
HC Honors College-Chemistry

H.L. Wilkes Honors College

Honors College-Chemistry Courses For Fall 2005

Last Updated: Sunday, February 26, 2006 at 8.08.34

 Course    Course Title     Credit            Meeting    Meeting                       
Pref Num  Sec   Call# Cap Enrl     Bld/Room    Days       Time        Campus           Instructor             

Courses offered at the Jupiter campus
BCH 3033 HONORS BIOCHEMISTRY 003 10383 24 25 3 SR 283 TR 12:30-01:50PM Jupiter Kalkat, Poonam K. Honors College only CLOSED
BCHL3033 HONORS BIOCHEMISTRY LABORATORY 001 10387 24 25 1 HC 139 R 03:30-06:20PM Jupiter Kalkat, Poonam K. Honors College $50.00 Lab Fee Honors College only CLOSED
CHM 2045 HONORS GENERAL CHEMISTRY 1 005 10805 30 29 3 EC 104 MW 11:00-12:20PM Jupiter Ivey, Michelle Honors College only 006 15370 30 19 3 EC 104 TR 09:30-10:50AM Jupiter Smith, Eugene Honors College only
CHM 2210 HONORS ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I 002 10808 48 35 3 AD 104 MW 11:00-12:20PM Jupiter Unger, Larry Honors College only
CHM 3121 HONORS QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS 001 10811 16 8 3 HC 116 TR 02:00-03:20PM Jupiter Smith, Eugene Honors College only
CHM 3400 HONORS INTRO TO PHYSICAL CHEM 002 15371 16 5 3 HC 114 MW 02:00-03:20PM Jupiter Ivey, Michelle Honors College only
CHM 4912 HONORS RESEARCH IN CHEMISTRY 001 10843 5 1- 6 TBA Jupiter Mogul, Rakesh Honors College only Permission needed from instructor 002 10844 5 3 1- 6 TBA Jupiter Smith, Eugene Permission needed from instructor Honors College only
CHM 4933 HONORS INTRO PHYSICAL CHEM LAB 001 15372 1 F 09:00-11:50AM Jupiter Ivey, Michelle Honors College only CANCELLED
CHM 4970 HONORS THESIS IN CHEMISTRY 001 10846 5 2 1 TBA Jupiter Smith, Eugene Permission needed from instructor Honors College only 002 10847 5 1 TBA Jupiter Mogul, Rakesh Permission needed from instructor Honors College only
CHMC1025 HONORS CONTEMPRRY CHEM ISSUES 002 15772 35 23 3 AD 204 TR 12:30-01:50PM Jupiter Chandrasekhar, Chi
CHML2045 HONORS GENERAL CHEMISTRY 1 LAB 045 10924 24 14 1 HC 139 M 03:30-06:20PM Jupiter Kundalkar, Bhagyas Honors College $40.00 Lab Fee Honors College only 046 10925 24 19 1 HC 139 M 12:30-03:20PM Jupiter Kundalkar, Bhagyas Honors College $40.00 Lab Fee Honors College only 047 10926 24 14 1 HC 139 T 12:30-03:20PM Jupiter Kundalkar, Bhagyas Honors College $40.00 Lab Fee Honors College only
CHML2210 HONORS ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I LAB 011 10944 24 24 1 HC 139 W 03:30-06:20PM Jupiter Chandrasekhar, Chi Honors College $40.00 Lab Fee Honors College only CLOSED 012 10945 24 9 1 HC 139 W 12:30-03:20PM Jupiter Chandrasekhar, Chi Honors College $40.00 Lab Fee Honors College only
CHML3121 HONORS QUANTITATIVE ANALYS LAB 001 10955 16 8 1 HC 139 T 03:30-06:20PM Jupiter Smith, Eugene Honors College $50.00 Lab Fee Honors College only [Back to Index] [Back to Dept]