WAC Committee Procedures for Approving Syllabi

The WAC syllabus approval process takes between 4 to 12 weeks for existing courses that are being revised to meet the WAC criteria. WAC syllabi for new courses take approximately 8 to 16 weeks to approve. The process is outlined below:

  1. Review WAC criteria and use them to develop your syllabus.

  2. Submit syllabus and sample assignment to Director of WAC program via e-mail in MS Word or RTF format.
  3. WAC program Director and Assistant Director review the syllabus and offer suggestions in anticipation of the WAC Committee review (often faculty revise before an official WAC Committee review).
  4. Syllabus is sent to at least two members of the University WAC committee for review with a two-week deadline for feedback.
  5. Recommendations from the reviewers (when applicable) are forwarded to authors.
  6. If necessary, syllabi are revised and resubmitted for a second committee review.
  7. If the syllabus is for an College Writing / ENC 1102 replacement, the syllabus must also be approved by the English Department's Writing Committee.
  8. Departmental approval can be obtained before or after WAC committee review.
  9. College Curriculum Committee review typically occurs after WAC approval (and, if applicable, Writing Committee approval).
  10. Approval notice is sent to faculty and other parties as appropriate (such as the University Undergraduate Programs Committee).
  11. Faculty complete and submit the appropriate UUPC course form and submit it with the syllabus by the agenda items deadline before the next scheduled UUPC meeting.
  12. If the course is new, faculty member contacts the Registrar鈥檚 Office for a course number.
  13. After formal approval by UUPC, the syllabus is forwarded to the Faculty Senate for approval.
  14. New courses are then sent to Tallahassee for State certification as a Gordon Rule course.