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NEXT WAC COMMITTEE MEETING: Friday, December 5th 1 -3 Update on the Center for Professional and Technical Writing Jeff Galin (JG) explained the new developments concerning the Center for Professional and Technical Writing to the committee. JG has met with a small group that would, potentially, comprise the board of directors, including Kim Gramm, Director of the Adams Center For IT Entrepreneurship And Venture Capital, Tim Van Eps, Director of the Center for Innovation Leadership, Nancy Young, Director of the Small Business Development Center, Kurt Moore, Director of Technology Transfer, Ed Pratt, Dean of Undergraduate Studies, and Jeff Galin, Director of the Center for Excellence in Writing. JG also tells the committee that the Center for Professional and Technical Writing would serve to the professional community as well as educate business students who may serve as interns for the consultant groups. It would provide professional and technical writing support for students, faculty, staff, as well as for local businesses. Services for ДѓЯѓДЋУН students and employees would be free. All services for non-ДѓЯѓДЋУН affiliates will be offered on a fee basis. JG then informs the committee that one of the goals in creating this center would be to find a faculty member who can manage the project as director. We expect to hire two business plan writing consultants to work out of the Adams Center. Consultants in the UCEW will be trained in business, technical, and professional writing in workshops provided by Julia Mason, a technical and professional writing specialist. Fee structures will likely provide payment for the external consultants and the UCEW staff who choose to participate outside of their UCEW consulting hours. Plans will be finalized in December for the first stage of implementation for Spring semester. The development of the center will occur in stages. Currently, Nancy Young is drafting the three year strategic plan. Update on Recertification Process JG notifies the committee that almost all of the syllabi that have been collected have been reviewed from philosophy and history. That information from the reviews is being processed, and we will have responded to all faculty in the next week. Because the process went so smoothly this semester, the committee decided to begin collecting the next batch of syllabi from all departments except philosophy, history, and English. Review of these syllabi will begin next spring. Update of WAC Brownbag Lunches and WAC Training JG informs the committee that we have completed both WAC training sessions scheduled for the fall 2008 semester. Next, we need to set dates for spring WAC workshops so that all faculty across all campuses will be notified. JG also expressed to the committee how successful the WAC brownbag lunch sessions have been. We have already held two of the three sessions scheduled for the fall 2008 semester. We have had roughly six to ten people present at each meeting and we expect the last session to be well attended. The committee should consider having these lunch sessions on a regular basis in the future. Update on Departmental Grants The committee viewed the department of social work’s promotional DVD. JG also apprised the committee of other departmental projects. Chemistry is making progress, but music is moving slowly. Discuss WAC Strategic Plan The committee was asked to review the university’s strategic plan and designate goals and objectives that can be identified to align with WAC’s goals for the next three years. The following list identifies the goals and objectives from the university’s strategic plan that the committee thought were relevant to WAC goals 1.1-1 through 1.1-3: The committee noted that many of the documents we have developed for WAC program assessment would be relevant to these objective (e.g. minimum standards doc). 1.2-1: The committee thought we might address the element of student satisfaction through the WAC assessment surveys. 1.3-7 and 1.3-8: The committee also saw an opportunity to address the outcome of this goal through its involvement with freshman WAC courses. 1.6-1: We might assist the university in this area through our work in aiding ESL students. 1.7-1: 2.2-4 and 2.2-5: WAC may touch on these goals through its connection to the burgeoning ideas for the Center for Professional and Technical Writing. Some committee members also saw an opportunity to provide support for this goal by polling ДѓЯѓДЋУН graduates and asking how much they have used various areas of writing in their current professions. 2.4-1: The Center for Professional and Technical Writing would also apply to this goal. 2.5-2, 2.5-3. 2.5-5 2.5-4: Social work could develop this relationship with its internship partners. 4.1-1,4.1-5, 4.2-2, 4.3-3 4.5-1 and 4.5-2: The Center for Professional and Technical Writing would also apply to this goal. 7.2-1 and 7.2-3: A WAC Public Relations package would address this goal. 7.3-2 and 7.3-3: The WAC and UCEW assessment projects directly contribute to this goal. See attached WAC strategic plan document for further detail. WAC committee members will use the strategic plan goals to frame the three year plan for the WAC program. '(01ЏЪЫгнпфхц! 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