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He then asks the committee to review the list and determine which departments we will assess per year. Donna Chamely-Wiik (DCW) suggests dividing small portions of the English department and philosophy department (the two departments with the largest number of sections taught) and recertifying small numbers from these departments every year instead of working through the entire department at one time. Jamie Cunningham (JC) notices that the list naturally breaks down into three groups and the we may want to assess one group every year. If we do, it will take three years, not four, to asses the entire program. JG then asks which department should be the first departments to be recertified. DCW asks for clarification of the recertification process, and JG responds by explaining that we plan to send letters to department chairs as well as individual faculty members explaining the need to recertify all syllabi that are approved by the WAC program. Faculty will then send their syllabi to and email address or an online collection interface. The WAC committee will divide up the syllabi they receive and if they find any syllabus to be out of compliance they will send a not to that faculty member. The committee decides to recertify the Philosophy and History departments in the first year of the recertification process. In the second year of the process the committee will collect syllabi from the following departments: Anthropology, Caribbean and Latin American Studies, Chemistry, Communication, Honors College, Mathematics, Nursing, Political Science, Psychology, Public Administration, Social Work, and Women’s Studies. During the third and final year of the process the committee will collect syllabi from the largest department that offers WAC courses: English. Departmental Grants JG explains that we just did an audit of our budget and realized that all 22 workshops from last year were paid out of this year’s budget. This puts us in a precarious situation for the department development grants we wanted to give out this year. JG asks that the committee review the grants and discuss whether the university should fund them and if so at what level. First the committee discusses the Social Work grant proposal and acknowledges all this department has done and plans to do. They have adapted a WAC course and trained their faculty in WAC. The promotional DVD they have planned would go a long way to promote WAC principles. There is some discussion about rewriting the introduction to the grant so that it would focus more squarely on exactly what it plans to accomplish.if awarded the grant. The committee votes and approves the Social Work grant. Next, the committee takes up the Music department grant. The grant proposes to take a course that all music majors must take and convert it to a WAC course. They also plan to train several faculty members to teach these courses. The committee votes on the music grant and approves it. WAC Recognition Reception The Committee will need to vote on nominations for recognition at the reception. The deadline for nominees is Monday, February 18th. The committee will need to be prepared to vote on the following day. &'/0Шфхыѕї     @ A F Q 6 B C \ q r ˆ E F I S x – јєьчєлчвЩЛЏІЏЩЂš•‹‡ƒ{vƒnvƒfa]YUhS2Lh:–h#IC h#IC5h#IChJ95hJ9hJ95 hJ95hJ9hŽ 5hJ9hцL hцL5 hŽ 5 huO5hŽ hŽ 5hŽ hD*>5CJaJhЬзhЬз5CJaJhЬзhЬз5CJH*aJhЬз5CJaJhŠ345CJaJhЉ6hЬз5CJaJ hЬз5h;:hЬз5hЬзhЬзCJ$aJ$ &'ЧШфх  A B C r F — –гдщъ^њњњњђђђ№шпззззЯЯЦОЕ­ & Fgdyy„h^„hgd> B & Fgdyy„8^„8gdyy & FgdS2L & FgdŽ „h^„hgdŽ  & FgdŽ $a$gdЬзgdЬзV§– — š Є ж и •–žОЩЭЋвчшщъэух]^pqRS‹7opq‹ UVїђычђчїчучучулгЮЩЮХЮХНЙБЙ­ЙЅ­­™­‘‰Щ™™‰h> Bh> BH*h> Bh> B5h> Bh Ё5h> Bh Ёh Ё5h Ёhёvђ5h Ёhёvђhёvђ5hёvђhёvђhyy5hyy h> B5 hyy5hyyhS2L5hyyhyy5hС7hS2L hS2LhS2L hS2L5hS2LhS2L5(^qSpq‹Vїїїїюцо & Fgd> B & Fgd> B„8^„8gd> B & Fgdyy21h:puOАа/ Ар=!А "А # $ %ААаАа а†œ@@ёџ@ ЬзNormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DAђџЁD Default Paragraph FontRiѓџГR  Table Normalі4ж l4жaі (kєџС(No ListV"џџџџ&'ЧШфхABCrF—–гдщъ^ q  S p q ‹ X˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜0€€˜ 0€€˜0€€˜ 0—€˜ 0—€˜ 0—€˜ 0—€˜ 0—€˜ 0—€˜0€€˜ 0€€˜0€€˜ 0Q €˜ 0д€˜ 0д€˜ 0д€˜ 0д€˜0€€˜ 0€€˜ 0q €ШфхXŠа000Šа00Šа00 00– V ^V V№8№@ёџџџ€€€ї№’№№0№( № №№B №S №ПЫџ ?№џџЋ†‘DХХЌ†‘œ7#­†‘ь!љХХЬXЫггX=*€urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags €PlaceType€=*€urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags €PlaceName€9*€urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags€place€  „љ  XхЪаX3хышщ^ UXX*Vъ7мы€џџџџџџџџџ„а„˜ўЦа^„а`„˜ўo() „ „˜ўЦ ^„ `„˜ў‡hˆH.‚ „p„LџЦp^„p`„Lџ‡hˆH.€ „@ „˜ўЦ@ ^„@ `„˜ў‡hˆH.€ „„˜ўЦ^„`„˜ў‡hˆH.‚ „р„LџЦр^„р`„Lџ‡hˆH.€ „А„˜ўЦА^„А`„˜ў‡hˆH.€ „€„˜ўЦ€^„€`„˜ў‡hˆH.‚ „P„LџЦP^„P`„Lџ‡hˆH.*Vъ7џџџџџџџџ         хJ9цLŽ Š34D*>> B#ICS2LuO‹"cŽqyyС7:– ЁЬз/?цпEёёvђџ@€4šџVP@џџUnknownџџџџџџџџџџџџG‡z €џTimes New Roman5€Symbol3& ‡z €џArial"1ˆ№аh7rТ†SjУ† Л#3 #3 !№  xД‚‚4dOO2ƒQ№HX №џ?фџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџџЬзВџџ%WAC Committee Meeting Minutes 2/13/08Matthew R. 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