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Dan Murtaugh (DM) asked what the penalty would be for those students who do not participate, and JG said that this would be left up to the individual instructor. Jamie Cunningham (JC) asked when the due date for participation, and JG replied that we would let students and their instructors know that the primary deadline would be one week before the final day of class. On the following Monday, the instructors would then receive a spreadsheet indicating which of their students had already completed the assessment process. After that point, JG suggested that we would institute the final deadline sometime after grades are submitted. JG brought up the question of whether we would ask students to submit both rough and final drafts in one session or two. This issue was raised because the committee did not think that students were likely to save their work in different files, which would result in the students submitting only the final draft of a paper. After discussion, JG decided that we would have to ask students to complete the assessment process in one session because we are unlikely to have students log in twice. We have amended each assessment project document to request that students remember to save rough and final drafts in separate files. Conferences and Presentations JG discussed his recent visit to George Mason University. He described their WAC assessment project which demands that each department in the university have a WAC class. These departments must independently develop rubrics for their own WAC courses. Close discipline specific communities and faculty buy-in make this form of assessment possible. JG then discussed his presentation at the FIU symposium with the committee. One of the ideas that arose from this conference was how to handle continuing review of syllabi that have already been WAC certified. JG suggests that we institute and WAC syllabus renewal process every four to five years. The question then became, How do we handle the WAC certification renewal process? There were several suggestions: #1 We could ask that someone at the departmental level certify that the WAC syllabi are still relevant and effective. The problem here is that this could become an onerous task for whoever is responsible for reviewing the syllabi. #2 We could have a random selection process. Faculty would then submit their syllabus when selected. The problem here is that, theoretically, a syllabus that was approved just one semester ago could be called upon for resubmission. #3 We could keep a log of when faculty submit syllabi, and when four to five years have elapsed, we could ask them to resubmit. #4 Donna Chamely-Wiik (DCW) suggested that we have a random sampling process, and Allen Smith (AS) furthered this by adding that every four to five years we could collect all WAC syllabi and choose every seventh syllabus for review. To accommodate this AS and JG suggested that we create an online database to which faculty could submit their syllabi during any year in which the course is taught. This lead naturally to asking whether it would be feasible to create a faculty survey similar to the one students fill out for the assessment project. When a course is randomly selected to participate in the assessment, the instructor would be asked to complete the survey and submit their syllabus for review. JG mentioned that this may associate the WAC assessment project with an assessment of the faculty members who teach WAC courses. #5 We could also send the feedback form to faculty members and have them self-evaluate their syllabi along with the survey questions. We could also include a box that the faculty member would check if they wanted their syllabus to be reviewed by the WAC committee. #6 Another option is to collect syllabi from instructors who have had WAC approval for three to four years, and JG and Matt Bardowell (MB) would review them first. If there were no problems, The syllabi would be processed for recertification. If there were any questions about whether the syllabus adheres to the WAC criteria, we would merge and compare their original approved syllabus with their latest version and send them to the committee for further review. We left the discussion here for the time being. Minimum Requirements Document JG began discussion by asking whether this document should be a benchmark or a mandate. The committee decided that this document was better off being used as a benchmark or guide than a mandate. (See Attached) Patricia Patterson (PP) asks whether the document would be relevant to creative writing classes. JG informed the group that the next step would be to bring this document before the music, social work, and nursing departments for review because the WAC program already works closely with them. After that, the document would be brought before the university. IV Syllabus Norming We ended the meeting by reviewing and discussing two syllabi to insure that committee members use the rubric criteria in the same ways. #&'0| " ? N O \ _ ` ! 2  B E >ƺ}}uqlq h!5h!h?h?5 h?5h? h65h6h65h6h^%; h^%;5h^%;h^%;5h5CJaJh 5CJaJhwh 5CJaJhsWh 5CJaJh h89h h 5h4mlh CJ$aJ$h]h CJ$aJ$h CJ$aJ$*' ! 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