ࡱ> @B?` U!bjbj ..(PPP8 $(($Hh7[[[7L[v[ p[QPb0<<<4p^LA77^[[[[((( (((((( WAC Committee Meeting, Friday, September 23, 2005 Present: Chairs Jeff Galin and Dan Murtaugh; Ken, Tricia, Nancy Rosen, Debbie, Joe? A problem to address: the conversion process from Gordon Rule to WAC classes. WAC classes will replace Gordon Rule classes. Can there be money for a faculty member or release time (one class) to help with that conversion? Should TAs who support the writing program in their various departments have to be certified? Should they take some training in teaching writing? Marina Branchetti, who was cool to WAC, is now excited about getting grad students trained. Ken: we need the guidelines to prevent WAC classes becoming just like Gordon rule classes. What should those guidelines be? What requirements must be met for a course to receive a WAC designation? Discussion was based on draft of Possible Requirements for WAC Designation (see below). Should we have the number of words specified? Re #2, Jeff says that while sustained writing in necessary, how would one handle lab courses, for example? What about essay exams? How should they count? Consensus answer: Add to #2 (below) . . . written out of class. The committee needs to resubmit guidelines to the UCC. In addition to Possible Requirements, we need to develop an Overview sheet and also guidelines for students. We also need a Procedures document that will include sample rubrics. The Overview needs to include a statement of the relationship between the (old) Gordon rule classes and the (new) WAC classes. Committee liked Dan Murtaughs words, WAC courses will be the universitys vehicle for meeting the Gordon rule requirement. The document will also need a Preamble. Some version of number 2 (below) should be in the preamble. A preamble to the document must contain an eloquent, compelling, positive statement. Anderson had good language. (Jeff reminded the committee that Paul Anderson has no state imposed mandates that he needs to satisfy, so the situations arent exactly parallel.) In number 6, below, the word substantial will have to be defined. Discussion ensued. Items 2 and 7 (below) should be the gold standard, said Dan Murtaugh, but we cant expect that starting off. Suggestion for how to reach that gold standard should be included in the Procedures section that will follow the Preamble and Overview. Incorporate suggestions included on page 3 paragraph two of the unofficial revised draft 4-19-05. xxx, College of Business: A lot of our work is group work. How would collaborative work affect WAC? Jeff: If all work is collaborative, then maybe that class should not be considered a Gordon Rule or WAC class. To address this issue, add the word each to Requirement 8 (below). Eliminate item 6, page 3, of the 4-19-05 draft; this should please faculty. (Students complete self-evaluations . . . .) We will table for today discussion of the Strong Recommendations section of the 4-19-05 draft except to say that they should be included in the Procedures section. Assessment: Tricia was concerned that the program would be used to evaluate faculty. If we are not going to have outcomes assessment program for WAC (as Anderson recommended) then this is a non-issue. However, added Tom, we will need to be able to evaluate general education for SACs. Proposed solution: we will collect all the syllabi and assignments themselves. Debbie asked whats the point of asking for the assignments? Tom answered that some schools require faculty to meet to discuss the WAC courses. Jeff said we cant do that. Debbie said that the basic question the committee needs to address is What are we trying to accomplish? Jeff says that we need to demonstrate that something is being done that is effective. Tom: people involved in WAC need to be rewarded. Jeff: faculty need to have the opportunity to opt out. Homework for Tom: bring some assessment scenarios to the committee. Next meeting will be held the third Friday of October (October 21). Possible Requirements for WAC Designation (version referred to in discussion). Proposed changes are in italics. To receive a WAC designation, a course must do the following: 1. Include writing assignments that engage students in intellectual activities central to the course objectives. 2. Include at least two graded assignments completed out of class. 3. Count writing assignments for a significant portion at least 50% of the course grade. 4. Provide a clear, written description of each writing assignment and its evaluation criteria. 5. Devote class time to discussing prepare students to complete and revise [or perhaps facilitate] the writing assignments. 6. Require students to make a substantial revision of at least one graded assignment. 7. Provide students with substantive feedback on graded assignments and drafts students are required to revise. 8. Require each students to write 3,000 or 6,000 words. The words in un-graded writing assignments count toward this total, as do words in a draft students must revise as part of a graded assignment. 9. Includes a syllabus that meets the requirements set out in the WAC rubric. (?) Summary of changes to unofficial revised draft 4-19-05 s page 2, Requirements be approved. . . include in Procedures section writing assignments be . . . DELETE; its covered in Requirements point 1 writing assessments constitute . . . DELETE; its covered in Requirements point 3 class syllabus explain the . . . include Procedures assignments be structured . . . add as number 9 in Requirements section be at least three. . . DELETE at least one assignment . . . DELETE; its included in number 6 in Requirements section page 3, Requirements, continued: instructors provide substantial feedback . . . included in number 7 in Requirements some class time be devoted to preparing . . . DELETE; its included in number 5 in Requirements courses include some informal. . . DELETE; this could be included in Recommendations section of Procedures part students receive detailed written instructions. . . ipso facto instructors provide individual conferences . . maybe include this in Procedures students complete self-evaluations. . . DELETE; this wont be required students submit end-of-term WAC folder. . . DELETE; this wont be required     9/23/05 WAC committee meeting minutes Page  PAGE 3 of  NUMPAGES 3 1(=>K& [ij 5!6!!?!C!D!N!O!P!Q!S!T!U!̺hEmHnHuhdmHnHujhEUh ccjh ccUh~% hES* hE7 hE6]hE hE5\,23  h i X Y v w   u v tu$a$ T!)*^_S`?  gd: Y[rE}BCg"j+ t  R!S!T!U! ,1h/ =!"#$% @@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DAD Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k(No List 44 Header  !4 @4 Footer  !U.23hiXYvwuvtu ) * ^_S`? 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