
HC Honors College-Biology

H.L. Wilkes Honors College

Honors College-Biology Courses For Spring 2007

Last Updated: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 at 12.43.46

 Course    Course Title     Credit            Meeting    Meeting                       
Pref Num  Sec   Call# Cap Enrl     Bld/Room    Days       Time        Campus           Instructor             

Courses offered at the Jupiter campus
BSC 1011 HONORS BIODIVERSITY 001 10429 48 46 3 AD 102 TR 11:00-12:20PM Jupiter Reilly, Anne E. Course corequisite required BSCL1011 Honors College only
BSC 2084 HONORS ESSEN HUM ANAT & PHYS 001 10430 24 24 3 SR 269 MW 12:30-01:50PM Jupiter Bedoya, Edgar Honors College only Course corequisite required BSCL2084 CLOSED
BSC 4905 HONORS BIOSTATISTICS S/U 027 16720 1 1- 3 TBA Jupiter Wetterer, James K. Permission needed from instructor Honors College only
BSC 4905 HONORS SUCCESS OF TORTOISE REL S/U 028 17254 1 1- 3 TBA Jupiter Moore, Jon A. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor
BSC 4915 HONORS RESEARCH IN BIOLOGY 001 10486 5 5 1- 6 TBA Jupiter Kirchman, Paul A. Honors College only CLOSED 002 10487 5 8 1- 6 TBA Jupiter Moore, Jon A. Honors College only CLOSED 003 10488 5 5 1- 6 TBA Jupiter Wetterer, James K. Honors College only CLOSED 004 15560 5 5 1- 6 TBA Jupiter Quintyne, Nicholas Honors College only Permission needed from instructor CLOSED 005 16876 1 1 1- 6 TBA Jupiter Kirchman, Paul A. Honors College only CLOSED
BSC 4930 HONORS MARINE CONSERVATION 003 15559 24 20 3 SR 269 MW 02:00-03:20PM Jupiter Moore, Jon A. Honors College only
BSC 4930 HONORS DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY 004 15564 16 15 3 WB 105 TR 11:00-12:20PM Jupiter Quintyne, Nicholas Honors College only
BSC 4970 HONORS THESIS IN BIOLOGY 001 10497 10 5 1 TBA Jupiter Kirchman, Paul A. Permission needed from instructor Honors College only 002 10498 10 9 1 TBA Jupiter Moore, Jon A. Permission needed from instructor Honors College only 003 10499 10 6 1 TBA Jupiter Wetterer, James K. Permission needed from instructor Honors College only 004 15561 5 3 1 TBA Jupiter Quintyne, Nicholas Permission needed from instructor Honors College only
BSCL1011 HONORS BIODIVERSITY LAB 001 10624 24 24 1 HC 180 R 12:30-03:20PM Jupiter Mistrik, April L. Honors College $40.00 Lab Fee Section corequisite required BSC 1011001 Honors College only CLOSED 002 10625 24 23 1 HC 180 W 03:30-06:20PM Jupiter Mistrik, April L. Honors College $40.00 Lab Fee Section corequisite required BSC 1011001 Honors College only 003 10626 1 HC 180 W 12:30-03:20PM Jupiter Mistrik, April L. Honors College $40.00 Lab Fee Section corequisite required BSC 1011001 Honors College only CLOSED
BSCL2084 HONORS ESS HUM ANAT/PHYS LAB 001 10627 24 24 1 HC 180 M 03:30-06:20PM Jupiter Bedoya, Edgar Honors College $40.00 Lab Fee Honors College only Course corequisite required BSC 2084 CLOSED
MCB 3020 HONORS GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY 002 15562 16 27 3 AD 202 TR 09:30-10:50AM Jupiter Kirchman, Paul A. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor CLOSED
MCBL3020 HONORS GENERAL MICROBIOL LAB 015 15563 16 21 1 HC 180 T 03:30-06:20PM Jupiter Kirchman, Paul A. Honors College $50.00 Lab Fee Honors College only Permission needed from instructor CLOSED
PCB 4043 HONORS PRINCIPLES OF ECOLOGY 002 13875 24 18 3 SR 279 TR 02:00-03:20PM Jupiter Wetterer, James K. Honors College only
PCB 4673 HONORS EVOLUTION 001 15558 24 22 3 AD 202 MW 09:30-10:50AM Jupiter Moore, Jon A. Honors College only [Back to Index] [Back to Dept]