ࡱ> 796 bjbjVV 4<< ++++G +SSSSSBX dQSSSSSS$~ @wlBBllwSSlSSQlQESTxC +=0,``E`Elllllllwwlllllll`lllllllll : Proposed Honors Track Program in Geography Qualified students may apply to participate in an upper division Honors Track (Honors-in-the-Major) in the undergraduate geography program for both the B.A. and B.S. degrees. The Honors program recognizes research accomplishments of talented undergraduates. Eligible students must have earned a minimum of 9 credits in geography (courses with GEA, GEO, GIS, EVR, ESC prefixes) with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.30 to enter the program, and must maintain a 3.30 GPA to remain in the Honors program. These admission requirements mirror the requirements of the local chapter of Gamma Theta Upsilon, an international geographic honor society active at ý. Students must additionally have the support of a faculty mentor to be admitted to the program. Interested students should contact the faculty member whose research interests are closest to those the student wishes to pursue. To be awarded the honors undergraduate degree in geography, students must complete all requirements for the B.A. or B.S. degree in geography, and additionally must complete the 6 credit hours listed below, must complete an honors compact agreement, and must meet a capstone requirement . The capstone requirement entails presenting the findings of their research from the GEO 4948C Field Experience and the GEO 4905 Directed Independent Study in both a written thesis format as well as an oral presentation at the Geosciences Colloquium Series or an appropriate academic conference approved by both the faculty mentor and the Department Chair. Students will complete an honors compact with the faculty member, which is an agreement that the projects will be conducted at the honors level. Students will normally begin the honors program in their sophomore or junior year and conduct independent research with mentor supervision during their junior and senior years. Required coursework is listed below. GEO 4920 Geosciences Honors Colloquium. (1 credit course repeated twice) This is a new course proposal that will mirror our existing GEO 6920 Geosciences colloquium that is required of graduate students in our department, and is viewed by the faculty as honors-level enrichment. Students are exposed to talks from prominent researchers and professionals in the various subfields of the Geosciences. This will introduce the student to current important research themes in the geosciences as well as reinforce the scientific method and expose the students to appropriate methodologies for problem solving in the geosciences. Speakers change every semester, therefore, the course is repeatable for credit. GEO 4948C Field Experience. (1 credit) Students would enroll in this course while doing the field work, lab work and/or data collection for their research project. GEO 4905 Directed Independent Study. (3 credits) Students would enroll in DIS credits while working in the analysis and write-up phases of their research. *New course to be created. *+]lxA  " o  . ? 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