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The assistance you provide to the agency/organization during your academic service-learning (AS-L) experience is a service to the community and will allow you to apply knowledge from the course to local, national, and/or global social issues. Throughout this course you will be participating in AS-L activities while demonstrating civic engagement at campus, local, national, and/or global community levels. You will also reflect on your AS-L experience and the impact on the community as well as your professional development. Academic service-learning notation of hours will post to your transcript with submission of hours to your faculty instructor. An Academic Service-Learning Student Survey is required to be taken at the end of your AS-L project. Please visit the Weppner Center for LEAD & Service-Learning website, www.fau.edu/leadandserve, for the survey link and more information on ýs Academic Service-Learning program. ASSUMPTION OF RISK STATEMENT FOR STUDENT I understand that there are certain physical risks inherent in every form of service-learning. I understand the risks associated with this Academic Service-Learning assignment. I nonetheless agree to assume those risks so as to gain the benefits from participation in this valuable learning experience. I hereby release the State of Florida, the Board of Trustees, ý and its agents and employees from any and all liability associated with my participation in this assignment at ý. REQUIRED TEXTS: Isenberg, J., & Jalongo, M. (2014). (6th ed.) Creative thinking and arts-based learning. Upper Saddle River, NJ; Pearson. RECOMMENDED BOOKS: Bentley, D. (2013) Everyday artists: Inquiry and creativity in the early childhood classroom. New York: Teachers College Press. McArdle, F. & Boldt, G. (eds) (2013) Young children, pedagogy and the arts: Ways of seeing. New York and London: Routledge/ Taylor and Francis. Additional required readings and websites may be assigned. AUDIO/VISUAL TECHNOLOGY: Internet, Email, PowerPoint, Videos, You Tube, Movies, iPad and Apps GUIDELINES USED IN DEVELOPING COURSE OBJECTIVES National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) State of Florida Prekindergarten/Primary Education (Age 3) Through Grade Three (3) Specialization Competencies (PK/P) Florida Educator Accomplished Practices - Preprofessional = (EAP) Educator Accomplished Practices for ý (EAP-ý) ý College of Education Conceptual Framework (C-F) Florida Sunshine State Standards, Curriculum Frameworks Council for Exceptional Children, Division of Early Childhood (CEC/DEC) COURSE OBJECTIVES: Students will: Identify the characteristics of creativity and their impact on childrens thinking, creative processes, and creative products. (CEC/DEC: 1,1, 1.2; EAP-ý: 4.2, 7.2; NAEYC: 1.1, 2.1) Demonstrate knowledge of developmentally appropriate classroom activities in visual arts, music, dance/movement, and drama (CEC/DEC: 1.1, 2.1; EAP-ý: 7.1, 7.2, 8.1; NAEYC: 1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3; PK/P: 4.4, 4.7, 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 6.6, 6.7, 6.10, 6.11, 6.12, 6.13, 6.14, 6.18, 6.19, 6.20) Demonstrate effective implementation and assessment of creative arts activities in emergent, thematic, and other curricular approaches (CEC/DEC: 2.1, 4.1; EAP-ý: 1.2, 7.2, 8.1, 8.2, 9.2, 10.2; NAEYC: 1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 4.1.1; PK/P 4.5, 4.6, 6.2, 6.5) Demonstrate knowledge of the value of, and options for, creative arts events in schools and communities (CEC/DEC: 1.1, 1.4, 5.6; EAP-ý: 8.1, 8.2, 11.1; NAEYC: 1.1, 1.3, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 3.1, 5.6; PK/P 4.12) Demonstrate the ability to create and implement effective curriculum adaptations in inclusive and multicultural settings (CEC/DEC; 2.1, 3.1, 5.6; EAP-ý: 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 7.1, 10.2; NAEYC: 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 2.1.4) Demonstrate skill in identifying and including community resources in childrens art-based curriculum. CEC/DEC: 5.6; EAP-ý: 11.1; NAEYC: 5.5, 5.7) Demonstrate the ability to present, critique, and revise thematic arts lessons with professional colleagues. (CEC/DEC: 5.7, 5.9; EAP-ý: 1.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.2, 8.1, 11.1; NAEYC 4.1, 5.6) COURSE OUTLINE: Week (s)Topic(s)Readings/Assignments1Introduction self portraits Review assignments Childrens Creative Thought and Expression: a framework for understanding Stages of the creative process Symbolic Representation in the Arts2The Creative Process and Possibilities Supporting Childrens Play, Games, & Inventions Arts Integration in Curriculum: integrated curriculum and Brain development through the arts (neuroscience) Creativity Paper dueIsenberg & Jalongo Ch 1,2 and and page 82 (see websites)3Working with clay Developmental stages for the Visual Arts Instructional Strategies and Integrated Arts Experiences Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Collage Multi-media; National Art Education AssociationIsenberg & Jalongo Ch. 3 NAEA Website 4Adapting Activities in inclusive and multicultural settings Arts artifacts from around the world Identity development and the arts: local and global Second language learners and children with special needs: the arts as a languageIsenberg & Jalongo Ch. 8 5Engagement & Learning: Children in Music, Movement, and Dance Singing with young children Children and Music: Voice, Harmony, Rhythm, Pitch, Patterns, Flow, Tempo Creating Musical Instruments and an Orchestra Multicultural dimensions of music Community Resources Assignment dueIsenberg & Jalongo Ch 4 Websites: National Dance Association: National Assoc. for Music Education6Childrens Dance and Movement Ballet, Tap, Modern Dance, Jazz Dance, Yoga, Folk Dances, Improvisation; Performing Arts Movement and Young Children: Motor Coordination and Body Awareness Utilizing Outdoor Space and EquipmentContinue Ch 4, and Readings to be assigned7Childrens Participation in the Dramatic Arts Story drama and play, puppets, props Becoming an active and appreciative audience Drama and Literature; Poetry with childrenIsenberg & Jalongo Ch. 58Planning the Classroom Environment Creating an art space for children Using materials and resources effectively - recycling Developmentally appropriate considerations Scrounging and collecting materialsIsenberg & Jalongo Ch.9,10 9The arts and social justice making the world a better place through the arts; childrens artistic expression The teachers role in promoting creativity Theme-based Lesson Plans Assignment dueIsenberg & Jalongo Ch. 610Art Museum Visit View the exhibit and permanent collection Creating an interactive museum in a preschool Museum artifacts and childrens learning about the world 11Intergenerational Arts: theory and practice, including multicultural family influences; activities for including families Reggio Emilia and childrens artistic processes12Environmental Education and the Arts Nature and the arts; extending sustainability and environmental awareness; messiness and the arts Assessing Creative Processes and Products of Children Assessment challenges & standards Identification of Talent and Giftedness Documentation as assessment Isenberg and Jalongo Ch 713Art Around the World Therapeutic use of the arts Creative art events in schools Artists in residence Case Study of a Child Through the Arts due 14 15 Workshop on theater with children: Using theater arts to enhance childrens communication and self-expression Role plays, costumes and masks: techniques for children at different developmental levels Puppet- making workshop: using puppets with children with special needs and children who are ELLs Movie making with young children: empowerment and creativity with media  COURSE REQUIREMENTS: The instructor will distribute detailed descriptions of the assignments in class. There will be no re-do assignments. All written assignments must be in correct English, including accurate grammar, clarity of expression, and spelling. All work must be original and done by the student. Creativity Paper Students will write a paper a) defining creativity in their own words and b) describing specific instances where creativity has been a part of their professional and personal lives. Cultural and international perspectives should be included. The minimum length is 3 pages. (10%) Due date: Theme-based Lesson Plans Students will select one of the following themes: communities, natural environments, family history, fashion past and present, arts and culture, inventions, or the world of the future. (Note: students may use a theme or project currently being developed in their own emergent curriculum classroom. Please talk with the instructor about this and obtain approval.) All work must be original. The selected theme will guide the lesson plans, demonstrating an integrated approach. This assignment has two components: Written lesson plans Students will write two theme-based lesson plans for each of the following arts areas: visual art, 2) music, 3) movement/dance, and 4) drama. A total of eight lesson plans must be submitted. All lesson plans must include curriculum adaptations for specified children with special needs and English language learners. (The instructor will provide the lesson plan format). (20%) Art lessons with children Students will implement and critique three of the above eight lessons (visual art, music, movement/dance, drama). For each lesson done with children, students will write a description of the experience, and a critique of what worked, what did not work, and suggestions for improvement. (20%) Due date for both components: 3. Case Study of a Child through the Arts Students will select a child, ages two eight, who is particularly interesting and whose parents agree to have him/ her participate in this case study. It would be beneficial to work with a child from a different cultural background from your own. Students may not use their own children or relatives for this case study. The student will work with the student over a period of time, to include the following arts activities created by and with the child: a) 2 dimensional visual art drawing or painting b) 3 dimensional art sculpture or mobile c) singing (music) d) using musical instruments, and/ or making them e) dance and movement f) poetry and/ or storytelling g) theater (play) and performance arts h) photography i) videos or other arts based technology A more detailed description of this case study will be distributed by the professor. However, the student will analyze the childs levels of creativity in the different art forms. Then the student will additionally include: a) the influence of the childs cultural background b) the influence of the artistic/ creative gifts of friends and family and the childs home environment c) the unique gifts and talents of this child, and what he/ she believes about life and about him/ herself, based on what was expressed through the arts activities d) recommendations to promote and develop the childs gifts, talents, and future creative expression e) what you learned about yourself by completing this case study (35%) Due date: Community Resources Part 1: Students will write a list of community arts resources for children, in the community where they live or where they teach, or in the wider community of South Florida. This should include the name, location, and a description of at least 5 community resources. (five pages minimum) Note: Do not include any community arts resources that we visit as part of this class. Also, remember to write the description in your own words and do not cut and paste from the websites or promotional materials. Part 2: Students will actually visit a community art resource for children (i.e. childrens museum, childrens theater, resource depot, etc.). Students will write a response paper including a) a description of the activities and arts-related value for children, and b) possible ways the resource could be part of an arts integrated early childhood curriculum. (two pages minimum) This two part written assignment should be a total minimum of seven pages. It is preferred that students visit the community resource with a child, but this is not required. If a student visits with a child, the childs response should be included in the written piece on the community art resource. (15%) Due date: Extra Credit Assignments Extra credit assignments may be submitted throughout the semester and will definitely impact on the students final grade. There are two ways to earn extra credit: Attend an arts event (i.e. a dance, musical, or theatrical production, or art museum or gallery exhibit) and write a reflection paper including a) what art elements you learned about and were inspired by, and b) how you would use and incorporate what you learned and experienced in your classroom with the children. Make sure not to simply recap what you saw and experienced. The reflection paper should be a minimum of three pages. Read the book, Young children pedagogy and the arts: Ways of seeing, and write a response paper including a) what specifically you learned from the book, mentioning chapters and topics and b) how you would use this new information in the classroom with young children. Your response paper should not just recap the content of the book chapters, but should include your critical thinking about the ideas. The response paper should be a minimum of three pages. (Other books may be considered but require the instructors approval.) FIELD EXPERIENCE: Minimum of 10 clock hours in a classroom Teaching Methodology Includes: lecture audio-visuals class discussion group presentations computer software evaluations hands on art experiences individual presentations field based community experiences movies Assessment Procedures Include: written assignments, presentations in class rubrics are generally used for grading each assignment Critical Reflection: Written reflection on how the field experience links to (1) course objectives, (2) the impact to the community, and (3) the impact on personal and professional development. GRADING: Creativity Paper 10 points Theme-based Lesson Plans 40 points Case Study of a Child through the Arts 35 points Community Resources 15 points TOTAL: 100 points Extra Credit assignment will impact your grade in a positive way ATTENDANCE POLICY: A regular attendance policy is expected. In addition, this policy includes active participation in class discussions and activities as well as professional conduct in class. Students must inform the professor in advance of any anticipated excused absences. Excused absences will be accepted for medical reasons, prior professional commitment, and observance of religious holidays. For each missed class, students must submit a written summary of the readings and class content. Absences will definitely impact on a students grade, at the discretion of the instructor. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Students at ý are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards. Dishonesty is considered a serious breach of these ethical standards, because it interferes with the University mission to provide a high quality education in which no student enjoys an unfair advantage over any other. Dishonesty is also destructive of the University community, which is grounded in a system of mutual trust and places high value on personal integrity and individual responsibility. The ý HYPERLINK "http://www.fau.edu/ctl/4.001_Code_of_Academic_Integrity.pdf" Code of Academic Integrityprohibits dishonesty and requires a faculty member, student, or staff member to notify an instructor when there is reason to believe dishonesty has occurred in a course/program requirement. The instructor must pursue any reasonable allegation, taking action where appropriate. Examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, the following: (A) Cheating i. The unauthorized use of notes, books, electronic devices, or other study aids while taking an examination or working on an assignment. ii. Providing unauthorized assistance to or receiving assistance from another student during an examination or while working on an assignment. iii. Having someone take an exam or complete an assignment in ones place. iv. Securing an exam, receiving an unauthorized copy of an exam, or sharing a copy of an exam. (B) Plagiarism i. The presentation of words or ideas from any other source or another person as ones own without proper quotation and citation. ii.Putting someone elses ideas or facts into your own words (paraphrasing) without proper citation. iii. Turning in someone elses work as ones own, including the buying and selling of term papers or assignments. (C) Other Forms of Dishonesty i.Falsifying or inventing information, data, or citations. ii. Failing to comply with examination regulations or failing to obey the instructions of an examination proctor. iii. Submitting the same paper or assignment, or part thereof, in more than one class without the written consent of both instructors. iv. Any other form of academic cheating, plagiarism, or dishonesty. Read the full Regulation 4.001 Code of Academic Integrity here:  HYPERLINK "http://www.fau.edu/ctl/4.001_Code_of_Academic_Integrity.pdf" http://www.fau.edu/ctl/4.001_Code_of_Academic_Integrity.pdf. Additional notes: Be especially careful about cutting and pasting text from websites. Plagiarism is a serious offence and will have consequences for the student. You must use quotation marks for the text and cite the source, and you should be sparing in your use of online quotes. There are severe academic penalties for plagiarism, and it is your obligation to remain honest in your use of others writing. Students may not submit a paper or assignment, or part thereof, in more than one class without the written consent of both instructors. Do not submit an assignment written for another class without this written permission. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA), students who require reasonable accommodations due to a disability to properly execute coursework must register with the Student Accessibility Services (SAS) - in Boca Raton SU 133 (561-297-3880); in Davie, LA 131 (954-236-1222); or in Jupiter, SR 111F (561-799-8585) - and follow all SAS procedures. Students who have registered with the SAS will be able to have modified and adapted assignments when the instructor is notified of the disability from SAS. Without official SAS notification, the student will not receive adapted assignments. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Althouse, R., Johnson, M.H., & Mitchell, S.T. (2003). The colors of learning: Integrating the visual arts into the early childhood curriculum. New York, NY: Teachers College Press. Bleiker, C.A. (1999). The development of self through art: A case study for early art education. Art Education, 52(3), 48-52. Chalufour, I., & Worth, K. (2004). Building structures with young children. St Paul, MN: Redleaf Press. Dixon, G.T., & Chalmers, F.G. (1990). The expressive arts in education. Childhood Education, 67(1), 12-17. Editors of Teaching Young Children (2015). Expressing creativity in preschool. Washington, D.C.: NAEYC. Edwards, L. (2006). The creative arts: A process approach for teachers and children. Upper Saddle River, NJ; Pearson. Edwards, L.C., Bayless, K. M., & Ramsey, M.E. (2009). Music and movement: A way of life for the young child. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education. Edwards, C., Gandini, L., & Forman, G. (1993). The hundred languages of children: The Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Corporation. Epstein, A. S., & Trimis, E. (2002). Supporting young artists: The development of the visual arts in young children. Ypsilanti, MI: High/Scope Press. Fox, J., & Diffily, D. (2000). Integrating the arts: Building young childrens knowledge, skills, and confidence. Dimensions of Early Education, 29(1), 3-10. Greene, M. (1995). Releasing the imagination: Essays on education, the arts, and social change. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Goldberg, M.R., & Phillips, A. (1992). Arts as education. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Educational Review. Goldberg, M. (2006). Integrating the arts: An approach to teaching and learning in multicultural and multilingual settings. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. Jensen, E. (2001). Arts with the brain in mind. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Kohl, M. & Potter (1998) Global art: Activities, projects and inventions from around the world. Maryland: Gryphon House. Koster, J.B. (2009). Growing artists: Teaching the arts to young children. Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning. Lazzari, M. & Schlesinger, D. (2015) Exploring art: A global, thematic approach. Boston, Mass.: Cengage Learning. Libby, W.M.L. (2002). Enriching the curriculum with art experiences. Albany, NY: Delmar Thomson Learning Inc. Morris, J. (2002). The imagination station: A drama education program for preschool teachers. Youth Theatre Journal, 16, 38-47. Pelo, Ann (2007). The language of art: Inquiry-based studio practices in early childhood settings. St. Paul, MN: Redleaf Press. Schirrmacher, R. (2008). Art and creative development for young children. Albany, NY: Delmar. Thompson, S. C. (2005). Children as illustrators: Making meaning through art and language. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children. Torrance, E. (1995). Creativity in the classroom. Washington, DC: National Education Association. Wachowiak, F., & Clements, R.D. (2006). Emphasis Art: A qualitative art program for elementary and middle schools. Boston, MA: Pearson Education..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000and middle schools.dren. riculum. ies and arts-based projects and themes., Inc. Wright, S. (2003). The arts, young children ,and learning. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc. Wurm, J.P. (2005). Working in the Reggio way: A beginners guide for American teachers. St Paul, MN: Redleaf Press. Journals: Child Development Child Study Journal Childhood Education Children Today Early Childhood Education Journal Early Childhood Research Quarterly ERIC/EECE Newsletter Exceptional Child ESOL Journal TESOL Journal NABE News (National Association for Bilingual Education) Scholastic Early Childhood Today Young Children     PAGE   PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2  (IRS  d e üôôìßËzuuzuzmh`mzhb%h7@\ h}\h=.Kh}\ h=\ hKp\ h3\ h|Rh}h7@h}5h|h|h35h|h@%5 hc}5h|Rh}5h|Rh|5 h|Rh| h|5 hRh|9jh|h|B*CJOJQJUaJmHnHphu%h|h|B*CJOJQJaJph%IS\QIIDgd|$a$gd|@kd[$$Ifl$h%644 layt $Ifgd\y#VkdZ$IfK$L$Tl  t $@a644 lap $@ayt|T $$Ifa$gdK$\v   4 "#Lcdefvw00]0^`0gdl^0]0gd7@ $0]0a$gd|0]0gdgIC0]0gd|gd|   4 "#Lbcdfvwb6CĿzvrjrfbhhh\ h26h2h\ h\y#h\y#6hh5 h\ 5hhl^h}6 h}6h\y#h\y#H*h\y#h} hl^h}h|Rh}5 hb%5 h|5 h7@hhb%h|5 hb%h7@hb%h7@5 h7@\ h\ h}\h}B*\ph&TUno*L h^h`gd=.Kgd=.Kgd=.K0]0gdgIC00]0^`0gdl^CRTow0 /o%jlmnpM, b١١ٙ١h|hi~B\hi~Bh}\hi~BhSh|h,\h,h|\ h|Rh|h| h,\ h|\ h|Rh,h,h} h90h} h5 hWoQh}h|Rh}5hh9cd 0$If]0gdh$E0]0gdQ & F @ ^gd_h^hgdi~Bh^hgd, & F @ ^gd|h^hgd|gd|bcdf%OQcpq-O}~,ƾӵӱӭӥӡӝәӍәӡөөӡөh}YhLPhLP5h h*3hJ_hh*hLPhzh\y#hc} h}5h|Rh}5 hJ_5h_hJ_\h|h3jhi~B\hi~Bh|\hi~Bh|h|hi~B\hi~Bh}\4%RqaT 0$If]0gdkdI[$$IflF$ t06    44 laytJ_ 0$If]0gdh$E I~aT 0$If]0gdkd[$$IflF$ t06    44 laytJ_ 0$If]0gdh$E JpaTGGGG 0$If]0gdLP 0$If]0gdkdu\$$IflF$ t06    44 laytJ_ 0$If]0gdh$E-aaTTTT 0$If]0gdLPkd ]$$IflF$ t06    44 laytJ_ 0$If]0gdh$E TG 0$If]0gdh$Ekd]$$IflF$ t06    44 laytJ_ 0$If]0gd@ 0$If]0gdLP   - a b x !!!G!H!Q!R!S!T!U!r!s!!!!!!"6"H"I"a"b"c"d"x""""##(#)#*#+#M#N#W#Z#c#p####$$$$$𼸼𼸼ȼh>Ah5h,>h7hh(ohh*hh*5h[hJ_h{X h}Y>* h}Yh}Yhh|h?hLPhtG . b x !!!!,!-!H!R! 0$If]0gd@R!S!U!s!!!!"6"I"naTTTTTTT 0$If]0gd@ 0$If]0gdh$Ekd7^$$IflF$ t06    44 laytJ_ I"a"b"d""""#(#aT 0$If]0gdkd^$$IflF$ t06    44 laytJ_ 0$If]0gd@(#)#+#N#q####$$naTTTTTTT 0$If]0gd@ 0$If]0gdh$Ekdc_$$IflF$ t06    44 laytJ_ $$$$O$$$$$aT 0$If]0gdh$Ekd_$$IflF$ t06    44 laytJ_ 0$If]0gd@$$$$$$$$$$ %)%3%L%W%Z%a%%%%%%%%%&&M&N&O&Q&R&v&w&&&&&&&&\'w'x'y''''''''̹̮̽䐉 h9fhti h9fhz h9fhh*hfh hBh] h] B*phh] h] B*phhBhh*h] htiB*phh] htih}YhBhI>*|,>(ǧ**5<hI3$$$ %3%a%%%%%naTTTTTTT 0$If]0gd@ 0$If]0gdh$Ekd`$$IflF$ t06    44 laytJ_ %%%%&&M&N&aT 0$If]0gdh$Ekd%a$$IflF$ t06    44 laytJ_ 0$If]0gd@N&O&R&w&&&'4'\'naTGGGGG 0$If]0gd] 0$If]0gd@ 0$If]0gdh$Ekda$$IflF$ t06    44 laytJ_\'x'y'z'{'|'''''aTT 0$If]0gdh$EkdQb$$IflF$ t06    44 laytJ_ 0$If]0gd@ ''''*(+(,(-(0(1(2(3(akdb$$IflF$ t06    44 laytJ_ 0$If]0gdh$E '''')(*(+(,(-(/(0(1(2(3(6(8(;(F(](n(((())))g)h)))))))))********++J+M++¾ƺʾʾ޵ΤΝ~~hzh5^h5^h !>*h{Xh8/5>* h8/5 h8/hh*h8/ h}5h|Rh}5 h5hLPhh}Yh[hIhh*hhh7Uh| h9fh9fh9fh9f5h9fhti h9fh|13(4(5(6(9(:(;(^(((());)h))))))) 0$If]0gd[ 0$If]0gdh$E))))*****neeeeeYL 08]0^8gd ! & F0]0gd8/0]0gdLkd}c$$IflF$ t06    44 laytJ_++,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-.O.P.Q.R.Z.[.k.m.......///[//////00000222ɽh>Ahh !>* h>*hh>*hhIh5^>*hwh5^B*phhNx,h5^h5^>*hBhB6hwhBh'j hh{Xh5^5>* h>A5h>Ah5^5h>Ah>A5h !h5^hh*1*,,,,,,-....//`/}00 0p]0^pgd ! & F0]0gd5^ 0]0^gd5^ 0]0^gd ! & F0]0gd5^ 08]0^8gd ! & F0]0gd5^0]0gd-w 0]0^gd5^000S1121222233i33@445 5Q55560]0gd0]0gd-w 0]0^gdw 0]0^gd 0]0^gd ! & F0]0gd222223333i3t33 4T4a4444444445 566777{7|7777888^8i88999[:r::::;(;+;W;a;b;c;v;w;x;ŽŽŽ鮪hIh{Xh!5h{Xh!5>*h{Xh!h hh:Zih:Zih9fh)hz}h-w h5>* h !5>*hh5>*hh{Xh{X5 h{X5 h5:6/6d66677p778 8S888[993:[:::+;b;c;w; & F0]0gd!0]0gd-w 0]0^gd! 0]0^gd0]0gdw;x;<p=q=>>i@j@@@@@^A_AC"E#E`EaEEE0]0gdY & F0]0gd2>{>~>>>?1?@h@i@@@@@@@@@@3A]A^ACSCD!E"E#E4E6EAE븱{t h`^h} h}5h|Rh}5 hwh* hw5>*hyhy5>*h{Xh{X5 h5h{Xh ! hIhI hI>*hIhI>*hIhzh!hIh!>*-AECE^E_EEEEEF6FPFyFzFFFFFFG GG"GGGGGGGGGG H4H=H>HHHHHHHHII IrIsIϯϫĉĒĒׁ|uuu hyhy h=a>*hyhy>*h=a h9f5 h9fh9f h=a5 h5$5h=ah=a5hh_ h7@h7@hb%h7@5\h9f h|Rhd&hd&h'j hyh} h|Rh}h|Rh}5h7@ h`^h} hb%h7@.EEFzFFFFF GG$GGGGGG>HxHHH/I0IsItIIIKgd=a0]0gd7@0]0gd/50]0gdYsItIIIIII JK)K*KdK~KKKKKKMMNN4N5NOOOOOlQmQnQoQ~QRRRRþwowg_h_5>*-5>*8>*5>*<>*hrAhrA>* hrAh8thrAhrA0J>*jhrAhrAU hrAhrA hrshS hrA5hrshS5 h+.5hU_hU_>*hyhU_ hU_hU_ hU_5 h}5h|Rh}5 h=ah=a%KKKOOOmQnQDSkdd$$Ifm)B  t |)64B` ap ytrAgdrASkdd$$Ifm)B  t |)64B` ap ytrA $IfgdrAxgdSnQoQRRRRsTtT=U>UPU $Ifgd_Xkd#e$$Ifm)B  t |)64B` ap ytrA $IfgdrAgdrA RRrTsTtTTTTTTTT:U;U>UPUQURUUUUUUUUVYVVVWWWWW[X\XXXQYĽwplplph#W h#Wh#Wh, hS5 hS5hU_hU_5>*hU_hU_>* h#WhU_hU_h2hS5h2h2h25hrshS>* hrshShrAhrA>*hPhrA0JjhrAUhrAhrA5hrAh8t hrAhrAhrAhrA5>*\&PUQURUVVWWWQYRYEZFZTZUZ [zzz0]0gdgdSgd#WdhgdS0]0gd/50]0gdSgdSSkde$$Ifm)B  t |)64B` ap ytrAQYRYnYxY{YYYYZDZEZFZSZTZUZZZZ [ [m[~[[[[[[[:\Q\\\]\\\\\º{tphpa hl^h}h9h96h9 hPnhPn hPn6hPnh}hJh}6 hJh} h-wh} h6h hh hn#hn# h}5h|Rh}5h, hSOJQJaJh#W5OJQJaJhn#hn#5OJQJaJhn#h25OJQJaJh2OJQJaJ# [[[]\\<]]^ __B``Gaa:bb"ccdddeegpgg00]0^`0gd 0^`0gd\];]<]r]]^^^^^^^_ _____ `B`i`|````"aFaGa[awaaab:bObbbbb"c8cgcccc dŽ챬쌄{sŽhMh96 hPn6hPnh9h96h9 h}6 hLhL hL6hL h:ph:p h:p6h:ph h}6hJh}6 hJh} hG^hG^ hG^6hG^ hNhN hN6hNh} hl^h}hl^h}6- ddd$dtdddddd eLeeeeeee#fmfff gg%gLgogpgggggggggg1h2hdhehhhii@iAiCiDiFiGiIiJiSiTiUiqirisi$a$ &`#$gdgd-w0]0gd#E~0]0gdi?iAiBiDiEiGiHiJiKiQiRiSiUiViminioipisitiuijh7@U*h#E~mHnHujh7@Uh7@ h7@0Jjh7@0JUhSjhSU h|Rh> h#Wh#Wsitiuigd-w? 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