ࡱ> ?B>g "bjbjVV 4<r<r<.....BBBBTB0TVVVVVV$fz.z.. ..TT T:@0, . 4zz : WAC Committee Meeting Thursday, February 9, 2012 GCS 214B 12:-00 2:00 Present: Jeff Galin, Dan Murtaugh, Rosario Medina-Shepard, Fred Bloetscher, Allen Smith, Rachel Luria (via Skype), Julianne Curran Absent: Ellen Ryan, Joe Su, Julia Mason Feedback from deans and department chairs regarding course cap letter Jeff Galin (JG) followed up on the letter sent to deans and department chairs following the 1/27/12 meeting. As of the 2/9/12 meeting, there has not been a response or feedback to the letter. Fred Bloetscher (FB) relayed that the letter had been shared by the chair with faculty in his department. Developing a Writing Enriched Curriculum (WEC) program JG overviewed Univ. Minnesotas Writing Enriched Curriculum (WEC) program. It has taken the concept of existing Writing-Intensive (WI) courses and expanded it to a WEC program that assists in sequencing writing throughout a departments curriculum. If considered, ý WAC will continue as it is currently configured but would develop a parallel program by which departments would survey faculty to identify expected outcomes from majors, review their curricula, identify where writing currently is being taught in courses, better articulate the relationships among courses, identify courses to receive WEC certification, and develop an assessment process based on the identified outcomes. Typically, one or two departments a year over the course of multiple years. Significant commitment from individual departments to reflect on curriculum is needed, but it could resolve assessment concerns raised by SACS and learning compacts. Since over half of ý students are transfers, the majority of them do not take a writing course at ý. If ý supports an expansion of the WAC program using the WEC model, the majority of our students would receive more support and opportunities to write across the disciplines. There are various possibilities for a WEC program in relation to the current WAC program. The committee supported the development of some version of a WEC program at ý, and JG observed that the amount of change in the current WAC program will depend on the strength of faculty/university support for WEC. Online courses would be included since they involve writing. For the long term, JG and Julianne Curran (JC) will look for grant applications, and Fall 2013 would be the approach for implementing a pilot process to allow grant writing time and to start a committee to discuss/develop ideas. FB and Rosario Medina-Shepard (RMS) cited importance of using the outside community to show students the value of program in relation to professional success. RMS suggested presenting it as an opportunity for students to evolve and to work on a process. The committee will compare WEC guideline to current ý WAC guidelines and discuss comparison at the next meeting on 3/16/12. Accounting Dept.s Honors Compact as potential model to help define an ý WEC JG summarized Accountings plan for developing/implementing a writing component in the standard curriculum for students in an optional Honors Compact. The department wants to develop a TA training program and will also be developing learning outcomes, assessments, and so forth for its program goals. The process could be used to help identify WEC goals. Ways to encourage depts. to develop 1102 replacements JG summarized that only 3 of the 5 courses certified as 1102 replacements are currently taught. Benefits of developing these courses include TA gain/development, expanded curriculum, and new potential majors in the subject. Developing replacement courses requires TA training, a writing intensive course syllabus, and faculty to teach course on ongoing basis. FB noted that not all departments having graduate students with the necessary skill sets to run such writing intensive courses. JG suggested establishing ways to recruit GTAs with the needed writing skills. FB suggested looking to Arts & Sciences disciplines that might not have GA funds, but have GAs that have stronger technical writing skills than those in a given department. Then, those courses/TAs could help develop skills/tools students need in advanced courses. JG summarized a University of Iowa School of Accounting model in which PhDs program writing consultants who work with faculty to address writing. A model could be framed in which a department would recruit TAs from other disciplines and train them in Writing/English. Currently ý does not have a GTA training program, and the CTL could potentially look into developing such programs for GTAs who commit to taking a course. RMS brought up the complication of large undergraduate classes. Similarly, FB noted the problem of transfer students who miss an 1102 or 1102 replacement at ý, and perhaps a Junior level course might be useful. JG noted a parallel program to WAC such as WEC might address such concerns. Using WAC website to highlight departments working to incorporate writing, such as WAC grant recipients JG suggested profiling departments on WAC website each semester (such as grant recipients) to recognize, demonstrate, and archive faculty work to promote writing. Additional forums could be departmental posters or press releases. Allen Smith (AS) questioned the amount of web traffic and suggested a university initiative showcasing multiple projects. JG noted such research symposiums/expositions in the Honors College and the possibility of running similar forums with the Center for Teaching and Learning. Fred Bloetscher (FB) suggested opening such a showcase to the outside community to make it connected to the university and to show students as future potential job candidates with writing skills. Announcements regarding WAC grants and seminars WAC Seminars on various topics are offered to make the program more visible and to reach more faculty. Please advise of recommendations for these. Topics might originate from interesting articles in a field that could have general applicability to other disciplines. Rachel Luria (RL) asked about summer WAC training, and JG said the WAC website will be updated to reflect this years information. Interest in participating in 2012 National Day on Writing committee The goal of NDOW is to celebrate writing via games, contests, ceremonies, etc. JC sought interest in participating on the committee and RL expressed it. FB suggested engaging colleges to talk about who is writing things in the departments. Awards for both students and faculty which could promote attendance were proposed, and JG said the university archive might be useful in collecting data if faculty submit abstracts. AS noted the Graduate Research symposium as a model, which also collects and recognizes abstracts. NEXT MEETING: Friday, March 16, 12:00-2:00, GCS 214B *+1HPQV]aksy: ; ? @ I  1 d e g h ľݷݢxmhFEh)ACJaJhFEh CJaJhH CJaJhFEhco&CJaJhFEh)A5CJaJhFEhco&5CJaJhco&hco&CJ hco&5CJ h)ACJ h{YCJhco&h)ACJ hco&CJhco&hco&hco&5CJhFEhco&5CJaJhFEh)A5CJaJ(1H: e h GH788^8gd/8^8gd)8^8gdFE & Fgd) 8^8gd  & Fgdco&gd)A $a$gdco&h t ? ` j + V P FGabcŽŲ|q|q|qf[f[fhFEh[!CJaJhFEhW^CJaJhFEh'HCJaJh'HCJaJhCJaJhHCJaJhCJaJhFEh CJaJhFEh:CJaJhFEh1CJaJhFECJaJhFEhq.CJaJhFEhq.5CJaJhFEhFECJaJhFEh{5CJaJhFEhFE5CJaJ#$%MZjkZ]^hsuӿӳӏӏӿxoodӿddhFEh_*CJaJh/5CJaJhFEh/5CJaJhhCJaJhCJaJh[\CJaJhr8h%CJaJh5CJaJhh5CJaJhFEh%5CJaJhCJaJhFEh%CJaJhFEh*zWCJaJhFEh'I5CJaJhFEh'ICJaJ'678K3EHX]gtu+||||||qi|]QhFEh{5CJaJhFEh)5CJaJh/CJaJh/hACJaJh/h)CJaJh/h)#CJaJh/h)#5CJaJh/h/CJaJh/h/5CJaJh/h{5CJaJhFEhW^CJaJhFEhq.CJaJhr8hePCJaJhFEhvCJaJhFEh%CJaJhePCJaJ+>?kl, - q {"|"""gd{8^8gd)8^8gdcgd{8^8gd>_q & Fgd{+.?CLMNV_tx  5@A\j?DEMcǼݼݱݦݦݚwݦlhFEhdCJaJhFEh\G5CJaJhFEh\GCJaJhFEh) 5CJaJhFEh)5CJaJhFEh) CJaJhFEhOm<CJaJhFEhM CJaJhFEhtCJaJhFEh CJaJhFEh)CJaJhFEh=CJaJhFEh=5CJaJ*ceghry|JRhnp|'+,<ǼұұқҦҐ||phFEhM 5CJaJh/CJaJhFEh>_q5CJaJhFEhYCJaJhFEh CJaJhFEhM CJaJhFEh)CJaJhFEh) CJaJhFEhdCJaJhFEh\GCJaJhFEh) 5CJaJhFEh)5CJaJhFEh>_qCJaJ,<df=>!FHIJZ[\rȼti^SShFEh|26CJaJhFEhXCJaJhFEhcCJaJhFEhDCJaJhFEhM3CJaJhFEhlCJaJh}~CJaJhh^CJaJhFEhtCJaJhFEht5CJaJhFEh{5CJaJhFEh>_qCJaJhFEh CJaJhFEhdCJaJhFEhM 5CJaJhFEhM CJaJ r O'hjk)ȼȼӱөөӞȓ|q|||||hFEh7CJaJhFEh:8{CJaJhFEh{5CJaJhFEh)CJaJhFEh)#CJaJhh^CJaJhFEh0CJaJhFEhL5CJaJhFEhLCJaJhFEhXCJaJhFEhtCJaJhFEht5CJaJhFEhcCJaJ*)Ldfrw+ , q r !! !! !)!,!M!`!b!c!!!!!!!"꿴ꁕynynhFEhq.CJaJhOUCJaJh}~CJaJhFEh:5CJaJhFEh:CJaJh5CJaJhFEh{YCJaJhFEh;UCJaJhFEh{5CJaJhr8hCJaJhCJaJhFEh5CJaJhFEh)CJaJhFEhCJaJ)""A"M"z"{"|""""Ƕh{hFE5CJ h{5CJh{h{5CJhFEh:5CJaJhFEh>8CJaJhFEhq.CJaJhFEhq.5CJaJ 21h:p#Q/ =!"#$% j 666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ OJPJQJ_HmH nH sH tH J`J )ANormal dCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRiR 0 Table Normal4 l4a (k ( 0No List @@@ co& List Paragraph ^m$PK![Content_Types].xmlN0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;rØJB+$G]7O٭V$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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