ISSN 2167-8790


"An Online Journal Addressing Attitudes, Anxiety, Confidence, and Best Practices in the Teaching of Mathematics Pre-K and Beyond"

Weblinks/ Resources for Mathematics Educators and the Math Anxious

Math Anxiety Websites

College can be rewarding and enriching, and a ticket to gainful employment in a variety of careers. It is also an environment where deadlines, large amounts of homework, and hours of intense study are common with routine tests. Because of demanding classes and other worries stress is common in college. The pressure students face to get the best possible grades and graduate can lead to or aggravate anxiety disorders.
A great website for help with math and many resources for helping with math anxiety. Great ideas for teachers to help address math anxiety with their students. A site worth checking out!
A great website for teaching anyone to cope with their math anxiety with strategies for overcoming and reducing math anxiety while gaining confidence to do mathematics.

Math Anxiety Resources

This website provides many resources like books and websites to help address math anxiety.
Conquering Math Anxiety- A Self-Help Workbook with CD, 2nd Edition, 2003, Brooks/Cole Publishers. 2 nd Edition on Amazon

Mathematics Teacher Websites/ Resources

Play games to build your skills and knowledge and you can have fun while you learn!
A great resource for teaching fractions to students
A great website for developing good study habits toward learning math with videos, math tests, reviews and free software.
NCTM is the main mathematics education association in the USA with a wealth of resources.
A great website with virtual math manipualtives, math activities, lesson plans and ideas, so much for the math teacher.
This website provides a great deal of information about the history of mathematics.
A world of mathematics online for all grades Pre-K through College.
An ideal website to find anything you need to know about math. With software downloads and so much good information, ie. history of math, etc
A great website to find out anything you want to know about mathematics.
ERIC is an excellent database for searching for any topic related to education. This site is great for college students and researchers alike who need up-to-date articles, books, presentations, etc. related to education.
Great resources for math teachers of any grade level and parents

Mathematics Technology Links

A great math resource with many math technology links for helping to better learning mathematics.
A great website with many resources for becoming good at math and working with fractions. The website provides many resources which provide a lot of fun interactive games and examples related to fractions.
A great site for students to learn all subjects. Many great resources for teachers.
A fantastic math website with many neat things to do for students of all ages. A great resource for math teachers.


An excellent website with Standards-based lesson plans for all subjects. All tested and tried lessons. A wealth of resources with tech-links.
Marcopolo Standards-Based Lessons based on national standards from all discipline related educational organizations. Check out the NCTM Illuminations link.
This website provides most US state standards in all subjects along with the standards from Japan. Overall, a standards-based library of resources.
This website provides curriculum and research-based best practices for teaching mathematics along with a wealth of other resources.
This website shares and has links to NSF funded mathematics curriculum programs.
The Common Core State Standards Initiative is a state-led effort to establish a shared set of clear educational standards for English language arts and mathematics that states can voluntarily adopt.


A website of Virtual Math Manipulatives by Utah State University. An excellent resources for students and teachers for learning mathematics.
This webiste has so many great math lessons with hands-on manipulatives ideas.
This website is an excellent website for teaching/learning almost any math concept up to Algebra. It has many links and hands-on active-based ways to learn math concepts. It is filled with a wealth of resources.
This website has hundreds of links for learning any math concept using math manipulatives and a hands-on active approach. A wealth a resources for anyone.
Marilyn Burns, the math manipulatives guru, shares the importance and must for using math manipulatives while giving example lessons. A website supported by Scholastic.
This ETA/Cuisenaire Math Manipulatives Company Website is a great site to see all the current math manipulatives and order any that you would like for your classroom. Many great resources.
