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NEXT WAC COMMITTEE MEETING: TBA WAC Announcements and Updates Jeff Galin (JG) informs the WAC committee about the various training workshops he has been presenting across the university. This semester we have had two, four-hour seminars for faculty members interested in becoming WAC certified, and we will also host a three-day seminar in early May. We have received around seven applications for this summer seminar and will need to determine whose applications WAC can fund. JG also informs the committee that IRM has declined to build our WAC syllabus recertification interface. We may need to find an alternative method of collecting and evaluating syllabi up for recertification. JG announces that we have received a significant number of people who would like to work in the summer as raters for our assessment project. Once we receive all the papers students are submitting this semester, we will be able to determine how many raters we will need. We should know this by the end of April. Discuss Upper Division WAC Curriculum JG explains that WAC needs to branch out to include upper division courses as well as lower division courses. There are some departments that he thinks may be the first ones to develop substantial upper division WAC courses: Engineering, Business, Social Work, Nursing, and Music. Allen Smith (AS), as a representative of the Business department, explained the department seems hesitant to adopt WAC fully because they are not sure if their upper division courses are conducive to WAC curriculum. It is suggested that we may be able to stimulate interest through making grants available to departments that may show an interest in creating upper-division WAC courses. WAC Rubric – Analytical Component JG informs the committee that he would like to develop a supplementary rubric to go along with the one we already have written for our assessment project. This supplementary rubric should have analytical components. JG tells the committee that he plans to send them language from another analytical rubric and requests that the committee make suggestions about what we should include in our analytical rubric. Practically, an analytical rubric should address two to three areas that can be rated between six (the highest) and one (the lowest). An analytical rubric should include a component of synthesis and critical thinking. Ideally, our rubric will be able to assess students’ critical engagement with their subject matter through their writing. Discuss the WAC Language in the Core Curriculum Document JG distributes the corporate revisions the committee made to the last draft of the core curriculum WAC language. He asks that the committee review the changes and suggest what further amendments might be made. The committee decides to focus on the last sentence of the second paragraph. After some discussion, the committee decides to revise the last two sentences of the second paragraph from, “Too many of the WAC courses at present are at the lower-division level, and there are too few opportunities for writing in the majors, many of which have distinct conventions for language use and style” to “We need to continue expanding the WAC program to compliment the many lower-division WAC courses and to infuse additional opportunities to learn through writing.” Faculty Survey Revisions The committee reviews the changes made to the WAC faculty survey. After much discussion, additional changes are recommended. JG and Matthew Bardowell (MB) will make the changes and send the document back to the committee for further review. 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