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Membership The ý Honors Council will have eleven voting members, all chosen according to the appropriate policies in their colleges: Two members each from colleges with traditionally high involvement in honors education at both the lower and upper divisions: The Wilkes Honors College The Schmidt College of Arts and Letters. The Schmidt College of Science One member each from other colleges that participate significantly in undergraduate education: The College of Business. The College for Design and Social Inquiry. The College of Education. The College of Engineering and Computer Science. The Lynn College of Nursing. The Graduate College and the College of Biomedical Science are not represented on the University Honors Council since this body deals exclusively with the undergraduate curriculum. The Dean of the Wilkes Honors College, the Dean of Undergraduate Studies, the Coordinator of the University Honors Program, and the Director of the QEP (for as long as the Universitys QEP topic deals extensively with either undergraduate research or honors education) will be ex officio, non-voting members of the UHC. The presence of six of the Councils eleven voting members will be considered a quorum for the purposes of conducting business. It is strongly recommended that individuals elected to membership on the University Honors Council by their colleges have experience in honors education at the faculty or administrative level either at ý or at another institution. Operation The chair of the University Honors Council will be elected from among the eleven voting members. The University Honors Council will have one regular meeting per month from September through April. Additional meetings may be called by the chair of the UHC or by one of the ex officio members. # ` l abm} hhrhL h_G$h>[hhrhr^6 hhrhr^hhrhr^5#${|C 4 z _ ` k l ~  & Fgdr^ & Fgdr^ & Fgdr^^gdr^ & Fgdr^ & Fgdr^@&gddtgdr^ $@&a$gddt ? 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