
ED Exceptional Student Education

College of Education

Exceptional Student Education Courses For Fall 2007

Last Updated: Monday, January 07, 2008 at 21.02.47

 Course    Course Title     Credit            Meeting    Meeting                       
Pref Num  Sec   Call# Cap Enrl     Bld/Room    Days       Time        Campus           Instructor             

Courses offered at the Boca Raton campus
EDG 4419 BLDG CLSRM MGMT DISCIPLNE 002 15799 30 13 3 ED 115 S TB:A- Boca Raton Larocque, Michelle Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm Important info at Fast Track Course
EEX 2010 SURVEY OF EXCEPTIONALITIES 001 11385 25 22 3 ED 120 R 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Ramasamy, Rangasam Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit
EEX 4050 INDIV SERV VARYING EXCEPT PROG 001 11389 30 30 4 ED 125 M 04:00-07:50PM Boca Raton Goldstein, Jack B. Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit CLOSED
EEX 4066 ED PROG IND SERVED VAR EX PROG 001 11392 25 16 4 ED 124 T 04:20-08:10PM Boca Raton Smiley, Lydia R. Taber, Mary Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit
EEX 4070 INCLUSIV EDUC FOR GENL EDUCTRS 001 11395 30 29 3 ED 116 M 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Kadish, Arlene Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit 002 11396 30 31 3 ED 120 W 09:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Ramasamy, Rangasam Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit CLOSED 008 11402 25 13 3 ED 111 T 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Woods, Michael Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit 009 11403 30 13 3 FL 426 S TB:A- Boca Raton Brookner, Jill D. Zammas, Jackie Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Important info at Fast Track Course
EEX 4604 CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT 001 11405 25 22 3 ED 124 R 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Larocque, Michelle
EEX 4840 PROF DEV PRAC EXCPT STDNT EDUC 001 11408 3 TBA Boca Raton Martin, Dianna L. Permission needed from instructor Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit CANCELLED
EEX 4843 PRACTICUM TEACHING:VE S/U 001 11409 35 18 3 TBA TBA MTWR 09:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Martin, Dianna L. Heiser, Lawrence Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit
EEX 4937 EXTENDED PRACTICUM 001 14841 40 9 3 TBA Boca Raton Warde, Beverly
EEX 5051 THE EXCEPTIONAL INDIVIDUAL 001 11416 3 R 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Tba, Staff Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit CANCELLED
EEX 5936 LEADERSHIP SEMINAR 001 14842 1 TBA Boca Raton Dukes, Charles CANCELLED
EEX 5936 SEMINAR: COURSE DEVELOPMENT 002 15783 20 13 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Taylor, Ronald L.
EEX 6863 GRAD INTRNSHP:VARYNG EXCPTNLTS 002 11433 20 1 3- 6 TBA TBA MTWR 09:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Heiser, Lawrence Permission needed from instructor Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit
EEX 6905 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 001 11436 20 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Tba, Staff Permission needed from instructor
EEX 6942 FIELD PROJECT IN EX. STD. ED. 001 16098 2 1 3 TBA Boca Raton Wilson, Cynthia L.
EEX 7055 LRNG/BHVRL CHRCTRSTCS EXCPTNL 001 14843 20 10 3 ED 112 R 05:00-07:50PM Boca Raton Taylor, Ronald L.
EEX 7906 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 001 11438 20 1- 5 TBA Boca Raton Tba, Staff Permission needed from instructor
EEX 7945 INTERNSHIP 001 11440 10 2 3- 6 TBA Boca Raton Smiley, Lydia R. Duffy, Mary L. Permission needed from instructor
EEX 7980 DISSERTATION S/U 001 11441 10 1-10 TBA Boca Raton Taylor, Ronald L. Brady, Michael P. Smiley, Lydia R. Duffy, Mary L. Permission needed from instructor
EEX 7980 DISSERTATION S/U 002 16555 3 3 1-10 TBA Boca Raton Smiley, Lydia R. CLOSED S/U 003 16556 1 1 1-10 TBA Boca Raton Taylor, Ronald L. CLOSED S/U 004 16557 1 1 1-10 TBA Boca Raton Brady, Michael P. CLOSED S/U 005 16558 1 1 1-10 TBA Boca Raton Duffy, Mary L. CLOSED
Courses offered at the Davie campus
EDG 4419 BLDG CLSRM MGMT DISCIPLNE 001 15797 3 S TB:A- Davie Tba, Staff Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm Important info at Permission needed from instructor Fast Track Course CANCELLED 003 15800 30 21 3 ES 106 S TB:A- Davie Surinak, Tricia Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm Important info at Fast Track Course 006 16039 40 26 3 ES 104 S TB:A- Davie Heiser, Lawrence Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm Important info at Permission needed from instructor
EEX 2010 SURVEY OF EXCEPTIONALITIES 002 11386 30 8 3 ES 103 R 01:00-03:50PM Davie Darling, Sharon Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit
EEX 4050 INDIV SERV VARYING EXCEPT PROG 002 11390 30 15 4 ES 118 T 12:00-03:50PM Davie Wilson, Cynthia L. Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit
EEX 4066 ED PROG IND SERVED VAR EX PROG 002 11393 25 13 4 ES 102 W 02:00-05:50PM Davie Warde, Beverly Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit
EEX 4070 INCLUSIV EDUC FOR GENL EDUCTRS 003 11397 30 30 3 ES 118 R 12:00-02:50PM Davie Goldstein, Peggy A Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit CLOSED 004 11398 30 26 3 ES 108 S 09:00-11:50AM Davie Rody, Carla Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit 005 11399 30 31 3 ES 120 T 04:00-06:50PM Davie Dukes, Charles Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit CLOSED
EEX 4604 CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT 002 11406 25 9 3 LA 432A M 02:00-04:50PM Davie Dukes, Charles
EEX 4843 PRACTICUM TEACHING:VE S/U 002 11410 35 13 3 TBA TBA MTWR 09:00-12:50PM Davie Heiser, Lawrence Martin, Dianna L. Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit
EEX 4946 STUDENT TEACHING:EXCPT STUDENT S/U 001 16048 1 1 8-12 TBA Davie Martin, Dianna L. Permission needed from instructor CLOSED
EEX 5245 MTHDS ERLY CHLHD EXCP SP EDUC 001 11418 25 5 3 ES 121 T 04:20-07:00PM Davie Goldstein, Peggy A Web-Assisted regular class w/ less than 25 pct Web
EEX 5661 MGT CURR/BEHV IN INCLUS CLSRM 001 11422 30 5 3 LA 328 R 05:00-07:50PM Davie Wilson, Cynthia L.
EEX 5841 GRAD TEACHING PRACTICUM S/U 001 11424 20 1 1 TBA Davie Heiser, Lawrence
EEX 6056 THRY/CHAR INDIV VARYNG EXCPTNL 001 11426 25 1 3 LA 328 M 04:20-07:00PM Davie Grigull, Gary M. Brady, Michael P. Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit
EEX 6247 DESNGNG PROG INDIV VRYNG EXCEP 002 11431 2 3 M 05:00-07:50PM Davie Duffy, Mary L. Important info at CLOSED
EEX 6863 GRAD INTRNSHP:VARYNG EXCPTNLTS 001 11432 20 3- 6 TBA TBA MTWR 09:00-12:50PM Davie Martin, Dianna L. Permission needed from instructor Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit
EEX 7906 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 002 11439 35 1- 5 TBA Davie Tba, Staff Permission needed from instructor
Courses offered at the Jupiter campus
EEX 4066 ED PROG IND SERVED VAR EX PROG 003 11394 18 10 4 SR 271 T 04:00-07:50PM Jupiter Forgan, James W. Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit
EEX 4070 INCLUSIV EDUC FOR GENL EDUCTRS 006 11400 30 30 3 EC 102 T 01:00-03:50PM Jupiter Massey, Lori Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit CLOSED
EEX 4843 PRACTICUM TEACHING:VE S/U 003 11411 35 5 3 TBA TBA MTWR 09:00-12:50PM Jupiter Heiser, Lawrence Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit
EEX 5245 MTHDS ERLY CHLHD EXCP SP EDUC 002 11419 25 3 AD 102 T 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter Goldstein, Peggy A Web-Assisted regular class w/ less than 25 pct Web
EEX 5661 MGT CURR/BEHV IN INCLUS CLSRM 002 11423 30 6 3 AD 202 R 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter Gollery, Thomas J.
EEX 5841 GRAD TEACHING PRACTICUM S/U 002 11425 20 2 1 TBA Jupiter Heiser, Lawrence
EEX 5936 SUPERVISION & TCHR DEVELOPMENT 003 15846 15 7 3 EC 105 M 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter Duffy, Mary L.
EEX 6056 THRY/CHAR INDIV VARYNG EXCPTNL 002 11427 3 M 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter Tba, Staff Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit CANCELLED
EEX 6247 DESNGNG PROG INDIV VRYNG EXCEP 001 11430 15 2 3 T 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter Duffy, Mary L. Important info at
EEX 6863 GRAD INTRNSHP:VARYNG EXCPTNLTS 003 11434 20 3- 6 TBA TBA MTWR 09:00-12:50PM Jupiter Heiser, Lawrence Permission needed from instructor Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit
Courses offered at the Port St.Lucie campus
EDG 4419 BLDG CLSRM MGMT DISCIPLNE 005 15832 30 8 3 JU 112 T 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie Gebhardt, Julie
EEX 4050 INDIV SERV VARYING EXCEPT PROG 003 11391 30 10 4 SL 102 R 04:20-08:10PM Port St.Lucie Scott, John (Jack) Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit
EEX 4070 INCLUSIV EDUC FOR GENL EDUCTRS 007 11401 30 31 3 CO 135 M 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie Ramasamy, Rangasam Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit CLOSED
EEX 4604 CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT 003 11407 25 7 3 CO 225 W 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie Duffy, Mary L. Sheffler, Julie
EEX 4843 PRACTICUM TEACHING:VE S/U 004 11412 35 3 3 TBA TBA MTWR 09:00-12:50PM Port St.Lucie Heiser, Lawrence Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit
EEX 6863 GRAD INTRNSHP:VARYNG EXCPTNLTS 004 11435 20 3- 6 TBA TBA MTWR 09:00-12:50PM Port St.Lucie Heiser, Lawrence Permission needed from instructor Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit
Courses offered as Distance Learning courses
EEX 2010 SURVEY OF EXCEPTIONALITIES 003 11387 30 27 3 TBA Distance Learning Darling, Sharon Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Fully online class using the Internet
EEX 5051 THE EXCEPTIONAL INDIVIDUAL 002 11417 30 7 3 TBA Distance Learning Larocque, Michelle Add'l Field Experience Required (apply in advance) Security Clearance Required (apply in advance) Visit Fully online class using the Internet
EEX 6707 EARLY INTERVENTION SVCS 001 15240 30 9 3 TBA Distance Learning Darling, Sharon Fully online class using the Internet
EGI 5305 THEORY & DEVELPMT OF CREATIVTY 001 14844 30 6 3 TBA Distance Learning Faivus, Anne E. Brady, Michael P. Fully online class using the Internet
EGI 6235 DSGNG PRGRMS FOR GIFTED INDVLS 001 14845 30 6 3 TBA Distance Learning White, Willard L. Fully online class using the Internet
Courses offered at Other campuses
EDG 4419 BLDG CLSRM MGMT DISCIPLNE 004 15801 30 21 3 S TB:A- Other Dukes, Charles Important info at Teaching and Leadership Center (954)236-1623 Permission needed from department Fast Track Course
EEX 4937 FAMILY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS 002 14846 3 S TB:A- Other Tba, Staff Important info at Fast Track Course CANCELLED
EEX 4937 TRANSITION PLANNING 003 15845 30 2 3 TBA Other Brady, Michael P. Bennett, Kyle D. Permission needed from instructor Fast Track Course Important info at [Back to Index] [Back to Dept]