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The ultimate goal is to distribute the responsibility for training to individual departments and programs. Jeff also announced the National Science Foundations decision to fund a $150,000.00 grant he wrote with Donna Chamely-Wiik and Jerry Haky. The Chemistry Department will use the award to fund the development of a new 6 credit course that will meet the criteria for both Advanced Chemistry II (including lab) and College Writing II. Krista Kasdorf also participated in writing this grant. We are hoping to identify similar opportunities for other departments and programs. WAC Program Assessment Jeff submitted a grant application to the Council of Writing Program Administrators. Awards range from $1,000.00-$2,000.00. He is hoping to use the grant to defer the cost of researching the sustainability of WAC programs across the country. WCOnline has agreed to help us develop, implement, and temporarily store the Student Papers & Efficacy Survey that will be a component of the WAC program assessment The Committee spent a significant amount of time reviewing and revising the survey language and presentation style. A revised copy of the student survey will be distributed for review by all Committee members. The Committee will be asked to participate in similar review sessions as other assessment modules, particularly the Faculty Efficacy Survey, are developed. Budget & CTESS CTESS (Center for Teaching Excellence and Student Services) has received $200,000.00 this year of an $800,000.00 grant. Concerns were raised about whether CTESS resources will be used primarily for student services. The Committee was asked to draft their concerns for further consideration at the next meeting. Jeff asked Tony Lombardo about using CTESS funds to award small faculty stipends for participating in WAC workshops. Workshop Schedule for Spring 2007 Terry Zawacki will be the guest speaker for our February 15th WAC workshop. Terrys presentation will focus on what Writing Across the Curriculum is and why it works; she runs a very successful WAC program at George Mason University. We anticipate having some time to discuss the assessment plan with Terry while she is here. The UCEW will host a reception and open house immediately following Terrys presentation. UCEW consultants are putting together a slide show that will run continuously during the open house. The March 29th WAC workshop has been set aside for a Faculty Showcase. We will be asking faculty from various colleges and departments to showcase their best practices and experiences developing courses for ýs Writing Across the Curriculum program. The Summer Curriculum Grant will be posted soon. The workshop will take place May 9-11. Approximately 10-15 awards of $2,000 each will be competitively awarded to faculty who meet grant program eligibility requirements. The grants will reward faculty who participate in the development of WAC courses. Awardees may revise an existing course, develop a new one, or convert a current Gordon Rule course to meet WAC requirements. The application deadline is March 15, 2007. Explanation of Criteria Documents The WAC Committee will soon be receiving electronic copies of documents that have been drafted to explain each of the WAC syllabus criteria for 2000-4000 level courses and ENC 1102 course substitutes. Committee members will be asked to review these documents and offer suggestions for revision at the next meeting. Please find these documents attached. Faculty Training Requirement At the next meeting, Committee members will be asked to discuss the ramifications of required WAC training for tenure-line faculty. Recent experiences have reaffirmed Jeffs original concerns about professional autonomy and maintaining support for the WAC program Meeting Adjourned        '),378]^defoz}       & ' - D ƺƶƲ|tlglglglb he$5 h25h-h-5haqhiK5hw5CJaJh D5CJaJhwhiK5CJaJhj?hiK5CJaJhj?hQw5CJaJhwh\v hV_hQw hQw5hQwhwhwCJaJhwhw5CJaJh-5CJaJh\v5CJaJhwhQw5CJaJ&:def  E hd^`hgdkr & Fdgdkr hd^hgd\vhhd^h`hgde$ & Fdgd- $da$gdwdgdQw$a$gdQw8TD E P k B E ` n ^ ! 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