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The course will present an in depth study of death penalty cases, and the theories behind the death penalty, including the death penalty past and present, racial discrimination and the death penalty, the mentally impaired and the death penalty, the death penalty for juveniles and due process in death penalty cases. The course will explore death penalty sentencing including aggravating and mitigating circumstances. The course will cover the methods of execution in the U.S. and their significance to the constitutionality of the death penalty in this country. Lastly the course will explore the future of the death penalty in the U.S. Attendance Policy: Attendance will be taken. Students are expected to attend and be prepared for class. Course Objectives: By the end of this course you should (minimally): Recall the history of the death penalty in the U.S. Recognize the differences between death penalty cases. Distinguish between theories behind use of the death penalty. Identify due process issues in use of the death penalty. Distinguish between aggravating and mitigating circumstances in death penalty cases. Differentiate between the different methods of execution that have been used in death penalty cases. Recall how each method of execution relates to the constitution. Recognize recent court case and the significance they may hold for the potential future of the death penalty in the U.S. Exams: There will be a mid - term exam ( 50% of the final grade) and a final non - cumulative exam ( 50% of the final grade). Both exams will be comprised of objective questions. NO MAKE UP EXAMS WILL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT A UNIVERSITY APPROVED EXCUSE. Such approved reasons include illness, family emergencies, military obligation, or participation in a University approved activities. It is the students responsibility to give the instructor notice prior to any anticipated absence that will cause the student to miss a scheduled exam. Reasonable notice must be given to the instructor of an unanticipated absence which causes the student to miss an exam. Reasonable notice means contacting the professor prior to the next class. A student who misses an exam for a valid, documented reason will be allowed to take a make up exam. The make-up exam will be an essay format. Extra Credit: Not Mandatory but recommended. After the midterm, students will be given an opportunity to give an oral presentation advocating for the death penalty or against the death penalty. A student can earn up to 5 points, which will be added to the final exam grade. Grades: Grades will be based on a plus/minus system. The below listed scale shall be applicable for this course: A 100-93 AVERAGE A- 92-90 AVERAGE B+ 89-87 AVERAGE B 86-83 AVERAGE B- 81-80 AVERAGE C+ 79-77 AVERAGE C 76-73 AVERAGE C- 72-70 AVERAGE D+ 69-67 AVERAGE D 66-63 AVERAGE D- 62-60 AVERAGE F BELOW 60 AVERAGE Please note that a grade of C- will NOT count for credit towards graduation for criminal justice majors. Grade of Incomplete: The grade of incomplete will only be given in the case of a serious, unanticipated, and documented emergency that prevents the student from finishing a small part of the course. Students cannot receive an incomplete if they are not passing the course with a C or better. An incomplete automatically becomes an F within one year, if not changed by the completion of course work. American Disabilities Act and Support Services: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA), students who require reasonable accommodations due to a disability to properly execute coursework must register with Student Accessibility Services (SAS)in Boca Raton, SU 133 (561-297-3880); in Davie, LA 131 (954-236-1222); or in Jupiter, SR 110 (561-799-8585) and follow all SAS procedures (see  HYPERLINK "https://exchange.fau.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=3z-5FNim3kW0qi75W4UpbLsUDi6dGtMIxf4Gfnmcf-BE1yuLfohCRr8m6Lx8V8FmXfyI2rbtTWM.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.fau.edu%2fsas%2f" \t "_blank" http://www.fau.edu/sas/ for procedures and forms). F.A.U. Honor Code: Students at F.A.U. are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards. Academic dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism, is considered a serious breach of these ethical standards because it interferes with the University mission to provide a high quality education in which no student enjoys an unfair advantage over any other. Academic dishonesty is also destructive of the University community, which is grounded in a system of mutual trust and places high value on personal integrity and individual responsibility. Harsh penalties are associated with academic dishonesty. For more information, see: http://www.fau.edu/regulations/chapter4/4.oo1_Honor_Code.pdf. Student Success Resources: If you read the book, take good notes, study for exams, and read the assignment instructions closely, you should succeed. If you are having problems with the course contact me. It is imperative that you contact me as soon as possible if you are having difficulties. Dont wait until the end of the term to seek assistance. If you need individualized help or tutoring in reading, writing, taking notes or other academic issues, please see one of the help centers listed below: University Center for Excellence  HYPERLINK "http://www.fau.eduUCEW/WC/" http://www.fau.eduUCEW/WC/ Learning Community  HYPERLINK "http://www.fau.edu/classLearningCommunity" http://www.fau.edu/classLearningCommunity Tutoring, Study Help, & Academic Support  HYPERLINK "http://www.fau.edu/ctl/TutoringStudyHelpAndAcademicSupportStudentResources.php" http://www.fau.edu/ctl/TutoringStudyHelpAndAcademicSupportStudentResources.php Center for Learning and Student Success  HYPERLINK "http://www.fau.edu/CLASS" http://www.fau.edu/CLASS Career Development Center  HYPERLINK "http://www.fau.edu/cdc" http://www.fau.edu/cdc Student Involvement and Leadership  HYPERLINK "http://fau.edu/sil/" http://fau.edu/sil/ IF YOU ARE HAVING PERSONAL PROBLEMS AND NEED GUIDANCE OR HELP, PLEASE CONTACT ONE OF THE CENTERS LISTED BELOW: Office of Health and Wellness  HYPERLINK "http://www.fau.edu/wellness/index.php" http://www.fau.edu/wellness/index.php Counseling Center  HYPERLINK "http://fau.edu/counseling/" http://fau.edu/counseling/ Student Crisis Awareness Committee  HYPERLINK "http://www.fauedu/studentindistress/SITrole.php" http://www.fauedu/studentindistress/SITrole.php COURSE SCHEDULE Date: Reading Assignment: January 11 Introduction & Movie Death Penalty in America January 18 M.L.K. Holiday No Class January 25 Chapter 1 and 2 February 1 Chapter 3 February 8 Chapter 4 February 15 Chapter 5 February 22 Review for Mid Term February 29 Mid Term Exam March 7 Spring Break No Class March 14 Chapter 6 March 21 Chapter 7 March 28 Chapter 8 April 4 Chapter 9 April 11 Chapter 10 and Quiz April 18 Chapter 11 and 12 April 25 Review for Final Exam May 2 Final Exam     PAGE  PAGE 2 q    < L \ ] ^ d e u v w x } ~ ʿvvkch4h?\h"wh"w5>*\h4hP_>*\h4hh\ h4\h4 h4hP_h"whP_5\h"whP_5>*\h4hP_\h"wha85\h"wh{ 5>*\ h)"5\ h)"h)"h)"h)"h)"56 h)"5hP_ jh)"5U\mHnHu&Dpq] ^ v w B $a$gd)" Hgd)" ƲzzrzzjbZh4hB\h4hg]\h4hu\h4hP\h4hr\h4h?\h4h)4\h"whP_5>*\h"wh{ 5>*\h4hP_>*\h"whP_5\h"wh?5\h"whC5\h"wh"w5\ h"w\h4h4\h4hC\h4hC\h4hP_\!  : A B ƻѩr\I$h)"0JB*fHphq *h4h40JB*fHphq h4h4B*H*KH$\phh3B*KH$\phh)"B*KH$\phh4h4B*KH$\phh4h4\h"whP_5\h"wh{ 5>*\h"whP_5>*\h4hP_\h4hg]\h"whB5>*\h"whg]5>*\h35>*\  # . 0 \ ] p r v Ԯwog_WwWOgWGWgh4hHVG\h4h}\h4h?\h4h\h4hr\h4hQ\h4hP_\h"whP_5\h"whP_5>*\h"wh{ 5>*\ h45\h4h4\$hn1z0JB*fHphq $h)"0JB*fHphq *h4h40JB*fHphq *h4h40JB*fHphq  ,-_A= & Fgdn1z & Fgd{( ;Z jz * :JZ d1$gd{% ;Z jz * :JZ 1$gd{gdHVG m *+,-_G̷߯߯߯߯߯ߧsdsdsdsdsh{h{CJOJQJaJh{CJOJQJaJ h{h{hn1z h3h{ h35h{h{5>* hfo>*\h4hP_\h4h)4\h"whfo5\h"whfo5>*\h"wh{ 5>*\h35>*\h4hfo\h4hHVG\h4hr\h4h?\$GNw.6`kBK !"#./01456ǽ}skf^VQ hP_\h4h\h4h)4\ hn1z\h4h$0\h"wh$05\h"wh$05>*\h4hn1z\ h$0\h4hP_6>*\]h4ha8\h4hP_\h"whP_5>*\h3hP_5\h"wh{ 5>*\h.5>*\hn1zh{>*CJ\aJh{CJOJQJaJhn1zCJOJQJaJ !"156789:;<=>?@ 0A6?@FH01Żآ؝}vncnXnvh xh{ 0J^Jjh{ Ujh{ U h xh{ hJjh{ h"wh"wh"wh{ >*h"wh{ 5>* h{ \h{ h"whP_5\h"whP_5>*\h4hB>*\h4hP_6\]h4h)4\h4hP_\ h"w5\h"wh{ 5>*\h4hn1z\ hn1z\ ARbs 6 7 J !! h^h`gd{ gd{  12  4 5 J K ɿ~qqgqZRZHZRh4h*+0J\h4h*+\jh4h*+U\h4h-0J\jh4h-U\h4hP_\h4h-\h"wh-5>*\h"wh"w5>*\h4hn1z>*\ h/!p>*\h4hx[6\h4h26\h4h2\h4h. \h4hx[\h"whx[5>*\h"wh{ 5>*\hn1z5>*\ 5!6!!!!!!!!! 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