
AL History

D.F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters

History Courses For Summer 2003

Last Updated: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 at 8.03.04

 Course    Course Title     Credit            Meeting    Meeting                       
Pref Num  Sec   Call# Cap Enrl     Bld/Room    Days       Time        Campus           Instructor             

Courses offered at the Boca Raton campus
AMH 2010 UNITED STATES HISTORY TO 1877 001 A 10048 90 71 3 AL 189 TR 01:15-04:25PM Boca Raton KERSEY, HARRY A Course available for Pass/Fail or Regular Grade
AMH 2020 UNITED STATES HISTORY SINCE 1877 001 B 10049 90 74 3 PA 101 TR 09:45-12:55PM Boca Raton ROSE, MARK H Course available for Pass/Fail or Regular Grade
HIS 4906 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY + 001 A 11085 10 2 2- 3 TBA Boca Raton Permission needed from instructor + 002 B 11086 10 3 2- 3 TBA Boca Raton Permission needed from instructor + 003 C 11087 10 1 2- 3 TBA Boca Raton Permission needed from instructor
HIS 4906 AMERICAN INDIAN HISTORY 007 C 13816 30 1 2- 3 TBA Boca Raton KERSEY, HARRY A
HIS 4935 UNDERGRAD SEM IN HIST * 001 C 13072 25 5 3 AL 342 W 06:30-09:40PM Boca Raton LOWE, BENNO P
HIS 4944 INTERNSHIP IN PUBLIC HISTORY + 001 A 11088 10 2 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton NORMAN, SANDRA L Permission needed from instructor + 002 B 11090 10 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton NORMAN, SANDRA L Permission needed from instructor
HIS 4970 SENIOR THESIS IN HISTORY + 001 C 11093 15 3 TBA Boca Raton Permission needed from instructor
WOH 2012 HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION I 001 A 12235 246 106 3 SO 250 MWF 09:15-11:25AM Boca Raton BRESLOW, BOYD Gordon Rule Course 002 B 12236 137 96 3 GE 102 MWF 09:15-11:25AM Boca Raton HANNE, ERIC J Gordon Rule Course
WOH 2022 HISTORY OF CIVILIZATION 2 001 A 12237 90 30 3 AL 189 MW 11:30-02:40PM Boca Raton PAUL, MIKE 002 B 12755 90 26 3 AL 189 MW 11:30-02:40PM Boca Raton CRUZ-TAURA, GRACIE
HIS 5909 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY + 002 A 11095 15 1 3 TBA Boca Raton Permission needed from instructor + 003 B 11096 15 3 TBA Boca Raton Permission needed from instructor + 004 C 11097 15 4 3 TBA Boca Raton Permission needed from instructor
HIS 6908 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY + 001 A 11098 10 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Permission needed from instructor + 002 B 11099 10 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Permission needed from instructor + 003 C 11100 20 4 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton Permission needed from instructor
HIS 6942 INTERNSHIP IN PUBLIC HISTORY + 001 A 11103 10 2 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton NORMAN, SANDRA L Permission needed from instructor + 002 B 11104 10 1 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton NORMAN, SANDRA L Permission needed from instructor + 003 C 11105 20 5 1- 3 TBA Boca Raton NORMAN, SANDRA L Permission needed from instructor
HIS 6971 MASTER'S THESIS + S/U 001 A 11106 10 1- 6 TBA Boca Raton Permission needed from instructor + S/U 002 B 11107 10 1- 6 TBA Boca Raton Permission needed from instructor + S/U 003 C 11108 20 3 1- 6 TBA Boca Raton Permission needed from instructor
LAH 5902 READINGS IN LATIN AMER HISTORY * 001 C 12756 18 12 3 AH 105 T 06:30-09:40PM Boca Raton GANSON, BARBARA A
Courses offered at the Davie campus
AMH 4512 DIPLOMATIC HISTORY OF THE U.S. * 001 A 13073 40 18 3 LA 152 TR 04:45-07:55PM Davie FEINMAN, RONALD L
AMH 4930 AMERICAN REVOLUTION 001 B 13077 40 21 3 LA 404 MW 11:30-02:40PM Davie BARSALOU, KATHLEEN
EUH 3206 20TH CENTURY EUROPE SINCE WW II 001 A 10919 40 13 3 ES 254 TR 09:45-12:55PM Davie VANN, MARTIN E
EUH 3619 WOMEN IN EUROPEAN HISTORY 001 B 12753 40 29 3 LA 339 TR 11:30-02:40PM Davie KOLLANDER, PATRICI
HIS 3150 INTRO TO HISTORICAL STUDY * 001 C 13071 30 25 3 BCC-9 101 W 06:30-09:40PM Davie GANSON, BARBARA A
HIS 4906 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY + 004 A 13292 10 1 2- 3 TBA Davie Permission needed from instructor + 005 B 13293 10 2- 3 TBA Davie Permission needed from instructor + 006 C 13294 10 2- 3 TBA Davie Permission needed from instructor
HIS 4935 UNDERGRAD SEM IN HIST * 002 C 13196 25 11 3 LA 139 M 06:30-09:40PM Davie ROSE, MARK H
HIS 6908 DIRECTED INDEPENDENT STUDY + 004 B 11101 1- 3 TBA Davie Permission needed from instructor CANCELLED
HIS 6971 MASTER'S THESIS + S/U 004 A 12325 1- 6 TBA Davie Permission needed from instructor CANCELLED
Courses offered at the Jupiter campus
HIS 3150 INTRO TO HISTORICAL STUDY * 002 C 13074 30 18 3 MAC 206 T 06:30-09:40PM Jupiter BROWN, ALEXANDRA K
HIS 3432 HISTORY CHRISTIANITY TO 1500 001 A 11084 35 19 3 MAC 202 TR 11:30-02:40PM Jupiter LOWE, BENNO P
LAH 3130 LATIN AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE * 001 B 12754 28 20 3 MLC 269 MW 04:45-07:55PM Jupiter BROWN, ALEXANDRA K
Courses offered at the Port St.Lucie campus
AMH 3630 AMERICAN ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY 001 B 13075 35 5 3 CO 144 TR 11:30-02:40PM Port St.Lucie STRAIN, CHRISTOPHE
Courses offered as Distance Learning courses
AMH 3420 HISTORY OF FLORIDA 001 A 10050 200 147 3 TBA Distance Learning MARINA, WILLIAM F Dist Lrng - see
Courses offered at Other campuses
EUH 2952 EUROPEAN HISTORY STUDY ABROAD + 001 A 10916 10 1- 4 TBA Other STRONGE, WILLIAM B Permission needed from instructor + 002 B 10917 10 1- 4 TBA Other STRONGE, WILLIAM B Permission needed from instructor + 003 C 10918 10 1- 4 TBA Other STRONGE, WILLIAM B Permission needed from instructor
EUH 4957 EUROPEAN HIST STUDY ABROAD + 001 B 10921 10 1- 4 TBA Other STRONGE, WILLIAM B Permission needed from instructor + 002 C 10922 10 1- 4 TBA Other STRONGE, WILLIAM B Permission needed from instructor + 003 C 10923 10 1- 4 TBA Other STRONGE, WILLIAM B Permission needed from instructor
HIS 4957 HISTORY STUDY ABROAD + 001 A 11091 10 1- 4 TBA Other STRONGE, WILLIAM B Permission needed from instructor + 002 B 11092 10 1- 4 TBA Other STRONGE, WILLIAM B Permission needed from instructor [Back to Index] [Back to Dept]