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Jeff identified alternative funding sources, emphasizing that the cost is low. English Department approved a group of ENC 1102-equivalent syllabi at their meeting last Friday. Philosophy: Marina Banchetti has received approval for changing Reason and Value from a 1000 level course to a 2000 level course and the title of the course to “Introduction to Philosophy.” Students attend lectures and also discussion sections. Target number of students per section is 22 to 25. At this time, Gordon rule classes in Philosophy are capped at 32 (plus 3). The class size reduction will occur over the course of three to four years. This year we are working for a target of 27 with 3 possible overloads. New syllabi created by faculty who attend this summer’s WAC workshop will need only WAC committee approval (not their department, college, or the UUPC) for the Registrar to add them to the Spring Semester 2007 schedule. 3,000 or 6,000 words? The Faculty Senate decided that it is not viable to allow 3,000-word WAC courses because of transfer issues but the question is still open. A subcommittee of the Faculty Senate will take up the question. (Discussion of WAC committee members included fact that Community Colleges no longer have state-mandated word counts, our relinquishing 3,000-word courses will not address the issue because students will take the 3,000 word courses here and not at the CCs if we offer them, etc. It seemed that the consensus was that we should offer 3,000-word courses but no decision was made.) Jeff continued: The new WAC chemistry syllabus is very good. Another interesting development is that Social Work faculty want to convert their degree to a writing intensive major. They are also developing a diagnostic essay exam to determine what individual students will need in the way of writing support so that they can intervene early to help them. The Honors College is also actively involved in developing WAC courses. Tom: We should have a way to recognize those departments and faculty that are actively working on WAC. Patricia Patterson: The “goals” that Jeff accidentally included in the packet he distributed are very good and should be retained and included with the ENC1102 equivalent course requirements. It’s a good idea to stress the overall goals of the WAC project. It was agreed that the order of the 3 points should be reversed and some language needs to be fixed up. Jeff will revise and email the group for comments.* Moved to discussion of the ENC 1102 equivalent WAC courses drafts: Allen: Must assignments and grading criteria be included in the syllabus? Consensus that “the syllabus should include a general explanation of evaluation criteria for writing assignments” as well as a general overview of assignments. Keep the three-paragraph intro. Fix “1. Syllabi should include” as follows: a, b, c, and d are okay. Delete “definition of the Gordon Rule” in e, fix spelling, change g to eliminate “written descriptions are provided,” change “each writing assignment” to “major writing assignments,” and “overview of general criteria for evaluating assignments.” Number 2 “assignments” and 3 “course” should be combined and the points made into whole sentences. What are now a. and b. should be 1 and 2. Delete c. What is now 3.a should either be incorporated in “1. Syllabi” or added as number 6 at the end. “b” becomes 3, “c” 4 (change “the course” to “courses”) and “d” becomes 5. The syllabus evaluation form will be made more user friends in response to request of committee members. Reconstitution of the WAC committee: next year the two-year cycle process will begin. The WAC Director (Jeff) and Assessment Director (Tom and next year his replacement) should continue to serve ex-officio. Ken will be in Dublin. Otherwise, present members wish to continue and Dan Murtaugh agreed to remain Chair. (Accepted by acclamation.) Patricia Patterson says that it might be good to have representatives from departments that are involved in the WAC conversion but it was noted that Philosophy, for example, doesn’t have enough staff to take on more tasks. Jeff will issue a call for volunteers to those who have or will have taken the WAC workshop to take Ken’s place on the Committee. Patricia Patterson: tell us about conferences. Jeff said that the major WAC conference of the year will take place on May 18 at Clemson and that he will make a presentation there on “hybrid WAC programs.” Tom said that going to conferences is great but that bringing experts to campus reaches even more people. Jeff announced that Tom Anderson will be back. Tom suggested that his next visit could be turned into a University-wide event. The next meeting will take place **______. 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