
HC Honors College-English/Comp Lit

H.L. Wilkes Honors College

Honors College-English/Comp Lit Courses For Fall 2007

Last Updated: Monday, January 07, 2008 at 21.02.47

 Course    Course Title     Credit            Meeting    Meeting                       
Pref Num  Sec   Call# Cap Enrl     Bld/Room    Days       Time        Campus           Instructor             

Courses offered at the Jupiter campus
AML 2010 HONORS AMERICAN LIT TO 1865 001 15452 16 14 3 AD 205 TR 11:00-12:20PM Jupiter Dilgen, Regina Honors College only
CRW 3010 HONORS CREATIVE WRITING 003 14859 16 16 3 HC 135 W 04:00-06:50PM Jupiter Barrett, Laura A. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor CLOSED 004 15830 16 16 3 SR 271 MW 09:30-10:50AM Jupiter McGarrah, James Honors College only CLOSED
ENC 1123 HONORS INTR ACADEMIC WRITING 001 11656 16 16 3 HC 115 MW 02:00-03:20PM Jupiter McGarrah, James Gordon Rule Course Honors College only CLOSED 002 11657 16 15 3 HC 115 MW 04:00-05:20PM Jupiter McGarrah, James Gordon Rule Course Honors College only 003 11658 16 9 3 HC 114 MW 07:10-08:30PM Jupiter Balfour, Grant A. Gordon Rule Course Honors College only
ENG 4905 HONORS INTERPRETING CHUCK 001 15618 1 3 TBA Jupiter Weisser, Christian Honors College only Permission needed from instructor
ENL 2012 HONORS BRITISH LIT TO 1798 001 14863 16 12 3 HC 114 MW 02:00-03:20PM Jupiter Harrawood, Michael Honors College only Gordon Rule Course
ENL 4930 HONORS DEATH & THE VICTORIANS 002 14861 16 13 3 HC 114 T 07:10-10:00PM Jupiter Edwards, Hilary Honors College only
LIT 1933 HONORS LITERATURE OF WAR 001 14860 16 14 3 HC 114 MW 11:00-12:20PM Jupiter Edwards, Hilary Honors College only Gordon Rule Course
LIT 2010 HONORS INTERPRETATION FICTION 028 15829 16 16 3 SR 271 MW 11:00-12:20PM Jupiter McGarrah, James Honors College only CLOSED
LIT 2030 HONORS INTERPRETATION POETRY 015 15451 16 12 3 HC 135 R 04:00-06:50PM Jupiter Maietta, Edward F. Honors College only Writing Across Curriculum (Gordon Rule)
LIT 3361 HONORS POSTMODERN LITERATURE 001 14858 16 16 3 HC 114 M 04:00-06:50PM Jupiter Barrett, Laura A. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor CLOSED
LIT 4930 HONORS MEDIEVAL LITERATURE 003 14862 16 6 3 SR 269 TR 04:00-05:20PM Jupiter Harrawood, Michael Honors College only
LIT 4970 HONORS THESIS IN LITERATURE 001 12452 5 3 1- 6 TBA Jupiter Barrett, Laura A. Honors College only Permission needed from instructor 002 12453 4 2 1- 6 TBA Jupiter Harrawood, Michael Honors College only Permission needed from instructor 003 12454 4 3 1- 6 TBA Jupiter Edwards, Hilary Honors College only Permission needed from instructor [Back to Index] [Back to Dept]