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Sharon did a comparison that allowed us to see the differences between departments Philosophy lowest, then English, then upper division History, Social Work, Chemistry, and Nursing. The grammar in all courses is higher than early English courses. Overall, there wasnt a significant difference amongst departments. DM commented that he recalled an article on composition that stated that students who are engaged in the material (writing in their major) have less grammatical errors, which may explain the lower scores in ENC 1101/2. Allen Smith (AS) questioned whether we should be assessing some non-WAC courses so that there would be a comparison between courses following WAC standards and writing happening in courses that are not incorporating WAC criteria. DM suggested that in the future, we control for major and JG agreed. Foreign Language Courses as WAC There was a request from the Honors College for a Spanish Language WAC Course. There would be a lot of writing, but all in Spanish. DM responded that he cant come up with a theoretical reason why it should not be acceptable. A student who learns to write well in Spanish will also improve in English. It may sharpen his or her perception of grammar. Ellen Ryan (ER) commented that if they were native Spanish speakers, would it still be affective in improving their writing in English? DM believes that yes, it still will be helping with reasoning and critical thinking. Rachel Luria (RL) agreed, adding it would also help with use of evidence. AS noted that many of our students do continue to work in Spanish or return to their homeland and write in Spanish. JG found the Gordon Rule requirements online and the statement completion of coursework in English and mathematics and later English coursework. These statements still seemed unclear based on other statements regarding just writing, and it was determined that the state should be contacted to determine the rules. We need to make sure that the course would be approved by the state. Anthropology Proposal Michael Harris, Chair ANT 2000 Introduction to Anthropology has been on books for many years. It has always been set up as a lecture/discussion class format consisting of a 2 hour lecture taught by a professor and a 1 hour discussion handled by teaching assistants. 75% of the grade was devoted to the lecture. 25% was from the discussion section, which included quizzes and small writing assignments. The course deals with how humans came to be the earliest evidence of humans, the likely evolution schedule. It covers a long span of time from around 16-20 million years ago up to the present. Its a broad survey of anthropology, but also a story of how humans have come to beall the way up to today. Its a gigantic amount of material and we are proposing that we move the discussion section to a 40% grade. The discussion section becomes a writing section. There are writing exercises that should be interesting to the students. It takes the students to the next step with much more intellectual focus. The spirit of WAC is fulfilled. The writing is as good as we can make it. ER asked if students would be expected to improve their writing over the course of the term. Dr. Harris responded that there is potential from practice. The students will participate in writing week after week and one hopes they will improve. AS asked if a student can pass with poor writing and good exams. Dr. Harris responded that if they fail the writing portion, they could not pass the course with a C or above. AS also asked how much students are required to reflect on their writing. Dr. Harris stated that he built into the syllabus times that writing is talked about in the discussion sections. According to Dr. Harris, if ANT 2000 becomes a WAC course, the discussion course would be capped around 25 students. DM suggested that he split the grading to 50/50 for lecture and writing, but Dr. Harris believes strongly that the 2-hour lecture should represent a larger portion of the grade. JG expressed concern regarding the training of the TAs who will be teaching the discussion sections. Dr. Harris responded that if the committee approves the course as WAC, he would then set about creating a training program. He would start a series of required workshops and a semester long course for TAs with the goal of producing good results. JG asked why do you want to make it a WAC course? Dr. Harris responded, why include all this writing and not make it a WAC course? JG also asked how the faculty have responded to the course proposal. Dr. Harris responded that faculty were initially concerned about the time intensive nature of a WAC course; however, once they reviewed the syllabus, they were on board. If approved, the course would begin in Spring 2012. ER worries that if it is approved, it may open the door for other requests for exceptions. DM would like more information on the structure of the training of the teaching assistants and he is concerned about the precedence that it sets. JG suggested that we do an experimental run (possibly two or three years) and that the courses be included in the assessment each year. This course may be trying to do too much, suggested AS. DM is interested in hearing whether the content has been altered to accommodate the additional writing. The Committee decided that they are not ready to take a vote. They want more information on the training. JM pointed out that it might not be a good idea to tell faculty that they need to reduce content, and we should not require that content be altered. AS mentioned that WAC is about teaching it in different ways, not necessarily cutting the content. JG suggested the note to Dr. Harris say, in addition to a temporary approval of 2-3 years and the need for detailed TA instruction plans, that the committee is concerned that the course content will drive more of the curriculum than the writing and that the amount of work for a 3-credit course might go against the writing to learn goal. ENC 1930 Proposed WAC Course Gordon Rule language indicates that creative writing is acceptable. The committee voted and the course was unanimously approved. Niki will contact the instructor and the registrars office. 2011 QEP Proposal JM commented that she likes the proposal quite a bit. RL also likes the proposal and feels that it incorporated many of the ideas that we had at the meeting. JG asked if anyone had any suggestions, and there were none. JG pointed out that the faculty on the board of advisors have all done this type of work and will serve as strong advisors for departmental proposals for departments if the QEP is accepted. The 2010 Grants The Nursing Grant Revisions the grant was revised because the original team is no longer at the university and the chair of the department has now taken over and revised the project. There were no concerns with the revisions and JG will notify Nursing that the project has been approved. -/IJT # % = > ? w y = ` l r  B hsO;G. ݾݲ{lh?Jch$OJQJ^JaJhpOJQJ^JaJh$OJQJ^JaJh?Jch9TH*OJQJ^JaJh?Jch9TOJQJ^JaJh?Jch9T5OJQJh?Jch9TOJQJ&h?Jch9T5CJH*OJQJ^JaJ#h?Jch9T5CJOJQJ^JaJh?Jch9T5CJOJQJaJ*:JK > ?   / * i D *op8^8gd9T & Fgd9T & Fgd9Th^hgd9Tgd9T$a$gd9TJ~tY k/ "" ####$w%x%%C&&8^8gd9T & Fgd9Tgd9T & Fgd9T !/!D!J!!"]"}"""""$$$N%^%v%&&#h?Jch9T5CJOJQJ^JaJh8 OJQJ^JaJhpOJQJ^JaJh$OJQJ^JaJh?Jch9TOJQJ^JaJhMOJQJ^JaJ&&&&&&&&h^hgd9T^gd9Tgd9T21h:p9T/ =!"#$% ^ 666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH @`@ ?JcNormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k (No List LL\5 Niki C WilsonCJOJQJ^JaJphHH . 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