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As a result, syllabi that are consistent with the previous approved version will need only one review. If there are questions or concerns about a syllabus, it will be sent to a different reviewer. JG discussed the recertification procedures document with the committee. Patricia Patterson (PP) suggested that the committee revise the letter to clarify that once faculty have participated, they will not be subject to recertification for three years. Patricia Widener (PW) suggests that we offer the faculty a concrete time frame in which to revise their syllabus and resubmit. The committee agrees that four weeks will be ample time for faculty to revise their syllabus and resubmit it for recertification. 2) Fall 2008 Workshops JG explained the fall 2008 WAC workshop schedule to the committee. This semester WAC will be offering one generic certification workshop in September and a department specific workshop on October. In addition to these workshops, JG also asks the committee if a topical brownbag lunch series would be appropriate for both certified and uncertified faculty. JG also suggests that the faculty who meet regularly may be asked to produce a WAC teaching resource that can be useful across the university. The committee agreed that a brownbag series would be useful. The committee suggested sending a memo to all WAC faculty asking them to submit a topic they may like to learn about or present at one of these sessions. Once these suggestions are submitted, we can invite the faculty from across the university to attend. 3) Update on WAC Assessment Project JG explains to the committee our summer rating session ran into a few problems with the interface. As a result we have only scored the papers in our set once instead of having two raters offer a score to each draft. This problem has been addressed by IRM. We may, however, restructure the assessment process before we run more data. We are currently discussing with IRM how to proceed. JG also discussed Paul Andersons recommendations for the WAC program. Paul Anderson suggests that, in order to assess the quality of revisions submitted to the study, we merge and compare the first draft with the final. The raters will then rate the merged and compared document according to how well the paper has been revised. To facilitate rating revisions, Anderson suggested developing a separate revision rubric. Anderson also advised us to rewrite the rubric for the final paper assessment in order to make it a four-point rubric. Another of Andersons recommendations is that we revise our rubrics to glean more discriminating data. He also recommended that we move from a university-wide writing assessment process to a more localized assessment of specific classes. JG has discussed this proposal at length with Sharon Ronco and has decided not to move in this direction at the present time. The committee discussed some of the potential complications with Andersons suggestions. They recognize that Andersons assessment project works with one or two courses at a time to recommend ways to improve writing instruction. That program also has significantly greater fiscal resources. ýs assessment is interested in assessing the WAC program and not individual courses. The committee decided to derive a more discriminating rubric from the one we currently have in the hopes of culling more discriminating data. We will also develop a tool to assess merged and compared revisions out of this rubric. 4) Departmental Grants Update Jamie Cunningham (JC) reported to the committee on the music departments grant project. JC explains that the department will begin the project in earnest this semester, and it will aim to develop a music department ENC 1102 replacement course. JG asked what type of deliverable the committee would like to see from the departments who have been awarded a grant. The committee expects these departments to submit a report on their project along with an oral presentation. Daniel Murtaugh (DM) suggested that this presentation can serve as the topic for a brownbag lunch session. 5) Paul Anderson (Continued) JG also informed the committee that Paul Anderson suggested that we develop a three-year strategic plan for the UCEW and WAC programs. JG suggests that the committee review the universities strategic plan and work to harmonize our plans with it. We plan to send the universitys strategic plan to the committee and arrange another meeting to discuss the plan for the UCEW and WAC programs. 6) Honors College WAC Courses JG informed the committee that the honors college currently has no WAC representative but that volunteers are being solicited. This situation poses a problem in terms of certifying Honors college faculty. The WAC representative would foster completion of WAC syllabi, encourage faculty to submit them, and potentially offer workshops for WAC certification. JG attended a meeting with the honors college on Tuesday, September 2nd to discuss these ideas with them. He discovered that the Honors College will be hiring a director of writing in the fall of 2009. That person will serve the primary roles for WAC at the Honors College, including presentations of Honors College WAC training in consultation with JG. 7) UCEW Website JG explained that another of Paul Andersons suggestions was to promote the UCEW as a unified initiative with multiple components. When this is implemented, WAC and the Writing Center will be seen as two arms of the same organization, each with its own function and responsibilities. This means that we will now share a common website interface. The WAC website will need to be updated and transferred to this new interface. "&'/0s ! 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