ࡱ> LNIJK bjbj vxx * * mmmmmD1TlTa4  ```````$cf`m `mma!!! Rmm`! `!! UTS[0TzS$!R_W8`$a0TaW.gv!F.gpS[S[.gmg[X ! ``! Ta .g * 3:   Department of Exceptional Student Education Instructor: Office: Phone: E-mail:Office Hours: Class Day/Time: Class Location:  COURSE NUMBER: EEX 3226 COURSE CREDITS: 3 COURSE TITLE: Assessment of All Young Children CATALOG DESCRIPTION: 3 semester hours. Prerequisites: EDF 3430; EEX 3201; Programmed BECE Major This course focuses on assessment of all young children. It includes identification, administration, and interpretation of assessment instruments and processes for intellectual, social, physical, emotional, educational, and language evaluation. COURSE CONNECTION TO CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK: As a reflective decision-maker the student will provide evidence of being a capable and ethical professional by choosing appropriate assessment tools and processes for the diverse needs of all young children including children with special needs, ESOL students and children at-risk for academic and social problems. REQUIRED TEXTS: Wortham, S. C. (2012). Assessment in early childhood education (6th ed.). Columbus, OH: Merrill. RECOMMENDED TEXTS: Cohen, L., & Spenciner, L. J. (2011). Assessment of children and youth with special needs. (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Merrill. Losardo, A., & Notari, A. (2011). Alternative approaches to assessing young children. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing. LIVETEXT REQUIRED: Students in this course are required by the College of Education to have an active LiveText account to track mastery of programs skills, competencies and critical assignments and to meet program and college accreditation requirements. Students must have an account within: the first four (4) weeks of the fall or spring semester, within the first three (3) weeks of summer session, or after the first class of a fast track course. Students who do not have an active LiveText account may have an academic hold placed on their record. Information regarding account activation is provided on the College of Education website, HYPERLINK "http://coe.fau.edu/livetext"http://coe.fau.edu/livetext. AUDIO/VISUAL TECHNOLOGY: Computer: Blackboard Distance Learning Computer: E-mail (only your Myý email address will be used). As per the University policies Students are responsible for checking their ý email on a regular basis and should clean out their email boxes diligently to ensure all mail is delivered. ý email should never be auto-forwarded to another email account. Computer: Word processing; Power Point Presentations LCD Projector, Document-Camera, Digital video, Podcasting. ELECTRONIC DEVICES Use of any electronic devices in the classroom should be limited to the content and activities taking place there. Inappropriate use of such devices may result in removal from the classroom, a reduction in your grade, or some other consequence, as determined by the professor. GUIDELINES USED IN DEVELOPING COURSE OBJECTIVES: Council for Exceptional Children/Division for Early Childhood (CEC/DEC) NCATE Recommendations for Technology in Teacher Education = (NACATE-tech) National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) State of Florida Prekindergarten/Primary Education (Age 3) Through Grade Three (3) Specialization Competencies (PK/P) EC International Standards for Preparation and Certification of Special Education Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPs) Subject Matter Content Standards for Floridas Teachers (ESOL) RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THIS COURSE, THE ACADEMIC LEARNING COMPACTS, AND OTHER STANDARDS Academic Learning Compact OutcomesCourseAssignmentFEAP (2010)CEC/ DEC (2008) NAEYC (2011) New ESOL (2010)Critical Thinking EEX 3226Test Administration & Interpretation Project (a) 1.d. (a) 1.e. (a) 4.a. (a) 4.c.CC8-S5EC 3a EC 3b EC 4d5.1.a Communication WrittenEEX 3226 Test Administration and Interpretation Project(a) 2.e. (b) 4.e.CC9-S8 CC 8-S9EC 6d3.2.i COURSE OBJECTIVES: Students will 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the historical, educational and theoretical frameworks that have influenced the assessment of young children 2. Demonstrate an understanding of federal and state legislation impacting the assessment of young children, young children with disabilities, children at-risk for developmental delays, and their families. 3. Demonstrate an understanding of testing terminology. 4. Demonstrate an understanding of the diagnostic process and purposes. 5. Evaluate the environment for program planning and program effectiveness. 6. Demonstrate an understanding of cultural and ethnic diversity and its impact on the assessment process including administration, scoring and interpretation. 7. Select and administer appropriate formal and informal assessments.  8. Summarize and interpret assessment information. 9. Identify and utilize assessment information to plan instruction, to develop individualized education plans and/or family support plans.  CONTENT OUTLINE: Class MeetingTopicAssigned Readings Assignments DueWeek 1: Course Introduction Introduction to Assessment Week 1 case Vignette Chapter 1 Identify a child 5 years of age or younger with whom you will complete your Test Administration and Interpretation Project. Week 2: Issues and Current Practice for Assessing Young Children Week 2 case Vignette Provide the name and birthday date for the child with whom you will complete your Test Administration and Interpretation Project.Week 3: Assessment Process/Models Non-biased assessment Assessment Systems B-8 Chapter 2 Week 4: Screeners Week 3 case Vignette Week 5: Norm-Referenced Standardized tests 1 Chapter 3Section 1: (Demographics) of Test Administration and Interpretation Project Due.Week 6: Standardized tests 2 Chapter 4 Week 7: Basic Concepts of Measurement Error Analysis Rating Environments Week 8: Exam 1 (Chapters 1-4, in-class activities/ discussions, & readings) Week 9: Informal Assessment I: Observation and Observational Methods/ Data Collection Chapter 5 Section 2: (Norm-Referenced Assessment) DueWeek 10: Informal Assessment I (contd): Checklist, Rating Scales, and Rubrics Chapter 6 Week 11: Informal Assessment II: Criterion Referenced Assessment Teacher Designed Strategies Chapter 7 Week 12: Informal Assessment II (contd): Criterion Referenced Assessment Performance Based Strategies Chapter 8 Week 13: Portfolio Assessment Chapter 9 Section 3 (Criterion Referenced Assessment) DueWeek 14: Using Assessment Information for Writing Goals Chapter 10 Week 15: Record Keeping, Reporting, and Communicating With parents Article: How ongoing assessment supports learning and curriculum (.pdf found on Blackboard)Section 4: (Portfolio Assessment) and Written Analysis/Rationale DueWeek 16: Exam 2 (Chapters 5-10, in-class activities/ discussions, & readings) COURSE REQUIREMENTS: 1. Weekly reading assignments/participation: Students are responsible for all assigned readings (this includes chapter readings and any additional readings assigned) prior to coming to class. Students should come to class with homework assignments completed, prepared to discuss the content in the readings, and prepared to participate in the in-class activities and discussions. (2 points per session=32 points). 2. Exams: Two exams will be given with objective and practical application formats. Exams will be based on readings, PowerPoint presentations, and in-class activities and discussions. (2 @ 60 pts. each=120 points) 3. Test Administration and Interpretation Project: This is the CRITICAL ASSIGNMENT for this course, meant to fulfill the Academic Learning Compact Indicators of: (a) Critical Thinking: Students will collect, analyze, synthesize, and make inferences from data collected. (b) Written Communication: Students will demonstrate effective written communication skills to convey results of the Test Administrational and Interpretation Project. See Evaluation Rubric for this assignment at the end of the syllabus. As a reflective decision-maker the student will employ various assessment strategies interpret the data and make decisions regarding intervention/instruction. You will administer, score, and interpret one norm-referenced, one criterion referenced, and one portfolio assessment on a child 5 years of age or younger. In addition, you will provide goals or instructional objects that are linked to the results of these assessments, and rationale(s) for why these were chosen as well as how the results will be communicated to parents/caregivers. Sections 1-5 below comprise the final class project; components are due throughout the semester. Each section of the Project will be presented in a (duo-tong) three-prong pocket folder, with section dividers indicating: Sections 1-5. Use the italicized phrases in each section as your paragraph headers in your narrative write-up. Please consult the rubric toward the end of this syllabus for additional guidance in completing each section of the project. Section 1: Demographic Information (5 points) Brief paragraphs s describing the childs demographic information: Child name (pseudonym); Age (in years and months); Developmental profile (a paragraph-also bolded and headed- for each of the five developmental domains); Family situation (describe the salient features of the childs family situation); Other pertinent information (e.g. disability/developmental concerns of the past or present). For all written assignments you are to use 12 point New Times Roman font, Microsoft WORD, 1 margins and double space, and include a title page. Careful attention to spelling/grammar is expected. For formatting guidance, you may consult the following APA resource: HYPERLINK "http://ipt.boisestate.edu/files/APASixthEditionAug09.pdf"http://ipt.boisestate.edu/files/APASixthEditionAug09.pdf Section 2: Formal/Norm-referenced Assessment (20 points) Description of assessment situation Instrument Description: Describe the instrument you administered to the child, including: instrument name, purpose, age(s) for which it is appropriate, areas/domains assessed, and reliability/validity information for the instrument. Note: insert a page break after this section. Insert the hard copy of the completed test protocol/instrument. A written analysis of the students performance, including strengths and weaknesses. Child strengths and weaknesses should be described as per the domains/curricula areas assessed by the instrument-also bold/headed. Describe three annual goals for the child (based on the results of the assessment). These goals are based upon the weaknesses identified above. Goals should be written in ABCD format (see CONTENT/Course Resources/How to write goals in ABCD format) For each goal, describe a rationale for why these goals are chosen. For all written assignments you are to use 12 point New Times Roman font, Microsoft WORD, 1 margins and double space, and include a title page. Careful attention to spelling/grammar is expected. For formatting guidance, you may consult the following APA resource: HYPERLINK "http://ipt.boisestate.edu/files/APASixthEditionAug09.pdf"http://ipt.boisestate.edu/files/APASixthEditionAug09.pdf Section 3: Informal/Criterion-referenced Assessment (25 points) Description of assessment situation Instrument Description: Describe the instrument you administered to the child, including: instrument name, purpose, age(s) for which it is appropriate, areas/domains assessed, and reliability/validity information (if available) for the instrument. Note: insert a page break after this section. Insert the hard copy of the completed test protocol/instrument. A written analysis of the students performance, including strengths and weaknesses Child strengths and weaknesses should be described as per the domains/curricula areas assessed by the instrument-also bold/headed. Describe three instructional objectives for the child (based on the results of the assessment). These objectives are based upon the weaknesses identified above. Objectives should be written in ABCD format (see CONTENT/Course Resources/How to write goals I ABCD format) For each objective identified above, describe a rationale for why these goals are chosen. For all written assignments you are to use 12 point New Times Roman font, Microsoft WORD, 1 margins and double space, and include a title page. Careful attention to spelling/grammar is expected. For formatting guidance, you may consult the following APA resource: HYPERLINK "http://ipt.boisestate.edu/files/APASixthEditionAug09.pdf"http://ipt.boisestate.edu/files/APASixthEditionAug09.pdf Section 4: Performance/Portfolio Assessment (20 points). Portfolio consists of: Select one developmental domain or curriculum area on which to focus your Performance/Portfolio Assessment. Description of assessment situation: What was happening, who was present, physical location, etc. A description of the overall project, developmental domain, or curricula area being assessed by this portfolio. Identify the domain or curriculum area, then describe why you chose to focus on this particular developmental domain or curricula area (e.g. describe specific results from previous assessments, which lead to the identification of this area in need of more information, etc.) Within this one developmental domain or curriculum area, create 5 tasks intended to allow the child to demonstrate mastery of a particular skill or set of skills. Provide full written (1-2 paragraphs each) description of each task/instruction given to the child for the completion of the task (e.g. this description may include a description of the materials provided, the physical set-up, the complete directions given to the child, etc). Portfolio must contain a minimum of 5 task descriptions (on separate pages). The product specific to the task should follow the task description. The product is the work/performance sample created by the child (e.g. a picture the child drew) or created by you (e.g. a photo of the child doing something) to document what the child did. Repeat pairs of description and samples (e.g. description-sample; description-sample, etc)-see template A written analysis of the students overall performance, including strengths and weaknesses. Strengths/weaknesses should be described in specific reference to the products submitted. Describe three instructional objectives for the child (based on the products submitted). These goals are based upon the weaknesses identified above. Goals should be written in ABCD format Describe a rationale for why these goals are chosen. For all written assignments you are to use 12 point New Times Roman font, Microsoft WORD, 1 margins and double space, and include a title page. Careful attention to spelling/grammar is expected. For formatting guidance, you may consult the following APA resource: HYPERLINK "http://ipt.boisestate.edu/files/APASixthEditionAug09.pdf"http://ipt.boisestate.edu/files/APASixthEditionAug09.pdf Section 5: Written Analysis/Rationale (10 points) Describe the goals and rationale for goals based on norm-referenced assessment. Repeat and revise as necessary the three goals from your Formal/Norm-referenced Assessment assignment above and three corresponding rationales for your norm-referenced assessment Describe the goals and rationale for instructional objectives based on criterion-referenced assessment. Repeat and revise as necessary the three goals from your Criterion Referenced Assessment assignment above and three corresponding rationales for your criterion-referenced assessment Describe the goals and rationale for instructional objectives based on portfolio- assessment. Repeat and revise as necessary the three goals from your Portfolio Assessment assignment above and three corresponding rationales for your portfolio assessment Include a detailed plan/policy for how assessment results are shared with families. This plan should include descriptions of: Assurances for confidentiality; who will have access to assessment results and why How often assessments are administered A description of how teachers use assessment results to guide curriculum planning and to monitor progress How communication with families about their childs assessments is sensitive to family values, culture, identity, and home language. For all written assignments you are to use 12 point New Times Roman font, Microsoft WORD, 1 margins and double space, and include a title page. Careful attention to spelling/grammar is expected. For formatting guidance, you may consult the following APA resource: HYPERLINK "http://ipt.boisestate.edu/files/APASixthEditionAug09.pdf"http://ipt.boisestate.edu/files/APASixthEditionAug09.pdf Critical Assignments The Department of Exceptional Student Education and the Department of Curriculum, Culture, and Educational Inquiry have identified competencies that must be mastered in order to continue in the Bachelors in Early Care and Education Degree Program. For this course, the Academic Learning Compact Competencies (Critical Thinking and Written Communication) will be measured by the Test Administration and Interpretation Project, which is the Critical Assignment. Please carefully read the departmental policy (below) on Critical Assignments. Departmental Policy on CRITICAL ASSIGNMENT(S): Assessment criteria: A student must earn a minimum grade of 73% of the points allotted for the Critical Assignment to receive a passing grade of C or better in this course. In other words, a student cannot earn a C or better in this course without successfully completing the Critical Assignment. Remediation policy: If a student is passing the course, but has failed to pass the Critical Assignment with a minimum of 73% of the possible points for the assignment, the student will receive an I in the course until the Critical Assignment is successfully redone (only one attempt allowed). The conditions and time frame for the resubmission of the assignment will be determined by the instructor. However, the second attempt must be completed within one semester. Upon successful completion of the resubmitted assignment, the I will be changed to a grade for the course and the student may continue in the sequence of courses. The original points earned for the initial attempt at the Critical Assignment will be used to calculate the final grade in the course. If the resubmitted Critical Assignment is not successfully passed, the grade for the course will be C- or below regardless of the total points earned in the course. If a student is does not have a grade of C or better, and has failed to pass the Critical Assignment with a minimum of 73% of the possible points, the student will not be allowed to resubmit the Critical Assignment. The student will need to repeat the course and the Critical Assignment. ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES: Assignment Points % of grade% of critical assignment gradeExams (2 @ 60 pts each)12052%In Class Activities/discussions (2 pts each day)32 14%Final Project (Critical Assignment):Demographic Info52%6%Norm Referenced Assessment209%25%Criterion Referenced Assessment2511%31%Portfolio Assessment209%25%Written Analysis/Rationale103%13%TOTAL 232100%100% Acceptance of late assignment(s) is solely at the discretion of the instructor; If accepted, assignments that are late will be deducted 10% of the point value for each day late. GRADING SCALE: Scores for each assignment are cumulative and the grade scale represents percentage of total points earned. If you do not complete all assignments, you will not be able to earn an A in this course. A = 93-100A- = 90-92B+ = 87-89B = 83-86B- = 80-82C+ = 77-79C = 73-76C- = 70-72D+ = 67-69D = 63-66D- = 60-62F = Below 60 Expectations: ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION: Students are expected to attend all of their scheduled University classes and to satisfy all academic objectives as outlined by the instructor. The effect of absences upon grades is determined by the instructor, and the University reserves the right to deal at any time with individual cases of nonattendance. Attendance includes active involvement in all class sessions, class discussions, and class activities, as well as professional conduct in class. Students are responsible for arranging to make up work missed because of legitimate class absence, such as illness, family emergencies, military obligation, court-imposed legal obligations, or participation in University-sponsored activities (such as athletic or scholastic team, musical and theatrical performances, and debate activities). It is the students responsibility to give the instructor notice prior to any anticipated absence, and within a reasonable amount of time after an unanticipated absence, ordinarily by the next scheduled class meeting. Instructors must allow each student who is absent for a University-approved reason the opportunity to make up work missed without any reduction in the students final course grade as a direct result of such absence. Religious Accommodation Florida Law requires that the University provide reasonable accommodations with regard to class attendance, examinations, and work assignments to students who request such consideration in order to observe their religious practices and beliefs. The details of this policy appear on the ý online University Catalog under Academic Policies and Regulations: HYPERLINK "http://www.fau.edu/academic/registrar/catalog/"http://www.fau.edu/academic/registrar/catalog/ Punctuality Students are expected to be on time and to remain for the duration of each class session. Since late arrivals and early departures are disruptive, they will be treated as absences and may affect your grade. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (A.D.A.), students who require special accommodations due to a disability to properly execute coursework must register with the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) located in Boca - SU 133 (561-297-3880), in Davie - MOD I (954-236-1222), or in Jupiter SR 117 (561-799-8585) and follow all OSD procedures. The purpose of this office is to provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities. Students who require assistance should notify the professor immediately by submitting a letter from the Disabilities Office to your instructor requesting your need of specific assistance. Without such letter, the instructor is not obligated to make any accommodations for students. PLAGIARISM AND CHEATING: ACADEMIC HONESTY Students at ý are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards. Academic dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism, is considered a serious breach of these ethical standards, because it interferes with the University mission to provide a high quality education in which no student enjoys an unfair advantage over any other. Academic dishonesty is also destructive of the University community, which is grounded in a system of mutual trust and places high value on personal integrity and individual responsibility. Harsh penalties are associated with academic dishonesty, which may include an F on the assignment, an F in the course, or even removal from the degree program. ý Regulation 4.001, Honor Code, Academic Irregularities, and Students Academic Grievances is strictly adhered to in this course. The regulation states: (1) Academic irregularities frustrate the efforts of the faculty and serious students to meet University goals. Since faculty, students and staff have a stake in these goals, the responsibility of all is to discourage academic irregularities by preventative measures and by insuring that appropriate action is taken when irregularities are discovered. Thus, ý has an honor code requiring a faculty member, student or staff member to notify an Instructor when there is reason to believe an academic irregularity is occurring in a course. The Instructors duty is to pursue any reasonable allegation, taking action, as described below, where appropriate. (2) The following shall constitute academic irregularities: (a) The use of notes, books or assistance from or to other students while taking an examination or working on other assignments unless specifically authorized by the Instructor are defined as acts of cheating. (b) The presentation of words or ideas from any other source as ones own an act defined as plagiarism. (c) Other activities which interfere with the educational mission within the classroom. Link to University Academic Integrity Policy HYPERLINK "http://www.fau.edu/regulations/chapter4/4.001_Code_of_Academic_Integrity.pdf"http://www.fau.edu/regulations/chapter4/4.001_Code_of_Academic_Integrity.pdf In the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, 2009), plagiarism is defined as: Plagiarism (Principle 6.22). Psychologists do not claim the words and ideas of another as their own; they give credit where credit is due. Quotation marks should be used to indicate the exact words of another. Each time you paraphrase another author (i.e., summarize a passage or rearrange the order of a sentence and change some of the words), you will need to credit the source in the text. BIBILIOGRAPHY: Cohen, L., & Spenciner, L. J. (2010). Assessment of children and youth with special needs (4th ed.). Boston: Pearson Education Inc. Losardo, A., & Notari, A. (2011). Alternative approaches to assessing young children (2nd ed.). Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing. Nuttall, E., & Romero, I. (1999). Assessing and screening preschoolers: Psychological and educational dimensions (2nd ed.). Needham, Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Pierangelo, R., & Giuliani, G. (2008). Assessment in special education: A practical approach (3rd ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Taylor, R. L. (2008). Assessment of exceptional students: Educational and psychological procedures (8th ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Evaluation Rubric for Critical Assignment: Test Administration and Interpretation Project Description of Assignment: Student will administer, score, and interpret one nom-referenced and one criterion referenced assessment on a child 5 years old or younger. Students will complete protocols, complete written analysis of the students performance, including strengths and weaknesses, and identify appropriate goals for the student. ý Academic Learning Compact (ALC) Indicators: Critical Thinking: Students will collect, analyze, synthesize, and make inferences from data collected. Written Communication: Students will demonstrate effective written communication skills to convey results of the Test Administrational and Interpretation Project. Directions: Enter scores earned in each (applicable) cell of the rubric.Exceeds Expectation (91-100%) Meets Expectations (73- 90%) Does Not Meet Expectations (<72%) Written CommunicationDemographic InformationAll components* are provided; assignment is submitted on time and in the required format. Assignment is clearly written with 1 or less writing errors per page. 4-5 pointsMost components* are provided; assignment is submitted on time and in the required format. Assignment is adequately written with 2 or fewer writing errors per page. 2-3 points Assignment is missing significant components*; is not on time; assignment is not in the required format; assignment is not clearly written and/or has 3 or more writing errors per page; or, student did not attempt the assignment. 0-1 pointsWritten CommunicationAdministration and scoring of the Norm referenced test All components* are included, accurate test administration, accurate determination of scores; assignment is submitted on time and in the required format. Assignment is clearly written with 1 or less writing errors per page. 18-20 pointsAll components* are included; majority of test administered accurately, accurate determination of scores. Assignment is submitted on time and in the required format. Assignment is adequately written with 2 or fewer writing errors per page. 14-17 pointsAssignment is missing significant components*; test is not administered accurately; scores not accurately determined; assignment is not on time and/or in the required format; assignment is not clearly written and/or has 3 or more writing errors per page; or, student did not attempt the assignment. 0- 13 pointsWritten CommunicationAdministration and recording of Criterion referenced assessment. All components* are included, accurately administered, accurate recording of components; assignment is submitted on time and in the required format. Assignment is clearly written with 1 or less writing errors per page. 23-25 pointsAll components* are included, accurately administered; most information recorded is appropriate and accurate. Assignment is submitted on time and in the required format. Assignment is adequately written with 2 or fewer writing errors per page. 18-22 pointsMissing significant components*, test not administered; accurately recorded information is not appropriate or accurate; assignment is not on time and/or in the required format; assignment is not clearly written and/or has 3 or more writing errors per page; or, student did not attempt the assignment. 0- 17 pointsWritten CommunicationAdministration and recording of Portfolio assessment. All components* are included, accurately administered, accurate recording of information; assignment is submitted on time and in the required format. Assignment is clearly written with 1 or less writing errors per page. 18-20 pointsAll components* are included, accurately administered; most information recorded is appropriate and accurate. Assignment is submitted on time and in the required format. Assignment is adequately written with 2 or fewer writing errors per page. 14-17 pointsMissing significant components*; not accurately administered; recorded information is not appropriate or accurate; assignment is not on time and/or in the required format; assignment is not clearly written and/or has 3 or more writing errors per page; or, student did not attempt the assignment. 0- 13 pointsCritical ThinkingInterpretation of assessment information for intervention Accurately identifies all strengths and weaknesses and identifies appropriate goals for intervention. Goals/instructional objectives are clearly linked to the assessment results. Assignment is submitted on time and in the required format. 9-10 pointsAccurately identifies most strengths and weaknesses and identifies appropriate goals for intervention. Goals/instructional objectives are somewhat linked to the assessment results. Assignment is submitted on time and in the required format. 7-8 points Does not identify the majority of strengths and weaknesses and does not identify appropriate goals for intervention. Goals/ instructional objectives are not linked to the assessment results; assignment is not on time and/or in the required format; or, student did not attempt the assignment. 0- 6 points Academic Learning Compact IndicatorsLive Text ResultsExceeds Expectation (91-100%) 9-10 pointsMeets Expectations (73- 90%) 7-8 pointsDoes Not Meet Expectations (<72%) 0-6 pointsCritical Thinking. Directions: Record total Critical Thinking Score in the applicable cell.Exceeds Expectation (91-100%) 63-70 pointsMeets Expectations (73- 90%) 50-62 pointsDoes Not Meet Expectations (<72%) 0-49 pointsWritten Communication. Directions: Record total Written Communication Score in the applicable cell. Appendix A TEACHING METHODOLOGIES: Modeling Guided Practice Research Simulations Lecture Discussion Cooperative Learning Activities/Presentations Blackboard Distance Learning Course site Internet communication: E-mail (only your Myý email address will be used). Word processing; Power Point Presentations LCD Projector, Docu-cam, Digital video, Podcasting.  JOURNALS: Select Journals in ECE and ECSE Child Assessment News Educational Assessment Educational Research and Evaluation Exceptional Children Journal of Early Intervention Journal of Research in Childhood Education Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation Topics in Early Childhood Special Education     EEX 3226: Assessment of All Young Children PAGE  August 2012 Page  PAGE 1 of  NUMPAGES 18 2345@JPTZ`fghοsg\g\g\g\Gg\(h]hB*OJQJmHnHphuh]hOJQJh]h5OJQJh5B*OJQJ\ph!hhB*OJPJQJph'hh5B*OJPJQJ\ph!h5B*OJPJQJ\ph h]hh]hB*OJQJph5jhG~ hG~ B*OJQJUmHnHphtH uhB*OJQJphh%/hOJQJ345B=gdj7TEkdZ$$IfTl.b t644 laytT$$1$7$8$H$Ifa$gdTkdZ$$IfTl.b  t $@a644 lap $@aytT $Ifgd$a$gdS5Jh [ Q gd&xgdj7TgdSgdc Lgdj7TgdTkdM[$$Ifl0m," t644 laytWe $IfgdWe  1 9 C Z [ Q R Ϳ̓ti^VNCi8h%/h:OJQJh%/h&xOJQJh7]OJQJh`oOJQJh%/hmOJQJh%/hj7TOJQJh%/hj7TB*OJQJphh%/hSOJQJhc Lhc L5OJQJhc Lhj7T5B* OJQJ\ph~#h%/hj7T5B* OJQJ\ph~h%/hj7T5OJQJ\#h%/hj7T5B*OJQJ\ph hh h]h#h]h5B*OJQJ\phQ R ~ 0 D ; < O  Ggd ^gd:gdIT 0^`0gdITgdN 0^`0gd%/ 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