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I hope that throughout the semester you will be challenged to examine carefully your own expectations, aspirations, and biases regarding a professional life in teaching. The ultimate goal of the course is that you acquire a basic understanding of the fundamental principles of our discipline, a realistic perspective of your own strengths and weaknesses as developing professionals, and a compelling interest in learning about and confronting the challenges that lie before you in the remainder of your undergraduate education and in your future professional lives. Demonstrate professional behavior by reading assigned text (see calendar), participating in class discussions/activities, submitting work in a timely manner, and missing no more than three classes and/or field experience sessions for any reason. Experience a professional environment by observing and teaching in cooperating K-12 classrooms as assigned, as well as reflect on and write about those experiences. Demonstrate current level of teaching ability by completing one in-class teaching demonstration. Contribute to the improvement of your own teaching and the teaching of your peers by providing thoughtful, informative analyses of teaching through the use of Rehearsal Frames. Develop a personal philosophy of music education and describe it in written form. Text & Materials Madsen, C.K. & Kuhn, T.L. (1994). Contemporary Music Education (2nd ed.). Raleigh, N.C.: Contemporary Publishing. Pen and Paper for daily writing and note-taking Prerequisites Evidence of Field Placement/Fingerprinting application. Submit evidence by scanning and submitting evidence onto Canvas. Show evidence by Sept. 15th, at 9 PM. You will not be able to finish the course without doing this step. You are also required to join our student music education chapter. With this membership, you will receive Teaching Music and the Music Educators Journal (MEJ), the official journal publications of NAfME: The National Association for Music Education (http://www.nafme.org). MEJ and Teaching Music are only available by joining the ý student NAfME chapter. Myý The online software Canvas supplements this class. You will need a ýnet ID and password to access course documents, discussion boards, grades, and class announcements. You enter the site by going to myfau.fau.edu. You will be asked to enter your ýnet ID and your password. Once you submit this information you will see an option to click on the link to this class. Explore the site to familiarize yourself with the information available to you. In addition to Canvas, you will need a Google Drive Folder. You can obtain up to 15GB of free storage here HYPERLINK "http://www.google.com/drive/about.html"http://www.google.com/drive/about.html. We will use Google Drive to submit written and video assignments, provide feedback, and organize our class activities. If you do not yet have a Google Drive account, please go to the url above, enroll, and create a folder with the following filename: 2040yourlastname. There is a pull-down menu to the right of the folder name in the left margin; click on the link to share the folder with me; a window will ask for my email address ( HYPERLINK "mailto:chapmand@fau.edu" chapmand@fau.edu) to send the invitation. Please do this today. Attendance and Assignments Class will begin promptly at 8:00 a.m. Arriving to class after 8:10 will count as an absence. Bring all necessary materials and participate in class discussions. Impromptu quizzes, and written responses will occur at the beginning of class periods. Absences/Tardy: Poor attendance in a teaching position results in either a reprimand or potential termination. In this class, each absence beyond three (3) will result in a grade reduction of one letter. No absences are allowed on Class-Teach days. Arriving to class after 8:10 will count as an absence. Life happens. If you know ahead of time that you will be absent, please let me know. Miss no more than three (3) classes for any reason other than what is stated in the Provosts memoranda found at the following link as well as the Religious Accommodation paragraph below: http://www.fau.edu/provost/files/studentabsences.pdf Religious Accommodation In accordance with rules of the Florida Board of Education and Florida law, students have the right to reasonable accommodations from the University in order to observe religious practices and beliefs with regard to admissions, registration, class attendance, and the scheduling of examinations and work assignments. Students who wish to be excused from course work, class activities, or examinations must notify the instructor in advance of their intention to participate in religious observation and request an excused absence. The instructor will provide a reasonable opportunity to make up such excused absences. Any student who feels aggrieved regarding religious accommodations may present a grievance to the director of Equal Opportunity Programs. Any such grievances will follow ýs established grievance procedure regarding alleged discrimination.  HYPERLINK "http://www.fau.edu/regulations/chapter2/Reg%202.007%208-12.pdf" http://www.fau.edu/regulations/chapter2/Reg%202.007%208-12.pdf Each absence beyond three (3) will result in a grade reduction of one letter. Again, arriving to class after 8:10 will count as an absence. You are responsible for turning in all assignments on time and alerting the Professor to any possible absence. Assignments: Reading: Read assigned text as outlined on the course calendar and write reflections when assigned. Material should be read before coming to class on the day for which the reading is listed so that you can fully participate in class discussions, activities, in- class writing and projects. Test: Take a test over the Contemporary Music Education text. Teacher Field Observations: Complete 15 hours of observation at an approved site. Students must document hours and have supervisors sign a Record of Hours log, which must be submitted to the course instructor by uploading to Canvas. The competency assessment for this course will be completed based upon student field experience and reflection. The template for this assignment is posted on Canvas. Lesson plan and Teaching: Develop a lesson plan for teaching a simple activity and then do an in-class teaching demonstration. The activity must include student engagement so that you can assess student performance. Library Assignment: Read one full article each from the Music Educators Journal and Update: Applications of Research in Music Education. You must read a third article from one of the following: The Instrumentalist, Choral Journal, General Music Today, or Teaching Music (feature article). For each article prepare bibliographic information and a brief summary that includes the importance and application of the information. Attendance: Miss no more than 3 classes and or field experience sessions for any reason. No absences allowed on Class-Teach days. Philosophy Paper: Write a paper that describes your philosophy of music education. The paper should include at least four references, conform to the formatting standards of the American Psychological Association (APA), include specific teaching goals connected to the Sunshine State Standards/Common Core Standards, and be between three and five pages in length (excluding cover page and references). This is a paper describing what you think should be provided for students in music education by the time a student graduates from high school. Final Exam: Demonstrate competency on the final exam Grade Criteria Grades will be assigned as generated by percentages of total points earned in the class. Points will be based on the assignments above as well as class participation. Final course grades will be based on the timely completion of all assignments and course requirements. It is expected that each student complete all assignments with competence and accuracy. All assignments must be submitted online by the printed due dates to receive credit. No grade of incomplete will be given. Scale: A = 94-100; A- = 90-93; B+ = 87-89; B = 83-86; B- = 80-82; C+ = 77-79; C = 73-76; C- = 70-72; D+ = 67-69; D = 60-66; Below 60 = F. Your grade for the course is determined by attitude, attendance, participation, assignments, teaching, final portfolio, and final exam. Class Participation: 25% Homework and Class Assignments: 25% CME Test: 10% Teaching Demonstration: 20% Final Exam: 10% Attendance: Final grade dropped one letter grade for each absence after 3 absences. Assignments are due on the dates scheduled (see calendar), but late assignments will be considered for partial credit. Any missed course requirement or assignment will result in a lowered grade (this includes attendance requirements). All assignments must be typed on computer with the exception of in-class writing assignments and forms. ý Academic Honor Code Students at ý are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards. Dishonesty is considered a serious breach of these ethical standards, because it interferes with the University mission to provide a high quality education in which no student enjoys an unfair advantage over any other. Dishonesty is also destructive of the University community, which is grounded in a system of mutual trust and places high value on personal integrity and individual responsibility. For full details of the ý Code of Academic Integrity, see University Regulation 4.001 at  HYPERLINK "http://wise.fau.edu/regulations/chapter4/4.001_Code_of_Academic_Integrity.pdf" http://wise.fau.edu/regulations/chapter4/4.001_Code_of_Academic_Integrity.pdf. Students with Disabilities: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), students who require special accommodations due to a disability to properly execute coursework must register with the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) located in Boca Raton - SU 133 (561-297-3880). Any student registered with the office of Student Disabilities should present verification and need of assistance during the first week of classes. All possible and reasonable accommodation will be offered to that student through the course of the semester. Information can be found at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.fau.edu/sas/Rights.php" http://www.fau.edu/sas/Rights.php Credit and Time Requirements Federal regulations, ý and our accrediting body the National Association of Schools of Music have determined the following formula to represent the amount of work represented per credit hour: for each credit hour in a class, the combined contact hours in class and out-of-class student work should equal three hours. In the cases of applied music lessons, each individual area will provide specific out-of-class expectations that will lead to student success in the applied lesson. Large ensembles may meet additional hours beyond this formula to accommodate the rigors of the repertoire scheduled for performances. Health and Safety Students are encouraged to access the ý Department of Music Handbook or our website  HYPERLINK "http://www.fau.edu/music" www.fau.edu/music to read the Departments guidelines towards hearing and performance health and safety.  HYPERLINK "http://www.fau.edu/music/pdf/HEALTH%20AND%20SAFETY%20INFORMATION%20AND%20RECOMMENDATIONS%20FOR%20STUDENT%20MUSICIANS.pdf" http://www.fau.edu/music/pdf/HEALTH%20AND%20SAFETY%20INFORMATION%20AND%20RECOMMENDATIONS%20FOR%20STUDENT%20MUSICIANS.pdf MUE 2040 CALENDAR* Aug 23Aug 25Syllabus Overview of Course CME Part 1 - Chapter 1/Reflection Due Aug 30Sep 1CME Part 1 Chapter 2 DiscussionCME Part 1 Chapter 3/ Reflection DueSep 6Sep 8Effective Teaching Rehearsal FramesCME Part 1 Chapter 4/ Reflection Due Rehearsal Frames Sep 13Sep 15CME Part 1 - Chapter 5/ Reflection DueField Experience Documentation of Fingerprinting DueSep 20Sep 22Begin Teacher Field ObservationsSep 27Sep 29CME Part 3 - Chapter 1/ Reflection Due CME Part 3 - Chapter 2 Discussion Oct 4Oct 6CME Part 3 - Chapter 3 Discussion Discussion of Articles for Library Assign #1 Library Assignment #1 DueOct 11 (Fall Break)Oct 13 NO CLASSDiscussion of Articles for Library Assign #2 Library Assignment #2 Due Oct 18Oct 20Discussion of Articles for Library Assign #3 Library Assignment #3 DueMidterm Exam covering CME Part 1 chapters 1-5; CME part 3 chapters 1-2 Oct 25Oct 27Midterm Exam Discussion Teaching Demo Lesson Plan Due BRING TO CLASSNov 1Nov 3Teacher Observation Forms Due In-Class Teaching Demonstrations begin In-Class Teaching Demonstrations continueNov 8Nov 10In-Class Teaching Demonstrations continue In-Class Teaching Demonstrations continue Nov 15Nov 17 In-Class Teaching Demonstrations (last day) End Teacher Field ObservationsPost field teaching reflection discussionNov 22Nov 24 ThanksgivingPost field teaching reflection discussion NO CLASSNov 29Dec 1Rehearsal Frames ObservationRehearsal Frames ObservationDec 6 Dec 7 Last Class Day Exam review Philosophy paper due by 4:00 PMReading DayFinal Exam Tuesday, Dec. 13 7:45am - 10:15am Final Exam Assignment checklist Due  *This calendar is subject to change MUE 2040 ASSIGNMENT CHECKLIST Fall 2016 Name____________________________________________________________ This checklist must be submitted in order to take the final exam Assignment Completed (date) Not Completed PB County Fingerprinting and Background __________ __________ Midterm Exam over CME __________ __________ Library Assignment #1 __________ __________ Library Assignment #2 __________ __________ Library Assignment #3 __________ __________ Lesson Plan __________ __________ In-Class Teaching Demo __________ __________ (describe)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Reflection Assignment #1 __________ __________ Reflection Assignment #2 __________ __________ Reflection Assignment #3 __________ __________ Reflection Assignment #4 __________ __________ Reflection Assignment #5 __________ __________ Philosophy Paper __________ __________ Classes Missed (please list dates): ____________________ Presentation Days Missed (please list dates): ____________________ Teacher Field Observations Dates Completed (please list dates): ___________________________________________ Teacher Field Observations Dates Missed (please list dates): ___________________________________________ Final Grade Expected: _________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instructor Use Only Final Grade Assigned: __________     MUE 2040  PAGE 7 MUE 2040, 84800 Fall 2016  !+-01EJL]^gwxϪϪϪϪyobUh1hCJOJQJh['hCJOJQJh@2CJOJQJh*&hCJOJQJhhCJOJQJhLCJOJQJh L]hCJOJQJhCJOJQJhkhCJOJQJh1h5CJOJQJh5CJOJQJh zhCJOJQJaJh>[CJ"OJQJhV1h>[CJ"OJQJ! !^3 5 6 >    <= XDYDgd & FXDYDgdh^hgd h<^hgd x!gd (#<gd<gd $<a$gd    # $ % * 1 2 3 4 5 6 >   ĹĹ}pbTGTh zhOJQJ^Jh zh5CJOJQJh L]h5CJOJQJh L]hCJOJQJ5jh L]hCJOJQJUaJmHnHsHtHhCJOJQJh,hCJOJQJhLCJOJQJh5CJOJQJh1h5CJOJQJhQCJOJQJh*&hCJOJQJh8}CJOJQJh1hCJOJQJ   <=PQR+,>P]^ôځpcXh zh zOJQJh zhCJOJQJ h zhCJEH OJQJaJh zh6OJQJ]h zhCJOJQJhhOJQJhhCJOJQJhhCJOJQJaJhOJQJh zhCJOJQJaJh zhOJQJh zh5CJOJQJh zhCJ 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