ࡱ> :<9 bjbj 3$xx ..qqqqq,;$RqqqBBB.qqBBBB [XB 0;B&BqBdBB;. 7: Proposal to revise the BS in Biology curriculum. Dr. Sarah Milton, Dr. John Nambu, Dr. Xing-Hai Zhang, Dr. Colin Hughes Motivations, changes made, and justifications. Overview of problems with current curriculum. Descriptions of the curriculum requirements for the BS in Biology are out of date, provide little flexibility, are inconsistent among several versions, and some versions contain classes not approved by the faculty. Our goal was to produce a definitive, up to date, list of requirements, and to introduce more flexibility that helps students graduate on time. Problems, proposed changes, and justificatons. 1. New courses are being taught that are not listed in the existing curriculum. We have added all missing classes. Justification: this will make the options available to undergraduates obvious. 2. Five pre-professional classes have been inserted into some versions of the curriculum without the approval of faculty. These classes (Introduction to Animal Science & Lab, BSC 4930 & Lab, Animal Nutrition BSC 4930, Premed Success IDS 3122, Intro to Pre-professional Studies & Lab PCB 3083 & Lab Basic clinical skills PCB 4930) have been deleted. Justification: the Biology Faculty decided these were not appropriate for credit toward a Major in Biology. However, the proposed curriculum together with IFP accounts for 106 credit hours, leaving students preparing for careers in health related fields room to add these classes to their program of study. 3. The current curriculum provides little flexibility for students. We proposed moving Evolution into the core curriculum. We propose requiring students to take 3 out of 4 core Biology classes (the others are Ecology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, and Genetics). Justification: this provides flexibility to students; pre-meds and similarly interested people may choose to skip Ecology for example, if that is not interesting to them, while more holistic thinkers might choose to skip Molecular and Cell Biology. Students would however, still be able to take all 4 classes if they so choose. 4. Since Tier 2 classes are of similar stature to Tier 3 electives the distinction should be abolished. So the remnant of Tier 2 was merged with Tier 3. This leaves our curriculum with two groups of classes: Core, and Electives. Justification: this removes the ambiguity of having two levels of electives, and simplifies the structure of the curriculum. We attach a document containing the proposed curriculum. Changes have been tracked by MS Word. We see these changes as being re-organizing, updating, and accuracy checking our curriculum. We anticipate a small effect on the Chemistry department. As discussed with Dr. Haky, while most Biology majors are preparing for a career in health related fields, most will still take Organic Chemistry Lab, and Biochemistry, so the decrease in enrollment that might result from making these electives will be small. Approval of proposed changes. The curriculum committee presented the proposed changes to a faculty meeting on Friday 17 August, where they were approved. Department of Biological Sciences Chair Dr. R. Murphey Chair, College UPC Dr. J. Haky Dean, College of Science Dr. G. Perry Chair, University UPC Dr. J. Haky Undergraduate Studies Dean __________________________ UFS President __________________________ Provost Dr. B. Claiborne 1Rfy+ G K  ? C D N v 6 8 ; ? 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