
AL Philosophy

D.F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters

Philosophy Courses For Fall 2004

Last Updated: Monday, March 14, 2005 at 21.03.37

 Course    Course Title     Credit            Meeting    Meeting                       
Pref Num  Sec   Call# Cap Enrl     Bld/Room    Days       Time        Campus           Instructor             

Courses offered at the Boca Raton campus
HUM 3949 COOPERATIVE EDUCATION-HUMANITIES S/U 001 17324 35 19 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton KEATON, KENNETH Permission needed from instructor
PHH 3420 EARLY MODERN PHILOSOPHY 001 18833 35 32 3 SO 170 TR 11:00-12:20PM Boca Raton BANCHETTI, MARINA
PHI 1012 REASON AND VALUE 001 18836 64 57 3 GS 116 T 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton GLYNN, SIMON V Prerequisite course req'd with min. grade of C ENC 1101 Gordon Rule Course 002 18837 64 60 3 SO 270 W 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton MARCELLE, DANIEL J Prerequisite course req'd with min. grade of C ENC 1101 Gordon Rule Course 003 18838 32 30 3 AC 117 TR 08:00-09:20AM Boca Raton MILLER, DAVID Prerequisite course req'd with min. grade of C ENC 1101 Gordon Rule Course 004 18839 32 33 3 SC 178 MWF 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton MARCELLE, DANIEL J Prerequisite course req'd with min. grade of C ENC 1101 Gordon Rule Course CLOSED 005 18840 32 33 3 ED 124 MWF 02:00-02:50PM Boca Raton DEJOHN, CARMEN S. Prerequisite course req'd with min. grade of C ENC 1101 Gordon Rule Course CLOSED 006 18841 32 29 3 AC 117 TR 09:30-10:50AM Boca Raton MILLER, DAVID Prerequisite course req'd with min. grade of C ENC 1101 Gordon Rule Course 007 18842 32 31 3 GS 116 MWF 09:00-09:50AM Boca Raton RUF, HENRY L. Prerequisite course req'd with min. grade of C ENC 1101 Gordon Rule Course 008 18843 64 62 3 SO 270 MWF 08:00-08:50AM Boca Raton RUF, HENRY L. Prerequisite course req'd with min. grade of C ENC 1101 Gordon Rule Course 009 18844 32 29 3 SO 270 MWF 03:00-03:50PM Boca Raton DOBSON, ANDREW M Prerequisite course req'd with min. grade of C ENC 1101 Gordon Rule Course 011 18846 180 177 3 SO 250 MW 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton DOBSON, ANDREW M Prerequisite course req'd with min. grade of C ENC 1101 Activity corequisite required DIS Gordon Rule Course
PHI 1012 Discussion 012 18847 30 27 0 SO 207 F 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton BLOCK, DOROTHY A DOBSON, ANDREW M Section corequisite required PHI 1012
PHI 1012 Discussion 013 18848 30 30 0 AL 342 F 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton SUPANICH, COLLEEN Section corequisite required PHI 1012 CLOSED 014 18849 30 30 0 AL 344 F 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton PROVENZANO, JULIE Section corequisite required PHI 1012 CLOSED 015 18850 30 28 0 GS 111 F 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton SUPANICH, COLLEEN Section corequisite required PHI 1012 016 18851 30 28 0 GS 116 F 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton PROVENZANO, JULIE Section corequisite required PHI 1012 017 18852 30 30 0 FL 319 F 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton BLOCK, DOROTHY A DOBSON, ANDREW M Section corequisite required PHI 1012 CLOSED
PHI 1012 REASON AND VALUE 018 18853 32 30 3 SO 170 R 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton REBOLI, NICHOLAS Prerequisite course req'd with min. grade of C ENC 1101 Gordon Rule Course 019 18854 32 31 3 SO 270 M 07:10-10:00PM Boca Raton REBOLI, NICHOLAS Prerequisite course req'd with min. grade of C ENC 1101 Gordon Rule Course 020 18855 32 32 3 SC 180 MWF 11:00-11:50AM Boca Raton HEADLEY, CLEVIS R Prerequisite course req'd with min. grade of C ENC 1101 Gordon Rule Course CLOSED 021 18856 3 MWF 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton TBA, STAFF Gordon Rule Course CANCELLED
PHI 1012 Discussion 022 21127 0 F 12:00-12:50PM Boca Raton TBA, STAFF Activity corequisite required LEC CLOSED 023 21128 0 F 01:00-01:50PM Boca Raton TBA, STAFF Activity corequisite required LEC CLOSED
PHI 1930 FRESHMAN SEMINAR 001 18859 18 16 3 AH 108 TR 02:00-03:20PM Boca Raton GLYNN, SIMON V Gordon Rule Course Permission needed from instructor
PHI 3640 ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS 001 20423 35 26 3 PS 227 TR 05:30-06:50PM Boca Raton FIORE, ROBIN N.
PHI 4400 PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE 001 20004 40 23 3 GS 108 TR 02:00-03:20PM Boca Raton BANCHETTI, MARINA
PHI 4661 ETHICS 001 18864 32 30 3 GS 103 TR 03:30-04:50PM Boca Raton FIORE, ROBIN N.
PHI 4905 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY 001 18865 20 1 1- 4 TBA Boca Raton BANCHETTI, MARINA Permission needed from instructor
PHI 4930 LOGIC 001 20005 50 30 3 SC 180 TR 12:30-01:50PM Boca Raton DOBSON, ANDREW M
PHI 4930 SENIOR SEMINAR 002 20006 15 10 3 AH 108 W 01:00-03:50PM Boca Raton HEADLEY, CLEVIS R
PHM 4223 PHILOSOPHY OF TECHNOLOGY 001 20007 30 17 3 SO 170 R 04:00-06:50PM Boca Raton GLYNN, SIMON V [Back to Index] [Back to Dept]