September 9, 2024
Agenda and Curriculum Proposals

Time: 10 am to noon

Location: SU 132 and via Zoom

1. Call to order and vote for UUPC Chair 2024-2025

2. Approval of UUPC Minutes from April 29, 2024

3. Announcements

4. New Business

Course/Program Title Department Credits Action
Policy Change Repeat Course Surcharge Undergraduate Studies Clarification of policy language
Policy Change Return After Dismissal Undergraduate Studies Clarification of policy language
Arts and Letters
Program Change B.ARCH. in Architecture Architecture Increase GPA for priority consideration admission into the upper-division
GEB 3213 Introduction to Business Communication (New title: Business Communication: Critical Analysis and Application) Business Communication 3 Change title and description
ECO 4106 Behavioral Economics Economics 3 New
ISM 3116 Introduction to Business Analytics and Big Data Information Technology and Operations Management 3 Remove prerequisites
ISM 4432

Business Product Development with AI Information Technology and Operations Management 3 New
MAN 3025 Introduction to Management and Organizational Behavior (New title: Management of Organizations) Management Programs 3 Change title and description
MAN 3506 Operations Management Management Programs 3 Change prerequisite
MAN 4720 Global Strategy and Policy Management Programs 3 Change description
Engineering and Computer Science
Honors College
Program Change

Honors Approval
Biology Concentration and Neuroscience Concentration Add PHY 2053 as an alternative to PHY 2048 for both concentrations
PET 2916 Directed Independent Research Exercise Science and Health Promotion 0-3 New
PET 4916 Directed Independent Research Exercise Science and Health Promotion 0-3 New
Program Change B.S. in Exercise Science and Health Promotion Exercise Science and Health Promotion Add the two new courses above as electives for the two concentrations in Exercise Science
Social Work and Criminal Justice
Program Change B.A. in Criminal Justice Criminology and Criminal Justice Add recently added courses as options in the electives table

5. Next Meeting and Adjournment

The UUPC's next meeting is Monday, October 7, from 10 am to noon, in SU 132 and via Zoom.

New programs and program changes approved at today's meeting will be considered by the Steering Committee and Faculty Senate on the dates noted below. Please have a college representative present for those meetings. If any new courses/course revisions seem controversial, please have a representative present for those courses as well.听
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Steering Meeting: Thursday, September 26, 2 to 4 pm, Board of Trustees Room, /ufsgov/steering-committee/

UFS Meeting: Monday, October 7, 1 to 3 pm, EE 106, /ufsgov/calendar/