Outcome Goals
On completing a WAC designated course, students will be able to:
- produce both finished writing and preparatory writing (e.g., multiple drafts of formal writing, journal writing, written responses to other texts, etc.);
- use writing to engage actively with course material;
- employ critical thinking based on well-reasoned assumptions;
- demonstrate the distinction between learning-to-write activities from writing-to-learn activities;
- recognize and practice writing as a recursive process that demands substantial reworking of drafts (global revision) to revise content, organization, clarity, argument structures, etc., as distinct from editing and correction of surface error (local revision);
- demonstrate enhanced learning through global and local revision that is based on "learning-centered" grading criteria;
- demonstrate the ability to respond to readings, including student texts, during class-wide or small-group discussions and/or in informal writings;
- demonstrate disciplinary forms and styles of writing that include proper citation format;
- demonstrate the abilities to identify, understand, and edit for global organization, style, and the patterns of error recurrent in their own writing.