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JG also recapped how the committee has decided to proceed with the assessment project, and Paul Anderson added that he supports our decision if, in the future, we consider supplementing the data we collect now with more context specific data later. We hope to obtain more specific data from particular departments such as music, social work, chemistry, and nursing. Daniel Murtaugh (DM) suggested adding a component to our rubric that addresses how well students respond to their writing prompts. This suggestion raised a discussion because our assessment plan currently does not request that people submit their writing prompts. The committee decided to consider the issue but is confident that we will not be able to make the question of responding to the assignment part of our rubric. WAC Assessment Research Questions JG asked the committee to discuss the research questions our assessment project is trying to answer. Patricia Patterson (PP) said that we should be able to determine how papers have changed from draft to revision and which departmental reasons might be the cause. She also said that over time we should be able to observe changes in these changes. JG said that we should be able to answer the following questions: How well are students writing in WAC programs across the university? What can we learn from the papers we collect for assessment? Do students taking WAC courses perceive improvement in their writing? How effectively are students revising their own work? How clear were the instructions for their paper? (This may already be in the student survey.) Whether and how courses have changes as a result of the WAC program. Which students are the better writers and what are the connections between them? Which demographic needs help? PP asked who our target audience is for this assessment project (the Provost, the Dean). She observed that the audience should determine which questions we ask and how to improve the study. JG and Matt Bardowell (MB) need to develop these questions and submit them to the committee. Perhaps the questions will fall in the following categories: research objective questions, program questions, and academic questions. University Center for Professional Writing JG met with Nancy Young and others to discuss providing support for students who need help with business, technical, and professional writing. If someone in the university is able to provide this kind of support for students working on things from grants to professional interviews. There are a few potential problems for conflict of interest in using university resources for private businesses. However, this new center could draw the kind of attention to the UCEW that could potentially procure a named center. Nancy Young could direct this part of the UCEW for six months, but we would have to train three new consultants to work in this branch. This is something the committee should consider as we move forward. JG will update the committee at our next meeting. Brownbag Lunch Sessions We have three brownbag lunch sessions planned for the end of the fall semester. They are as follows: Tuesday, October 7th from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm in SO 105: Organizing Peer Review Sessions Wednesday, October 22nd from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm in SO 105: Plagiarism Prevention Thursday, November 13th from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm in SO 105: Strategies for Improving Grammar These are the only WAC sponsored events we plan to arrange this semester besides training sessions. WAC Training We have conducted one WAC training session already for departments such as History and Philosophy. We plan to offer one more training session for the Department of English on October 10. WAC Strategic Plan JG asked the committee to look at the universitys strategic plan and to coordinate it with the WAC programs short term goals. We will discuss these goals in our next committee meeting. 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