ࡱ> 352` bjbj . X X X X d  " " " " " " $WhF  F  [  "   x G+X . q 0    ( 0 "  F F  D4$4 WAC Committee Meeting, Friday, February 3, 2006 Present: Chairs Jeff Galin and Dan Murtaugh Members Ken Osgood, Gerald Scott, Allen Smith Staff Nancy Rosen 1. The meeting was convened in the conference room of the University Center for Excellence in Writing at 3 p.m. 2. Discussion of the usefulness of the 6,000-word designation for WAC courses yielded consensus that it should be retained with addition of a fuller discussion of the rationale for the requirement and discussion of the goal: literacy. 3. Jeff reported that he is working with the Philosophy and History Departments to convert their Gordon Rule courses to WAC courses with the help of development of various rubrics, etc. 4. Problem: How will we know that there is consistency among various sections of the same WAC courses? It was agreed that the departments will need to review individual syllabi by establishing a review (without policing) to assure that they are consistent with the WAC syllabus that was approved for the course (by the WAC committee, the Department, UUPC, etc.). The departments will be asked to send a simple report periodically to the WAC committee. This was refined to say that we will ask departments to submit a statement of compliance to the WAC committee each year. The WAC committee will provide electronic copies of the WAC rubric to use as a guideline in evaluating the syllabi of the various sections. Also, the WAC committee will collect and review papers from all selected sections of WAC courses periodically (most likely on a four year cycle) as part of the WAC assessment process. 5. Conversion of ENC 1102 to WAC Note that for our purposes, 2000 and above courses are upper division (and weve already completed the WAC guidelines). Various departments are offering disciplinary based 1000 level courses that students may substitute for College Writing II (ENC 1102). The WAC Committee revisited the College Writing II guidelines that the Faculty Senate approved in the Spring of 2003 in the same manner that it reviewed the upper division guidelines last semester. Extensive discussion ensued; it was agreed that the guidelines must be clarified and simplified, especially the qualitative items, to resemble the short and clear requirements for WAC designation that was developed for 2000-4000-level WAC courses. Items 5 9 can be condensed to say something like course should promote academic critical thinking and analytical writing. Assignments should be arranged so that with each new assignment students can draw upon skills targeted by the previous assignment. Nancy Rosen and Jeff will work on the revision and present at draft to the committee. 6. The WAC committee: we need to cycle people on and off. All agreed that we should have a two-year cycle, with some members joining and others leaving every year to insure continuity. In order to start the cycle, we will retain some of the current members for another year. Jeff will get permission for this from the UUPC. 7. The WAC program will officially replace the current Gordon Rule system for approving writing intensive courses for ý in Spring of 2007 when the new Banner System is up and running. 8. Jeff updated the committee on the WAC workshops that will be offered to various departments, including Philosophy, History, Chemistry, Social Work, and Ocean Engineering. 9. Syllabi to be reviewed: Allen Smith and Gerald Scott will review the syllabus for PAD3003, Public Management an Administration, submitted by Floydette Skip Cory (Scruggs). Allen Smith and Dan Murtaugh will review the chemistry syllabus submitted by Professors Chamely-Wiik and Haky. Arlene Fradkins syllabus for Cultural Difference in a Globalized Society was assigned to Dan Murtaugh and we will ask Tricia Jenkins to review it. Respectfully submitted, Nancy Rosen The g  2 - ^b&?G)h@ohSh:!01;^  ;<]az{{|*+  ,1h/ =!"#$% @@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DAD Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k(No List 2>@2 Title$a$5\ 01;^;<]az { { | * +   000000000000000000000000000000000001;^;<]y0Hy0y0y0y0y0y0y0y0y0y0y0y0{0y0y0{0@  gBgBƃgB49*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttagsplace=*urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags PlaceType  ( + , > D 333:;]fg12 -^b&> ? G ) | K  ( :!@ozZS@+MmP@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial"1h:F:F? ? !24d2HX?S2/WAC Committee Meeting, Friday, February 3, 2006Valued Gateway ClientzzzucewOh+'0$ 4@ ` l x0WAC Committee Meeting, Friday, February 3, 2006Valued Gateway ClientNormalzzzucew2Microsoft Office Word@F#@|=+@|=+? ՜.+,0 hp|   0WAC Committee Meeting, Friday, February 3, 2006 Title  !#$%&'()+,-./014Root Entry FG+6Data 1TableWordDocument. SummaryInformation("DocumentSummaryInformation8*CompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q