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We will cover many topic areas related to drug courts paying particular attention to the organizational, legal, political, and social contexts surrounding these courts. We will delve into the research in this area using scholarly articles and book chapters, documentaries, guest speaker(s) or films, and courtroom observation. Critical thinking and open discussion are necessary and required components of the course. COURSE OBJECTIVES There are four objectives to the course: (1) develop content knowledge of drug courts; (2) increase the students ability to think critically; (3) improve social science writing skills; and (4) improve information literacy. COURSE RUBRIC For each area of competency for the course, the following rubric might be helpful: Objective I: Knowledge of drug courts. Low Performance: Barely able to identify major concepts, terms, and perspectives related to drug courts. At or Below Average: Familiar with drug court strategies and system decision making. At or Above Average: Insight into the strengths and weaknesses of various drug court perspectives and knowledge of the arguments in different sides of the issues. Exemplary Performance: Mastery of issues, ability to integrate and apply effectively to substantive forms of drug courts. Thoughtful application of critical thinking to the issues. Objective II: Critical thinking about drug courts. Low Performance: Relies on common person-on-the-street/media/entertainment industry opinions and understanding of drug courts. At or Below Average: Understands basic facts from scientific research concerning drug courts. At or Above Average: Solid understanding of conceptual models used to understand drug courts. Able to compare and contrast perspectives. Exemplary Performance: Able to apply conceptual models to cases and issues in a process of critical thinking. Objective III: Social science writing skills Low Performance: Poor grammar, spelling and writing errors, improper of bibliographic citations. Absence of important text citations. Absence of logical structure. Limited original thinking. At or Below Average: No major writing errors (i.e., grammar, spelling). Inclusion of bibliography in research papers. Some text citations, using APA format. Clear, if uninspired, organization and writing style. At or Above Average: No writing errors. Clear and integrated introduction, body and concluding statements. Comprehensive bibliography and text references in correct APA format. Exemplary Performance: Engaging writing style. Clear, and well organized. No errors in grammar. Clear and logical physical presentation. Comprehensive bibliography and in-text referencing of most recent scientific information. Objective IV: Information literacy Low Performance: Relies on popular media, non-scientific internet sources, textbooks, encyclopedias, general dictionaries, etc. At or Below Average: Identifies and uses professional and scientific print and electronic source material. At or Above Average: Conducts comprehensive custom electronic library searches of scientific literature and government reports. Exemplary Performance: Engages interactively with on-line searches, thoroughly integrates results from literature searches. REQUIRED TEXTBOOK Mackinem, Mitchell B. & Paul Higgins. 2008. Drug Court: Constructing the Moral Identity of Drug Offenders. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas Publishers. Nolan, J. L. (2002). Drug courts: In theory and in practice. Transaction Publishers. ADDITIONAL READINGS & LECTURES You are expected to read all assigned material before coming to class, which will allow you to take more from each classroom experience. Although I do not have a formal attendance policy, I do expect you to attend every lecture. The material covered in class, at times, will be different from assigned readings and will not be distributed outside class. CLASSMATE CONTACTS Since this is a large class, you might find it beneficial to get to know at least two of your classmates so that you have a contact point for discussion, support, and catching up on notes from missed classes. Fill in their names and contact details here for your reference: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ PARTICIPATION & CLASSROOM POLICY I expect everyone to keep up with the readings in the text and try to become engaged in class discussions at some point throughout the semester. I know this may prove difficult because of the class size but it will allow us to share our thoughts about topics covered during the semester. Also, please show respect for your fellow classmates, their thoughts, and ideas. The use of cell phones is NOT permitted. If you need to use your cell phone, please excuse yourself from the classroom. The use of laptops is permitted as long as it does not become disruptive for other students. BLACKBOARD Assignments as well as other course documents (i.e., additional readings and PowerPoints of the lectures) can be located on blackboard throughout the semester. GRADING SCALE 96-100 = A+ 86.5-89.9 = B+ 76.5-79.9 = C+ 60-69.9 = D 93-95.9 = A 83.5-86.4 = B 73.5-76.4 = C <59.9 = F 90-92.9 = A- 80-83.4 = B- 70-73.4 = C- COURSE DESIGN Exam I 100 pts Exam II 100 Final exam 100 In-class writing activities 50 Total points for the course: 350 EXAMS There will be three exams, worth 100 points each, administered during the semester. The exams are composed of multiple choice questions and all material (i.e., readings, lectures, discussions, films) is fair game. We will designate one class session before each exam to prepare. The first exam is scheduled for February 10th and the second exam March 24th. The final exam is scheduled for April 28th from 7:45 am10:15 am. Please note, the final exam is not cumulative and will only cover material since the third exam. Students are responsible for bringing a Scantron form and #2 pencil and eraser on exam days. Exam Policy You should not miss an exam, because a make-up exam is not guaranteed. However, in the event that you should miss an exam, notification should be given as soon as possible and official documentation, verifying your absence, will be required if you plan to make up the exam. IN CLASS ACTIVITIES Over the course of the semester we will engage in 5, in-class, writing activities. These will randomly occur over the semester. We will discuss various topics of drug courts, however, only 5 will warrant in-class writings. These are worth 10 points each and the following criteria must be met. First, you must complete these in-class. Do not try to send them to me outside of class as I will not accept them. Finally, if you are more than 15 minutes late for class you may not participate in the in-class writing activity unless you have valid documentation to note your lateness. Toward the end of the in-class writings we will come together and discuss our thoughts to promote scholarly debate. CAMPUS SAFETY STATEMENT Students should familiarize themselves with the nearest exit routes in the event evacuation becomes necessary. You should notify the instructor at the beginning of the semester if you have special needs or will require assistance during an emergency evacuation. Refer to ( HYPERLINK "http://www.fau.edu/admin/EmergencyInformation.php" http://www.fau.edu/admin/EmergencyInformation.php) for further information on emergency response protocols. ACADEMIC HONESTY I am a strong advocate in upholding and enforcing the rules against cheating, dishonest conduct, plagiarism, and collusion. Information regarding ýs policy on academic honesty can be found within ýs Honor Code. It is available online at (HYPERLINK "http://www.fau.edu/regulations/chapter4/4.001_Code_of_Academic_Integrity.pdf"http://www.fau.edu/regulations/chapter4/4.001_Code_of_Academic_Integrity.pdf) Remember, plagiarism includes directly quoting or taking someone elses idea(s) and claiming them as your owneven if it were unintentional. ADD/DROP DEADLINES FOR CLASSES Last day to add/drop course without consequences (Full-semester course): January 1314, 2017 Last day to do a complete withdrawal and receive 25% tuition adjustment (Full-semester course): February 6, 2017 Last day to drop without receiving an F in the course April 7, 2017 POLICY FOR ACCOMODATING STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA), students who require reasonable accommodations due to disability to properly execute coursework must register with Student Accessibility Services (SAS)in Boca Raton, SU 133 (561.297.3880); in Davie, LA 131 (954.236.1222); or in Jupiter, SR 110 (561.799.8585)and follow all SAS procedures (see  HYPERLINK "http://www.fau.edu/sas/" http://www.fau.edu/sas/ for procedures and forms). WEEKLY CLASS SCHEDULE (Note: Syllabus scheduling is tentative and subject to change. Please note this is a weekly schedule). DateTopic of DiscussionReading(s)Assignment/TaskJanuary 11Course Syllabus/Managing Problem Drug Users: The Rise of Drug CourtMackinem and Higgins, Chapter 1January 18The Drug Court Process and Professionals Mackinem and Higgins, Chapter 2January 25Judging Potential Mackinem and Higgins, Chapter 3 February 1Judging ParticipationMackinem and Higgins, Chapter 4February 8Exam Prep #1 Be Prepared for a Q&A for the First Four ChaptersExam #1 on 2/10February 15Judging Performance Mackinem and Higgins, Chapter 5 February 22Theory and Practice in the Baltimore City Drug Court Nolan, Chapter 1March 1Systematic Constraints on the Implementation of a Northeastern Drug Court Nolan, Chapter 2March 8Spring breakclasses do not meet March 15West Coast Drug Courts: Getting Offenders Morally Involved in the Criminal Justice Process Nolan, Chapter 3 March 22Exam Prep #2Be Prepared for a Q&A for Chapters 5 (Mackinem and Higgins) and 13 (Nolan) Exam #2 on 3/24March 29The Denver Drug Court and its Unintended ConsequencesNolan, Chapter 4April 5Separated by an Uncommon Law: Drug Courts in Great Britain and America Nolan, Chapter 5April 12 The Adversary System and Attorney Role in Drug Treatment Court Movement: Nolan, Chapter 6April 19Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Drug Treatment Courts: Integrating Law and Science Nolan, Chapter 7April 26Final Exam PrepBe Prepared for a Q&A for Chapters 47 Final Exam on 4/28; 7:45 am10:15 am     PAGE   PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 4 $lnvx     . 3 R ] ^ U V W i j ÿ㳯㢛hju~ h]Ph]PhXhhXh5 hXhhXhh+Khx~hNT0JhNTjhNTUh6~yhih\bBh.;h]tehxzh?hyhEBhrB`hHzzhXh hXh5 h:<5 hHzz5 hEB54Bn T V W i JKgd%Zgd]PgdXh p^p`gdHzzgdHzz$a$gdEB$a$gdHzzj IKX^_,8Cjt +,y ^i   8s_uwӹڡ왕 h)h)h+KhMhbh)hbR5hKMh)hHxhL h)5>*hTh]teh@X hXh5>* hk&5>* hk&5 h%Z>*hk&hV>*hk&hk&>*hk&hXhhV7K_FA-   9uw  1$^gdk&01$^`0gdk&1$gdk&gd%Z 67&9GHSgd WgdyCgdOO1$gd [gdAE`gd)gd)gd%Z01$^`0gdk&56>Lr%&d./89ƾƺzumh,h+K5 h+K>* h)>*hxYhyC>* hyChzhzhRvh6 hyC>*hyChyC>*hyCh#~hOO ha.hOOh "nhf%hOO>* hOO>*h [h)hAE6haBdhaBd6haBdhAEh) h)h) h)6h)h)6),-19@km$aboFGHRS   ; B S ~ ûȲ𭨡|u| h~vhT. h~vh+K h+K>* jh}5U\mHnHuh/AhT. hVGhT. hT.>* hJs>*h\| h W>*hVGh W>* h]>*h Wh?&h/h]5hk&h5h6hh]hrh "nhxYhXZh+K.S !>!?!E!###$$$''})~))^+gdPgdfgd^AgdOOgdT. !!!!!5!9!;!!?!E!X!y!!!!!!"""^"}"~"""˹}xsx}xnni_hOYhOYH*] h!] hf] hV8] h] hx+] hG] hOO] h55] h+K>* h+K5hfhuh)h~v h~vhKM h~vh^A#jh~vh<6U\mHnHu h<6\ h55\ hW<\ hu\h~vh@X\h~vh#o\h~vhT.\h~vh+K\$""""""""""""""""&#+#0#y########$$$i%%S'''''(((˷˲zvnjh<`jh<`UhT. haBdhT.h>.>*f󲹵uѻf>*<h^A h+K6hW<hv+] hOO]hRhR>*]hNThR>*] hR] h`] hn`] hew] hx+H*] hx+]hOYhOYH*] hf] hOY]'( ) ) )=)>)@)|)})~))"*2*o****++[+\+^+++ , ,@,c,d,i,,,,-- -$-*-I-R-S-....ĽİĬਠ|t|tjhDXDUhDXDhKMhT.>* hT.>*h{ hi4h{h{h{>*h h#y>*h#yhPhPhP0JB*ph hPhPjhPhPUh>ghT.>* h<`>*Ը.(#<`0Jjh<`Uh<` hbRh<`,^+++ ,j,,- -S-$/%/;////// $Ifgd`gd`gdDXDgd{gdT..//$/%/;/x/////////%0&0;0E0G0H0Q0R0S0{0}0~00000000000000000001111!1"1#1$1»ʴʰƴʴʴƴʴʴʓʌ hFwhq! 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