Course & Curriculum Materials for the Monday, September 10, 2018 meeting:

Old Business

Course/Program Title Department Credits Action
Arts and Letters

Latin American
Culture and Civilization
(remained tabled at 9/10/18 meeting)


Change prereqs.
and remove coreq.

New Business

Course/Program Title Department Credits Action
Undergraduate Studies

Limitation on Number of Withdrawals
Arts and Letters

New Combined Program
(listed below with Honors College items)

B.A. in Liberal Arts and Sciences, concentration History/M.A. in History AL History/
Wilkes Honors College


Business Software Systems
Development Project
ITOM 3 Change prereqs. and description

Hospitality and Tourism Management
Add course
to electives

Hospitality and Tourism Management
Add course
to electives

Financial Analytics for Hospitality Managers
(withdrawn by College of Business
after UUPC meeting)
Marketing/Hospitality 3 Change prereqs.
Engineering and Computer Science

B.S.G.E. in Geomatics Engineering Civil, Env. and
Geomatics Eng.

Honors College

B.A. in Liberal Arts and Sciences, concentration History/M.A. in History
(approved by UUPC on 9/10/18; next it goes to UGPC for review on 9/12/18)

Wilkes Honors College (WHC)/AL History

Honors Introduction to Data Science

WHC 3 New

Honors Computational Social Science WHC 3 New

Honors Religion: Theory,
Culture and Society
WHC 3 New

Introduction to Radiation Biology
(tabled at 9/10/18 meeting)

Biomedical Science 3 Terminate

Reproductive Endocrinology
(tabled at 9/10/18 meeting)

Biomedical Science 3 Terminate

Directed Independent Research

Biomedical Science 1-3 New, reg. grade

Directed Independent Research

Biomedical Science 0-3 New, S/U grade

Directed Independent Research

Nursing 0 New, S/U grade