
From:                                   Maria Jennings

Sent:                                    Friday, November 13, 2015 12:20 PM

To:                                        Maria Jennings

Subject:                                FW: AP&BC -- FW: Final revision of Environmental Engineering BS new program



From: Ronald Nyhan
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2015 10:50 AM
To: Arcadia Betancourt; Frederick Hoffman; Michael Harris; Jerome Haky; Rose Sherman; Anita Pennathur; Christopher Beetle
Cc: Dan Meeroff; JuYoung Park
Subject: Re: AP&BC -- FW: Final revision of Environmental Engineering BS new program



A majority of APBC members approve the new degree. I believe the next step is to place it on the Steering Agenda. 



Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 13, 2015, at 8:20 AM, Ronald Nyhan <rcnyhan@fau.edu> wrote:



I hope you have all been able to review the request for the new Environmental Engineering BS program. Please indicate your willingness to vote by e-mail and your decision on recommending the new degree.  There is a time crunch (as always). Please respond by Monday. Any problems, questions please contact me.






From: Arcadia Betancourt
Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 9:17 AM
To: Frederick Hoffman <HOFFMAN@fau.edu>; Michael Harris <mharris@fau.edu>; Jerome Haky <hakyj@fau.edu>; Rose Sherman <rsherman@fau.edu>; James Kumi-Diaka <jdiaka@fau.edu>; Anita Pennathur <PENNATHU@fau.edu>; Gary Perry <perryg@fau.edu>; Dorothy Russell <DRUSS@fau.edu>; Christopher Beetle <cbeetle@fau.edu>
Cc: Ronald Nyhan <rcnyhan@fau.edu>
Subject: AP&BC -- FW: Final revision of Environmental Engineering BS new program


Good morning,


Please see the message below from your Chair, Ron Nyhan. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.





Arcadia Betancourt

Administrative Staff Assistant

Office of the Provost

777 Glades Road, Admin. 309

Boca Raton, FL 33431

Tel. (561) 297-4747

Email: abetancourt@fau.edu





The attached proposal for a new bachelor degree has been approved by the Provost and UUGC.  By regulation it needs approval by Academic Planning and Budget Committee.  Our primary responsibility is to ensure that the proposal is viable financially, i.e. the costs will have a minimum impact on the University.  The proposal has that language.


Therefore, if there are no objections I would propose an e-mail vote due to the short time frame.  How say you all.



Begin forwarded message:

From: Yan Yong <yongy@fau.edu>
Date: November 6, 2015 at 3:19:48 PM EST
To: Ronald Nyhan <rcnyhan@fau.edu>
Cc: Dan Meeroff <dmeeroff@fau.edu>, Maria Jennings <mjenning@fau.edu>
Subject: FW: Final revision of Environmental Engineering BS new program

Dear Ron,


Thank you very much for agreeing to expedite the approval of the attached new degree proposal by the Academic Planning and Budget Committee.  As we plan to start the new degree program from fall 2016 and the proposal needs to go through a lengthy approval process from BOT and BOG, I will appreciate it if your committee can make its decision within a week so that Maria Jennings can include this proposal in the agenda of the November Steering meeting.        


Please contact me or Dan Meeroff if you have any questions about this new program.


Many thanks,




Yan Yong

Chair and Professor                                                           

Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatics Engineering  

Florida Atlantic University                                                                   

Office:  (561)297-3445 


From: Dan Meeroff
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 1:52 PM
To: Russell Ivy <
Cc: Yan Yong <
yongy@fau.edu>; Mohammad Ilyas <ilyas@fau.edu>
Subject: Final revision of Environmental Engineering BS new program


Dear Russ:

Attached is the revised version of the Environmental Engineering BS degree proposal. I have included all of your feedback. Lynn Asseff, our college financial officer, has verified the budget numbers and tables. The signatures from library and diversity have been included as well. I have submitted the document to be included at the next UUPC meeting.


Thank you for your strong support of our programs!



Daniel E. Meeroff, Ph.D.
Associate Chair and Professor
Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatics Engineering
Florida Atlantic University
777 Glades Road, Building 36, Room 206
Boca Raton, FL 33431-0991
Tel.(561) 297-3099