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Course ObjectiveThis course aims to develop and refine skills of graphic representation pertaining to architectural design. It complements its co-requisite course, Architectural Design 5 (ARC 3320) and Research Methods & Analysis, and becomes a prerequisite for Digital Communication. Furthermore, it helps students to develop a skill to conceptualize 3 dimensional objects. PrerequisitesAll previous design studios (1 through 4) completed with a grade of C or better. Completion of all required lower-division pre-professional and general education course work, submittal of a design portfolio of prior design work. In limited cases, students may be allowed to enroll in the Junior Phase of the design sequence while concurrently fulfilling a pre-requisite course. In these cases, students are enrolled on a probationary basis: under no circumstances may students enroll in Design 6 or higher if they are missing pre-requisite courses. Co-requisiteArchitectural Design 5 (ARC 3320) LogisticsThis course is offered once a year in Fall semester as a 2-credit required course for the Bachelor of Architecture degree. The time and location of the class is TBD. InstructorTBD 111 East Las Olas Blvd. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 762-5654 architecture@fau.edu CommunicationsStudents are requested to use email as the primary method of communication with faculty. Students wishing to call are requested to leave a detailed message and a telephone number for return calls. AttendanceStudents are expected to attend class, fully participate in the class activities and perform all assignments. Students absent from more than three classes without serious reasons (medical or otherwise) given in writing in advance of the class will drop a whole letter grade. Students absent from a required presentation, assignment, or examination will receive, without exception, an F for that presentation, assignment, or examination. Students appearing more than 15 minutes late for a review or presentation will be considered late. Two late arrivals will count as one absence. No more than two consecutive absences are allowed. Those students that miss more than two classes consecutively will be subject to dismissal and a grade of F will be entered into their record. Should a valid medical condition be the cause for absences then complete documentation must be presented at the next date of attendance. Makeup tests and late submissions are not allowed without documentation. Absence does not absolve the student from homework, assignments, or work progress due on the day of absence and the work due the following class. It is the students sole responsibility to contact someone from the class to get information on the material covered and assignments given. Students are expected to arrive promptly for the beginning of class with all required materials. Students are expected to report to class fully prepared. Any student attending class without the necessary working materials will be counted absent for that class. Decorum & ExpectationsCellular phones and pagers have to be silenced before the class begins. No attention shall be given these devices. No student may engage in text messaging. Doing so will result in the student being counted absent for that class. Should an emergency exist, an acceptable alternative must be agreed upon in advance on a case-by-case basis Students will demonstrate respect for instructors and fellow students. Behavior that is disruptive to a positive learning environment will result in a warning on the first instance, and possible expulsion from the course in the second instance. Students are expected to submit assignments and projects by scheduled submission times. Late submission will be allowed only in cases where a student will be absent with documented, justifiable cause (i.e., medical, legal, intercollegiate activities, etc.). Authorization for missing an exam or critique should be arranged prior to the scheduled exam date for the class. The late submission will be scheduled on an individual basis. Students are expected to bring all pertinent research notes, sketches, drawings, and models to the studio for discussion and review. Furthermore, students are responsible for assigned readings and expected to participate in related discussions. Design students are expected to work a minimum of 15 hours per week in addition to posted class hours. GradingThe final presentation represents the culmination of all work completed during the term. The basic grade shall depend directly upon demonstration of the minimum standard of learning expected from this course. After the minimum standard of learning expected from this course has been met, the final grade will be determined by evaluating design and communication skills and the quality of generative research and exploration from commencement through completion of the course. All works must be corrected and improved prior to all scheduled presentations. Grade determination will include, but is not limited to, the following criteria: class participation, craftsmanship, graphic proficiency, design quality, concept/design development, and overall attitude. Grades for the semester will be distributed on the following percentage basis: Charrette: 5% Project 1: 30% Project 2: 45% Readings: 5% Attendance and participation: 5% Effort and Improvement 10% Letter grades are defined as follows: A to A- Exceptional work, above and beyond the requirements and exhibiting creative advancement in design theory or application. A: 94 and above A-: 90-93.9 B+ to B-Good work, meeting all of the requirements and exhibiting creative solutions that respond to the important project issues, communicated clearly. B+: 87-89.9 B: 83-86.9 B-: 80-82.9C+ to CAverage work, meeting the minimum requirements and exhibiting a consistent effort in research and design process, communicated clearly. C+:75-79.9 C:65-74.9 C- to D-Marginal work, meeting less than the minimum requirements while exhibiting inconsistency in design research, process and lacking in clarity D: 55-64.9 FFailing work, meeting less than the minimum requirements. F: below 55 Student Performance Criteria (SPC)At a minimum, students passing this class will demonstrate (1) an ABILITY to apply the following NAAB SPCs: [A-6] Fundamental Design Skills, [B-3] Sustainability; and (2) an UNDERSTANDING of the following NAAB SPCs: [C-2] Human Behavior. The following SPCs will also be engaged through coursework, but will not be used to provide SPC evidence: [A-3] Visual Communication Skills, [A-8] Ordering Systems Upon completion of this course, a minimum passing grade of C or better will require that the student: Be able to identify and use an architectural ordering system. Be able to identify and use important precedents in architecture. Be able to create and use representations of buildings through drawings and models. Be able to research, analyze, evaluate, and implement appropriate design methodologies. Be able to research, analyze, evaluate, and implement appropriate passive design design strategies. Be able to research, analyze, and evaluate the relevant work of important architects. Be able to research, analyze, evaluate and apply structural systems and their integration in the design process. Be able to research, analyze and evaluate program, site conditions, and regional and local traditions that shape the built environment. Be able to identify their personal strengths and uniqueness, and participate in a collaborative effort. Be able to investigate and synthetically develop structural, material and spatial relationships. Be able to integrate elements of architectural form and spatial expression. Be able to develop and evaluate design response to the conditions of the program, site, and existing context, both local and regional. Please consult NAABs descriptions of SPCs.(see NAAB.org website, for the most recent Conditions and Procedures) Required MediaStudents are required to have available the following materials: Drafting board; portable drafting board with parallel bar (24x 36 min) or a parallel bar (36 min) for direct desk attachment. Students who fail to provide the required board and/or parallel bar after the first week will receive a failing grade for every assignment after the first week until required materials are provided. Sketchbook; 9x12 minimum size Drafting tools; adjustable triangle or standard 45 & 36/60 triangles, templates, brush, French curves, & architects and engineers scale Drawing paper; pad or roll of 1000H drafting vellum, 18x24 (max sheet size needed) Sketching paper; 18 roll of white sketch paper Tape; Drafting tape or dots Drawing pencils; sketching and drafting pencils or lead holder and leads (2h,h,hb,f,b) Pencil sharpener; mechanical or manual pencil sharpener and pencil pointer for lead holders Eraser; Kneaded eraser(s), mechanical or manual drafting eraser, erasing shield Additional Materials Black permanent ink pens Design markers Colored pencils Watercolor paint and brushes Drawing papers and films Students are also advised to purchase three-ring binder, and blank CD-Rs or DVDs and flashdrives adequate for serving as the repository for their work as the term progresses. Each student must have with them during each class session a means of taking notes. These notes shall be retained by the student. Students are required to purchase copies of the following textbooks: Francis D.K. Ching, Architectural Graphics (4th edition) (New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2002). ISBN# 0471209066 Michael E. Doyle, Color Drawing: Design Drawing Skills and Techniques for Architects, Landscape Architects, and Interior Designers (3rd edition) (New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006). ISBN # 0471741906 Students are required to reference the following related texts for additional information: (not required for purchase, but recommended for your library) Bernard Leupen, Christoph Grafe, Nicola Korning, and Marc Lampe, Design and Analysis (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1997). ISBN # 9064502595 Edward T. White, Concept Sourcebook: A Vocabulary of Architectural Forms (Victoria: Architectural Media Ltd., 1975). ASIN # B000UDEIWI Francis D.K. Ching, Architecture; Form, Space and Order (3rd edition) (New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2007). ISBN # 0442017928 Francis D.K. Ching, Design Drawing, (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1997). ISBN # 0471286540 Gail Greet Hannah, Elements of Design, Roweena Reed Kostellow and the structure of visual relationships (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2002). ISBN # 1568983298 Kimberly Elam, Geometry of Design: studies in proportion and composition (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2001). ISBN # 1568982496 Michael Zaretsky, Precedents in Zero-Energy Design: Architecture and Passive Design in the 2007 Solar Decathlon (New York: Routledge, 2010). ISBN # 100415778751 Mohammed Saleh Uddin, Composite Drawing: Techniques for Architectural Design Presentation (Ohio: McGraw-Hill, 1997). ISBN # 0070657491 Norman Crowe, and Paul Laseau, Visual Notes for Architects and Designers (2nd edition) (New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2012) ISBN # 9780470908532 Paul Laseau Graphic Thinking for Architects & Designers (3rd edition) (New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2000). ISBN # 0471352926 Peter Cook, Drawing: the Motive Force of Architecture (New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2008). ISBN # 0470034815 Randow Yee, Architectural Drawing: A Visual Compendium of Types and Methods (3rd edition) (New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2007). ISBN # 9780471793663 Richard M. McGarry , and Greg Madsen, Marker Magic: The Rendering Problem Solver for Designers (New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1992). ISBN # 0471284343 Roger H. Clark, and Michael Pause, Precedents in Architecture (3rd edition) (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., Inc., 2004). ISBN # 0471479748 Theodore Kautzky, Pencil Pictures: A Guide to Their Pleasing Arrangement (New York: Reinhold Publishing, 1947). ASIN # B000K019TG Thomas W. Schaller, Architecture in Watercolor (Ohio: McGraw-Hill Professional, 1998). ISBN # 0070580685 ExercisesEach student will engage in a series of exercises both during class and as independent study assignments. Each completed exercise will form a part of the students final submission at the end of the term and will represent the students programmatic research and analysis for the selected project. Exercises and assignments will form a part of the final completed program and project analysis binder and will be handed in at the required time collated such that they will remain held together. Upon return of the assignment, they shall be corrected and inserted into the binder. Each student is expected to employ freehand drawing skills using any representational media of their choice to illustrate and document their research through quick analytical sketches. No computer-generated drawings are permitted in critique sessions. However, the computer usage is permitted, if the student employs a computer to assist him/her in design decision making. Submittal FormatAll individual student presentations shall include the following as a minimum: Representations of the design in model(s), site plans showing the project and its context, plans, elevations, sections, and details as needed to explain the solution. Plan drawings must include a north arrow. All drawings must include a graphic scale. All models must include a human figure for scale. All work submitted should bear the name of the individual student or team members. Professional and Ethical ConductJust as clear and concise drawing is essential to the effective communication of architectural ideas so too is the clear and concise use of language, both spoken and written. The School of Architecture expects students to communicate their ideas effectively and in a professional manner. This includes handwriting or lettering which is legible, correct spelling, appropriate punctuation and grammar, and referential citations that meet the Chicago Manual of Style standards for research and scholarly writing. All course work will be graded with consideration of these issues. Work submitted shall constitute individual work, unless the instructor expressly indicates a group assignment. An idea, once documented in writing or in drawing, is the intellectual property of the author. When presenting an idea, phraseology, or drawing which is not your own, you are legally and ethically bound to identify your source. To do otherwise is plagiarism and constitute cheating. Plagiarism will not be tolerated in the School of Architecture. The penalty for cheating is a grade of F on the relevant work and may warrant further academic action including failure in the course, academic probation, or expulsion from the University. Students at ý are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards. Academic dishonesty is considered a serious breach of these ethical standards, because it interferes with the University mission to provide a high quality education in which no student enjoys an unfair advantage over any other. Academic dishonesty is also destructive of the University community, which is grounded in a system of mutual trust and places high value on personal integrity and individual responsibility. Harsh penalties are associated with academic dishonesty. For more information, see the Code of Academic Integrity in the University Regulations at HYPERLINK "http://www.fau.edu/regulations/chapter4/4.001_Code_of_Academic_Integrity.pdf"http://www.fau.edu/regulations/chapter4/4.001_Code_of_Academic_Integrity.pdf. The Code describes the expectations for students' ethical academic conduct and the procedures for charging a student with a violation of the Code. Student Work The School of Architecture reserves the right to retain any and all student work for the purpose of record, exhibition, and instruction. All students are encouraged to reproduce all work for their own records prior to submission of originals to the instructor. In the event of publication the author or the work will be recognized and received full attribution. Outside Employment: While the School of Architecture is sensitive to the financial and professional needs of our students, outside employment is not considered an extenuating circumstance in cases of poor performance, excessive absences or failure to submit assigned work on schedule. GeneralInformation concerning academic regulations, student rights and responsibilities may be found in the current ý Catalog and Student Handbook. Special NeedsIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), students who require special accommodation due to a disability to properly execute coursework must register with the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) at any of the following locations: Davie Campus LA 240, 3200 College Avenue, Davie, FL (telephone 954-236-1222) or at the Boca Raton Campus SU 133, 777 Glades Road, Boca Raton, FL (telephone 561-297-3880; TTY 561-297-0358) Visit HYPERLINK "https://exchange.fau.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=145eb84054fe405995823e7e5fccfd37&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.osd.fau.edu" \t "_blank" http://www.osd.fau.edu ScheduleWeek 1: Review of syllabus Review of architectural drawing (drafting) Introduction to architectural graphics (representation) Sheet composition (communication) Texture and tonal value Shade and shadow (azimuth, altitude, casting edge, shadow plane) Week 2: Paraline and orthographic drawing Week 3: Paraline and orthographic drawing with shade and shadow Week 4: One-point perspective drawing Week 5: One-point perspective drawing with shade and shadow Week 6: Two-point perspective drawing Week 7: Two-point perspective drawing with shade and shadow Week 8: Presentation drawing project 1 assignment Week 9: Presentation drawing project 1 review Week 10: Presentation drawing project 2 assignment Week 11: Presentation drawing project 2 review Week 12: Presentation drawing project 3 assignment Week 13: Presentation drawing project 3 review Week 14: Final project preparation Week 15: Final project preparation Week 16: Final project presentation      ý | School of Architecture PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 ARCHITECTURAL R E P R E S E N T A T I O N SYLLABUS     #$%&ŸrdVEd6*6hHsB*OJQJphh"khHsB*OJQJph hy'hHsCJOJQJ^JaJhHsCJOJQJ^JaJhTShHs5OJQJ^J)hHs56B*CJ(OJQJ^JaJ(ph#hTShHs5CJOJQJ^JaJ=jhw@hHsB*CJOJQJUaJmHnHphtHuhTShHsOJQJ^J=jhmJhHsB*CJOJQJUaJmHnHphtHuhHs-jhHs5OJQJU^J_HmHnHu      $$Ifa$gdHs_kd$$Ifl0h %  t$644 lap $$Ifa$gdHs$If #" # $ 5 ?Skd$$Ifl0h %  t$644 la $$Ifa$gdHs $$Ifa$gdHsSkd{$$Ifl0h %  t$644 la&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[_+hhHs5B*CJOJQJ\aJph%h]hHsB*CJOJQJaJphhHsB*CJOJQJaJph%h"khHsB*CJOJQJaJphh"khHsB*OJQJphhHsB*OJQJph8  . }   3 O [ j z   ! 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