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READINGS: Required: Terry H. Anderson, The Sixties 2d ed. Brian Ward, The 1960s: A Documentary Reader Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique Martin Luther King, Jr., Why We Cant Wait Michael Herr, Dispatches Bernard von Bothmer, Framing the Sixties: The Use and Abuse of a Decade from Ronald Reagan to George W. Bush Recommended: Christopher Strain, Pure Fire: Self-Defense as Activism in the Civil Rights Era EXPECTATIONS: The three cardinal rules of the course are simple and straightforward: be in class, be on time, and be prepared. Do these things and you will succeed. Students will be graded on attendance, participation (including various writing assignments and reading quizzes), a midterm examination, and a final examination (an in-class, group oral exam). Mondays will generally be lecture classes, while Wednesdays will be discussion classes. Both are equally important. The nature of this course demands that all students participate in class discussions. If each student participates, then the result will be a dynamic and creative learning experience for all; if some students do not participate, then all students will sufferbut none more than those who are unprepared. Participation will be graded. Students are expected to be in class. Roll will be taken at the beginning of each class meeting; if you are not there, or if you leave class early, you will be counted as absent. There are no excused absences; emergencies will be dealt with on an individual basis. Timely and conscientious reading of the assignments is essential because the readings will serve as the basis for class discussions. Read carefully. Take notes. Reading quizzes will be given periodically on Wednesdays, and will be graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. There will be no make-ups allowed for reading quizzes; however, the lowest reading quiz score may be dropped. Due to the importance of lectures and discussion, attendance is mandatory. Roll will be taken at the beginning of each class meeting; if you are not there, or if you leave class early, you will be counted as absent. There are no excused absences. Emergencies will be dealt with on an individual basis. Due dates are firm. All assignments are due no later than the beginning of class on the day they are due. Late papers will be dropped one portion of a letter grade for each day late (e.g. an A becomes an A-). Any form of academic dishonesty will result in a failing grade for the entire course. Please follow this link to read the ý policy statement on Academic Integrity:  HYPERLINK "http://www.fau.edu/regulations/chapter4/4.001_Code_of_Academic_Integrity.pdf" \t "_blank" http://www.fau.edu/regulations/chapter4/4.001_Code_of_Academic_Integrity.pdf Here is the Honors College policy on Academic Integrity:  HYPERLINK "http://www.fau.edu/divdept/honcol/academics_honor_code.htm" http://www.fau.edu/divdept/honcol/academics_honor_code.htm In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), students who require special accommodations to execute coursework must register with the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) located in Boca, SU 133 (561-297-3880) or in Jupiter, Office of Diversity Services, SR 117 (561-799-8585) and follow all OSD procedures. Please see:  HYPERLINK "http://www.osd.fau.edu/Rights.htm" http://www.osd.fau.edu/Rights.htm Note of Honors Distinction: This course differs substantially from the non-Honors version. First, the writing component of the course will be much more demanding, and will prepare students for upper-division college writing and for work on the Honors Thesis. Students will be exposed to vocabulary of a specifically theoretical nature, and will be expected to comprehend these new concepts and to deploy these new terms in their own critical thinking and writing. In addition, we will begin professionalizing our own readings and analyses of these texts. Students will be expected to familiarize themselves with the history and the ongoing critical and scholarly conversation about these works, and will give in-class presentations about critical history and about the living scholars in the field as it now stands. Students will also engage with the theoretical tools used by todays reading community to study literature. Most importantly, this course will reflect the interdisciplinary nature of Honors education and will inculcate critical attitudes and skills that will teach you how to learn for yourself. GRADES: GRADING SCALE: Reading quizzes (20%) A: 100-93 B-: 82-80 D+: 69-68 Midterm exam (20%) A-: 92-90 C+: 79-78 D: 67-63 Attendance & participation (20%) B+: 89-88 C: 77-73 D-: 62-60 Papers (20%) B: 87-83 C-: 72-70 F: <59 Final exam (20%) The purpose of grading is to evaluate your performance on a particular assignment, to give you a reliable benchmark of your present capabilities as a thinker and writer, and to allow you to chart your performance over time. ASSIGNMENTS 1) Readings. Ive selected only books that I find interesting, well-written, and immediately relevant to the topics at hand; anything less is a waste of your time. Keep up with the readings each week; you will be unable to contribute to discussion if you do not. Schedule at least an hour a day for reading, writing, and reviewing. 2) 5-7 page paper, type-written and double-spaced. Choose three (3) songs from the 1960s. These songs may be rock, pop, r & b, jazz, or some other genre. Analyze the lyrics from these songs. Compare and contrast the lyrics. In what ways, if any, do these songs serve as backdrops for contemporary social and political events of the time? What comment do they make about the society in which they were created? See handout on Paper Writing. 3) 10-12 page paper, type-written and double-spaced. Visit the Internet site  HYPERLINK "http://lists.village.virginia.edu/sixties/" http://lists.village.virginia.edu/sixties/. This address will link to the Sixties Project. The Sixties Project provides a number of resources specifically for scholars, and compiles information on the 1960s, including material on student protest and the Vietnam War. Students can explore a particular organization or theme of the era and write their own histories. Browse the site. Take a tour. Familiarize yourself with the archive and its research tools. Using the Personal Narratives section and the Primary Documents section, write a research paper that either a) compares and contrasts the lives of three (3) persons who lived during the 1960s, or b) analyzes a protest organization from the period, such as Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) or Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW). Be sure to use specific, concrete examples from the archive, and cite them in your paper. See handout on Paper Writing. MUSIC: We will listen to various sound recordings throughout the semester as a reflection of popular culture, and as a kind of soundtrack for the political and social happenings we discuss in class. Students are encouraged to bring recordings to play in class. SCHEDULE: Week 1: The Fifties: Tranquility in Turmoil (8/24): Readings: Anderson, pp. vii-18; Chalmers, pp. xii-16 Film: The Atomic Caf Week 2: Civil Rights and Social Protest (8/29, 8/31): Readings: King, Why We Cant Wait, pp. viii-63; Chalmers, pp. 17-34 Film: Eyes on the Prize Week 3: Civil Rights and Social Protest: (9/7): LABOR DAYNO CLASS on 9/5 Readings: King, Why We Cant Wait pp. 64-153; Chalmers, pp. 35-54 Week 4: The Cold War (9/12, 9/14): Readings: Levy, pp. xi-20 Film: Dr. Strangelove, or How I Came to Love the Atomic Bomb Week 5: Kennedy and the New Frontier (9/19, 9/21): 1ST PAPER DUE on 9/21 Readings: Anderson, pp. 19-44 Week 6: Johnson and the Great Society (9/26, 9/28): Readings: Anderson, pp. 45-73; Chalmers, pp. 55-67 Week 7: The Vietnam Quagmire (10/3): MIDTERM on 10/5 Readings: Herr, Dispatches, pp. 3-131 ; Levy, pp. 21-75 Film: Vietnam Week 8: The Vietnam Quagmire (10/10, 10/12): Readings: Herr, Dispatches, pp. 131-260; Levy, pp. 76-183 Film: Vietnam Week 9: Student Rebellion (10/17, 10/19): Readings: Chalmers, pp. 68-87, 101-134 Week 10: Berkeley (10/24, 10/26) Readings: Anderson, pp. 74-128 Film: Berkeley in the Sixties Week 11: The Counterculture (10/31, 11/2): Readings: Anderson, pp. 129-152; Chalmers, pp. 88-100 Film: Easy Rider Week 12: Civil Rights Revisited (11/7, 11/9): Readings: Anderson, pp. 153-181; Strain, Pure Fire Week 13: Womens Lib (11/14, 11/16): 2nd PAPER DUE on 11/16 Readings: Chalmers, pp. 146-167; Friedan, pp. 15-68, 338-395 Week 14: Nixon and Watergate (11/21, 11/23): Readings: Anderson, pp. 182-209; Chalmers, pp. 135-145 Week 15: The Legacy of the 1960s (11/28, 11/30): Readings: Anderson, pp. 210-222 Final Exam: Monday, April 26, 1:15-3:45 p.m.      67 {  & 5 ? 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