S/U 002 10257 75 6-12 TBA Davie Torres, Lisette
EDE 4943 STUDENT TEACHING-ELEMENTARY S/U 002 11443 100 71 9-12 TBA Davie Torres, Lisette
EDE 4945 YEARLONG ELEM STUDENT TEACHNG S/U 002 11447 75 3- 9 TBA Davie Torres, Lisette
EDF 3210 APPLIED LEARNING THEORY 008 11464 35 31 3 ES 108 M 01:00-03:50PM Davie Powell, Katherine 009 11465 35 26 3 LA 152 M 07:10-10:00PM Davie Ross, David 010 11466 35 27 3 MD 100F T 04:20-07:00PM Davie Lumpkins, Aniva 011 11467 35 29 3 ES 102 W 09:00-11:50AM Davie Willems, Patricia Dist Lrng - see Mixed Mode regular class more than 25 percent Web 012 11468 3 S 01:00-03:50PM Davie Ross, David CANCELLED 027 11481 35 6 3 LA 455 S 08:30-04:30PM Davie Alper, Seth Fast Track Course Important info at Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm Permission needed from instructor Visit 032 16774 35 31 3 LA 332 S 08:30-04:30PM Davie Lumpkins, Aniva Important info at Fast Track Course Permission needed from department
EDF 3610 EDUCATION IN MULTICULTURAL SOC 008 11506 30 29 3 ES 122 T 09:30-12:20PM Davie Rhone, Angela E. 009 11507 30 30 3 LA 139 W 07:10-10:00PM Davie Quintana, Mark D. CLOSED 010 11508 30 27 3 ES 122 R 09:30-12:20PM Davie Rhone, Angela E. 011 11509 30 26 3 LA 432B S 09:00-11:50AM Davie Samaras-Polentas, 016 11513 30 16 3 ES 122 S 08:30-04:30PM Davie Allgood, Ilene Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm Important info at Fast Track Course Permission needed from instructor Visit 021 17305 30 22 3 ES 118 TR 08:30-04:30PM Davie Rhone, Angela E. Important info at Fast Track Course Permission needed from department
EDG 3323 EFFECTIVE TEACHING PRACTICES 1 005 11542 30 31 3 ES 121 T 04:20-07:00PM Davie Leit, Jodi S. Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Permission needed from department CLOSED 006 11543 30 13 3 LA 341 W 04:20-07:00PM Davie Leit, Jodi S. Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Permission needed from department
EDG 3324 EFFECTIVE TEACHING PRACTICES 2 006 11551 30 24 3 LA 240F T 04:20-07:00PM Davie Kirk, Cathy L. Prerequisite course required EDG 3323 Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit 007 11552 30 28 3 ES 104 R 04:20-07:00PM Davie Kirk, Cathy L. Prerequisite course required EDG 3323 Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit 008 11553 30 30 3 ES 102 R 09:30-12:20PM Davie Dassa, Lori Prerequisite course required EDG 3323 Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit CLOSED
EDG 4905 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 002 11559 1 2 1- 5 TBA Davie Fritzer, Penelope Permission needed from instructor CLOSED 005 11562 1 1 1- 5 TBA Davie Marinaccio, Philom Permission needed from instructor CLOSED
EDG 4930 EFFECTVE TCHG STRATEGIES K-12 001 15269 35 18 3 LA 134 S 08:30-04:30PM Davie Hicks, Deedara LA 134 M 04:20-07:00PM Davie Important info at Fast Track Course Permission needed from department
ESE 3940 SECONDRY SCHOOL EFFECT INSTRCT 002 12048 30 8 3 ES 108 R 04:20-07:00PM Davie Pullease, Barbara Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit
FLE 4945 STUDENT TEACHING:FOREIGN LANG S/U 002 12187 75 6-12 TBA Davie Torres, Lisette
LAE 4353 LNG ARTS & LIT: BIRTH-GRADE 8 007 12656 30 30 3 ES 108 M 09:30-12:20PM Davie Leistner, Timothy Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) CLOSED 009 12658 30 29 3 ES 118 W 04:20-07:00PM Davie Leistner, Timothy Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) 017 16661 3 R 03:30-06:10PM Davie Scarola, Kim CANCELLED
LAE 4948 STUDENT TEACHING-ENGLISH S/U 002 12669 75 6-12 TBA Davie Torres, Lisette
MAE 4350 PRIN AND METH: K-9 SCHOOL MATH 004 12862 30 30 3 ES 102 M 09:00-11:50AM Davie Ploger, Donald H. CLOSED 005 12863 30 29 3 ES 102 T 09:30-12:20PM Davie Ploger, Donald H. 006 12864 30 17 3 ES 102 W 04:20-07:00PM Davie Ploger, Donald H. 010 12868 30 25 3 MD 100A R 07:10-10:00PM Davie Howell, Deborah
MAE 4360 TEACHING MIDDLE & SEC SCH MATH 001 12869 30 8 3 LA 132 R 04:20-07:00PM Davie Labush, Norman A.
MAE 4945 STUDENT TEACHING-MATH S/U 002 12874 75 6-12 TBA Davie Torres, Lisette
MUE 4013 MUSIC: ELEMENTARY SCHOOL I 005 13272 35 27 2 ES 108 T 07:10-09:00PM Davie Wheeler, Candace 006 13273 35 34 2 ES 108 M 04:00-05:50PM Davie Cooper, Bob 008 13275 35 16 2 ES 108 T 05:00-06:50PM Davie Wheeler, Candace
MUE 4940 STUDENT TEACHING-MUSIC S/U 002 13280 75 6-12 TBA Davie Torres, Lisette
RED 4308 READ DVLP 1: BIRTH - GRADE 3 004 14330 30 20 3 ES 121 M 09:30-12:20PM Davie Estes, Nancy E. Prerequisite course required LAE 4353 Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Permission needed from department Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) 005 14331 30 24 3 ES 102 T 07:10-10:00PM Davie Estes, Nancy E. Prerequisite course required LAE 4353 Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Permission needed from department Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
RED 4335 CONTENT READ:MID & SEC SCHL 005 16662 3 W 04:20-07:00PM Davie Scarola, Kim Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit CANCELLED 007 17306 30 17 3 MD 100H TR 04:20-07:00PM Davie Marinaccio, Philom Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Fast Track Course Important info at Permission needed from department
RED 4510 READING: ELEMENTARY SCHOOL I 002 14344 3 T 04:20-07:00PM Davie Richards, Marcia A Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) CANCELLED
RED 4552 READ DIAG & REMEDIAT: PRE K-8 005 14350 30 14 3 MD 100A W 04:20-07:00PM Davie Peskin, Steven K. Prerequisite course required RED 4308 Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) 006 14351 30 23 3 ES 106 T 09:30-12:20PM Davie Brown, Lauren Prerequisite course required RED 4308 Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) 007 14352 30 30 3 MD 100A M 07:10-10:00PM Davie Abraham, Anita G. Prerequisite course required RED 4308 Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) CLOSED
RED 4750 READING DEVELOP 2: GRADES 3-8 006 14360 30 17 3 MD 100M T 07:10-10:00PM Davie Elwell, Robert Prerequisite course required RED 4308 Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) 007 14361 30 14 3 ES 104 T 04:20-07:00PM Davie Saffer-Domino, Lyn Prerequisite course required RED 4308 Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) 008 14362 30 30 3 ES 104 R 01:00-03:50PM Davie Marinaccio, Philom Prerequisite course required RED 4308 Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) CLOSED
SCE 4350 PRIN & MTHD: K-9 SCHOOL SCI 004 14411 30 21 3 LA 456 M 01:00-03:50PM Davie Talbert, Melvin 005 14412 30 26 3 LA 456 T 09:30-12:20PM Davie Talbert, Melvin 006 14413 30 24 3 LA 456 W 04:20-07:00PM Davie Talbert, Melvin
SCE 4944 STUDENT TEACHING-SCIENCE S/U 002 14419 75 6-12 TBA Davie Torres, Lisette
SSE 4150 K-9 SOCIAL STUDIES 004 14620 30 25 3 ES 119 T 04:20-07:00PM Davie Hart, Michael J. 005 14621 30 27 3 ES 119 T 12:30-03:20PM Davie Hart, Michael J. 006 14622 30 22 3 ES 119 T 07:10-10:00PM Davie Bako-Devant, Maxim
SSE 4361 SOC STUDIES:MID & SEC SCHOOL 001 14626 30 21 3 ES 119 W 04:20-07:00PM Davie Harrison, Glenn
SSE 4944 STUDENT TEACHING - SOC STDY S/U 002 14629 75 6-12 TBA Davie Torres, Lisette
TSL 4080 INTRODUCTION TO TESOL 005 14836 35 25 3 ES 120 M 12:30-03:20PM Davie Chiappone, Lina 006 14837 35 21 3 LA 332 W 04:20-07:00PM Davie Koonce, Maria H. 007 14838 35 33 3 ES 106 R 09:30-12:20PM Davie Chiappone, Lina
TSL 4081 TESOL ISSUES AND PRACTICES 005 14848 35 36 3 ES 120 M 04:20-07:00PM Davie Chiappone, Lina Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Web-Assisted regular class w/ less than 25 pct Web CLOSED 006 14849 30 17 3 ES 102 T 12:30-03:20PM Davie Loupus, Ronald Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit 007 14850 30 17 3 ES 122 W 09:30-12:20PM Davie Chiappone, Lina Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit 008 14851 3 T 04:20-07:00PM Davie Lewis-Duchesne, Sh Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit CANCELLED
EDE 6947 YEARLONG ELEMENTARY INTERSHIP 002 11451 20 6- 9 TBA Davie Torres, Lisette
EDF 6229 EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 001 11518 30 13 3 ES 121 R 04:20-07:00PM Davie Willems, Patricia Dist Lrng - see Mixed Mode regular class more than 25 percent Web
EDF 6615 TCHING THE AFRICAN-AMRCN STDNT 001 11526 30 11 3 ES 103 M 04:20-07:00PM Davie Rhone, Angela E.
EDG 6906 SHAKESPEARE FOR HIGH SCH TCHRS 005 16190 1 1 1- 5 TBA Davie Fritzer, Penelope Permission needed from department CLOSED
EDG 6906 LITERACY RESEARCH 006 16235 2 1 1- 5 TBA Davie Marinaccio, Philom Permission needed from instructor
EDG 6906 ADVANCED PROF PRACTICES 010 17323 1 1 1- 5 TBA Davie Fritzer, Penelope CLOSED
EDG 6940 INTERNSHIP S/U 002 11588 75 5 6-10 TBA Davie Torres, Lisette
EDG 7906 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 002 11594 20 1- 5 TBA Davie Tba, Staff Permission needed from instructor
EDG 7906 MULTIMEDIA & EDUCATION 005 16357 2 1- 5 TBA Davie Lapp, Susanne I. Permission needed from instructor 010 17329 1 1 1- 5 TBA Davie Lapp, Susanne I. CLOSED
EDG 7906 TECHNO-LITERACY 011 17330 1 1 1- 5 TBA Davie Marinaccio, Philom CLOSED
EDG 7906 NANOSCIENCE TEACHING 012 17331 1 1 1- 5 TBA Davie Kumar, Devraj K. CLOSED
EDG 7938 DOCTORAL SEMINAR 001 15270 20 7 3 LA 150 T 04:20-07:00PM Davie Lapp, Susanne I.
EDG 7980 DISSERTATION S/U 005 11603 20 3 1-15 LA 240G T 04:20-07:00PM Davie Kumar, Devraj K. Permission needed from instructor S/U 009 16699 1 1 1-15 TBA Davie Rhone, Angela E. Permission needed from instructor CLOSED S/U 012 17321 1 1 1-15 TBA Davie Fritzer, Penelope CLOSED
RED 6361 TCH RDNG IN SEC & MID SCHL 003 14370 30 12 3 ES 119 M 04:20-07:00PM Davie Richards, Marcia A Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
RED 6546 READING DIAGNOSIS 001 15284 30 13 3 MD 100A R 04:20-07:00PM Davie Abraham, Anita G. Prerequisite course required RED 6351 Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
RED 6656 TRNDS & ISS IN READING EDCTN 001 15285 30 4 3 ES 103 W 04:20-07:00PM Davie Harlin, Rebecca Prerequisite course required RED 6351 Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
RED 6836 READING PRACTICUM 004 16410 2 3 3 TBA Davie Lapp, Susanne I. Prerequisite course required RED 6548 Permission needed from instructor CLOSED
SCE 6151 SCIENCE:ELEM & MIDDLE SCH 001 14422 30 4 3 LA 456 M 04:20-07:00PM Davie Talbert, Melvin
Courses offered at the Jupiter campus
ARE 4313 ART: ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 008 10251 20 19 2 HA 103 R 07:10-09:00PM Jupiter Isenberg, Donald P College of Education $15.00 Lab Fee 009 10252 20 12 2 HA 103 T 05:30-07:20PM Jupiter Nobel, Karen College of Education $15.00 Lab Fee
ARE 4940 STUDENT TEACHING-ART S/U 003 10258 75 6-12 TBA Jupiter Carnahan, Allen L.
EDE 4943 STUDENT TEACHING-ELEMENTARY S/U 003 11444 75 20 9-12 TBA Jupiter Carnahan, Allen L.
EDE 4945 YEARLONG ELEM STUDENT TEACHNG S/U 003 11448 75 3- 9 TBA Jupiter Carnahan, Allen L.
EDF 3210 APPLIED LEARNING THEORY 013 11469 35 34 3 EC 104 M 07:10-10:00PM Jupiter Ayuso, Melanie 014 11470 35 26 3 AD 205 T 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter Laurence, Scott
EDF 3610 EDUCATION IN MULTICULTURAL SOC 013 11510 30 26 3 EC 102 M 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter Allgood, Ilene 014 11511 30 26 3 EC 104 R 01:00-03:50PM Jupiter Allgood, Ilene
EDG 3323 EFFECTIVE TEACHING PRACTICES 1 009 11545 28 15 3 SR 283 T 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter Fleming, Sandra L. Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Permission needed from department
EDG 3324 EFFECTIVE TEACHING PRACTICES 2 010 11554 30 21 3 EC 105 T 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter Sugnet, Linda Prerequisite course required EDG 3323 Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit
EDG 4905 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 003 11560 30 1- 5 TBA Jupiter Tba, Staff Permission needed from instructor
ESE 3940 SECONDRY SCHOOL EFFECT INSTRCT 003 12049 15 10 3 EC 201 R 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter Goldberg, Mary L. Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit
FLE 4945 STUDENT TEACHING:FOREIGN LANG S/U 003 12188 75 6-12 TBA Jupiter Carnahan, Allen L.
LAE 4353 LNG ARTS & LIT: BIRTH-GRADE 8 012 12660 30 27 3 EC 105 R 09:30-12:20PM Jupiter Russell, Gail Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) 013 12661 30 20 3 SR 290 W 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter Russell, Gail Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
LAE 4948 STUDENT TEACHING-ENGLISH S/U 003 12670 75 1 6-12 TBA Jupiter Carnahan, Allen L.
MAE 4350 PRIN AND METH: K-9 SCHOOL MATH 002 12860 3 T 01:00-03:50PM Jupiter Worrell, Nancy CANCELLED 007 12865 30 24 3 EC 105 W 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter Worrell, Nancy 011 16663 30 6 3 SR 209 M 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter Ridener, Barbara R Dist Lrng - see Mixed Mode regular class more than 25 percent Web
MAE 4945 STUDENT TEACHING-MATH S/U 003 12875 75 6-12 TBA Jupiter Carnahan, Allen L.
MUE 4013 MUSIC: ELEMENTARY SCHOOL I 009 13276 35 23 2 AD 103 T 04:20-06:10PM Jupiter Tsunoda, Melinda
MUE 4940 STUDENT TEACHING-MUSIC S/U 003 13281 75 6-12 TBA Jupiter Carnahan, Allen L.
RED 4308 READ DVLP 1: BIRTH - GRADE 3 006 14333 30 8 3 EC 105 M 09:00-11:50AM Jupiter Bird, Jennifer Prerequisite course required LAE 4353 Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Permission needed from department Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
RED 4552 READ DIAG & REMEDIAT: PRE K-8 009 14353 30 14 3 EC 105 W 09:30-12:20PM Jupiter Calhoun, Leslie N. Prerequisite course required RED 4308 Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) 010 14354 30 18 3 AD 205 R 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter Salvatore-Fuller, Prerequisite course required RED 4308 Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
RED 4750 READING DEVELOP 2: GRADES 3-8 009 14363 30 23 3 EC 105 T 09:00-11:50AM Jupiter Bird, Jennifer Prerequisite course required RED 4308 Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) 011 16391 25 9 3 SR 279 W 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter Patton, kristin Prerequisite course required RED 4308 Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
SCE 4350 PRIN & MTHD: K-9 SCHOOL SCI 007 14414 25 16 3 SR 290 T 01:00-03:50PM Jupiter Lindgren, Joan S. 009 14416 25 13 3 SR 290 T 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter Bischoff, Angela
SCE 4944 STUDENT TEACHING-SCIENCE S/U 003 14420 75 1 6-12 TBA Jupiter Carnahan, Allen L.
SSE 4150 K-9 SOCIAL STUDIES 007 14623 30 17 3 EC 104 M 09:00-11:50AM Jupiter Flaks, Michael
SSE 4361 SOC STUDIES:MID & SEC SCHOOL 002 14627 25 12 3 SR 279 T 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter McSoley, Thomas A.
SSE 4944 STUDENT TEACHING - SOC STDY S/U 003 14630 75 2 6-12 TBA Jupiter Carnahan, Allen L.
TSL 4080 INTRODUCTION TO TESOL 008 14839 28 18 3 S 08:30-04:30PM Jupiter Yahya, Noorchaya Important info at Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm Fast Track Course 011 14842 35 24 3 EC 105 S 09:30-12:20PM Jupiter Kerbis, Donald K.
TSL 4081 TESOL ISSUES AND PRACTICES 009 14852 35 10 3 AD 202 T 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter Cooper-Johnson, De Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit 011 16212 35 20 3 EC 104 R 07:10-10:00PM Jupiter Cooper-Johnson, De Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit
ARE 6318 ART: ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1 001 15802 20 5 3 HA 103 S 08:30-04:30PM Jupiter Smilan, Cathy A. Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm Important info at Fast Track Course
EDE 6947 YEARLONG ELEMENTARY INTERSHIP 003 11452 20 6- 9 TBA Jupiter Carnahan, Allen L.
EDF 6339 CONCEPTS OF SELF 001 11519 15 5 3 EC 202 T 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter Kutner, Robert
EDG 5931 PREJUDICE & EQUITY IN EDUCATN 001 16111 3 R 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter Allgood, Ilene CANCELLED
EDG 6223 CURRICULUM LEADERSHIP 002 15803 28 20 3 SR 283 S 08:30-04:30PM Jupiter Feinberg, Rose Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm Important info at Fast Track Course
EDG 6224 US CURRICULAR TRENDS & ISSUES 004 15274 28 6 3 AD 122 T 04:00-06:50PM Jupiter Weber, Roberta K.
EDG 6253 DESIGN COMPONENT OF CURRICULUM 002 15979 3 M 04:00-06:50PM Jupiter Weber, Roberta K. CANCELLED
EDG 6285 PROGRM EVALUATN IN CURR/INSTR 002 16482 25 4 3 SR 272 S 08:30-04:30PM Jupiter Smilan, Cathy A. Important info at Fast Track Course Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm
EDG 6906 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 003 11577 30 1- 5 TBA Jupiter Tba, Staff Permission needed from instructor
EDG 6940 INTERNSHIP S/U 003 11589 75 1 6-10 TBA Jupiter Carnahan, Allen L.
EDG 7906 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 003 11595 15 1- 5 TBA Jupiter Tba, Staff Permission needed from instructor
EDG 7980 DISSERTATION S/U 003 11601 30 1-15 TBA Jupiter Burnaford, Gail El Permission needed from instructor
RED 6361 TCH RDNG IN SEC & MID SCHL 001 14368 30 8 3 EC 105 M 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter Bird, Jennifer Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
RED 6546 READING DIAGNOSIS 003 14375 30 19 3 EC 105 R 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter Bird, Jennifer Prerequisite course required RED 6351 Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
RED 6656 TRNDS & ISS IN READING EDCTN 002 14376 3 T 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter Tba, Staff Prerequisite course required RED 6351 Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) CANCELLED
SCE 6151 SCIENCE:ELEM & MIDDLE SCH 002 16120 3 W 07:10-10:00PM Jupiter Lindgren, Joan S. CANCELLED
Courses offered at the Port St.Lucie campus
ARE 4313 ART: ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 010 10253 30 28 2 SL 106 T 04:00-05:50PM Port St.Lucie Hayden, Denise College of Education $15.00 Lab Fee
ARE 4940 STUDENT TEACHING-ART S/U 004 10259 75 6-12 TBA Port St.Lucie Carnahan, Allen L.
EDE 4943 STUDENT TEACHING-ELEMENTARY S/U 004 11445 75 27 9-12 TBA Port St.Lucie Carnahan, Allen L.
EDE 4945 YEARLONG ELEM STUDENT TEACHNG S/U 004 11449 75 3- 9 TBA Port St.Lucie Carnahan, Allen L.
EDF 3210 APPLIED LEARNING THEORY 015 11471 35 34 3 CO 144 T 07:10-10:00PM Port St.Lucie McLaughlin, Thomas
EDF 3610 EDUCATION IN MULTICULTURAL SOC 015 11512 29 26 3 JU 319 T 07:10-10:00PM Port St.Lucie Beonde, Anthon C.
EDG 3323 EFFECTIVE TEACHING PRACTICES 1 010 11546 30 24 3 CO 225 M 09:00-11:50AM Port St.Lucie Sugnet, Linda Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Permission needed from department 011 11547 30 16 3 CO 231 W 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie Hinkle, Linda Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Permission needed from department
EDG 3324 EFFECTIVE TEACHING PRACTICES 2 012 11555 30 14 3 CO 225 W 09:00-11:50AM Port St.Lucie Sugnet, Linda Prerequisite course required EDG 3323 Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit 013 11556 30 30 3 CO 144 R 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie Sugnet, Linda Prerequisite course required EDG 3323 Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit CLOSED
EDG 4905 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 004 11561 30 1- 5 TBA Port St.Lucie Tba, Staff Permission needed from instructor
FLE 4945 STUDENT TEACHING:FOREIGN LANG S/U 004 12189 75 1 6-12 TBA Port St.Lucie Carnahan, Allen L.
LAE 4353 LNG ARTS & LIT: BIRTH-GRADE 8 014 12662 35 25 3 CO 144 T 09:00-11:50AM Port St.Lucie Harris, Deborah L. Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) 016 12664 35 17 3 CO 144 M 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie McSoley, Tina M. Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
LAE 4360 LANG ARTS:MIDDLE & SEC SCHOOL 003 12667 3 W 07:10-10:00PM Port St.Lucie Smith, Michael CANCELLED
LAE 4948 STUDENT TEACHING-ENGLISH S/U 004 12671 75 1 6-12 TBA Port St.Lucie Carnahan, Allen L.
MAE 4350 PRIN AND METH: K-9 SCHOOL MATH 008 12866 24 23 3 JU 111 R 07:10-10:00PM Port St.Lucie Martin, David A.
MAE 4945 STUDENT TEACHING-MATH S/U 004 12876 75 6-12 TBA Port St.Lucie Carnahan, Allen L.
MUE 4013 MUSIC: ELEMENTARY SCHOOL I 010 13277 35 30 2 SL 114 W 04:20-06:10PM Port St.Lucie Hayden, Denise
MUE 4940 STUDENT TEACHING-MUSIC S/U 004 13282 75 6-12 TBA Port St.Lucie Carnahan, Allen L.
RED 4308 READ DVLP 1: BIRTH - GRADE 3 007 14334 30 17 3 CO 141 T 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie Nubelo, Margo Prerequisite course required LAE 4353 Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Permission needed from department Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) 008 14335 30 22 3 CO 144 R 09:00-11:50AM Port St.Lucie Calhoun, Leslie N. Prerequisite course required LAE 4353 Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Permission needed from department Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
RED 4335 CONTENT READ:MID & SEC SCHL 003 15272 3 R 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie Radcliff, Jennifer Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) CANCELLED
RED 4510 READING: ELEMENTARY SCHOOL I 003 14345 3 R 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie Kalidonis, Debra Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit CANCELLED
RED 4552 READ DIAG & REMEDIAT: PRE K-8 011 14355 30 26 3 CO 144 T 01:00-03:50PM Port St.Lucie Calhoun, Leslie N. Prerequisite course required RED 4308 Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
RED 4750 READING DEVELOP 2: GRADES 3-8 010 14364 30 32 3 CO 144 R 01:00-03:50PM Port St.Lucie Calhoun, Leslie N. Prerequisite course required RED 4308 Students must bring Program Sheet to first class Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) CLOSED
SCE 4350 PRIN & MTHD: K-9 SCHOOL SCI 008 14415 24 24 3 JU 111 R 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie Lindgren, Joan S. CLOSED
SCE 4944 STUDENT TEACHING-SCIENCE S/U 004 14421 75 6-12 TBA Port St.Lucie Carnahan, Allen L.
SSE 4150 K-9 SOCIAL STUDIES 008 14624 30 34 3 CO 141 M 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie Brewer, Ernest CLOSED
SSE 4944 STUDENT TEACHING - SOC STDY S/U 004 14631 75 3 6-12 TBA Port St.Lucie Carnahan, Allen L.
TSL 4080 INTRODUCTION TO TESOL 009 14840 35 33 3 CO 135 R 09:30-12:20PM Port St.Lucie Yahya, Noorchaya
TSL 4081 TESOL ISSUES AND PRACTICES 010 14853 35 32 3 CO 135 T 09:30-12:20PM Port St.Lucie Yahya, Noorchaya Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit
TSL 4324 ESOL STRATEGIES-CNTNT TEACHERS 002 14856 24 2 3 JU 111 W 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie Keefe, Margaret R.
EDE 6947 YEARLONG ELEMENTARY INTERSHIP 004 11453 20 6- 9 TBA Port St.Lucie Carnahan, Allen L.
EDG 6906 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 004 11578 30 1- 5 TBA Port St.Lucie Tba, Staff Permission needed from instructor
EDG 6940 INTERNSHIP S/U 004 11590 75 6-10 TBA Port St.Lucie Carnahan, Allen L.
EDG 7906 LITERATURE IN MID SCH 004 11596 25 1 1- 5 TBA Port St.Lucie Harris, Deborah L. Permission needed from instructor
EDG 7980 DISSERTATION S/U 004 11602 30 1-15 TBA Port St.Lucie Tba, Staff Permission needed from instructor
RED 6351 DEVELOPMENTAL READING 002 14367 3 W 05:00-07:50PM Port St.Lucie Harris, Deborah L. Visit Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) CANCELLED
RED 6548 REMEDIAL READING 002 15286 3 R 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie Tba, Staff Prerequisite course required RED 6546 CANCELLED
RED 6836 READING PRACTICUM 003 14379 12 9 3 CO 139 M 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie Harris, Deborah L. Prerequisite course required RED 6548 Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
SCE 6344 ADV MTHDS IN ENVIRON EDUC 001 16175 3 TBA Port St.Lucie Tba, Staff CLOSED
Courses offered at the Pine Jog campus

SCE 6344 ADV MTHDS IN ENVIRON EDUC 002 16529 30 8 3 W 04:20-07:00PM Pine Jog Ewing, Linda Important info at
Courses offered as Distance Learning courses
MAE 4360 TEACHING MIDDLE & SEC SCH MATH 002 12870 25 22 3 TBA Distance Learning Furner, Joseph M. Dist Lrng - see Fully online class using the Internet
TSL 4080 INTRODUCTION TO TESOL 010 14841 25 25 3 TBA Distance Learning Ariza, Eileen N. Dist Lrng - see Fully online class using the Internet CLOSED 012 14843 25 24 3 TBA Distance Learning Loupus, Ronald Dist Lrng - see Fully online class using the Internet
EDG 5931 PROFESSIONAL DVLPMNT IN TESOL 002 16112 30 1 3 TBA Distance Learning Yahya, Noorchaya Zainuddin, Hanizah Dist Lrng - see Permission needed from department Fully online class that uses Blackboard
EDG 6224 US CURRICULAR TRENDS & ISSUES 001 15273 30 26 3 TBA Distance Learning Weber, Roberta K. Dist Lrng - see Fully online class using the Internet
EEC 5730 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION 001 16644 3 TBA Distance Learning Darling, Sharon Dist Lrng - see Fully online class using the Internet CANCELLED
Courses offered at Other campuses
EDF 3210 APPLIED LEARNING THEORY 028 16188 30 6 3 S 08:30-04:30PM Other Alper, Seth Important info at Fast Track Course 029 16286 35 29 3 S 08:30-04:30PM Other Jacobs, Judy Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm Important info at Permission needed from instructor Fast Track Course Teaching and Leadership Center (954)236-1623 030 16287 35 23 3 S 08:30-04:30PM Other Jacobs, Judy Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm Important info at Permission needed from instructor Fast Track Course Teaching and Leadership Center (954)236-1623 031 16523 35 26 3 S 08:30-04:30PM Other Ross, David Important info at Fast Track Course Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm Teaching and Leadership Center (954)236-1623 Permission needed from instructor 033 16775 35 14 3 S 08:30-04:30PM Other Hart, Michael J. Important info at Fast Track Course Permission needed from department
EDF 3610 EDUCATION IN MULTICULTURAL SOC 017 16236 35 25 3 S 08:30-04:30PM Other Dean, Claudia Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm Important info at Fast Track Course Permission needed from instructor Visit 018 16370 35 22 3 S 08:30-04:30PM Other Kijanka, Lori Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm Important info at Fast Track Course Teaching and Leadership Center (954)236-1623 019 16521 35 21 3 S 08:30-04:30PM Other Ehrlich, Richard Important info at Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm Fast Track Course Teaching and Leadership Center (954)236-1623 Permission needed from instructor 020 16522 35 23 3 S 08:30-04:30PM Other Quintana, Mark D. Important info at Fast Track Course Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm Teaching and Leadership Center (954)236-1623 Permission needed from instructor 022 17438 30 9 3 S 08:30-04:30PM Other Ariza, Eileen N. Important info at Fast Track Course Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm Permission needed from department
EDG 4930 INTERNSHIP IN ENVIRON EDUC 003 16131 30 20 3 S 08:30-04:30PM Other Toth, Susan T. Important info at Fast Track Course
EDG 4930 EFFECTVE TCHG STRATEGIES K-12 004 16262 35 27 3 S 08:30-04:30PM Other Pullease, Barbara Important info at Fast Track Course Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm Permission needed from instructor Teaching and Leadership Center (954)236-1623 005 16264 35 32 3 S 08:30-04:30PM Other Pullease, Barbara Important info at Fast Track Course Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm Permission needed from instructor Teaching and Leadership Center (954)236-1623
LAE 4353 LNG ARTS & LIT: BIRTH-GRADE 8 010 15804 3 R 03:30-06:10PM Other Scarola, Kim Important info at CANCELLED 018 16685 24 6 3 R 04:00-07:00PM Other Scarola, Kim Important info at Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
LAE 4360 LANG ARTS:MIDDLE & SEC SCHOOL 004 16323 25 12 3 T 03:20-06:00PM Other Parrish, Stephanie Professional Training & Development Permission needed from instructor
MAE 4360 TEACHING MIDDLE & SEC SCH MATH 003 12871 30 7 3 S 09:00-04:00PM Other Manasseh, Nancy M. Important info at Fast Track Course
RED 4335 CONTENT READ:MID & SEC SCHL 002 15805 3 W 05:00-07:50PM Other Scarola, Kim Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Important info at CANCELLED 004 14341 30 3 3 T 09:30-12:20PM Other Jones, Jill Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Important info at Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) 006 16686 3 W TB:A- Other Scarola, Kim Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Important info at Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard) CANCELLED 008 17437 30 5 3 S 08:30-04:30PM Other Lapp, Susanne I. Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Fast Track Course Important info at Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm
SCE 4360 SCIENCE: MIDDLE & SEC SCHOOL 001 14417 30 10 3 S 09:00-04:00PM Other Ewing, Linda Important info at Fast Track Course
EDG 5931 LDRSHP & ORGNZTNL TECH ENV ED 004 16534 30 6 3 TBA Other McReynolds, Charle Fast Track Course Important info at
EDG 5931 ONE ON ONE 005 17461 25 8 3 TBA Other Jacobitti, Diane Professional Training & Development Fast Track Course Important info at Permission needed from department
EDG 6906 EVAL ACTION EE CURRIC 007 16285 1 1- 5 TBA Other Meltzer, Carol E. Permission needed from instructor
RED 6515 CORRECTIVE READING 001 16324 25 12 3 M 03:20-06:00PM Other Jones, Jill Professional Training & Development Permission needed from instructor [Back to Index] [Back to Dept]