
SC Mathematical Sciences

C.E. Schmidt College of Science

Mathematical Sciences Courses For Fall 2005

Last Updated: Sunday, February 26, 2006 at 8.08.34

 Course    Course Title     Credit            Meeting    Meeting                       
Pref Num  Sec   Call# Cap Enrl     Bld/Room    Days       Time        Campus           Instructor             

Courses offered at the Boca Raton campus
CIS 4362 CRYPTOGRAPHY AND INFO SECURITY 001 15685 20 2 3 PS 112 MWF 02:00-02:50PM Boca Raton Magliveras, Spyros Prerequisite course required MAS 2103
MAA 4200 MODERN ANALYSIS 001 12742 30 9 3 PS 227 MWF 02:00-02:50PM Boca Raton Schonbek, Tomas P. Prerequisite course required MAC 2313 and Prerequisite course required MAD 2104
MAC 1105 COLLEGE ALGEBRA 001 12749 100 21 3 GN 101 MWF 07:00-07:50AM Boca Raton Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LAB Gordon Rule Course Important info at 002 12750 100 88 3 GN 102 MWF 08:00-08:50AM Boca Raton Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LAB Gordon Rule Course Important info at 003 12751 100 43 3 GS 118 MWF 08:00-08:50AM Boca Raton Petrela, Dashamir Activity corequisite required LAB Gordon Rule Course Important info at 004 12752 100 98 3 GS 118 MWF 09:00-09:50AM Boca Raton Petrela, Dashamir Activity corequisite required LAB Gordon Rule Course Important info at 005 12753 100 68 3 GS 120 MWF 09:00-09:50AM Boca Raton Vourtsanis, Yianni Activity corequisite required LAB Gordon Rule Course Important info at 006 12754 100 89 3 GN 102 MWF 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Moosai-Sitahal, Su Activity corequisite required LAB Gordon Rule Course Important info at 007 15284 100 85 3 GS 119 MWF 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Radulovic, Aibeng Gordon Rule Course Activity corequisite required LAB Important info at 008 12755 100 92 3 GS 118 MWF 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Radulovic, Aibeng Activity corequisite required LAB Gordon Rule Course Important info at 009 15285 100 62 3 AC 122 MWF 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Vourtsanis, Yianni Gordon Rule Course Activity corequisite required LAB 010 12756 100 98 3 GS 119 MWF 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Boynton, Jason G. Activity corequisite required LAB Gordon Rule Course Important info at 011 15286 100 53 3 AC 122 MWF 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Gonzalez, Madeline Gordon Rule Course Activity corequisite required LAB 012 12757 100 96 3 GS 120 MWF 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton Petrela, Dashamir Activity corequisite required LAB Gordon Rule Course Important info at 013 12758 100 72 3 AC 122 MWF 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton Vourtsanis, Yianni Activity corequisite required LAB Gordon Rule Course Important info at 014 12759 100 80 3 GS 118 MWF 02:00-02:50PM Boca Raton Graziose, James T. Activity corequisite required LAB Gordon Rule Course Important info at 015 12760 3 MWF 02:00-02:50PM Boca Raton Tba, Staff F 04:00-05:30PM Boca Raton Activity corequisite required LAB Gordon Rule Course Important info at CLOSED
MAC 1105 COLLEGE ALGEBRA 016 12761 100 78 3 PA 101 MWF 03:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Popova, Daniela B. Activity corequisite required LAB Gordon Rule Course Important info at 017 12762 100 41 3 GS 120 MWF 06:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Popova, Daniela B. Gordon Rule Course Activity corequisite required LAB Important info at
MAC 1105 Laboratory 020 12808 23 7 0 SC 179 M 07:00-07:50AM Boca Raton Bakhsh, Shaleza Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 021 12811 23 16 0 PS 113 M 08:00-08:50AM Boca Raton Sarikaya, Sema Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 022 12812 23 15 0 BU 405 M 09:00-09:50AM Boca Raton Green, Dana Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 023 15287 23 9 0 PS 109 M 09:00-09:50AM Boca Raton Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC 024 15288 23 16 0 BU 208 M 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Megala, Peter Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 025 12813 23 14 0 GS 109 M 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Neupane, Kashi Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 026 12814 23 13 0 GS 117 M 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Sarikaya, Sema Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 027 12815 23 12 0 SO 276 M 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Ilic, Ivana Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 028 12816 0 SO 276 M 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC CLOSED 029 12766 23 14 0 PS 227 M 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton Fletcher, Elizabet Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 030 12767 23 14 0 GS 110 M 03:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Megala, Peter Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 031 12768 23 14 0 GS 117 M 04:00-04:50PM Boca Raton Wachtel, Joseph Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 032 12769 23 15 0 GS 111 M 05:00-05:50PM Boca Raton Sasaki, Nami Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 033 12770 23 13 0 BU 401 M 07:00-07:50PM Boca Raton Swaine, Joseph R. Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 034 12771 23 10 0 BU 405 T 07:00-07:50AM Boca Raton Payen, Jessy Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 035 12772 23 11 0 BU 405 T 08:00-08:50AM Boca Raton Payen, Jessy Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 036 12773 23 15 0 PS 111 T 09:00-09:50AM Boca Raton Neupane, Kashi Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 037 15289 23 12 0 PS 227 T 09:00-09:50AM Boca Raton Payen, Jessy Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 038 15290 0 T 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Payen, Jessy Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC CLOSED
MAC 1105 Laboratory 039 12774 23 8 0 PS 227 T 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Sarikaya, Sema Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 040 12775 23 12 0 BU 405 T 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Sasaki, Nami Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 041 12776 23 21 0 BU 405 T 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Johnson, Mary G. Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 042 12777 23 18 0 PS 113 T 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton Megala, Peter Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 043 12778 23 14 0 SO 276 T 02:00-02:50PM Boca Raton Johnson, Mary G. Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 044 12779 23 12 0 BU 405 T 04:00-04:50PM Boca Raton Bakhsh, Shaleza Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 045 12780 23 17 0 SO 276 T 06:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Israel, Arie Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 046 12781 23 7 0 PS 113 W 08:00-08:50AM Boca Raton Israel, Arie Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 047 12782 23 12 0 PS 227 W 09:00-09:50AM Boca Raton Ilic, Ivana Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 048 15291 23 16 0 PS 109 W 09:00-09:50AM Boca Raton Kosloff, Leonardo Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 049 15292 23 15 0 BU 405 W 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Polsani, Nirmala Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 050 12783 23 15 0 ED 115 W 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Swaine, Joseph R. Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 051 12784 23 18 0 BU 405 W 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Kosloff, Leonardo Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 052 12785 23 12 0 GS 103 W 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Megala, Peter Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 053 12786 23 14 0 SO 276 W 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Green, Dana Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 054 12787 23 13 0 SO 276 W 03:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Green, Dana Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 055 12788 23 15 0 SO 276 W 04:00-04:50PM Boca Raton Richman, Timothy Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 056 12789 23 16 0 SO 276 W 05:00-05:50PM Boca Raton Wachtel, Joseph Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 057 12790 23 12 0 SC 178 W 07:00-07:50PM Boca Raton Kosloff, Leonardo Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 058 12791 23 6 0 SC 178 R 08:00-08:50AM Boca Raton Neupane, Kashi Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 059 12792 23 17 0 PS 227 R 09:00-09:50AM Boca Raton Johnson, Mary G. Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 060 15293 23 14 0 SC 178 R 09:00-09:50AM Boca Raton Sasaki, Nami Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 061 15294 23 14 0 GS 108 R 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Ilic, Ivana Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 062 12793 23 13 0 BU 405 R 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Raney, Lee Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 063 12794 0 BU 405 R 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Thompson, Kristin Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC CLOSED
MAC 1105 Laboratory 064 12795 23 16 0 BU 401 R 12:30-01:20PM Boca Raton Thompson, Kristin Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 065 12796 23 9 0 SO 276 R 02:00-02:50PM Boca Raton Polsani, Nirmala Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 066 12797 23 11 0 BU 409 R 03:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Fletcher, Elizabet Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 067 12798 23 17 0 BU 405 R 04:00-04:50PM Boca Raton Polsani, Nirmala Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 068 12799 23 12 0 SO 276 R 05:00-05:50PM Boca Raton Goldman, Josiah Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 069 12800 23 13 0 SO 276 R 06:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Richman, Timothy Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 070 12801 23 10 0 PS 113 F 08:00-08:50AM Boca Raton Bakhsh, Shaleza Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 071 12802 23 13 0 PS 109 F 09:00-09:50AM Boca Raton Sasaki, Nami Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 072 12817 23 18 0 BU 405 F 09:00-09:50AM Boca Raton Fletcher, Elizabet Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 073 12803 23 14 0 BU 405 F 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Polsani, Nirmala Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 074 12804 23 18 0 BU 403 F 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Johnson, Mary G. Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 075 12805 23 16 0 SC 179 F 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton Wachtel, Joseph Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 076 12806 23 16 0 SC 179 F 02:00-02:50PM Boca Raton Wachtel, Joseph Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 077 12807 23 14 0 SC 179 F 03:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Raney, Lee Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 078 12809 23 11 0 SC 179 W 07:00-07:50AM Boca Raton Bakhsh, Shaleza Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC
MAC 1105 Laboratory 079 12810 0 F 07:00-07:50AM Boca Raton Bakhsh, Shaleza Pina, Philip A. Activity corequisite required LEC CLOSED
MAC 1114 TRIGONOMETRY 001 12818 3 MWF 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Petrela, Dashamir Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 and Prerequisite test required TSMATHPALGB Gordon Rule Course Visit, CLOSED 002 12819 40 39 3 PS 227 M 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Petrela, Dashamir GS 208 W 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton PS 112 F 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 and Prerequisite test required TSMATHPALGB Gordon Rule Course Visit,
MAC 1114 TRIGONOMETRY 003 12820 3 MWF 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Booton, Barry Owen Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 and Prerequisite test required TSMATHPALGB Gordon Rule Course Visit, CLOSED 004 12822 40 22 3 GS 110 TR 08:00-09:20AM Boca Raton Booton, Barry Owen Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 and Prerequisite test required TSMATHPALGB Gordon Rule Course Visit,
MAC 1140 PRECALCULUS ALGEBRA 001 12826 40 43 3 GS 117 MWF 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Villanyi, Viktoria Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 and Prerequisite test required TSMATHPALGB Gordon Rule Course Visit, CLOSED 002 12827 3 MWF 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton Tba, Staff Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 and Prerequisite test required TSMATHPALGB Gordon Rule Course Visit, CLOSED 003 12828 33 34 3 GS 111 MWF 03:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Vourtsanis, Yianni Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 and Prerequisite test required TSMATHPALGB Gordon Rule Course Visit, CLOSED
MAC 1147 PRECALCULUS ALGEBRA & TRIG 002 15296 40 12 5 PS 112 MW 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Booton, Barry Owen PS 112 TR 09:30-10:50AM Boca Raton Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 and Prerequisite test required TSMATHPALGB Gordon Rule Course Visit,
MAC 1147 PRECALCULUS ALGEBRA & TRIG 003 15297 40 18 5 GS 117 MW 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton Booton, Barry Owen GS 117 TR 12:30-01:50PM Boca Raton Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 and Prerequisite test required TSMATHPALGB Gordon Rule Course Visit,
MAC 2233 METHODS OF CALCULUS 001 15298 45 18 3 GS 115 MWF 07:00-07:50AM Boca Raton Goldwyn, Roger M. Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 Gordon Rule Course 002 12835 45 17 3 GS 115 MWF 08:00-08:50AM Boca Raton Ay, Basak Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 Gordon Rule Course 003 12836 45 22 3 GS 111 MWF 08:00-08:50AM Boca Raton Goldwyn, Roger M. Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 Gordon Rule Course 004 12837 45 28 3 GS 115 MWF 09:00-09:50AM Boca Raton Kalis, Jan Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 Gordon Rule Course 005 12838 45 17 3 GS 116 MWF 09:00-09:50AM Boca Raton Caliskan, Cafer Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 Gordon Rule Course 006 12839 45 45 3 GS 115 MWF 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Anez, Myriam T. Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 Gordon Rule Course CLOSED 007 12840 45 43 3 GS 116 MWF 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Chiorescu, Marcela Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 Gordon Rule Course 008 12841 45 45 3 GS 115 MWF 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Hopkins, Mary Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 Gordon Rule Course CLOSED 009 12842 45 43 3 GS 116 MWF 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Gonzalez, Madeline Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 Gordon Rule Course 010 12843 45 43 3 GS 101 MWF 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Singhi, Nidhi Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 Gordon Rule Course 011 12844 45 32 3 ED 115 MWF 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Singhi, Nikhil Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 Gordon Rule Course 012 12845 45 32 3 GS 115 MWF 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton Sullivan, Shaun Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 Gordon Rule Course 013 12846 45 43 3 ED 115 MWF 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton Mcleod, Samantha M Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 Gordon Rule Course 014 12847 45 44 3 GS 115 MWF 02:00-02:50PM Boca Raton Gjikuria, Alketa Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 Gordon Rule Course 015 12848 3 MWF 02:00-02:50PM Boca Raton Tba, Staff Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 Gordon Rule Course CLOSED 016 12849 45 18 3 GS 115 MWF 03:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Tiwari, Shanaz Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 Gordon Rule Course 017 12850 45 14 3 GS 111 MWF 04:00-04:50PM Boca Raton Marshall, Mario Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 Gordon Rule Course 018 12851 45 20 3 GS 115 MWF 06:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Gao, Wei Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 Gordon Rule Course 019 12852 45 23 3 GS 111 MWF 06:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Mihnea, Amy Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 Gordon Rule Course
MAC 2311 CALCULUS-ANALYTIC GEOMETRY I 001 12853 4 MWRF 09:00-09:50AM Boca Raton Goldwyn, Roger M. Prerequisite course required MAC 1140 and Prerequisite course required MAC 1114 and Prerequisite test required TSMATHPTOT or Prerequisite course required MAC 1147 and Prerequisite test required TSMATHPTOT Gordon Rule Course Visit, CLOSED 002 12854 35 39 4 GS 108 MWRF 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Richman, Fred Prerequisite course required MAC 1140 and Prerequisite course required MAC 1114 and Prerequisite test required TSMATHPTOT or Prerequisite course required MAC 1147 and Prerequisite test required TSMATHPTOT Gordon Rule Course Visit, CLOSED 003 12855 35 34 4 GS 108 MWRF 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton Popova, Daniela B. Prerequisite course required MAC 1140 and Prerequisite course required MAC 1114 and Prerequisite test required TSMATHPTOT or Prerequisite course required MAC 1147 and Prerequisite test required TSMATHPTOT Gordon Rule Course Visit, 004 12856 35 27 4 GS 108 MWRF 02:00-02:50PM Boca Raton Matheis, Kenneth Prerequisite course required MAC 1140 and Prerequisite course required MAC 1114 and Prerequisite test required TSMATHPTOT or Prerequisite course required MAC 1147 and Prerequisite test required TSMATHPTOT Gordon Rule Course Visit, 005 12857 35 12 4 GS 108 MWRF 03:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Ford, Timothy J. Prerequisite course required MAC 1140 and Prerequisite course required MAC 1114 and Prerequisite test required TSMATHPTOT or Prerequisite course required MAC 1147 and Prerequisite test required TSMATHPTOT Gordon Rule Course Visit,
MAC 2311 CALCULUS ANALYT GEOM 1 HONORS 006 15299 4 TR 02:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Locke, Stephen C. Prerequisite course required MAC 1140 and Prerequisite course required MAC 1114 and Prerequisite test required TSMATHPTOT or Prerequisite course required MAC 1147 and Prerequisite test required TSMATHPTOT Gordon Rule Course Visit, CANCELLED
MAC 2312 CALCULUS-ANALYTIC GEOMETRY II 001 12859 33 30 4 SC 178 MWRF 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Milman, Mario M. Prerequisite course required MAC 2311 Gordon Rule Course 002 12860 33 31 4 SC 178 MWRF 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Goldwyn, Roger M. Prerequisite course required MAC 2311 Gordon Rule Course 003 12861 33 30 4 SC 178 MWRF 02:00-02:50PM Boca Raton Goldwyn, Roger M. Prerequisite course required MAC 2311 Gordon Rule Course 004 15300 33 24 4 SC 178 MWRF 03:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Schonbek, Tomas P. Prerequisite course required MAC 2311 Gordon Rule Course
MAC 2313 CALCULUS-ANALYTIC GEOMETRY III 001 12865 35 32 4 PS 113 MWRF 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Wess, Mark A. Prerequisite course required MAC 2312 002 12866 35 13 4 PS 113 MWRF 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Locke, Stephen C. Prerequisite course required MAC 2312 003 12867 35 34 4 PS 113 MWRF 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton Wang, Yuan Prerequisite course required MAC 2312
MAC 2313 CALCULUS ANALYT GEOM 3 HONORS 004 12868 4 MWRF 03:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Ford, Timothy J. Prerequisite course required MAC 2312 Permission needed from instructor CLOSED
MAD 2104 DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 001 12869 40 43 3 PS 112 MWF 08:00-08:50AM Boca Raton Viola-Prioli, Jorg Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 or Prerequisite course required MAC 1140 or Prerequisite course required MAC 1114 or Prerequisite course required MAC 2311 or Prerequisite course required MAC 2312 Gordon Rule Course CLOSED 002 12870 40 38 3 GS 101 MWF 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Viola-Prioli, Jorg Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 or Prerequisite course required MAC 1140 or Prerequisite course required MAC 1114 or Prerequisite course required MAC 2311 or Prerequisite course required MAC 2312 Gordon Rule Course 003 12871 40 31 3 GS 110 MWF 02:00-02:50PM Boca Raton Yiu, Paul Y. Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 or Prerequisite course required MAC 1140 or Prerequisite course required MAC 1114 or Prerequisite course required MAC 2311 or Prerequisite course required MAC 2312 Gordon Rule Course
MAD 2502 INTRO TO COMPUTATIONAL MATH 001 12873 30 23 3 SO 111 MWF 02:00-02:50PM Boca Raton Sramka, Michal
MAD 3400 NUMERICAL METHODS 001 12874 25 14 3 SC 178 MWF 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton Lin, Yuandan Prerequisite course required MAC 2312
MAP 2302 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS I 001 13023 40 37 3 GS 108 MWF 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Bozovic, Vladimir Prerequisite course required MAC 2312 Gordon Rule Course 002 13024 40 32 3 GS 109 MWF 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Milman, Mario M. Prerequisite course required MAC 2312 Gordon Rule Course
MAP 4172 ACTUARIAL MATHEMATICS 1 001 13026 3 MW 07:10-08:30PM Boca Raton Tba, Staff Prerequisite course required MAC 2311 and Prerequisite course required MAC 2312 and Prerequisite course required MAC 2313 and Prerequisite course required STA 4442 Course available for Pass/Fail or Regular Grade CANCELLED
MAP 4306 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS II 001 13027 35 4 3 PS 227 MWF 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Lin, Yuandan Prerequisite course required MAC 2313 and Prerequisite course required MAP 3305 or Prerequisite course required MAC 2313 and Prerequisite course required MAP 2302
MAS 2103 MATRIX THEORY 001 13113 40 25 3 GS 101 TR 04:00-05:20PM Boca Raton Lubarsky, Robert Prerequisite course required MAC 2311 or Prerequisite course required MAC 2233 004 13116 29 27 3 GS 110 MWF 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Meyerowitz, Aaron Prerequisite course required MAC 2311 or Prerequisite course required MAC 2233
MAS 3203 INTRODUCTORY NUMBER THEORY 001 13117 30 22 3 PS 109 MWF 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Zhang, Xiao-Dong
MAS 4107 LINEAR ALGEBRA 2 001 15302 30 18 3 PS 112 MWF 09:00-09:50AM Boca Raton Klingler, Lee C.
MAS 4301 MODERN ALGEBRA 001 13119 30 12 3 GS 101 MW 05:00-06:20PM Boca Raton Ford, Timothy J. Prerequisite course required MAD 2104
MAT 1930 HONORS SEMINAR IN MATHEMATICS 001 13124 20 5 3 SC 178 TR 05:30-06:50PM Boca Raton Lubarsky, Robert Gordon Rule Course Permission needed from instructor
MAT 3949 COOPERATIVE EDUCATION-MATH S/U 001 13128 10 1- 2 TBA Boca Raton Tba, Staff Permission needed from instructor
MAT 4906 TOPICS IN MATHEMATICS 001 13129 10 1 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton Magliveras, Spyros Permission needed from instructor
MAT 4906 PROBLEM SOLVING 2 003 16989 1 1 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton Locke, Stephen C. CLOSED
MAT 4930 INTRO ABSTRACT ALGEBRA 1 001 15303 10 3 3 PS 111 MWF 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Richman, Fred Permission needed from instructor
MAT 4930 TOPICS IN GRAPH THEORY 002 15304 10 2 3 SO 111 MWF 03:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Locke, Stephen C. Permission needed from instructor
MAT 4930 INTRODUCTORY ANALYSIS 1 003 15305 10 3 3 SO 370 MWF 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Zhang, Xiao-Dong Permission needed from instructor
MAT 4930 NUMBER THEORY AND CRYPTOGRAPHY 004 15895 15 8 3 SC 179 TR 05:00-06:20PM Boca Raton Wei, Wandi
MAT 4930 COMPLEX ANALYSIS I 005 16191 3 3 SO 385 MWF 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton Schonbek, Tomas P. Permission needed from instructor
MAT 4930 ABSTRACT ALGEBRA I 006 16192 3 3 PS 113 MWF 09:00-09:50AM Boca Raton Brewer, James W. Permission needed from instructor
MAT 4930 HARMONIC ANALYSIS 007 16213 5 3 SC 179 TR 09:30-10:50AM Boca Raton Sagher, Yoram
MAT 4937 MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM SOLVING 001 13132 30 6 3 SC 180 TR 12:30-01:50PM Boca Raton Meyerowitz, Aaron
MAT 4970 HONORS THESIS IN MATHEMATICS 001 15737 10 3 TBA Boca Raton Tba, Staff Permission needed from instructor
MGF 1106 MATH FOR LIBERAL ARTS I 001 13182 100 99 3 SO 250 MWF 08:00-08:50AM Boca Raton Radulescu, Dan Gordon Rule Course 002 13183 100 99 3 ED 119 MWF 03:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Lembeck, Laura Gordon Rule Course 003 13184 100 104 3 BU 120 MWF 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Radulescu, Dan Gordon Rule Course CLOSED 004 13185 3 MWF 03:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Tba, Staff Gordon Rule Course CLOSED 005 13186 100 100 3 GS 120 TR 11:00-12:20PM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. Gordon Rule Course CLOSED 006 13187 100 88 3 GS 120 TR 12:30-01:50PM Boca Raton Lubarsky, Robert Gordon Rule Course 007 13188 100 95 3 GS 118 TR 08:00-09:20AM Boca Raton Radulescu, Dan Gordon Rule Course 008 15310 100 100 3 GS 119 TR 09:30-10:50AM Boca Raton Radulescu, Dan Gordon Rule Course CLOSED
MGF 1107 MATH FOR LIBERAL ARTS II 001 13189 100 25 3 PA 101 TR 08:00-09:20AM Boca Raton Hoffman, Frederick Gordon Rule Course 002 13190 100 83 3 PA 101 TR 09:30-10:50AM Boca Raton Hoffman, Frederick Gordon Rule Course 003 15311 100 95 3 AC 122 TR 11:00-12:20PM Boca Raton Lembeck, Laura Gordon Rule Course
MTG 3212 SURVEY OF GEOMETRY 001 13252 30 15 3 GS 110 MWF 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Yiu, Paul Y. Prerequisite course required MAD 2104
STA 2023 INTRODUCTORY STATISTICS 001 14409 100 95 3 GS 118 TR 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton Xu, Yanzhou Gordon Rule Course Activity corequisite required LAB 002 14410 100 101 3 GS 118 TR 02:00-02:50PM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. Gordon Rule Course Activity corequisite required LAB CLOSED 003 15313 100 68 3 GS 118 TR 03:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Xu, Yanzhou Gordon Rule Course Activity corequisite required LAB 004 14411 100 38 3 GS 118 TR 04:00-04:50PM Boca Raton Radulovic, Dragan Gordon Rule Course Activity corequisite required LAB 005 14412 100 86 3 GN 102 TR 06:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. Gordon Rule Course Activity corequisite required LAB 006 14413 100 64 3 GS 118 TR 07:00-07:50PM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. Gordon Rule Course Activity corequisite required LAB
STA 2023 Laboratory 008 14434 20 15 0 BU 208 M 09:00-09:50AM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. BU 405 M 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Section corequisite required STA 2023001
STA 2023 Laboratory 009 14435 20 16 0 SO 276 M 09:00-09:50AM Boca Raton Portal-Palomo, Dia ED 114 M 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. Section corequisite required STA 2023002
STA 2023 Laboratory 010 14436 20 13 0 PS 113 M 05:00-05:50PM Boca Raton Tiwari, Harkush ED 117 M 06:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. Section corequisite required STA 2023006
STA 2023 Laboratory 011 14437 20 18 0 ED 117 M 05:00-05:50PM Boca Raton Portal-Palomo, Dia SC 178 M 06:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. Section corequisite required STA 2023006
STA 2023 Laboratory 012 14414 20 12 0 SC 178 T 08:30-09:20AM Boca Raton Perera, Sandun ED 117 T 09:30-10:20AM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. Section corequisite required STA 2023003
STA 2023 Laboratory 013 14438 0 ED 117 T 08:30-09:20AM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. ED 113 T 09:30-10:20AM Boca Raton Section corequisite required STA 2023004 CLOSED
STA 2023 Laboratory 014 14415 20 19 0 ED 117 T 10:30-11:20AM Boca Raton Fan, Jin GN 102 T 11:30-12:20PM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. Section corequisite required STA 2023001
STA 2023 Laboratory 015 14416 20 22 0 PS 113 T 10:30-11:20AM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. ED 117 T 11:30-12:20PM Boca Raton Section corequisite required STA 2023002 CLOSED
STA 2023 Laboratory 016 14417 20 16 0 ED 117 T 07:10-08:00PM Boca Raton Gitlen, Geoffrey PS 113 T 08:10-09:00PM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. Section corequisite required STA 2023005
STA 2023 Laboratory 017 14418 20 19 0 PS 113 T 07:10-08:00PM Boca Raton Liu, Zhihua ED 117 T 08:10-09:00PM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. Section corequisite required STA 2023005
STA 2023 Laboratory 018 14419 20 13 0 BU 402 W 09:00-09:50AM Boca Raton Tiwari, Harkush BU 401 W 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. Section corequisite required STA 2023003
STA 2023 Laboratory 019 14420 20 12 0 SO 276 W 09:00-09:50AM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. BU 203 W 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Section corequisite required STA 2023004
STA 2023 Laboratory 020 14421 20 16 0 SC 179 W 05:00-05:50PM Boca Raton Chang, Fazhe ED 117 W 06:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. Section corequisite required STA 2023006
STA 2023 Laboratory 021 14422 20 16 0 ED 117 W 05:00-05:50PM Boca Raton Liu, Zhihua SC 179 W 06:00-06:50PM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. Section corequisite required STA 2023006
STA 2023 Laboratory 022 14423 20 16 0 ED 117 R 08:30-09:20AM Boca Raton Perera, Sandun SO 385 R 09:30-10:20AM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. Section corequisite required STA 2023001
STA 2023 Laboratory 023 14424 20 21 0 PS 111 R 08:30-09:20AM Boca Raton Chang, Fazhe ED 117 R 09:30-10:20AM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. Section corequisite required STA 2023002 CLOSED
STA 2023 Laboratory 024 14425 20 21 0 ED 117 R 10:30-11:20AM Boca Raton Fan, Jin ED 114 R 11:30-12:20PM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. Section corequisite required STA 2023003 CLOSED
STA 2023 Laboratory 025 14426 20 14 0 SO 385 R 10:30-11:20AM Boca Raton Chang, Fazhe ED 117 R 11:30-12:20PM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. Section corequisite required STA 2023004
STA 2023 Laboratory 026 14427 20 19 0 ED 117 R 07:10-08:00PM Boca Raton Gitlen, Geoffrey SC 178 R 08:10-09:00PM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. Section corequisite required STA 2023005
STA 2023 Laboratory 027 14428 20 18 0 SC 178 R 07:10-08:00PM Boca Raton Liu, Zhihua ED 117 R 08:10-09:00PM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. Section corequisite required STA 2023005
STA 2023 Laboratory 028 14429 20 16 0 ED 117 F 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. PS 113 F 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Section corequisite required STA 2023001
STA 2023 Laboratory 029 14430 20 10 0 PS 111 F 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Tiwari, Harkush ED 117 F 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. Section corequisite required STA 2023002
STA 2023 Laboratory 030 14431 20 12 0 PS 113 S 09:00-09:50AM Boca Raton Portal-Palomo, Dia ED 117 S 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. Section corequisite required STA 2023003
STA 2023 Laboratory 031 14432 0 ED 117 S 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. PS 113 S 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Section corequisite required STA 2023004 CLOSED
STA 2023 Laboratory 032 14433 20 6 0 PS 113 S 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Portal-Palomo, Dia ED 117 S 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Kizlik, Stephen V. Section corequisite required STA 2023001
STA 3163 INTERMEDIATE STATISTICS 001 14440 30 4 2 GS 109 MW 03:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Xu, Yanzhou Prerequisite course required STA 2023 Course corequisite required STAL3163 Gordon Rule Course
STA 4222 PLANNING INVESTIGATIONS 001 14441 3 MWF 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Radulovic, Dragan Prerequisite course required STA 4234 and Prerequisite course required MAC 2312 CLOSED
STA 4442 PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS I 001 14443 40 12 3 GS 115 MWF 05:00-05:50PM Boca Raton Niederhausen, Hein Prerequisite course required MAC 2312
STA 4618 LINEAR PROGRAMMING & GAME THRY 001 15312 25 10 3 PS 109 MWF 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton Wei, Wandi Prerequisite course required MAS 2103
STA 4906 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 001 14447 10 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton Tba, Staff Permission needed from instructor
STA 4930 STAT METHD/ENVIRN SCIENCE 001 15314 15 3 PS 113 MWF 02:00-02:50PM Boca Raton Long, Hongwei Permission needed from instructor
STAL3163 INTERMEDIATE STATISTICS LAB 004 14469 30 4 1 SO 276 F 02:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Xu, Yanzhou Course corequisite required STA 3163 Gordon Rule Course
MAA 5228 INTRODUCTORY ANALYSIS 1 001 12744 18 18 3 SO 370 MWF 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Zhang, Xiao-Dong CLOSED
MAA 6306 REAL ANALYSIS I 001 12745 20 5 3 SC 178 MWF 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Wang, Yuan
MAA 6406 COMPLEX ANALYSIS 1 001 12746 19 7 3 SO 385 MWF 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton Schonbek, Tomas P.
MAA 6416 HARMONIC ANALYSIS 001 12747 20 7 3 SC 179 TR 09:30-10:50AM Boca Raton Sagher, Yoram
MAA 6416 ANALYSIS PRO SEMINAR 002 15774 15 1 TR TB:A- Boca Raton Tba, Staff Permission needed from instructor
MAA 6416 ANALYSIS SEMINAR 003 15775 15 1 TR TB:A- Boca Raton Tba, Staff Permission needed from instructor
MAA 6506 TOPICS IN FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS 001 12748 20 3 SC 178 MWF 09:00-09:50AM Boca Raton Tba, Staff
MAD 6206 COMBINATORICS 1 001 12875 20 3 3 PS 113 MWF 04:00-04:50PM Boca Raton Niederhausen, Hein
MAD 6209 TOPICS IN GRAPH THEORY 001 15301 20 7 3 SO 111 MWF 03:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Locke, Stephen C.
MAD 6209 TOPICS IN COMBINATORICS 002 16335 3 1 3 BU 112 MWF 04:00-04:50PM Boca Raton Niederhausen, Hein
MAD 6478 CRYPTANALYSIS 001 15308 30 9 3 SC 179 TR 12:30-01:50PM Boca Raton Steinwandt, Rainer
MAD 6607 CODING THEORY 001 12876 3 TR 09:30-10:50AM Boca Raton Meyerowitz, Aaron CANCELLED
MAS 5311 INTRO ABSTRACT ALGEBRA 1 001 13121 20 17 3 PS 111 MWF 10:00-10:50AM Boca Raton Richman, Fred
MAS 6217 NUMBER THEORY AND CRYPTOGRAPHY 001 15309 16 5 3 SC 179 TR 05:00-06:20PM Boca Raton Wei, Wandi
MAS 6313 ABSTRACT ALGEBRA 1 001 13122 20 9 3 PS 113 MWF 09:00-09:50AM Boca Raton Brewer, James W.
MAS 6396 TOPICS IN ALGEBRA 001 13123 15 1 SC 178 T 02:00-03:20PM Boca Raton Klingler, Lee C.
MAS 6396 ADVANCED LINEAR ALGEBRA 002 15909 3 TR 09:30-10:50AM Boca Raton Viola-Prioli, Jorg CANCELLED
MAS 6396 NON-NOETHERIAN RINGS 003 15988 15 7 3 SE 215 MWF 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton Klingler, Lee C. Permission needed from instructor
MAS 6396 ADVANCED COMMUTATIVE ALGEBRA 004 16200 10 4 3 SE 215 MWF 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton Brewer, James W. Richman, Fred Permission needed from instructor
MAT 5932 CRYPTOGRAPHY AND INFO SECURITY 001 15306 20 13 3 PS 112 MWF 02:00-02:50PM Boca Raton Magliveras, Spyros
MAT 5932 TOPICS IN ANALYSIS 002 16354 10 9 3 SC 179 M 10:00-10:45PM Boca Raton Sagher, Yoram Permission needed from instructor
MAT 5946 SUPV UNIV INSTRUCTION IN MATH S/U 001 13135 20 2 3 PS 111 TR 04:00-05:20PM Boca Raton Locke, Stephen C. Permission needed from instructor
MAT 6907 GROUP THEORY 001 13136 10 1 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton Magliveras, Spyros Permission needed from instructor
MAT 6907 ALGEBRAIC NUMBER THEORY 002 16050 30 1 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton Klingler, Lee C. Permission needed from instructor
MAT 6907 ANALYTIC NUMBER THEORY 003 16991 1 1 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton Zhang, Xiao-Dong CLOSED
MAT 6907 ADV COMMUTATIVE RINGS 004 17000 2 2 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton Klingler, Lee C. Brewer, James W. CLOSED
MAT 6907 ALGEBRAIC CODING THEORY 005 17002 1 1 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton Hoffman, Frederick CLOSED
MAT 6907 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 006 17011 1 1 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton Wang, Yuan CLOSED
MAT 6971 MASTER'S THESIS S/U 001 13144 10 1 1- 6 TBA Boca Raton Yiu, Paul Y. Permission needed from instructor S/U 002 16998 1 1 1- 6 TBA Boca Raton Radulovic, Dragan CLOSED
MAT 7978 ADV. RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS S/U 001 13145 10 1- 9 TBA Boca Raton Tba, Staff Permission needed from instructor S/U 002 16929 2 2 1- 9 TBA Boca Raton Milman, Mario M. CLOSED S/U 003 16930 1 1 1- 9 TBA Boca Raton Magliveras, Spyros CLOSED S/U 004 16931 1 1 1- 9 TBA Boca Raton Steinwandt, Rainer CLOSED
MAT 7980 DISSERTATION S/U 001 13146 10 1 1-12 TBA Boca Raton Qian, Lianfen Permission needed from instructor S/U 002 16993 2 2 1-12 TBA Boca Raton Kalies, William D. CLOSED S/U 003 16994 2 2 1-12 TBA Boca Raton Magliveras, Spyros CLOSED S/U 004 16995 1 1 1-12 TBA Boca Raton Steinwandt, Rainer CLOSED S/U 005 16997 1 1 1-12 TBA Boca Raton Klingler, Lee C. CLOSED
STA 6206 STAT METHD/ENVIRN SCIENCE 001 14458 20 4 3 PS 113 MWF 02:00-02:50PM Boca Raton Long, Hongwei
STA 6444 MATHEMATICAL PROBABILITY 001 14459 15 4 3 SE 215 MWF 03:00-03:50PM Boca Raton Long, Hongwei
STA 6446 STOCHASTIC PROCESSES/APPLCATNS 001 15315 25 5 3 SE 271 TR 10:00-11:50AM Boca Raton Radulovic, Dragan
STA 6907 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 001 14460 10 1 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton Sagher, Yoram Permission needed from instructor
STA 6907 ADV SURVIVAL ANALYSIS 002 16992 2 2 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton Qian, Lianfen CLOSED
Courses offered at the Davie campus
MAS 2103 MATRIX THEORY 003 13115 30 9 3 LA 152 MW 05:30-06:50PM Davie Lubarsky, Robert Prerequisite course required MAC 2311 or Prerequisite course required MAC 2233
MAS 3203 INTRODUCTORY NUMBER THEORY 002 13118 3 MW 07:10-08:30PM Davie Lubarsky, Robert CLOSED
MAE 5935 STANDARDS-BASED MID SCHL MATH3 001 15869 25 14 3 W 04:20-07:00PM Davie Voss, Richard F. Permission needed from instructor
MAE 5935 STDS-BASED MID SCHL MATH 1 002 16230 25 13 3 W 04:20-07:00PM Davie Voss, Richard F. Permission needed from instructor
Courses offered at Other campuses
MAC 1105 COLLEGE ALGEBRA 080 15916 3 TBA Other Manasseh, Nancy M. Gordon Rule Course Permission needed from instructor Important info at CANCELLED
MAC 2311 CALCULUS-ANALYTIC GEOMETRY I 009 15842 4 TBA Other Mech, William P. Gordon Rule Course Important info at Permission needed from instructor CANCELLED 010 15843 4 TBA Other Mech, William P. Gordon Rule Course Important info at Permission needed from instructor CANCELLED
MAC 2312 CALCULUS-ANALYTIC GEOMETRY II 006 15975 29 4 TBA Other Mech, William P. Gordon Rule Course Permission needed from instructor Important info at CLOSED 007 15976 9 4 TBA Other Mech, William P. Gordon Rule Course Permission needed from instructor Important info at CLOSED
MAD 2104 DISCRETE MATHEMATICS 004 15941 30 8 3 MW 08:00-09:20PM Other Xu, Yanzhou Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 or Prerequisite course required MAC 1140 or Prerequisite course required MAC 1114 or Prerequisite course required MAC 2311 or Prerequisite course required MAC 2312 Gordon Rule Course Important info at 005 16265 35 18 3 TBA Other Dorff-Pennea, Nanc Prerequisite course required MAC 1105 or Prerequisite course required MAC 1140 or Prerequisite course required MAC 1114 or Prerequisite course required MAC 2311 or Prerequisite course required MAC 2312 Gordon Rule Course Permission needed from instructor Important info at
MAP 2302 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS I 003 15844 36 3 TBA Other Mech, William P. Gordon Rule Course Important info at Permission needed from instructor CLOSED
MAS 2103 MATRIX THEORY 005 15942 3 TR 08:00-09:20PM Other Tba, Staff Prerequisite course required MAC 2311 or Prerequisite course required MAC 2233 Important info at CANCELLED [Back to Index] [Back to Dept]