
HC Honors College-Economics

H.L. Wilkes Honors College

Honors College-Economics Courses For Fall 2007

Last Updated: Monday, January 07, 2008 at 21.02.47

 Course    Course Title     Credit            Meeting    Meeting                       
Pref Num  Sec   Call# Cap Enrl     Bld/Room    Days       Time        Campus           Instructor             

Courses offered at the Jupiter campus
ECO 2023 HONORS MICROECONOMIC PRINCPLS 004 10993 24 23 3 AD 205 TR 12:30-01:50PM Jupiter Jakee, Keith Honors College only
ECO 3203 HONORS INTERMED MACROECONOMICS 002 10999 20 4 3 SR 269 MW 11:00-12:20PM Jupiter NurTegin, Kanybek Honors College only
ECO 4532 HONORS ECONOMICS CLLCTV CHOICE 001 14857 16 5 3 HC 116 TR 04:00-05:20PM Jupiter Jakee, Keith Honors College only
ECO 4906 HONORS RESEARCH IN ECONOMICS 001 16139 5 1 1- 3 TBA Jupiter Jakee, Keith Honors College only Permission needed from instructor
ECO 4970 HONORS THESIS IN ECONOMICS 001 11032 5 6 1- 6 TBA Jupiter Jakee, Keith Honors College only Permission needed from instructor CLOSED
ECS 3013 HONORS INTL ECONOMIC DEVELPMNT 004 11051 16 8 3 HC 135 MW 02:00-03:20PM Jupiter NurTegin, Kanybek Prerequisite course required ECO 2013 (cont.) Prerequisite course reqd ECO 2023 Honors College only [Back to Index] [Back to Dept]