
BA Mngmnt, Int'l Business and Entrepreneurship

College of Business

Mngmnt, Int'l Business and Entrepreneurship Courses For Spring 2005

Last Updated: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 at 8.03.23

 Course    Course Title     Credit            Meeting    Meeting                       
Pref Num  Sec   Call# Cap Enrl     Bld/Room    Days       Time        Campus           Instructor             

Courses offered at the Boca Raton campus
GEB 2011 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS 002 12196 130 122 3 PA 101 TR 09:30-10:50AM Boca Raton HOYDICH, SHARON R
MAN 3025 INTRO MGMT & ORGANIZTNL BEHAVIOR 001 12803 250 201 3 BU 120 TR 11:00-12:20PM Boca Raton PRESTON, KAREN W. Junior or higher 002 12804 60 60 3 GS 101 R 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton CONTE, BARBARA T Junior or higher CLOSED 003 12805 60 50 3 GS 116 M 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton AXE, BARRY S Junior or higher 004 12806 250 166 3 BU 120 MW 12:30-01:50PM Boca Raton CONTE, BARBARA T Junior or higher
MAN 3611 CROSS-CULTURAL HUM REL & NEG 001 12830 35 36 3 GS 103 M 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton VARGAS, ROSLYN Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 or Prerequisite course required MAN 3030 Junior or higher Permission needed from instructor CLOSED 002 12831 35 41 3 GS 103 TR 02:00-03:20PM Boca Raton WILLIS, LINSEY C Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 or Prerequisite course required MAN 3030 Junior or higher CLOSED 005 12834 35 37 3 GS 109 TR 09:30-10:50AM Boca Raton THOMASON, STEPHANI Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 or Prerequisite course required MAN 3030 Junior or higher CLOSED
MAN 3949 COOPERATIVE EDUCATION-BUSINESS S/U 001 12836 25 3 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton RICHEY, BRENDA E Permission needed from instructor
MAN 4301 PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION 001 12838 38 25 3 BU 208 TR 08:00-09:20AM Boca Raton AXE, BARRY S Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 or Prerequisite course required MAN 3030 002 12839 40 29 3 GS 118 W 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton BOWERS, JENNIFER M Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 or Prerequisite course required MAN 3030 003 12840 35 19 3 AL 240 M 01:00-03:50PM Boca Raton BERNARDIN, H JOHN Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 or Prerequisite course required MAN 3030 007 12844 35 20 3 SC 178 T 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton BERNARDIN, H JOHN Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 or Prerequisite course required MAN 3030
MAN 4310 CONTEMP PROB HUMAN RESOURCE MGMT 001 12846 30 15 3 BU 112 TR 02:00-03:20PM Boca Raton PRESTON, KAREN W. Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 and Prerequisite course required MAN 4301 or Prerequisite course required MAN 3030 and Prerequisite course required MAN 4301
MAN 4350 HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT 001 12848 40 20 3 GS 110 W 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton WILLIAMS, ETHLYN Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 and Prerequisite course required MAN 4301 or Prerequisite course required MAN 3030 and Prerequisite course required MAN 4301
MAN 4401 LABOR RELATIONS 001 12849 30 11 3 ED 111 TR 11:00-12:20PM Boca Raton AXE, BARRY S Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 or Prerequisite course required MAN 3030
MAN 4504 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT APPLCTNS 001 12851 3 W 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton TBA, STAFF Prerequisite course required QMB 3600 and Prerequisite course required MAN 3506 and Prerequisite course required ACG 2021 CANCELLED 004 12854 40 10 3 ED 120 F 09:30-12:20PM Boca Raton FELDMAN, LES J Prerequisite course required QMB 3600 and Prerequisite course required MAN 3506 and Prerequisite course required ACG 2021
MAN 4600 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 001 12858 210 171 3 FE 141 TR 12:30-01:50PM Boca Raton LENARTOWICZ, TOMAS Junior or higher 002 12859 50 50 3 PS 109 W 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton LENARTOWICZ, TOMAS Junior or higher CLOSED 003 15655 50 48 3 BU 303 MW 05:30-06:50PM Boca Raton PARENTEAU, BERNARD Junior or higher
MAN 4690 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 001 12867 10 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton TBA, STAFF Permission needed from department Junior or higher
MAN 4720 GLOBAL STRATEGY AND POLICY 001 12871 40 24 3 GS 111 M 01:00-03:50PM Boca Raton SCHWARTZ, HARRY Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 and Prerequisite course required MAR 3023 and Prerequisite course required FIN 3403 and Prerequisite course required QMB 3600 Senior or higher 002 12872 40 30 3 GS 110 M 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton SCHWARTZ, HARRY Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 and Prerequisite course required MAR 3023 and Prerequisite course required FIN 3403 and Prerequisite course required QMB 3600 Senior or higher 003 12873 40 35 3 GS 111 TR 11:00-12:20PM Boca Raton ARIKAN, ANDAC Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 and Prerequisite course required MAR 3023 and Prerequisite course required FIN 3403 and Prerequisite course required QMB 3600 Senior or higher 004 12874 40 39 3 GS 110 TR 09:30-10:50AM Boca Raton REUS, TACO Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 and Prerequisite course required MAR 3023 and Prerequisite course required FIN 3403 and Prerequisite course required QMB 3600 Senior or higher Permission needed from instructor 005 12875 40 30 3 GS 110 T 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton ARIKAN, ANDAC Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 and Prerequisite course required MAR 3023 and Prerequisite course required FIN 3403 and Prerequisite course required QMB 3600 Senior or higher 006 12876 40 24 3 GS 111 W 01:00-03:50PM Boca Raton SCHWARTZ, HARRY Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 and Prerequisite course required MAR 3023 and Prerequisite course required FIN 3403 and Prerequisite course required QMB 3600 Senior or higher 008 12878 40 40 3 GS 111 TR 02:00-03:20PM Boca Raton DAHMUS, SUE A Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 and Prerequisite course required MAR 3023 and Prerequisite course required FIN 3403 and Prerequisite course required QMB 3600 Senior or higher CLOSED 014 12884 40 25 3 GS 110 R 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton SCHWARTZ, HARRY Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 and Prerequisite course required MAR 3023 and Prerequisite course required FIN 3403 and Prerequisite course required QMB 3600 Senior or higher 017 15433 40 32 3 GS 111 M 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton PETERS, RICHARD C Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 and Prerequisite course required MAR 3023 and Prerequisite course required FIN 3403 and Prerequisite course required QMB 3600 Senior or higher
MAN 4802 INTRO SMALL BUS ENTREPRENEURSHIP 001 12887 30 29 3 PS 113 T 01:00-03:50PM Boca Raton KLATT, LAWRENCE A Junior or higher Permission needed from instructor
MAN 4804 SEM IN SMALL BUS ENTREPRENEURSHP 001 15432 22 23 3 BU 112 W 02:00-04:50PM Boca Raton KLATT, LAWRENCE A CLOSED
MAN 4905 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 001 12889 10 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton TBA, STAFF Permission needed from department Junior or higher
MAN 4930 OM INTERNSHIP 001 15909 40 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton HART, PAUL Permission needed from instructor Junior or higher
MAN 4940 MANAGEMENT INTERNSHIP 001 12894 40 26 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton RICHEY, BRENDA E Permission needed from instructor Junior or higher
GEB 6215 GRAD BUS COMMUNICATION APPLCTNS S/U 001 12199 22 21 3 BU 411 M 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton BOYD, MARY K Dist Lrng - see Regular class using eCollege for some activities S/U 002 12200 22 18 3 BU 411 W 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton KRUGEL, MARCY L Dist Lrng - see Regular class using eCollege for some activities S/U 007 12205 23 22 3 BU 411 R 12:30-03:20PM Boca Raton NESBITT, LAURIE S Dist Lrng - see Regular class using eCollege for some activities
MAN 6245 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR 001 12901 29 11 3 GS 103 M 01:00-03:50PM Boca Raton WILLIAMS, ETHLYN
MAN 6614 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS OPERATNS 001 12911 30 7 3 GS 111 W 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton LITVAK, ISAIAH A
MAN 6721 GLOBAL MGMT STRATEGY & POLICY 001 12913 30 19 3 GS 111 T 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton LITVAK, ISAIAH A
MAN 6806 ENTREPRENEURIAL CONSULTING PROJT 001 12918 25 19 3 BU 104 W 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton KLATT, LAWRENCE A
MAN 6905 META-ANAL AND HRM STAFF PROC 001 12920 10 1 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton BERNARDIN, H JOHN Permission needed from department
MAN 6937 GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT OF MANAGEMENT 001 12927 30 23 3 GS 103 W 01:00-03:50PM Boca Raton RICHEY, BRENDA E
MAN 6943 GRADUATE MANAGEMENT INTERNSHIP 001 12931 20 3 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton RICHEY, BRENDA E Permission needed from instructor
MAN 7931 CROSS CULT MGMT 004 15011 20 8 3 BU 411 M 01:00-03:50PM Boca Raton PETERSON, MARK F
MAN 7978 ADV RESEARCH IN MANAGEMENT S/U 001 15434 30 3 1- 9 TBA Boca Raton PETERSON, MARK F Permission needed from department
MAN 7980 DISSERTATION-MANAGEMENT S/U 001 12937 10 2 1-15 TBA Boca Raton PETERSON, MARK F Permission needed from instructor S/U 003 16290 1 1 1-15 TBA Boca Raton COOKE, DONNA K CLOSED
Courses offered at the Davie campus
MAN 3025 INTRO MGMT & ORGANIZTNL BEHAVIOR 005 12807 60 48 3 LA 341 R 07:10-10:00PM Davie KOUFTEROS, BETH A Junior or higher 006 12808 60 15 3 LA 333 MW 09:30-10:50AM Davie AXE, BARRY S Junior or higher 007 12809 60 45 3 LA 341 TR 11:00-12:20PM Davie KOUFTEROS, BETH A Junior or higher 008 12810 60 56 3 LA 234 M 07:10-10:00PM Davie SER, ELLIOT M Junior or higher 012 16055 40 12 3 LA 332 S 08:00-12:50PM Davie MILLER, NORMAN L Weekend BBA - Group 26 Weekend Executive Program Permission needed from department
MAN 3611 CROSS-CULTURAL HUM REL & NEG 003 12832 35 28 3 ES 121 T 07:10-10:00PM Davie WILLIS, LINSEY C Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 or Prerequisite course required MAN 3030 Junior or higher 006 12835 35 33 3 LA 139 MW 09:30-10:50AM Davie COOKE, DONNA K Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 or Prerequisite course required MAN 3030 Junior or higher
MAN 4301 PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION 004 12841 40 25 3 LA 139 MW 11:00-12:20PM Davie KONOPASKE, ROBERT Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 or Prerequisite course required MAN 3030 005 12842 35 30 3 LA 447 R 07:10-10:00PM Davie KONOPASKE, ROBERT Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 or Prerequisite course required MAN 3030 010 16058 40 17 3 LA 331 S 01:45-06:30PM Davie WEINSTEIN, FREDRIC Weekend BBA - Group 26 Weekend Executive Program Permission needed from department
MAN 4310 CONTEMP PROB HUMAN RESOURCE MGMT 002 12847 30 14 3 LA 432B M 07:10-10:00PM Davie PRESTON, KAREN W. Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 and Prerequisite course required MAN 4301 or Prerequisite course required MAN 3030 and Prerequisite course required MAN 4301
MAN 4350 HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT 002 15435 35 10 3 LA 341 MW 11:00-12:20PM Davie KOUFTEROS, BETH A Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 and Prerequisite course required MAN 4301 or Prerequisite course required MAN 3030 and Prerequisite course required MAN 4301
MAN 4401 LABOR RELATIONS 002 12850 40 40 3 LA 341 T 07:10-10:00PM Davie KOUFTEROS, BETH A Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 or Prerequisite course required MAN 3030 CLOSED
MAN 4504 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT APPLCTNS 002 12852 3 R 07:10-10:00PM Davie FELDMAN, LES J Prerequisite course required QMB 3600 and Prerequisite course required MAN 3506 and Prerequisite course required ACG 2021 CANCELLED
MAN 4600 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 004 12860 50 44 3 ES 104 MW 11:00-12:20PM Davie DOMINGUEZ, LUIS V Junior or higher 005 12861 50 46 3 ES 104 M 07:10-10:00PM Davie DOMINGUEZ, LUIS V Junior or higher
MAN 4690 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 002 12868 10 1- 4 TBA Davie TBA, STAFF Permission needed from department Junior or higher
MAN 4720 GLOBAL STRATEGY AND POLICY 009 12879 40 42 3 LA 233 TR 09:30-10:50AM Davie STEPHAN, JOHN Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 and Prerequisite course required MAR 3023 and Prerequisite course required FIN 3403 and Prerequisite course required QMB 3600 Senior or higher CLOSED 010 12880 40 41 3 ES 121 R 07:10-10:00PM Davie STEPHAN, JOHN Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 and Prerequisite course required MAR 3023 and Prerequisite course required FIN 3403 and Prerequisite course required QMB 3600 Senior or higher CLOSED 013 12883 40 39 3 LA 132 M 07:10-10:00PM Davie GREGORY, DALE Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 and Prerequisite course required MAR 3023 and Prerequisite course required FIN 3403 and Prerequisite course required QMB 3600 Senior or higher
MAN 4802 INTRO SMALL BUS ENTREPRENEURSHIP 002 12888 35 33 3 ES 254 M 07:10-10:00PM Davie WINDERMAN, HARRY Junior or higher 004 16052 40 18 3 LA 331 S 01:45-06:30PM Davie WINDERMAN, HARRY Weekend BBA - Group 26 Weekend Executive Program Permission needed from department
MAN 4905 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 002 12890 10 1- 4 TBA Davie TBA, STAFF Permission needed from department Junior or higher
Courses offered at the Ft Lauderdale campus

GEB 6215 GRAD BUS COMMUNICATION APPLCTNS S/U 004 12202 23 22 3 HE 914 T 06:00-08:50PM Ft Lauderdale NESBITT, LAURIE S Dist Lrng - see Regular class using eCollege for some activities S/U 005 12203 23 19 3 HE 914 R 07:00-09:50PM Ft Lauderdale SYPNIEWSKA, AGA Dist Lrng - see Regular class using eCollege for some activities
MAN 6245 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR 003 12903 30 19 3 HE 911 W 06:00-08:50PM Ft Lauderdale CASTRO, STEPHANIE
MAN 6905 GLOBAL PROJECT 002 12921 10 1 1- 4 TBA Ft Lauderdale GOLDEN, PEGGY A. Permission needed from department
MAN 6937 GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT OF MANAGEMENT 002 12928 30 19 3 HE 914 M 06:00-08:50PM Ft Lauderdale RICHEY, BRENDA E
MAN 7931 ADV MGMT THEORY 002 12935 12 1 3 TBA Ft Lauderdale PETERSON, MARK F
MAN 7931 STRUCTURAL EQUATIONS MODELING 003 12936 12 3 3 HE 913C R 02:00-04:50PM Ft Lauderdale CASTRO, STEPHANIE
MAN 7980 DISSERTATION-MANAGEMENT S/U 002 12938 20 1-15 TBA Ft Lauderdale COOKE, DONNA K Permission needed from instructor
Courses offered at the Jupiter campus
MAN 3025 INTRO MGMT & ORGANIZTNL BEHAVIOR 009 12811 40 28 3 AD 103 MW 09:30-10:50AM Jupiter SHREVE, RICHARD R Junior or higher 010 12812 48 39 3 AD 102 W 07:10-10:00PM Jupiter MILLER, NORMAN L Junior or higher
MAN 3949 COOPERATIVE EDUCATION-BUSINESS S/U 002 12837 25 1- 4 TBA Jupiter RICHEY, BRENDA E Permission needed from instructor
MAN 4301 PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION 006 12843 40 26 3 AD 104 M 07:10-10:00PM Jupiter HERST, DAVID Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 or Prerequisite course required MAN 3030
MAN 4504 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT APPLCTNS 003 12853 40 12 3 AD 103 R 07:10-10:00PM Jupiter CERVENY, JANICE F Prerequisite course required QMB 3600 and Prerequisite course required MAN 3506 and Prerequisite course required ACG 2021
MAN 4600 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 006 12862 48 45 3 AD 103 W 07:10-10:00PM Jupiter KOSSACK, EDGAR W Junior or higher 007 12863 40 19 3 AD 103 MW 11:00-12:20PM Jupiter KOSSACK, EDGAR W Junior or higher
MAN 4690 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 003 12869 10 1- 4 TBA Jupiter TBA, STAFF Permission needed from department Junior or higher
MAN 4720 GLOBAL STRATEGY AND POLICY 011 12881 40 22 3 SR 209 T 07:10-10:00PM Jupiter BANERJI, KUNAL Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 and Prerequisite course required MAR 3023 and Prerequisite course required FIN 3403 and Prerequisite course required QMB 3600 Senior or higher 016 15017 40 33 3 AD 103 TR 11:00-12:20PM Jupiter SCHAFLER, L. ALAN Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 and Prerequisite course required MAR 3023 and Prerequisite course required FIN 3403 and Prerequisite course required QMB 3600 Senior or higher
MAN 4905 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 003 12891 10 1- 4 TBA Jupiter TBA, STAFF Permission needed from department Junior or higher
MAN 4940 MANAGEMENT INTERNSHIP 002 12895 40 1- 4 TBA Jupiter RICHEY, BRENDA E Permission needed from instructor Junior or higher
GEB 6215 GRAD BUS COMMUNICATION APPLCTNS S/U 006 12204 23 13 3 SR 269 W 07:10-10:00PM Jupiter BOYD, MARY K Dist Lrng - see Regular class using eCollege for some activities
MAN 6721 GLOBAL MGMT STRATEGY & POLICY 003 12915 16 6 3 HC 115 W 07:10-10:00PM Jupiter BANERJI, KUNAL
MAN 6943 GRADUATE MANAGEMENT INTERNSHIP 002 12932 20 1- 3 TBA Jupiter RICHEY, BRENDA E Permission needed from instructor
Courses offered at the Commercial campus

MAN 6721 GLOBAL MGMT STRATEGY & POLICY 004 12916 3 S 08:00-11:20AM Commercial GOLDEN, PEGGY A. CLOSED
Courses offered at the Port St.Lucie campus
MAN 3025 INTRO MGMT & ORGANIZTNL BEHAVIOR 011 12813 29 26 3 JU 319 W 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie HERST, DAVID Junior or higher Dist Lrng - see Web-Assisted regular class w/ less than 25 pct Web
MAN 3611 CROSS-CULTURAL HUM REL & NEG 004 12833 29 22 3 JU 319 R 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie GUGLIELMINO, PAUL Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 or Prerequisite course required MAN 3030 Junior or higher Regular class using Blackboard for some activities 007 15436 30 8 3 JU 319 MW 09:30-10:50AM Port St.Lucie GUGLIELMINO, PAUL Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 or Prerequisite course required MAN 3030 Junior or higher
MAN 4301 PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION 009 15013 30 8 3 JU 319 MW 11:00-12:20PM Port St.Lucie HERST, DAVID Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 or Prerequisite course required MAN 3030
MAN 4504 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT APPLCTNS 005 15016 3 T 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie CERVENY, JANICE F Prerequisite course required QMB 3600 and Prerequisite course required MAN 3506 and Prerequisite course required ACG 2021 CANCELLED
MAN 4600 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 008 12864 40 31 3 SL 103 M 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie KOSSACK, EDGAR W Junior or higher
MAN 4720 GLOBAL STRATEGY AND POLICY 012 12882 29 20 3 JU 335 M 07:10-10:00PM Port St.Lucie CERVENY, JANICE F Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 and Prerequisite course required MAR 3023 and Prerequisite course required FIN 3403 and Prerequisite course required QMB 3600 Senior or higher Regular class using Blackboard for some activities
MAN 4802 INTRO SMALL BUS ENTREPRENEURSHIP 003 15015 30 17 3 JU 319 T 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie GUGLIELMINO, PAUL Junior or higher
Courses offered as Distance Learning courses
MAN 4301 PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION 008 12845 30 34 3 TBA Distance Learning HERST, DAVID Prerequisite course required MAN 3025 or Prerequisite course required MAN 3030 Dist Lrng - see Fully online class that uses Blackboard CLOSED
GEB 6215 GRAD BUS COMMUNICATION APPLCTNS S/U 003 12201 20 15 3 TBA Distance Learning SYPNIEWSKA, AGA College of Business, $100.00 E-College Fee Dist Lrng - see Fully online class using eCollege S/U 010 15999 30 9 3 TBA Distance Learning NESBITT, LAURIE S Exec Masters of Forensic - XACF Permission needed from instructor Fully online class using eCollege S/U 011 16000 30 19 3 TBA Distance Learning LEZOTTE, JUDITH Exec Masters of Forensic - XACF Permission needed from instructor Fully online class using eCollege S/U 012 16001 30 20 3 TBA Distance Learning LEZOTTE, JUDITH Exec Masters of Forensic - XACF Permission needed from instructor Fully online class using eCollege S/U 013 16002 30 20 3 TBA Distance Learning FRISHMAN, STEPHAN Exec Masters of Forensic - XACF Permission needed from instructor Fully online class using eCollege
MAN 6245 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR 002 12902 29 24 3 TBA Distance Learning CASTRO, STEPHANIE College of Business, $100.00 E-College Fee Dist Lrng - see Fully online class using eCollege
MAN 6721 GLOBAL MGMT STRATEGY & POLICY 002 12914 30 30 3 TBA Distance Learning REUS, TACO College of Business, $100.00 E-College Fee Dist Lrng - see Permission needed from instructor Fully online class using eCollege CLOSED
MAN 6937 GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT OF MANAGEMENT 003 12929 35 24 3 TBA Distance Learning GOLDEN, PEGGY A. College of Business, $100.00 E-College Fee Dist Lrng - see Fully online class using eCollege
Courses offered at Other campuses
MAN 4956 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 001 12896 10 1 1- 4 TBA Other RICHEY, BRENDA E Permission needed from instructor
MAN 4957 CROSS-CULTURAL HUM REL & NEG 001 12897 10 1 1- 4 TBA Other RICHEY, BRENDA E Permission needed from instructor
MAN 4957 ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR 002 12898 10 1 1- 4 TBA Other RICHEY, BRENDA E Permission needed from instructor
MAN 4957 MANAGEMENT STUDY ABROAD 003 12899 10 1 1- 4 TBA Other RICHEY, BRENDA E Permission needed from instructor 004 12900 10 1- 4 TBA Other RICHEY, BRENDA E Permission needed from instructor
MAN 6609 CROSS-CULTURAL MGMT & HUMAN RES 001 15815 20 7 3 TBA Other PETERSON, MARK F Permission needed from department Important info at [Back to Index] [Back to Dept]