
ED Instructional Technology and Research

College of Education

Instructional Technology and Research Courses For Spring 2005

Last Updated: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 at 8.03.23

 Course    Course Title     Credit            Meeting    Meeting                       
Pref Num  Sec   Call# Cap Enrl     Bld/Room    Days       Time        Campus           Instructor             

Courses offered at the Boca Raton campus
EDF 3430 ED MEASUREMENT & EVALUATION 001 11344 25 26 3 ED 114 R 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton CELESTINO, RICHARD CLOSED 002 11345 25 22 3 PS 227 TR 12:30-01:50PM Boca Raton MOHAMMED, SHEREEZA 003 11346 25 25 3 ED 111 TR 02:00-03:20PM Boca Raton MOHAMMED, SHEREEZA CLOSED 004 11347 25 25 3 ED 116 W 01:00-03:50PM Boca Raton MESHBANE, ALICE CLOSED 005 11348 25 30 3 BU 307 M 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton CELESTINO, RICHARD CLOSED
EME 2040 INTRO TO EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY 001 11684 50 49 3 ED 337 T 09:00-11:50AM Boca Raton GORMAN, DON A ED 335 T 09:00-11:50AM Boca Raton College of Education $10.00 Lab Fee Dist Lrng - see Regular class using Blackboard for some activities
EME 2040 INTRO TO EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY 002 11685 50 48 3 ED 337 W 09:00-11:50AM Boca Raton GORMAN, DON A ED 335 W 09:00-11:50AM Boca Raton College of Education $10.00 Lab Fee Dist Lrng - see Regular class using Blackboard for some activities
EME 2040 INTRO TO EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY 003 11686 25 24 3 ED 337 T 01:00-03:50PM Boca Raton RODNEY, DESMOND W. College of Education $10.00 Lab Fee
EME 4810 APPLIED EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY 001 11688 25 24 3 ED 337 M 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton BERZOK, ROSANNA College of Education $10.00 Lab Fee 018 11705 25 25 3 ED 337 W 01:00-03:50PM Boca Raton SALEH, HANADI K College of Education $10.00 Lab Fee CLOSED
EDF 6481 EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH 001 11388 25 15 3 ED 464 T 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton DEMKO, DAVID J 002 11389 25 15 3 ED 337 W 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton LIEBERMAN, MARY G 003 11390 25 4 3 ED 411 M 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton COLEMAN-FERRELL, T
EDF 6905 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 001 16063 1 1 3 TBA Boca Raton VISSER, YUSRA Permission needed from instructor CLOSED
EDF 7482 ADVANCED EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH 001 11407 25 14 3 SO 370 S TB:A- Boca Raton MORRIS, JOHN D SO 276 S TB:A- Boca Raton Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm Important info at Fast Track Course Web-Assisted regular class w/ less than 25 pct Web
EME 6413 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING II 001 15368 25 16 3 SC 178 T 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton AMIRAULT, RAY Web-Assisted regular class w/ less than 25 pct Web
STA 6113 EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS 001 14461 25 26 3 ED 337 T 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton LIEBERMAN, MARY G CLOSED 002 14462 25 17 3 BU 401 R 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton LIEBERMAN, MARY G
STA 7114 ADVANCED STATISTICS 001 14477 25 6 3 ED 337 R 04:20-07:00PM Boca Raton MORRIS, JOHN D
Courses offered at the Davie campus
EDF 3430 ED MEASUREMENT & EVALUATION 006 11349 25 24 3 ES 102 M 01:00-03:50PM Davie VISAGGI, LINDA J. 007 11350 25 28 3 ES 121 R 04:20-07:00PM Davie PIETRZAK, BRIAN W CLOSED 008 11351 25 25 3 ES 122 W 04:20-07:00PM Davie VISAGGI, LINDA J. CLOSED 009 11352 25 28 3 ES 102 T 04:20-07:00PM Davie VISAGGI, LINDA J. CLOSED 013 11356 25 27 3 MD 100D M 07:10-10:00PM Davie PIETRZAK, BRIAN W CLOSED 014 15781 25 20 3 LA 240F MW 09:30-10:50AM Davie PIETRZAK, BRIAN W 015 15783 25 10 3 ES 103 MW 12:30-01:50PM Davie ENGER, JOHN
EME 4810 APPLIED EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY 002 11689 25 18 3 ES 105 T 01:00-03:50PM Davie BINDER, ANDREW D. College of Education $10.00 Lab Fee 003 11690 3 M 01:00-03:50PM Davie TBA, STAFF College of Education $10.00 Lab Fee CLOSED 004 11691 25 25 3 ES 105 W 04:20-07:00PM Davie MUSGROVE, ANN T. College of Education $10.00 Lab Fee CLOSED 005 11692 25 20 3 ES 105 T 04:20-07:00PM Davie BINDER, ANDREW D. College of Education $10.00 Lab Fee 006 11693 25 22 3 ES 105 R 01:00-03:50PM Davie OLIVER, ABIGAIL J. College of Education $10.00 Lab Fee 007 11694 25 15 3 ES 105 R 04:20-07:00PM Davie RODNEY, DESMOND W. College of Education $10.00 Lab Fee 008 11695 25 25 3 ES 105 M 04:20-07:00PM Davie MUSGROVE, ANN T. College of Education $10.00 Lab Fee CLOSED
EDF 6481 EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH 005 11392 25 10 3 LA 152 T 04:20-07:00PM Davie ENGER, JOHN
EME 6051 MODELS OF LEARNING & INSTRUCTION 001 15369 25 19 3 ES 121 M 04:20-07:00PM Davie AMIRAULT, RAY Web-Assisted regular class w/ less than 25 pct Web
EME 6623 EDUCATION IN THE DIGITAL WORLD 004 16065 25 19 3 ES 105 S TB:A- Davie SANDALS, LAURAN Broward DETA Program Permission needed from department Teaching and Leadership Center (954)236-1623 Important info at Fast Track Course 005 16797 25 26 3 LA 303F MTWRF TB:A- Davie VOIGT, RAYMOND Broward DETA Program Permission needed from department Teaching and Leadership Center (954)236-1623 Important info at Fast Track Course CLOSED 006 16798 25 3 ES 105 S TB:A- Davie VOIGT, RAYMOND Broward DETA Program Permission needed from department Teaching and Leadership Center (954)236-1623 Important info at Fast Track Course
STA 6113 EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS 005 14465 25 25 3 LA 303F M 04:20-07:00PM Davie ENGER, JOHN CLOSED
Courses offered at the Jupiter campus
EDF 3430 ED MEASUREMENT & EVALUATION 010 11353 25 24 3 SR 258 M 01:00-03:50PM Jupiter CAHILL, WILLIAM P 012 15370 25 25 3 SR 270 M 07:10-10:00PM Jupiter CAHILL, WILLIAM P CLOSED
EME 4810 APPLIED EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY 010 11697 23 22 3 SR 278 T 07:10-10:00PM Jupiter VOIGT, RAYMOND College of Education $10.00 Lab Fee Regular class using Blackboard for some activities 013 11700 23 20 3 SR 278 R 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter DITARANTO, MARY College of Education $10.00 Lab Fee Regular class using Blackboard for some activities
EDF 6481 EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH 008 15818 3 TBA Jupiter TBA, STAFF Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm CLOSED
STA 6113 EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS 004 14464 23 20 3 SR 278 M 04:20-07:00PM Jupiter CAHILL, WILLIAM P 007 15817 3 TBA Jupiter TBA, STAFF Meets Saturdays, 8:30am to 4:30pm CLOSED
Courses offered at the Port St.Lucie campus
EDF 3430 ED MEASUREMENT & EVALUATION 011 11354 25 24 3 CO 141 T 01:00-03:50PM Port St.Lucie CAHILL, WILLIAM P
EME 4810 APPLIED EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY 012 11699 25 14 3 CO 222 W 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie TORREGROSSA, ANITA College of Education $10.00 Lab Fee Regular class using Blackboard for some activities 020 15257 25 14 3 CO 222 M 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie TORREGROSSA, ANITA College of Education $10.00 Lab Fee Regular class using Blackboard for some activities
EDF 6481 EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH 004 11391 25 11 3 CO 141 T 04:20-07:00PM Port St.Lucie CAHILL, WILLIAM P
Courses offered as Distance Learning courses
EDF 3430 ED MEASUREMENT & EVALUATION 016 16221 32 17 3 TBA Distance Learning QUINTANA, MARK D Permission needed from instructor Professional Training & Development Dist Lrng - see Fully online class using the Internet
EME 4810 APPLIED EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY 009 11696 125 115 3 TBA Distance Learning CAFOLLA, RALPH TRAIGER, LAURA G College of Education $10.00 Lab Fee Dist Lrng - see Fully online class that uses Blackboard
EME 4810 APPLIED EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY 011 11698 25 24 3 TBA Distance Learning VISSER, YUSRA College of Education $10.00 Lab Fee Dist Lrng - see Fully online class that uses Blackboard
EDF 6481 EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH 006 11393 50 45 3 TBA Distance Learning KAUFFMAN, ALBERT D Dist Lrng - see Fully online class using the Internet
EDG 6255 INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM DEVELOPMNT 001 15730 25 18 3 TBA Distance Learning VISSER, YUSRA Dist Lrng - see Fully online class using the Internet
EME 6209 SELF-REGULATED LEARNING SYSTEMS 001 15732 25 10 3 TBA Distance Learning BINDER, ANDREW D. Dist Lrng - see Fully online class using the Internet
EME 6415 COURSEWARE DESIGN 002 15731 25 25 3 TBA Distance Learning VISSER, YUSRA Dist Lrng - see Fully online class using the Internet CLOSED
STA 6113 EDUCATIONAL STATISTICS 003 14463 50 41 3 TBA Distance Learning KAUFFMAN, ALBERT D Dist Lrng - see Fully online class using the Internet
Courses offered at Other campuses

EME 6623 EDUCATION IN THE DIGITAL WORLD 001 15849 25 17 3 F TB:A- Other VISSER, YUSRA Broward DETA Program Permission needed from department Teaching and Leadership Center (954)236-1623 Important info at Fast Track Course 002 15915 25 27 3 S TB:A- Other VOIGT, RAYMOND Broward DETA Program Permission needed from department Teaching and Leadership Center (954)236-1623 Important info at Fast Track Course CLOSED 003 16033 25 23 3 S TB:A- Other QUINTANA, MARK D Broward DETA Program Permission needed from department Teaching and Leadership Center (954)236-1623 Important info at Fast Track Course 007 16799 25 4 3 MTWRF TB:A- Other SANDALS, LAURAN Broward DETA Program Permission needed from department Teaching and Leadership Center (954)236-1623 Important info at Fast Track Course 008 16800 25 3 S TB:A- Other TBA, STAFF Broward DETA Program Permission needed from department Teaching and Leadership Center (954)236-1623 Important info at Fast Track Course 009 16801 25 3 S TB:A- Other TBA, STAFF Broward DETA Program Permission needed from department Teaching and Leadership Center (954)236-1623 Important info at Fast Track Course 010 16802 1 1 3 S 08:00-04:30PM Other QUINTANA, MARK D Important info at Fast Track Course CLOSED [Back to Index] [Back to Dept]