
ED Counselor Education

College of Education

Counselor Education Courses For Summer 2006

Last Updated: Thursday, October 12, 2006 at 21.04.01

 Course    Course Title     Credit            Meeting    Meeting                       
Pref Num  Sec   Call# Cap Enrl     Bld/Room    Days       Time        Campus           Instructor             

Courses offered at the Boca Raton campus

MHS 5005 PROCESSES IN COUNSELING 001 C 11908 25 16 3 ED 457 S TB:A- Boca Raton Peluso, Paul R. Permission needed from instructor Fast Track Course Important info at Web-Assisted regular class w/ less than 25 pct Web
MHS 5428 COUNSELING SPEC NEEDS POPULATN 001 C 11910 25 6 3 ED 114 W 04:45-07:55PM Boca Raton Kontosh, Larry G. Permission needed from instructor
MHS 5930 COUNSELING DEATH AND DYING 003 C 13648 3 S TB:A- Boca Raton Hoffman-Rosenberg, Permission needed from department Fast Track Course Important info at CANCELLED
MHS 6070 PSYCHOPATHOLOGY IN COUNSELING 001 C 11912 25 20 3 ED 464 M 04:45-07:55PM Boca Raton Miranda, Alexis Om Permission needed from instructor
MHS 6220 APPRSL & EVALTN IN COUNSELING 001 C 11913 20 3 3 FL 101 MTWRF TB:A- Boca Raton Frain, Michael Permission needed from instructor Important info at Fast Track Course Web-Assisted regular class w/ less than 25 pct Web
MHS 6401 COUNSLNG THEORIES & TECHNIQUES 002 A 13790 1 1 3 ED 278 TR 04:45-07:55PM Boca Raton Kontosh, Larry G. Permission needed from department CLOSED
MHS 6421 COUNSELING CHILDREN 001 B 11916 25 18 3 ED 124 S TB:A- Boca Raton Goldberg, Michelle Permission needed from instructor Important info at Fast Track Course Web-Assisted regular class w/ less than 25 pct Web
MHS 6430 FAMILY COUNSELING 001 C 11917 25 10 3 ED 457 R 04:45-07:55PM Boca Raton Messmore, Carol Permission needed from instructor
MHS 6450 SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELING 001 C 11918 25 9 3 FL 426 MTWRF 08:30-05:00PM Boca Raton Frain, Michael Permission needed from department Important info at Fast Track Course
MHS 6600 CONSULTATION:THEORY & PRACTICE 001 A 11924 25 9 3 ED 464 S TB:A- Boca Raton Goldberg, Michelle Permission needed from instructor Important info at Fast Track Course Web-Assisted regular class w/ less than 25 pct Web
MHS 6700 LEGAL, ETHICAL & PROF ISSUES 002 C 11926 25 19 3 ED 457 MTWRF 08:30-05:00PM Boca Raton Kontosh, Larry G. Permission needed from instructor Important info at Fast Track Course
MHS 6710 RESEARCH IN COUNSELNG 001 C 11929 10 4 3 ED 464 R 04:45-07:55PM Boca Raton Ronco, Sharron L. Permission needed from department Important info at
MHS 6800 PRCTCM IN COUNSLNG-MENTAL HLTH 001 C 11930 5 5 3 ED 280 M 04:45-07:55PM Boca Raton Landis, Charles E. Permission needed from instructor CLOSED
MHS 6800 MENTAL HEALTH PRACTICUM 002 C 13646 5 2 3 ED 120 T 04:45-07:55PM Boca Raton Coker Lawless, Mel Permission needed from department
MHS 6801 ADV PRACTICUM IN COUNSELING 001 C 11931 5 5 3 ED 280 T 04:45-07:55PM Boca Raton Corcoran, Colette Permission needed from instructor CLOSED
MHS 6830 INTERNSHP MENTAL HEALTH CNSLNG 001 C 11932 10 10 3- 6 ED 280 W 04:45-07:55PM Boca Raton Peluso, Paul R. Permission needed from instructor CLOSED
MHS 6905 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 001 C 11933 10 1 1- 5 TBA Boca Raton Nicoll, William G. Permission needed from department
MHS 7402 BRIEF THERAPIES 001 C 13325 10 5 3 ED 464 SU 09:55-12:10PM Boca Raton Nicoll, William G. Permission needed from instructor Ph.D. students only Important info at Fast Track Course
MHS 7730 ADV RESEARCH IN COUNSELING 001 C 13324 10 4 3 ED 111 M 04:45-07:55PM Boca Raton Sperry, Leonard T. Permission needed from instructor Ph.D. students only
MHS 7945 INTERNSHIP 001 C 13647 2 2 3 ED 464 W 04:45-07:55PM Boca Raton Brigman, Greg A. CLOSED
RCS 6801 REHAB COUNSELING PRACT 001 C 12444 5 1 3 DP 101 T 04:45-07:55PM Boca Raton Kontosh, Larry G. Permission needed from instructor
RCS 6805 ADV PRACT IN REHAB COUNSLG 001 C 13321 5 1 3 DP 101 T 04:45-07:55PM Boca Raton Kontosh, Larry G. Permission needed from instructor
RCS 6825 REHAB COUNSELING INTERN 001 C 13322 5 3- 6 DP 101 T 04:45-07:55PM Boca Raton Kontosh, Larry G. Permission needed from instructor
Courses offered at the Davie campus

MHS 5428 COUNSELING SPEC NEEDS POPULATN 002 C 11911 3 W TB:A- Davie Tba, Staff Permission needed from instructor CANCELLED
MHS 5930 EXPER STRAT USING PLAY MEDIA 002 C 13352 25 17 3 ES 106 MTWRF TB:A- Davie Webb, Linda L. Permission needed from department Important info at Fast Track Course
MHS 6401 COUNSLNG THEORIES & TECHNIQUES 001 C 11915 25 12 3 LA 339 M 04:45-07:55PM Davie Gregory, Barry M. Permission needed from instructor
MHS 6470 COUNSELING & HUMAN SEXUALITY 001 C 11921 25 16 3 ES 122 S TB:A- Davie Caldwell, Mary Permission needed from department Important info at Fast Track Course
Courses offered at the Jupiter campus

MHS 5930 INTEG TECH SCHOOL CNSLNG PRGRM 001 C 12969 23 5 3 SR 278 MTWRF TB:A- Jupiter Villares, Elizabet Permission needed from department Fast Track Course Important info at
Courses offered at the Port St.Lucie campus

MHS 6450 SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELING 002 C 11919 25 15 3 JU 335 TBA Port St.Lucie Mansager, Erik D. Permission needed from department Important info at Fast Track Course Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
MHS 6510 GROUP COUNSELING 001 C 11923 12 9 3 CO 222 TBA Port St.Lucie Villares, Elizabet CO 231 TBA Port St.Lucie Bitter, Jim Permission needed from instructor Important info at Fast Track Course Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
MHS 6510 GROUP COUNSELING 002 C 13570 12 1 3 CO 222 TBA Port St.Lucie Villares, Elizabet CO 231 TBA Port St.Lucie Bitter, Jim Permission needed from instructor Important info at Fast Track Course
MHS 6700 LEGAL, ETHICAL & PROF ISSUES 001 C 11925 25 5 3 CO 225 TBA Port St.Lucie Nicoll, William G. Permission needed from instructor Important info at Fast Track Course Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
MHS 6701 ISS IN MH COUNSELING PRACTICE 001 C 11927 25 9 3 CO 225 TBA Port St.Lucie Evans-Nicoll, Moni Permission needed from instructor Important info at Fast Track Course Regular class w/some Web activities (Blackboard)
Courses offered as Distance Learning courses
SDS 3340 CAREER AND LIFESPAN DVLPMENT 001 C 12968 120 89 3 TBA Distance Learning Myrick, Robert Dist Lrng - see Fully online class that uses Blackboard
SDS 4410 INTERPERSONAL COMMUNIC SKILLS 001 C 12512 120 72 3 TBA Distance Learning Myrick, Robert Dist Lrng - see Fully online class that uses Blackboard
MHS 6482 LIFE-SPAN DEVELOPMENT 002 B 14351 25 20 3 TBA Distance Learning Coran, Janice J. Permission needed from instructor Dist Lrng - see Fully online class that uses Blackboard 001 C 11922 3 LA 340 TBA Distance Learning Coran, Janice J. Permission needed from instructor Dist Lrng - see Important info at Fully online class that uses Blackboard CANCELLED [Back to Index] [Back to Dept]