ࡱ> KMJ!` t(bjbj\\ .<>>H.B 8 , BhJJJ$ hQ#&FF &4;BV@| J42  Q0x$$|$$|JvTDXAJJJ&&+^JJJBBBD BBB BBB Minutes for WAC Committee Meeting held 29th September 2006 SO 105 Conference Room; 10:00 a.m. Noon Present: Dan Murtaugh, Anne Bosworth, Jeff Galin, Ellen Ryan, Marina Karides, Lynne Hahn, Donna Chamely-Wiik, Patricia Patterson, Eileen Ariza NEXT WAC COMMITTEE MEETING: October 27th SO 105; 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Finalizing Drafts of WAC criteria for ENC 1102 substitute courses and 2000-4000 level courses Discussion of ENC 1102 Substitute Courses: Jeff Galin introduced revisions to the WAC criteria for courses that can be substituted for ENC 1102. In this discussion it was decided that the language for referring to these courses should be changed from courses that are equivalent to ENC 1102 to courses that are substitutes for ENC 1102. This revision was the result of a larger discussion about WAC training for faculty members. Dan Murtaugh said that WAC courses that substitute for ENC 1102 should only be taught by full-time faculty. After further discussion about WAC training and the possibility of adjuncts and graduate teaching assistants teaching WAC syllabi, it was decided that the first statement of the criteria for these courses should read as follows: All courses that substitute for ENC 1102 and are covered by these criteria will be taught by full-time faculty. It was also decided that a statement of explanation was necessary with regard to the submission process for new course syllabi. The criteria will now state that, [s]yllabi for new College Writing II substitute courses must be submitted to the WAC Committee at least three months prior to the expected date of course implementation in order to ensure timely processing. In a related but separate discussion, it was decided that the WAC website would include a web link to a flow chart that explains the WAC certification processes. Finally, in a discussion that inspired by concerns about faculty C.V.s and tenure portfolios and the risk of alienating WAC faculty, the Committee decided on minor semantic changes to the language of these criteria. The word must will be replaced by the word will and the word workshop will be replaced by the word seminar in all statements that discuss the requirements for WAC training.* Discussion of Criteria for 2000-4000 level WAC Courses: See * above. Assessment of the WAC Program Discussion for revising the language of the document Jeff Galin is preparing for the UUPC: Under the heading, How will the random sampling process work? the word sprinkling was changed to representation. The paragraph under the heading, How will papers be designated? was edited and reorganized to read as follows: All students from randomly selected sections will be asked to submit papers. Papers from those sections will be randomly selected. Typically, these papers will be substantial end-of-term projects/papers that have been revised. Papers should be single authored. First and second drafts should be submitted. Students will estimate how many hours they spent working on each draft. There was also a discussion regarding how student papers would be collected. Patricia Patterson raised concerns about students privacy and the need for IRB approval. Eileen Ariza, Marina, Karides, and Donna Chamely-Wiiks then shared their recent experiences with IRB and made note of various concerns that had come up. Donna Chamely-Wiik also noted that IRB approval was required for assessments in the Chemistry Department. It was decided that Marina Karides and Jeff Galin would investigate further and report back to the Committee. Karides will research some survey methods. Galin will contact Elisa Gaucher in ýs office of Research Compliance Services; he will also contact other WAC directors for assessment program suggestions. Donna Chamely-Wiik also suggested that we contact Dr. Nancy Romance from the Department of Education and the Department of Science. Dr. Romance has developed a very useful document that can help us navigate the IRB approval system once we have received comments and suggestions from Elisa Gaucher. It was generally agreed that students would have to sign a document and agree to participate in the assessment. The initial language suggested for this document would read as follows: This class has been selected to participate in an assessment. The purpose of this assessment is to measure the effectiveness of the Writing Across Curriculum program. On page two of the Assessment Program draft, it was decided that the following statement would be removed from the document: Faculty will need to state that students who are requested to submit papers will not receive a grade for the term unless they submit their papers. In a subsequent discussion regarding the assessment of student papers within the program assessment, it was agreed that the Committee would develop of rubric from the WAC criteria. Jeff Galin will research the possibility of using different rubrics for different disciplines. The rubrics, however, should help evaluators to examine the distinctions between first and second drafts. The entire discussion was then tabled pending additional research and information provided from Elisa Gaucher. Relationship between WAC and Core Curriculum Jeff Galin pointed out that 95% of Gordon Rule sections are part of the Core Curriculum, but this percentage will change when WAC is fully implemented. Dan Murtaugh suggested that we try to persuade departments to require division upper WAC courses. Marina Karides agreed. The most significant concern was that students would avoid taking upper division WAC courses once they had fulfilled their writing requirements. Designing a Report on the Status of the WAC program Jeff Galin and Anne Bosworth will be working on this report, which must then be presented to the Faculty Senate. This report will provide an overview of the programs history and status to date. It will then be published to the WAC web site. Language for the University Catalogue Jeff Galin noted that developing language for the University catalogue was an essential task that would have to be taken up at the next Committee meeting. However, copy is due by October 9, 2006. Report on UUPC Decisions Jeff Galin reported that the UUPC supports the 7 Year Horizon plan developed with Steve Richarde from the office of Institutional Effectiveness & Analysis. Meeting with Honors College and Report from September 18th Meeting with Fred Fejes, Director of ýs Scholars Program Jeff Galin met with Fred Fejes from the Scholars Program. It was decided that 1930s courses would be afforded an expedited review process. Courses being taught for the first time or changed substantially from a previous semester will require new syllabi, which must be submitted to the WAC Committee for formal approval a semester before the course is to be taughtSpring term for Fall courses. If the WAC Committee does not approve the syllabus then the course will be cancelled by the director of the University scholars program at least 3 weeks before the beginning of the term. The WAC Committee has designated Deborah Raines and Dan Murtaugh as reviewers for 1930s courses. Syllabi must be reviewed within two weeks of receipt and the reviewers will meet directly with Fred, if he requests such a meeting, to discuss revisions. Fred will ensure that the changes are made and the syllabi are submitted to the WAC Committee. The WAC Director and Coordinator will then review the changes and contact Elissa Rudolph via email to affirm that the courses are approved. All 1930s courses except ENC 1930 will be reviewed using the 2000-4000 level WAC criteria. Jeff Galin notes that he will be attending an advisory council meeting next week. We will be getting ready to announce the full implementation of the WAC program to the University. Meeting adjourned     Jeff has spoken with Elisa and decided that in case we do decide to publish, an IRB form should be submitted. However, based on the description of the process, Elisa expected that the assessment program would be deemed exempt. After a conversation with the AAC (Academic Advisors Counsel), this time frame was clarified. All WAC decisions must be made before students can register. _`fghq|   " @ A S _ - B   Ӧآ{wwoh@Eh@E5h@E h0p5 hzx5h0ph0p5h0phM he5hehe5he h@E5haqhiK5hw5CJaJhwhiK5CJaJhw hV_hQw hQw5hQwhwhwCJaJhwhw5CJaJhwhQw5CJaJ+<fgh" @ A %j d^gdd hd^hgdd & FdgdiK hd^hgdQw hd^hgdiK & FdgdQw $da$gdwdgdQw$a$gdQw&&s(+-KS')48:HPpwy%z~j58Kq,h=Jkh=Jkhk5hkhi hdhdhd hd5hdhd5 hiK5 hF5hFhF5hiKhF5hiKhiK5hFh@E5h@EhiKhF h@E5h@Eh@E5 hzx56,> 17DQe^_np$&0Q^_`a'34-Z\޼޼h_h_5h_ h_5hzx hQ5hQhQ5hQ hihi hi5jhZQ0JUhihi5hi h@&5h@&h@&5h@&h=Jkh=Jkh=Jk5<_`a34h\]H I b u! & &&&&& & Fdgdwdgdendgd_ & Fdgd_ & FdgdQdgdQ d`gdi\]~ F G H I m  *!6!8!9!P!t!u!!!!!!!!"|"########$^$$$$$$!%@%K%b%%ûóó֑ h[R5hwh9m5jhZQ0JUh[Rh9mh9mh9m5h9mhen5henhen5hen hen5hwhw5H* hw5h_h_5hh_hQ h_5 hQ5 h_h_7%%%%%%%&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&''r(s(t(ƾݨݺjhZQ0JUhiKh@Eh jh Uh_h;5h_h_5 hwhenhZQhwhwhw5hwh9m5 h[R5 hw5)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'r(s(t(,1h/ =!"#$% @@@ QwNormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA@D Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No List>> Qw Footnote TextCJaJ@&@ QwFootnote ReferenceH*B'@B @EComment ReferenceCJaJ<@"< @E Comment TextCJaJ@j@!"@ @EComment Subject5\H@BH @E Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ4@R4 @EHeader  !4 @b4 @EFooter  !rboswortt r';r{:SFSFt <<fgh"@A  % j _`a34h\]HIbu  r u 000000000 00000 000000 000 000 000 00 000 0 0000@000@000@000@0000000 xU@00 0 |I@00 0M0000 @0@000 ,\%t(&t(s(@  @ 0(  B S  ?H0(  I%\TI%UI%Ĉ#I%/I%eI%4I%$I%,8 w  ju J {xu =*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceName=*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceType9*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace>*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PersonName  ';{:u}W_ns 2 > UZ+3KP^cjpu "?DJhju 3333_`ef!"**z ~ F*9Pt !@@Kb   q u u 8^Jj?-F06m~e 0h808^8`0o(. ^`hH. pLp^p`LhH. @ @ ^@ `hH. ^`hH. 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