
November 6, 2023
Agenda and Curriculum Proposals

Time: 10 am to noon
Location: SU 132 and via Zoom

1. Call to Order

2. Approval of UUPC Minutes from October 9, 2023/Announcements

3. New Business

Course/Program Title Department Credits Action
New Program

Honors Approval
Honors Program for Bachelor of Professional Studies Undergraduate Studies Ìý New
Syllabus Recommendation Sexual Misconduct Reporting Language Undergraduate Studies Ìý New
Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý
Arts and Letters
ANT 3114 Stones and Bones: Unearthing the Past Anthropology 3 New
ANT 3143 Archaeology of Europe Anthropology 3 New
Program Change Anthropology Anthropology Ìý Add two new courses to degree requirements
Program Change Architecture Architecture Ìý Update admission requirements
FIL 4613 Exhibition Practices in Film, Video and New Media (New title: Exhibition Practices in Film, Video and Media)Ìý Communication and Multimedia Studies 4 Change title
MMC 1540 Introduction to Multimedia Studies (New title: Introduction to Media Studies) Communication and Multimedia Studies 3 Change title
MMC 2132 Introduction to Media Production Communication and Multimedia Studies 3 New
Program Change College of Business Student Academic Services Business - Academic Services Ìý Update general information under Bachelor's Degree Information section in the catalogÌý
ACG 4501 Government and Not-for-Profit Accounting Accounting 3 Change prereqs.
Program Change Finance Finance Ìý Update core and electives; add course choices to electives
FIN 4940 Finance Internship Finance 3 New
RMI 4940 Risk Management and Insurance Internship Finance 3 New
Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý
Engineering and Computer Science
Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý
Honors College
Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý
Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý
Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý
Program Change

BA in Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Ìý Replace two required courses in the program with two new required courses
Program Change


(Proposal did not pass.)
BS in Mathematics Mathematical Sciences Ìý Update requirements and add four concentrations to the program
MAP 2483

IFP/GR Approval
Mathematics for Biological Sciences 1 Mathematical Sciences 3 New and IFP/Gordon Rule, computational
MAP 2484 Mathematics for Biological Sciences 2 Mathematical Sciences 4 New
MGF 1106
(new number 1130)

IFP/GR Approval
Math for Liberal Arts 1 (New title: Mathematical Thinking in Context 1) Mathematical Sciences 3 Change course number, title and description

MGF 1107
(new number 1131)

IFP/GR Approval

Math for Liberal Arts 2 (New title: Mathematical Thinking in Context 2) Mathematical Sciences 3 Change course number, title and description
Social Work and Criminal Justice
Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý

4. Next Meeting and Adjournment

The UUPC's next meeting is Monday, December 4, from 10 am to noon, in SU 132 and via Zoom.

New programs and program changes approved at today's meeting will be considered by the Steering Committee and Faculty Senate on the dates noted below. Please have a college representative present for those meetings. If any new courses/course revisions seem controversial, please have a representative present for those courses as well.
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Steering Meeting: Monday, November 20, 2 to 4 pm, Board of Trustees Room,

UFS Meeting: Monday, December 4, 1 to 3 pm, EE 106, /ufsgov/calendar/