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I do not want your final essay to read like several strung-together mini-assignments nor do I expect only minor word changes as your revisions. Throughout the semester we will have mini-workshops and once a semester we will have longer, more detailed workshops. Not every student will present in each mini-workshop, but I will track who presents and when to ensure that everyone is workshopped an equal number of times throughout the semester. In addition to the assigned reading, each student will be expected to give an oral presentation on a portion of their final portfolio. After the reading of the work-in-progress, the author will discuss his or her writing process as well as receive feedback from the class. This will serve as the second, and final, workshop before revision and submission of final portfolios. Students are expected to keep an online journal throughout the semester. Some journal entries may be expansions of in-class writing assignments, some may be responses to homework, but most will be the uncensored thoughts, ideas, and brainstorms that may inspire your more polished short writing assignments or final project. I will not read or comment on your journal entriesthough I will ask for volunteers to periodically share journal entries with the classthe journal is simply a place for you to explore your own imagination. I will however check the journal periodically throughout the semester and again at the end of the semester. I will simply check the journal to ensure that you are consistently writing in it, rather than trying to cram a semesters worth of writing into one night before the final journal is due. Bring your journal, a writing utensil, and your textbook to class every day. There are no prerequisites for this class. Course Objectives: Students will learn the fundamentals of creative writing in a variety of nonfiction genres. Skills obtained will include precision and clarity of language, creating a complete and compelling narrative, research and documentation, and ethical nonfiction practices. Note of Honors Distinction: This course differs substantially from the non-Honors version. The writing component of the course will be much more demanding and the expectations for participation in the workshop component will be closer to that of a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) workshop than a typical undergraduate course. Students will be expected to approach their own work and the work of theirs peers as a professional writer would. We will be reading critical theory on the craft of writing and students will be expected to apply the concepts and vocabulary of this theory. Most importantly, this course will reflect the interdisciplinary nature of Honors education and will inculcate critical attitudes and skills that will teach you how to learn for yourself. GRADE DISTRIBUTION: Final Essay, or Essay Collection 40% Short 2 to 4 Page Writing Assignments 20% Peer Critiques 20% Oral Presentation 10% Journal 5% Class Participation 5% Materials You must purchase the following for this course (and bring your books to class every day): Best American Essays (latest edition) Telling True Stories edited by Mark Kramer and Wendy Call The New Kings of Nonfiction edited by Ira Glass The Bullfighter Checks her Makeup by Susan Orlean A jump drive, Google Docs, Dropbox or some other kind of storage device on which you will save copies of your work. Grades If you have questions about a particular grade or want to know how you're doing in the class, please drop by during my office hours (or set up an appointment). I will not discuss individual grades in class. For the final portfolio, I use a 10 point scale (A= 90 100; B=89-99; etc) and for Short Writing Assignments (SWA) I will give a check (full credit) or a check minus (partial credit), though I will give written feedback on these assignments. The following criteria, developed by the English Department at the University of South Carolina, will be used as I evaluate your papers: The A Paper: And these writers are all entertainers, in the best sense of the wordGreat scenes, great characters, great moments. Often theyre funny. Theres a cheerful embracing of life in this kind of journalism, and a curiosity about the world. Ira Glass in The new Kings of Nonfiction The A paper surpasses requirements of the assignment in a fresh and sophisticated manner, using precise and effective language that helps the audience understand and engage in the issue at hand. The paper effectively meets the needs of the rhetorical situation in terms of establishing the writers stance, attention to audience, purpose for writing, and sensitivity to context. When appropriate to the assignment, the writer demonstrates expertise in employing the artistic appeals of ethos, logos, and pathos appropriately. If revision is required, the writer does more than correct surface errors in an effort to improve the content and presentation of the essay. Any outside sources of information are used carefully and cited appropriately. The essay demonstrates good judgment and an awareness of the topics complexities. The prose is clear, readable, and memorable. It contains few, if any, errors in grammar or usage, and none of these undermines the effectiveness of the paper. The essay shows proficiency with style (subordination, variation of sentence and paragraph lengths, interesting vocabulary, figurative language) and creativity in presentation. The B Paper One of the most difficult things is the first paragraph. I have spent many months on a first paragraph and once I get it, the rest just comes out very easily. In the first paragraph you solve most of the problems with your book. The theme is defined, the style, the tone. At least in my case, the first paragraph is a kind of sample of what the rest of the book is going to be. Gabriel Garcia Marquez The B paper follows and fulfills all requirements of the assignment. The essay establishes the writers stance and demonstrates a clear sense of audience, purpose, and context. On revision, the writer does more than correct surface errors in an effort to improve the content and presentation of the essay. The writer demonstrates a thoughtful awareness of complexity and other points of view. The essay has an effective introduction and conclusion. The order of information is logical, and the reader can follow it because of well-chosen transitions and explicit or implicit topic sentences. Paragraph divisions are logical, and the paragraphs use enough specific detail to satisfy the reader. The prose expression is clear and readable. Sentence structure is appropriate and includes some use of subordination, varied sentences, and modifiers. Few grammar, usage, or punctuation errors appear, and vocabulary is precise and appropriate. The C Paper In conversation you can use timing, a look, inflection, pauses. But on the page all you have is comas, dashes, the amount of syllables in a word. When I write I read everything out loud to get the right rhythm. Fran lebowitz The C paper attempts to follow the assignment and demonstrates some sense of audience and purpose. The essay as a whole, however, fails to fulfill expectations because of flaws in design and/or education. The paper shows minimal improvement on revision. The writer demonstrates little awareness of the topics complexity or other points of view, leaving the paper with minor imperfections or inconsistencies in development, organization, and reasoning. The organization is fairly clear. The reader could outline the presentation, despite the occasional lack of topic sentences. Paragraphs have adequate development and are divided appropriately. Transitions are present, but they are mechanical. The expression is competent. Sentence structure is unsophisticated, relying on simple and compound sentences. Word choice is correct though limited. The paper contains errors in spelling, usage, and/or punctuation, though these do not affect the audiences ability to understand the essay. The paper may contain inflated language, wordy structures, and clichs. The D Paper The difference between the right word and the nearly right word is the same as that between lightning and the lightning bug. Mark Twain The D paper attempts to follow the assignment, but demonstrates little awareness of the rhetorical situation in terms of the writers stance, audience, purpose, and context. For example, the essay might over- or underestimate (or ignore) the audiences prior knowledge, assumptions, or beliefs. Or the writer may express little sense of purpose. Finally, the paper may be short of the assigned length. Revision is minimal or absent. Organization is deficient in one or two of the following areas: the introduction and conclusion are underdeveloped or missing altogether; paragraphs are neither coherently developed nor arranged; topic sentences are missing, murky, or inappropriate; or transitions are missing or flawed. The D essay may have numerous and consistent errors in spelling, usage, and punctuation that reveal unfamiliarity with the conventions of academic writing (or a lack of careful proofreading). The F Paper It is not wise to violate the rules until you know how to use them. T.S. Elliot The F paper fails to fulfill the assignment. It has no clear purpose or direction; it shows no awareness of the rhetorical situation; and it falls seriously short of the length requirement. Revision is minimal or absent. Because the paper is short, it is insufficiently developed and does not go beyond the obvious. The F essay is plagued by more than two of the organizational deficiencies of a D essay. Numerous and consistent errors of spelling, usage, and punctuation hinder the audiences ability to understand the paper. Other important policies concerning written assignments and grading: Formatting: All work completed outside of class must be word-processed and double spaced using 12-point Times New Roman typeface and 1-inch margins. Place the following information in the upper left-hand corner of the first page of each paper: Your name = Bill Shakespeare CRW 4930, Section xx = CRW 4930, Section 001 The date = August 22, 2011 Assignment = Paper 1, Draft 1 Writing About Literature Late work: All written assignments are due at the beginning of class. I will penalize late assignments (including first drafts of essays) one letter grade per day (including weekends) until the assignments are submitted to Canvas or are in my hands. First drafts: If your first draft doesn't meet minimum length and content requirements as spelled out in the assignment sheet, your final draft will be penalized one letter grade. If you don't hand in a first draft at all, you will get an F for that essay. Emailed assignments: I cannot accept emailed work. You are responsible for turning in your assignments on time or for making sure I get a hard copy later. Sources: Whenever you use outside sources in an essay, you must turn in a properly formatted bibliography for all sources that you paraphrase or quote in your paper. All paraphrases or quotes must be properly cited within the paper as well. If you fail to turn in a bibliography or properly cite your sources, you will receive an F for that paper. Revision Revisionthe ability to critically assess and rethink your workis one of the most important skills you will develop this semester. Throughout the semester you will bring printed copies of works to class for workshop. You will bring to class typed drafts on which you will receive feedback from one or more of your classmates. You will also post a copy to Canvas. I will provide feedback on that electronic copy, though for short writing assignments that feedback may be brief. I also urge you to take advantage of the resources available at the Writing Center and to come to my office hours to discuss your works in progress. You will use the feedback you receive from your peers and from me to revise the papers for inclusion in your final portfolio (which may be one long essay or two or more shorter essays). Attendance This is not a lecture course. We will be working together to improve your writing and to critique your work in progress, and this means that you will need to come to class regularly and participate actively in discussions and exercises. If you are absent, you are responsible for learning material we cover in class and for arranging beforehand to submit any assignments due on that day. You are also expected to attend an individual conference in my office. Missing your conference will count as two absences. Class starts and ends on time, so please do not be late or leave class early. If you are late, it is your responsibility to check in with me at the end of class to be sure that you are not marked absent. If you are 20 or more minutes late, you will be marked absent. I will penalize your course grade if you miss more than 10% of our scheduled class meetings (3 MW classes). For each absence after the third, I will drop your course grade one-half letter. If you miss 25% of our class meetings (8 MW classes) you will fail the course automatically. If an emergency forces you to miss several class periods, contact me as soon as possible so we can discuss your options. While my absence policy doesnt differentiate between excused and unexcused absences, I understand that emergencies can happen. Under such extenuating circumstances,I will not allow these absences to affect your grade if you meet all of the following requirements: You notifyme as soon as possible about the absences (preferably before they happen). You provide a clear and reasonable explanation for the absences (and, when appropriate, documentation). You have been attending class and keeping up with your work before the absences in question. You attend class and complete all work in a timely manner after the absences in question. Policy on Accommodations In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act(ADAAA), students who require reasonable accommodations due to a disability to properly execute coursework must register withStudent Accessibility Services (SAS)in Boca Raton, SU 133 (561-297-3880); in Davie, LA 131 (954-236-1222); or in Jupiter, SR 111F (561-799-8585) and follow allSASprocedures. Academic Integrity Policy Students at ý are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards. Academic dishonesty is considered a serious breach of these ethical standards, because it interferes with the university mission to provide a high quality education in which no student enjoys an unfair advantage over any other. Academic dishonesty is also destructive of the university community, which is grounded in a system of mutual trust and places high value on personal integrity and individual responsibility. Harsh penalties are associated with academic dishonesty. For more information, see  HYPERLINK "/ctl/4.001_Code_of_Academic_Integrity.pdf" University Regulation 4.001 (/ctl/4.001_Code_of_Academic_Integrity.pdf). Knowing the boundaries between acceptable and unacceptable practices is sometimes tricky, and we will discuss any questions you have in class. You are also responsible for reading the Honor Code online at http://www.fau.edu/honors/academics/honor-code.php. Office Hours and Email You must have a working email address so that I can send you announcements and answer any questions that come up between class periods. Please feel free to drop by during my office hours or to make an appointment for other times. If you cannot drop by, I check my email regularly, so do not hesitate to send me a message if you have questions or concerns about the class. Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices Turn off your cell phones and other electronic devices before coming to class. While I appreciate that you may want to take notes in class and that it is often easier to complete in-class assignments by typing on a laptop, I prefer that you write the old fashioned way: pen/pencil on paper. Open laptops obscure your face and inhibit discussion so I ask that you not use them during class, unless I specify that you may. Course Schedule, Part 1 The following schedule does not list quizzes or other in-class writing assignments. This schedule is tentative. I may adjust assignments or due dates, depending on the needs of the class; I will announce any such adjustments well in advance. Please bring your textbook, style manual, paper, and a writing utensil to every class. Week 1 Introduction to the Course M 1/9: Introduction to Class and Classmates Homework: Read Preface, Part 1, and pgs. 164-169 in TTS W 1/11: An Invitation to Narrative Homework: pgs. 19-27, 65, and 78-82 in TTS and Beds. Part 1: Personal Essay Week 2 M 1/16: Finding, Researching, and Reporting Topics Homework: SWA 1 and read pgs. 184-186 in TTS and Topic of Cancer in BAE W 1/18: Mini-Workshop Homework: The Love of My Life and Heroin/e (posted to Canvas), pgs. 100-102, 109- 110 in TTS Week 3 M 1/23Structure Homework: SWA 2 W 1/25: Mini-Workshop Homework: pgs. 125-129, 132-138 in TTS and Personal Essay Week 4 M 1/30: Characters and Scenes Homework: SWA 3 and pgs. 149-153 in TTS. W 2/1: Mini-Workshop Homework: pgs. 28-33, 66-74, and 184-188 in TTS and The American Man, Age Ten and Tiffany (posted to Canvas) Part 2: Profiles Week 5 M 2/6: Writing Profiles Homework: SWA 4 and W 2/8: Mini-Workshop Homework: pgs. 139-144, 158-162 in TTS and Generation Why? Week 6 M 2/13: Profiles continued W 2/15: Peer Critique Workshop Week 7 M 2/20: Peer Critique Workshop W 2/22: Peer Critique Workshop Week 8 Midterm Conferences (2/23-2/29) We will sign up for individual conferences to discuss essay 2 and your progress in the course so far. Due in conference: SWA 5 Peer Critique Memos (one printed copy to give to peers, one copy posted to Canvas) Week 9 3/5-3/11 Spring Break: No Classes Read: pgs. 74-77 in TTS Part 3: Travel Writing Week 10 M 3/12 Travel Writing: Inner and Outer Journeys Homework: SWA 5 and pgs. 111-115 in TTS and excerpt from Best American Travel Writing (posted to Canvas) W 3/14 Mini-Workshop Homework: pgs. 116-124, 145-148 in TTS and Travels with My Ex and excerpt from Lonely Planet (posted to Canvas) Week 11 M 3/19 Armchair Travel Homework: SWA 6 W 3/21 Mini-Workshop Homework: Reading posted to Canvas Week 12 M 3/26 Consumer Travel Writing Homework: SWA 7 and Part VII in TTS W 3/28 Mini-Workshop Homework: pgs. 83-85 in TTS and reading posted to Canvas Part 4: Multimedia Week 13 M 4/2 Blogs, Twitter Homework: SWA 8 W 4/4 Mini-Workshop Homework: pgs. 92-96 in TTS and listen to This American Life episode posted to Canvas Week 14 M 4/9 Radio Homework: SWA 9 W 4/11 Mini-Workshop Week 15 Presentations M 4/16 Oral Presentations W 4/18 Oral Presentations Week 16 Presentations M 4/23 Oral Presentations W 4/25 Oral Presentations Week 17 Submission of Final Portfolios W 5/2 Submission of Final Portfolios to my office by 5:00 p.m.  #$-=>KWcdlpr*  } ºµ¨˜µwnewnwnwh HCJ\aJhkCJ\aJh-m[hkCJ\aJh-m[hk5CJaJh"c5CJaJhq h[\ hq45\hq4hq4\ h(p\ hq\hi>hq\ hq5\hF5\]h(p5\]h(phH5\]h(ph(p5\]hL5\]hq45\]'.Kdt mn$%8@A]@Tgd"cgdk-DM [$\$gdq$-DM [$\$a$gdq4} ~   O T   X z { l%8?@Aپپٶٶٶٮ}uhkCJaJhq4hq4CJaJhq45CJaJhq4CJaJh"c5CJaJh/h"c5CJaJh"cCJaJhs(CJaJhqdCJaJhdCJaJh-m[hkCJaJhkCJaJhs(CJ\aJh-m[hkCJ\aJhkCJ\aJ.A]?@SZ_adtvw =dh|*8Mvz-ghiԹԲ htch htchs( htchqh hVhVhV6hu~hq5hq hq5\h HCJaJhkCJaJhdhdCJaJh-m[hkCJaJh-m[hk5CJaJhF h-hFhF5CJaJ2T{ h*jgdmud-DM gdmu & F-DM [$\$gd  & F-DM [$\$gd d-DM gdqgdkij O"P"Q"##&&&&&&+)++M/N/\/]///1 223$333;3G3H3\3^3b3d3|33333q4}44444555þh^.hdBhu~hH hq5\hq h5*i5h}u$h}u$5 h}u$5h}u$h0h05 h05h0 h\5h5*ih5*i56h5*ih5*i5h5*i hmu5hmuh:[\ P"Q"## % %%&&&&&''(())+gdmu++)+*+++h-i-..L/M/N/\/]///1 223b-DM 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