ࡱ> TVS !bjbjQFQF N3,3,G;;;;;DdcT (L+++       $".%f; ;; ;;++P ;+;+  }+ f 0 %.%%;\; ;  % : Syllabus PUR 4411 Public & Community Relations Center Name: ý Boca Raton Campus Course Name: PUR 4411 Course Title: Public & Community Relations CRN: 98968 Credit Hours: Three Bldg/Room: General Classroom South, Room 103 Class Times: 1910 - 2200 Class Dates: Mondays, August 17 December 7, 2015 Instructor Name: Charles R. Suits, APR, Fellow PRSA, Adjunct Professor Office Hours: CU Room 205, Tuesdays, 1700 - 1900 Office Telephone: 561 222-7272 cell E-mail address:  HYPERLINK "mailto:chucksuits@gmail.com" chucksuits@gmail.com (preferred); also, csuits@fau.edu Course Description: To examine and explore the increasingly important roles that public relations and community relations play in modern society and provide a comprehensive and practical look at the nature, scope and use of these powerful communications skills. Course Relevance: The fourth leg of Marketing, after Product, Price and Placement, is Promotion. The two major components of Promotion are advertising and public relations, both of which are important for the introduction of any new product or service. For success, advertising requires two resources: cash and creativity. Public relations, however, has a major, and sometimes less expensive, advantage over advertising: CREDIBILITY. It employs the power of the media to report news about your product, your service or your company to the public, and ultimately to your potential customers and stakeholders. Public relations, when combined with the dynamics of community relations, will help you harness these powers for your business or your employer. Goals and Objectives: 0 Understand the definition, history and modern relevance of public relations and community relations. 0 Understand public relations as the social science of implementing change and forming public opinion. 0 Understand that effective public relations is a combination of research, planning, communications skills, creativity and feedback. 0 Understand contingency planning as it relates to issues management and crisis communications. 0 Understand the tools and skills used in media relations. 0 Possess knowledge of production techniques and why it is an important asset. 0 Understand the importance of community relations functions when developing special events and commemorative occasions. Course Outline: Aug 17 - Ch 1 Defining Public Relations Aug 24 - Ch 2 The History & Growth of Public Relations Aug 31 - Ch 3 Communication Sep 7 - Labor Day Holiday Sep 14 - Ch 4 Public Opinion Sep 21 - Ch 5 Management Sep 28 - Ch 6 Ethics and Ch 7 The Law Oct 5 - Ch 8 Research Oct 12 - Mid-Term Examination Oct 19 - Ch 9 Media Oct 26 - Ch 10 Social Media Nov 2 - Ch 11 Employee Relations and Ch 12 Govt. Relations Guest speakers: Teri Barbera and Lisa de la Rionda Nov 9 - Ch 13 Community Relations and Ch 14 International Consumer Relations Nov 16 - Ch 15 Public Relations Writing Nov 23 - Ch 16 Integrated Marketing Communications and Ch 17 Crisis Management First News Release assignment due Nov 30 - Reading Day Dec 7 - Final Exam & Second News Release assignment due Course Practices: Code of Academic Integrity: Students at ý are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards. Dishonesty is considered a serious breach of these ethical standards, because it interferes with the University mission to provide a high quality education in which no student enjoys an unfair advantage over any other. Dishonesty is also destructive of the University community, which is grounded in a system of mutual trust and places high value on personal integrity and individual responsibility. Please see the linked page for more information:  HYPERLINK "http://www.fau.edu/ctl/AcademicIntegrity.php" http://www.fau.edu/ctl/AcademicIntegrity.php Attendance and Tardiness: Students are expected to attend all classes for full benefit of course achievement. Punctuality and attendance will be a consideration in determining the extent of class participation in the overall grading process. Standards for written work: Students are expected to produce professional college-level papers reflecting original and independent thought or otherwise properly source and cite any material referenced. Late papers: A reduction of one letter grade will be deducted for assignments submitted after the due date. Missed exams: Students are expected to take and complete mid-term and final examinations upon the prescribed dates. Extra credit: Not applicable. Classroom participation: Maximum of five points towards the total grade. Climate for learning: Students are expected to contribute to class discussions by completing the assigned reading prior to each class session. The classroom environment should be one of mutual respect for fellow students. To avoid distractions, pagers and cell phones should be disabled. Students with Disabilities: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), students who require special accommodations due to a disability to properly execute coursework must register with the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) located in Boca Raton - SU 133 (561-297-3880), in Davie - MOD I (954-236-1222), in Jupiter - SR 117 (561-799-8585), or at the Treasure Coast - CO 128 (772-873-3305), and follow all OSD procedures. Required Textbook: Textbook title: The Practice of Public Relations Edition: 12th edition, copyright 2012, Prentice-Hall Author: Fraser P. Seitel Methods of evaluating student progress: 1. Mid-Term Examination : combination of multiple choice, true / false, short essay questions to cover Chapters 1 through 8. (35 points) 2. Final Examination: combination of multiple choice, true / false, short essay questions to cover Chapters 1 through 17 (cumulative) and Appendix A (45 points) 3. Participation: in-class discussion (5 points) 4. First News Release (5 points) 5. Second News Release (10 points) Note: All examinations will be completed within the classroom within one hour and without benefit of notes or textbook. Grading scale: A 100-94 B- 83-80 D+ 69-67 A- 93-90 C+ 79-77 D 66-64 B+ 89-87 C 76-74 D- 63-60 B 86-84 C- 73-70 F 59 or below     page 2 page 1 page 2 page 3 0Zn    & * 3 K O k x ( ) ԼԤԴԼԄ|t|l``jh<CJUaJhMCJaJhF$CJaJh!CJaJh.`CJaJhG9CJaJhFCJaJhKbCJaJhCJaJhx4@CJaJhcCJaJhMgCJaJh<CJaJh0CJaJh\CJaJh\5CJaJhKb5CJaJh\CJ aJ h\5CJ aJ %01o  P a b  ) p@ P ! ) p@ P !gd0$ ) p@ P !a$$ ) p@ P !a$gd) = > ` b u i z   cy{|HIJ./0ijk:;<׶תעג׊׆׆׆׆׆z߆h\CJOJQJaJh\h:#CJaJhCJaJh`CJaJhCJaJhh\5CJaJhh\6CJaJhh\6CJaJh\5CJaJh\CJaJh<CJaJjh<CJUaJhYh<0JCJaJ-b h i bcz{I/j ,p@ P X ! ,p@ P X h^h` ) `0p@ Pp^p ) `0p@ Pp^p`;<=> 3`~~[" ) `0p@ P @ `^@ ``gdF~ ) `0p@ P gdLs4 ) `0p@ PgdLs4 ) p@ P !gdLs4 ) p@ P ! ) p@ P ! <>MUVWXYciqƾֳƾ֐և~u֠m֐uaƾhF~h\6CJaJh-CJaJh G6CJaJhF~6CJaJh\6CJaJhF~CJaJh<CJaJhLs4CJaJhi.z6CJ]aJh`6CJ]aJhFCJaJh'mCJaJh~f?CJaJh\CJaJhapCJaJhap5CJaJh\5CJaJh Z2CJaJ& !$238?BCMT^_`acdeorsv|}ºzrjbZOhKbh?CJaJhVuCJaJhU=CJaJhM\MCJaJh%CJaJhG9hF~CJaJhG96CJaJh?h?6CJaJh?CJaJh~f?CJaJhKbCJaJh-CJaJh<CJaJh\6CJaJh G6CJaJhF~CJaJh\CJaJhFCJaJhFhF6CJaJhnCJaJºڱº{sҺҖg\ºhohoCJaJh<h<6CJaJh-CJaJhP_5CJaJhKb5CJaJhF~5CJaJh<CJaJhLs4CJaJhLs4h\CJaJhLs46CJaJhnCJaJh~f?CJaJhKbCJaJhM\MCJaJh G6CJaJh\CJaJhF~CJaJh?h?5CJaJ$`_``" ) `0p@ P @ `^@ ``gd8(" ) `0p@ P @ `^@ ``gdP ) `0p@ P gdi.z ) `0p@ P gdLs4" ) `0p@ P @ `^@ ``gdF~ *^_bfhɾѶɮɦvmbZRh~f?CJaJhs0lCJaJh~f?h~f?CJaJhn6CJaJh8(hE6CJaJh8(h~6CJaJh8(h8(6CJaJh8(hG96CJaJh\CJaJh_DeCJaJhoCJaJhPhPCJaJhnCJaJhPCJaJhLs4CJaJhG9h\CJaJhG9hG96CJaJhG9CJaJA*wT" ) `0p@ P ^`gds0l" ) `0p@ P ^`gd " ) `0p@ P ^`gd~f?" ) `0p@ P @ `^@ ``gdo ) `0p@ P p^pgdG9!%&'(.8@ACGPW[z{~ypdYMhoho5CJaJhs0lhs0lCJaJhs0lhs0l6CJaJhs0l6CJaJhoho6CJaJho6CJaJhohoCJaJhoCJaJhs0lCJaJhohi.zCJaJhs0lho6CJaJhs0lh G6CJaJhs0lh~f?6CJaJh\CJaJh~f?CJaJhp &CJaJhnCJaJhbCJaJ)EPZ\]qz|·ί⧞uj[jI[#jh Z2h Z2CJUaJjh Z2h Z2CJUaJh Z2h Z2CJaJh Z2h Z26CJaJh9x\6CJaJh\CJaJhs0lh\5CJaJh\5CJaJh Z2CJaJhHCJaJhPhPCJaJhPhP5CJaJhuCJaJhs0lhs0l5CJaJhs0lCJaJhs0lhs0l56CJaJhnCJaJ>?Y23O klz ) p@ P !gd Z2 ) p@ P ! ) `0p@ P gds0l<=>?Y23O +4=lzLbNlno123DFYy|sjbh.`CJaJh9x\6CJaJh\CJ]aJh Z2h Z2CJ]aJh*gh*g6CJaJh*gCJaJh9x\CJaJh#CJaJh\5CJ\aJh Z26CJaJh\CJaJh\6CJaJh Z2CJaJh Z2h Z2CJaJjh Z2h Z2CJUaJh Z2h Z20JCJaJ$zKLbno23FGz ) p@ P !gd*g ) p@ P ! 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