ࡱ> NPM%` ^%bjbj"x"x 48@@^,*h*******$+hU.****?* **') W$F(*U*0*(6 /j /,) /) **** *  WAC Committee Meeting Minutes October 23, 2009, SO 105 Present: Jeff Galin, Niki Wilson, Dan Murtaugh, Jamie Cunningham, and Wairimu Njambi. Absent: Michelle Hawkins, Julia Mason, Lynne Hahn, Deborah Raines, Ellen Ryan, Tsung-Chow Su. There was not a quorum present; therefore these meeting minutes will be treated as a ballot for the members who were not present. Please vote on the following issues by checking the applicable box and returning this document via email to nwilson3@fau.edu. NEXT WAC COMMITTEE MEETING: November 20, 2009, SO 105, 11:00 am 1:00 pm Discussed Recommended Rubric Changes. Trait #3 could be changed to Exhibits substantial depth, fullness, and complexity of thought supported by sophisticated ideas/analysis that support the papers thesis. Original language was: Exhibits a logical progression of sophisticated ideas/analysis that supports the papers focus and explores relationships among issues. Trait #5 could be changed to Focus is abundantly clear to the reader and paragraphs logically and coherently build upon each other through the complete and fluent use of transitions and/or headings. Original language was: Complete and precise use of transitions; clearly displays the logical progression of the paper, lending coherence to the whole. Trait #11 changed to Sentences consistently communicate thoughts clearly. There was an in depth discussion regarding combining traits ten through twelve, but it was decided to keep them all. Original language of trait #11 was Language clearly and effectively communicates thoughts coherently. All those present agreed with the recommended revisions. Those absent, please vote: I agree with the revision of trait #3: _____ Yes _____ No I agree with the revision of trait #5: _____ Yes _____ No I agree with the revision of trait #11: _____ Yes _____ No Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________ Discussed whether the following verbiage, which is currently on assessment material, should also be included as a WAC criterion: ... a substantial, out-of-class, argument-driven paper. Jeff Galin (JG) asked the committee if they can envision a course that will not include an argument based paper, such as a Chemistry course or a social work course with field work. Dan Murtaugh (DM) responded that such a course would not be a WAC course if it did not include an argument based paper. Wairimu Njambi (WN) cannot imagine a class even with field work that does not also incorporate an argument based paper. JG asked whether ENC 3213 should have language that refers to writing an argument-driven paper in its syllabus. DM believes it is appropriate stating that when he worked for a corporation, he had to write persuasive papers. Everyone agreed that a substantial, out-of-class, argument-driven paper should be added to the WAC criteria. JG questioned whether we should also require that this verbiage be included on the syllabus. PROPOSAL: It was determined that substantial, out of class, argument-driven paper should be added to WAC criteria and all WAC syllabi and this request should be presented to the UUPC for approval. Do you agree that this proposal should be presented to the UUPC? _____ Yes _____ No Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________ Questioned whether individually written (to exclude collaborative writing) should be added to the aforementioned statement on assessment material? JG noted that we are evaluating the effectiveness of writing, not individual writers. Jamie Cunningham (JC) questioned whether including collaborative writing would skew the data. WN noted that if the students are taking other core writing courses, it should not affect the data. JC agrees that there should be collaborative writing, but we should only evaluate individually written documents. He questions whether the rubric would also apply to collaborative writing. A discussion ensured regarding the fact that potential for inconsistency is higher on collaborative writing. JG recommended that we not include the word individually written in reference to an argument based paper. WN recommended that we state, for clarification, individually and collaboratively written paper. All agreed and recommended that individually or collaboratively written should be added to the assessment materials. Do you agree that the verbiage on assessment material should state an individually or collaboratively written, substantial, out-of-class, argument-driven paper.? _____ Yes _____ No Comments: ______________________________________________________________________________ Updated the status of the recertification of all English Department syllabi. Niki Wilson (NW) told the committee that all English Department syllabi are currently in the review process and several have been approved. Discussed WAC Courses not meeting criteria in the classroom. JG told the committee that it had come to his attention recently that there are WAC courses that are not being taught in the spirit of the WAC Program. Courses are being taught in which papers are checked only for whether they are responding to the prompt and meeting the page counts. This appears to be a result of the large classroom sizes in some WAC courses. JC and DM believe that we need to address this information. WN recommended we wait until the mandate goes through to make the class sizes smaller and see if this alleviates the instructors inability to spend ample time on responding to writing assignments. JC pointed out that the college is currently pushing for higher numbers in the classroom, which is in direct conflict with our mandate for smaller classroom sizes. The committee discussed the overburdening of the teaching assistants in large classroom. The committee recommended that JG meet with chairs of departments to express the committees concern over large enrollments in WAC courses. PROPOSAL: As per the October 2nd meeting, in which the committee approved WAC classroom caps at 22 for 1101/1102 and 27 for 2000-4000 level courses, a request should go out to the UUPC recommending these cap sizes for all WAC courses. Discussed Department Grants and soliciting applications. JG told the committee that we did not have any grant applications in spring 2009. There are interested faculty members in nursing and visual arts. We need to promote the departmental grants. Discussed Gordon Rule verbiage on WAC syllabi. According to JG, Ed Pratt would like us to remove Gordon Rule from all of our materials. DM clarified that WAC covers all Gordon Rule. JG noted that transfer students only recognize Gordon Rule and therefore, it might need to remain. JC questioned whether that could be an issue for advising. JG noted that that still leaves the issue of students leaving the school and other universities not recognizing WAC. DM pointed that taking Gordon Rule verbiage off the syllabus potentially makes it more difficult for the students. JG proposed that he get Ed Pratts recommendation on how to remove the reference to Gordon Rule, yet continue to clarify the relationship for students and/or other Universities unfamiliar with WAC. Updated status on the 2009-10 Brownbag Lunch Series. Deborah Raines is facilitating first brownbag lunch November 12th. JC agreed to facilitate a brownbag lunch in the spring. WN is considering holding a brownbag lunch in Jupiter. 78A G S d m   L e w x  2 > T [ \ ] < KLc}쳭h`2hB,5^J hB,5^Jhd4hB,5^J hB,^Jh`2hB,^Jhd4hB,^Jh?BhB,^Jh?BhB,6 hB,6 hB,5hB,hd4hB,5 hd4hB,hd4hB,5CJaJ978  = > d x  <= & FgdB, & FgdB, & FgdB,h^hgdB,gdB,$a$gdB,^%LMWXc ~]_ ^`gdXgdX & FgdB, & FgdB,gdB,}~^_3456U  ghiD{| ! n q k!!#########$p$δ hX5^JhhB,H*^Jhd4hB,5^J hB,5^JhuJhB,^JhuJhB,5^Jhd4hX^JhXhX5^J hX^Jhd4hB,^J hB,^J@456"|TU hijCD & FgdB, & FgdB,gdB,,{| m n o p q k!l!!!""""5##p$ & FgdB,h^hgdXgdB,gdX & FgdB,p$q$$$"%Y%Z%\%]%^%h^hgdB, & FgdB, & FgdB,gdB, p$$$$Z%]%^% hd4hB,hd4hB,H*^Jhd4hB,^Jhd4hB,5^J21h:pB,/ =!"#$% @@@ F2NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DAD Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No ListHH I Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ^878=>d x<=LMWXc ~ ]  _ 4 5 6 "|TU hijCD,{|mnopqkl"5pq"YZ\]`000000000000 0 0> 0d 0> 0 0> 0000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000000000 0 06  06  06  06  06  06  06  06 000000@0@000 0 0j0 0 0D 0D 0D 0D 0D 0D00000000 0 0q0 0 0l 0l 0l 0l 0l 0l 0l0 0 0q 0q 0q0000}p$^%p$^%^%`  _ h !'`33333jr   ^ _ h{!nq]``C|2Z2/I=04X~4N`JʬOc KqL40VrP%p^`po()^`5o(. pLp^p`LhH. @ @ ^@ `hH. ^`hH. 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