ࡱ>  bjbj ..T T 8LUWWWWWW$L{9{D!D!D!lUD!UD!D!1Ll1PLM*Aʀ0MjԆtԆT1PԆ1P0D!{{0ԆT ]:  1. Course title/number, number of credit hours Air Pollution and Control Systems with Lab (ENV4112C)4 credit hours 2. Course prerequisites, corequisites, and where the course fits in the program of study Prerequisite: ENV3001C-Environmental Engineering and Science with a minimum grade of C This course introduces students to the regulations dealing with air quality, basic meteorology, the physics of atmospheric dispersion, indoor air quality, and design of air pollution control systems. Laboratory included.3. Course logistics Term: Fall 2015 Class location and time: Tuesday 4:00 6:50 pm 4. Instructor contact information Instructors name Office address Office Hours Contact telephone number Email addressDr. Daniel E. Meeroff, Professor and Associate Chair Engineering West (EG-36) Bldg., Room 204 T/R 11:00 am 12:20 pm 561-297-3099  HYPERLINK "mailto:pscarlat@fau.edu" dmeeroff@fau.edu 5. TA contact information TAs name Office address Office Hours Contact telephone number Email addressTBA 6. Course description The course introduces students to the regulations dealing with air quality, basic meteorology, the physics of atmospheric dispersion, indoor air quality, and design of air pollution control systems. The class meets for one 170-minute lecture per week. Homework assignments are given weekly, typically. There is a major term paper with oral presentation, and a midterm exam and a final exam are given. 7. Course objectives/student learning outcomes/program outcomes Course objectivesPresent the fundamental concepts of air quality in engineering, as applied to the regulation, analysis, design, modeling, and operation of air pollution control systems. Expose students to atmospheric dispersion modeling tools. Expose students to design considerations for air pollution control systems.Student learning outcomes & relationship to ABET a-k objectivesAbility to understand the fundamental air pollution concepts and regulations necessary to analyze basic civil/environmental engineering problems. (a, b, c, e, f, h, k) Ability to apply simple atmospheric dispersion modeling tools to solve basic civil/environmental engineering problems. (a, b, e, f, h, k) Ability to select and design an appropriate air pollution control system for a given scenario (b, e, f, h, j) Ability to communicate effectively about air quality issues in environmental engineering (d, e, f, g, i)Relationship to program educational objectivesObjective A. Practice environmental engineering within the general areas of water and wastewater, air quality, solid and hazardous waste, groundwater and soil remediation, and sustainability and pollution prevention in the organizations that employ them.H Objective B: Advance their knowledge of environmental engineering, both formally and informally, by engaging in lifelong learning experiences including attainment of professional licensure, and/or graduate studies.HObjective C: Serve as effective professionals, based on strong interpersonal and teamwork skills, an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility, and a willingness to take the initiative and seek progressive responsibilities. MObjective D: Participate as leaders in activities that support service to, and/or economic development of, the region, the state and the nation H8. Course evaluation method (note percentages subject to change) Midterm Exam27%Note: The minimum grade required to pass the course is C. Final Exam 33%Modeling and Case Study Reports/Presentations18%Class Assignments, Homework, Discussion Boards17%Class Participation5%Attendance to class is required. You are expected to participate in all class sessions and keep up with the material. You are expected to participate in all class sessions. You are not expected to be a distraction in the class. Final grades will be reduced by one letter for class disruption of lack of participation (as determined by the instructor). Participation in University-approved activities or religious observances, with prior notice, will not be penalized. Keep copies of all quizzes and homework assignments for ABET purposes. Tests are open book, but NOT open notes or homework.9. Course grading scale There are no fixed criteria for the grading scale. The overall performance as related to course objectives and outcomes is evaluated and considered during grading. See the supplementary Course Policies Document for the program guidelines on course grading. 10. Policy on makeup tests, late work, and incompletes Exams will be given only at the scheduled times and places, unless previous arrangements have been made no less than one (1) full week in advance. No one is exempt from exams. Makeups are given only if there is solid evidence of a medical or otherwise serious emergency that prevented the student of participating in the exam. Makeup exams will be administered and proctored by department personnel unless there are other pre-approved arrangements. Late work is not acceptable. Incomplete grades are against the policy of the department. Unless there is solid evidence of medical or otherwise serious emergency situation, incomplete grades will not be given. Note: Incomplete grades are only reserved for those students who were passing but could not complete the required work due to exceptional circumstances. 11. Special course requirements The goal of integrating writing in this course is to improve students ability to produce professional quality engineering reports. Contact the University Center for Excellence in Writing at 561-297-3498 or HYPERLINK "../../dmeeroff/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Documents and Settings/dmeeroff/Local Settings/Temp/www.fau.edu/UCEW"www.fau.edu/UCEW for assistance. If you need help finding appropriate research or background information for reports, try the libguide: http://libguides.fau.edu/basic_engineering boca Report all technical problems in Blackboard to the IRM helpdesk ( HYPERLINK "http://www.fau.edu/helpdesk" http://www.fau.edu/helpdesk) 12. Classroom etiquette policy University policy requires that in order to enhance and maintain a productive atmosphere for education, personal communication devices, such as cellular phones and laptops, are to be disabled in face to face class sessions. Please review the university Netiquette policy guidelines at http://www.fau.edu/irm/about/netiquette.php. Remember you are an adultyour communication with the professor and your classmates should be appropriate. You are responsible for reading all announcements posted by the instructor. Check the announcements each time you login to be sure you have read all of them since your last login session. To communicate within the course through Blackboard, the Ask the Professor discussion board link is the preferred method to contact your instructor. Except for Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, I will respond to messages generally within 48 hours. Asking course related questions in this way allows other participants with the same question to benefit from the responses. Also, make sure you review this forum prior to posting a question; it may have already been asked and answered in previous posts. Such messages should be used to communicate public matters. Only personal or confidential matters should be sent via email to the professor, all others will be ignored. 13. Disability policy statement In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), students who require special accommodations due to a disability to properly execute coursework must register with the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) located in Boca Raton campus, SU 133 (561) 297-3880 and follow all OSD procedures. 14. Honor code policy Students at ý are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards. Academic dishonesty is considered a serious breach of these ethical standards, because it interferes with the university mission to provide a high quality education in which no student enjoys unfair advantage over any other. Academic dishonesty is also destructive of the university community, which is grounded in a system of mutual trust and place high value on personal integrity and individual responsibility. Harsh penalties are associated with academic dishonesty. See University Regulation 4.001 at  HYPERLINK "http://www.fau.edu/regulations/chapter4/4.001_Code_of_Academic_Integrity.pdf" www.fau.edu/regulations/chapter4/4.001_Code_of_Academic_Integrity.pdf 15. Required texts/reading Air Pollution Control: A Design Approach (2010), 4th Ed, by C. David Cooper and F. C. Alley, Waveland Press, Inc. ISBN 1-57766-678-X. Handouts provided by instructor Blackboard registration16. Supplementary/recommended readings Fundamentals of Air Pollution. 5th Edition, by Daniel Vallero. Academic Press, Burlington, MA, 2014. De Nevers, Noel. Air pollution control engineering. Waveland Press, 2010. Air Pollution: Its Origin and Control, 3rd edition. K. Wark, C. F. Warner, and W.T. Davis, Addison-Wesley, Menlo Park, 1998. Fundamentals of Air Pollution Engineering, R. C. Flagan and J.H. Seinfeld, Prentice Hall: Englewood Cliffs, 1988. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics: From Air Pollution to Climate Change. J.H. Seinfeld and S.N. Pandis, Wiley: New York, 1998. Chemistry of the Upper and Lower Atmosphere: Theory, Experiments, and Applications, B. J. Finlayson-Pitts and J. N. Pitts, Jr. Academic Press: San Diego, 2000. Atmospheric Pollution: History, Science, and Regulation, by Mark Z. Jacobson, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002. Air Quality, by Thad Godish, 4th Edition, Lewis Publishers, 2003. Air Pollution and Health, S.H. Holgate, J.M. Samet, H.S. Koren, and R.L. Maynard, Eds., Academic Press, 1999. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, by John Seinfeld and Spyros Pandis, John Wiley & Sons, 1997. Fundamentals of Air Pollution, 1984, Stern, Boubel, Turner, and Fox, Academic Press, Inc. New York. Air Pollution Control, a Design Approach (3rd ed.), C. David Cooper, F. C. Alley, C. Otis, Waveland Press, Prospect Heights, IL 60070, 2002 (ISBN: 1577662180) 17. Course topical outline, including dates for exams/quizzes, papers, completion of reading  WeekTopicsAssignments1Introduction, Overview, Legislation and Regulations, PermittingReading 1 Discussion Board 12Sources and Impacts of Air Pollutants Criteria Air Pollutants, Air ToxicsReading 2 Discussion Board 23Measurement and Instrumentation Emission RatesReading 3 Discussion Board 34Air Pollution and Atmospheric Meteorology Stability Classes, Adiabatic Lapse Rates Atmospheric ChemistryReading 4 Homework Problem Set 1 Lab 1: Meteorology Lab5Atmospheric Dispersion, Gaussian Plume ModelingReading 5 Homework Problem Set 26Global Atmospheric Issues, Ozone, Carbon Dioxide Effect, Particulate Matter Reading 6 Plume Modeling Homework Lab 2: PM10 and PM2.57Design of Air Quality Control Systems for Particulates Cyclones, Electrostatic Precipitators, Baghouse/Fabric Filters Review for Midterm Exam8Midterm ExamReading 7 Design Homework 19Design of Air Quality Control Systems for Gases, Vapors, and Volatile Organic Compounds Hoods, Biofiltration, Condensation, Incineration, AdsorptionReading 8 Lab 3: VOC Analysis10Design of Air Quality Control Systems for Sulfur Oxides, ScrubbersReading 9 Design Homework 211Design of Air Quality Control Systems for Nitrogen OxidesReading 10 Lab 4: NOx and SOx120123T]bcfghijwx͸~rfZrN?0huhJfCJOJQJaJhuhCJOJQJaJhHCJOJQJaJhX CJOJQJaJhKTCJOJQJaJhwCJOJQJaJh'-CJOJQJaJh? 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