ࡱ>  i`bjbjVV j<<NXH$H$11111$111P13L1]74M4c4c4c4888\\\\\\\$/`bh\188888\11c4c4@\:::8j1c41c4\:8\::4OPc4j1 9~O\\0]P9c:"9c0PP9c1P 88:88888\\:888]88889c888888888H$ Q0: Fall 2012 SERVICE OPERATIONS (MAN 4029) Section 4 Call # 19096 Welcome to MAN 4029 (3 Credits Course) It is your responsibility to obtain and read this syllabus completely and carefully at the very beginning of the semester so that you are very well and fully aware of all expectations for this class and conform to any requirements/instructions conveyed for this course. R 7:10-10:00 p.m. Dr. Sunil Babbar Room: ED 115 Office: 215 Fleming Hall Office Hrs: Mondays & Wednesdays 8:20-9:20 a.m. and 12:25-1:30 p.m. Thursdays 6:30-7:00 p.m. Also by appointment. You do not need any appointment to come see me during my scheduled office hours (you can simply come by). Office Phone: 561-297-3179 Email: HYPERLINK "mailto:Babbar@fau.edu"Babbar@fau.edu When sending any email, you MUST ALWAYS put the course along with the days and time of your class in the subject line (i.e. Student in your MAN 4029 R 7:10 p.m. class) in order to ensure a response. Also, please do always identify yourself using your full name within the text of your email message or at the bottom of the message. Because of the volume of SPAM one receives, not following these instructions can result in my missing your message and not being able to respond (which I do not want to see happen). As business students, please always be conscious of your communication so that it is effective, formal, courteous, and devoid of the use of any slang or informal abbreviations. Please keep in mind that communication skills, taking responsibility, and leading by example, are all essential elements of business training and education and I expect these from all of my students. PREREQUISITES: Junior standing REQUIRED COURSE TEXT: Service Management, by James A. Fitzsimmons and Mona J. Fitzsimmons, 7th Edition, McGraw-Hill, (ISBN: 978-0-07-340335-9). COURSE DESCRIPTION: Examines the nature and role of services, service strategies, new service development, service processes, service errors, technology and innovation, service facility location, layout, capacity management, and management of service employees. Also focuses on the interdisciplinary nature of service management, globalization, and management of service quality. LEARNING GOALS: Students will gain an understanding of the nature of services, service industries, and the role services play in an economy. Students will examine service strategies, new service development, service process design and analysis, as well as the role of the customer in the service delivery process. Students will develop an appreciation of the interdisciplinary nature of service management and an understanding of the measurement and management of service quality from a customer-centric perspective. Students will relate theory to practice while reinforcing their critical thinking through short business cases, papers and projects on actual service operations, and discussion of readings relating to service management from sources beyond the textbook. Students will reinforce their writing skills through short answer questions on exams and quizzes and through written papers. TEACHING OBJECTIVE: As my primary objective, I will, on my part, do all I can to teach in such a way that each and every one of you is able to understand the material well and truly learn in the process. To make the course a real learning experience, it is extremely important for you to be sincere as students, be on time, work hard, not disrupt the class in any way, actively participate in class discussions, and enjoy doing so. I look for you to grow from the learning and sharing experience in this course. You are strongly encouraged to ask questions and to make sure that you clearly understand the content as covered in class. I am always available for help and you must not hesitate to ask questions during class, office hours, and well before exam time (but this requires you to absolutely attend each and every class, follow instructions, take responsibility, and do all work in a timely manner). If you do your part, follow instructions, and take responsibility, then I will always be there for you - and you can count on it! If not, I will not reinforce negative behavior through any kind of accommodation. I trust that you will reciprocate on your part, care, be open-minded and, most of all, be driven to making a difference as students and professionals. I do hope that you will really enjoy the course while contributing to and helping shape a healthy learning environment by setting a good example of personal conduct and effort in every way. IMPORTANT DATES: Dates for Quizzes - Please regularly and carefully review the Course Content & Schedule section starting on the following page that lists the dates for the quizzes (all quizzes will be given at the very start of class with no extra time given for being late to class). October 11 - Individual Poka-Yoke Paper Due October 12 - Last day to drop the course or withdraw without receiving an F November 1 - Group Walk-Through Audit Due November 29 - Final Exam (7:10-9:30 p.m. in the usual classroom ED 115) PASSING GRADE & MINIMUM COURSE GRADE FOR AN OM MINOR: While a grade other than F is a passing grade, do keep in mind that the minimum course grade which must be earned for this course to be counted towards a Minor in Operations Management (OM) is a C. GRADING SCHEME: I will be using the +/- grade system. Your overall course grade will be determined as follows: QUIZZES ................. 30% 93-100 = A 73-76.99 = C INDIVIDUAL PAPER ........ 10% 90-92.99 = A- 70-72.99 = C- GROUP PROJECT/WALK-THROUGH 87-89.99 = B+ 67-69.99 = D+ AUDIT & PRESENTATION .. 20% 83-86.99 = B 63-66.99 = D FINAL EXAM .............. 40% 80-82.99 = B- 60-62.99 = D- 77-79.99 = C+ < 60 = F Your course average/course grade can thus be computed as: Overall Course Average = .3*(Your average score on the quizzes) + .1*(Your score on the individual paper) + .2*(Your score on the group project) + .4*(Your score on the final exam). COURSE CONTENT & SCHEDULE: Material on the topics listed below will be covered from the text and from sources outside the text. All material (from or outside the text, covered in class or assigned for reading) shall be considered equal in importance and may be on the exam. You must be present in all class meetings in order to keep up with, and understand the material covered. Pages you must read for the CHAPTER* TOPIC quizzes/exam from the Textbook 1 Role of Services in an Economy 3-15 2 The Nature of Services 17-33 Cases 2.1 and Case 2.2 33-35 QUIZ on Chapters 1 & 2 and Cases 2.1 & 2.2 (September 6) 3 Service Strategy 37-58 4 New Service Development 67-86 QUIZ on Chapters 3 and 4 (September 20) 5 Technology in Services 95-107 QUIZ on Case 5.1 (September 27) 108-109 6 Service Quality 115-122; Bottom of page 124 (Walk- Through Audit) through the middle of page 130; Middle of page 134-page 137 Managing Service Employees Class Notes QUIZ on Article on Service Recovery (October 4) 7 Supporting Facility and Process Flows 153-Middle of page 162; Class notes on Facility Layout and Relative Location INDIVIDUAL PAPER on Poka-Yokes Due (October 11) 8 Process Improvement 181-196 QUIZ on Article on Ethics & Service Quality (October 18) 10 Service Facility Location 235-239; Class Notes on Location Techniques GROUP Walk-Through Audit Due & Presentations (November 1) 11 Managing Demand, Capacity, and 265-Middle of page 270 Scheduling Middle of page 276-page 279 14 Globalization of Services 345-361 FINAL EXAM (November 29, 7:10-9:30 p.m. in the usual classroom ED 115): The Final Exam will be on Chapters 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, and 14 from the textbook and also everything (including quantitative tools and techniques) covered in class on those topics. * Please refer to the pages you must read from the textbook as noted in the above/prior section (you are not responsible for anything from the textbook outside of those pages). Your notes (from class) will be extremely important (so review these very carefully and completely) for the exam. CLASS ATTENDANCE: You must always be in time for class so you set a good example and do not disturb others. Please strictly refrain from leaving the classroom (with you books/backpack) before the entire class session is over as that is disruptive both to your fellow students and the instructor. If you know prior to the start of class that you need to leave early for some very important reason, then please do extend courtesy to all by making it a point to inform the instructor at the start of class that you will be leaving early, and sitting close to the door of the classroom so you can quietly leave with minimum disturbance to the class (not doing any of these will be deemed as disrupting the class). No attendance will be taken, but you must be present in all class sessions to be able to understand the material and be in a position to do well. You will be responsible for everything said and assigned in class irrespective of whether you are present in class or not. It is your responsibility to get to know someone in class (including having that persons contact information) at the very start of the semester and to obtain from her or him any assignment and notes for any class session you have to miss. If you miss a class for any reason other than an emergency or without the instructors prior permission, it is your responsibility to get and carefully review the notes from that class from someone in class and to read the related material carefully from the text before you ask the instructor to review or help with any material you missed. You must bring with you and show the instructor the notes you have copied for the missed class and the work you have put in to go through that material and make up for the class missed when you ask for help on it. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS: You will be given homework assignments in this course. However, it will be a while before you are given assignments as the initial chapters/topics in the course are qualitative and do not lend themselves to assignments as such. It is your responsibility to be in class so you know exactly what is assigned and when. You are not required to turn in these assignments to the instructor (they will not be collected). They are only for you to practice. However, you MUST do these assignments very promptly, diligently, and in a timely manner, as they will serve as a good review for the exam, and more importantly, help provide you with honest feedback on your understanding of the material covered. The assignments are for your review of the material and you must carefully do and understand every part of every assigned problem in order to pass and do well in this course. QUIZZES, EXAM, PAPERS & MAKE-UP POLICY: All quizzes will be given at the very start of class. You must absolutely be on time for every exam and the quiz (no extra time will be given for being late). So, please do give yourself enough cushion by leaving for class earlier than usual on the day of the exam or quiz so that you are certainly there well in time. All papers due on any particular date will be collected at the very start of that class session. You do not need to bring a scantron for any quiz or exam. You are not allowed to bring any sheets of paper with you for the quizzes or exam. You are not allowed to leave the classroom during any quiz or exam. Please make sure you use the restroom or have a drink before the exam or quiz starts if you need to. You must have a government/ý-issued picture ID with you in order to take any exam or quiz. Do remember to bring a calculator, ruler, eraser, and more than one pen or pencil to the exam. All cell phones and/or communication devises of any kind must be turned off and stored away absolutely out of sight at all times during any exam or quiz (any cell phone or communication device seen by the instructor during the exam or quiz session, irrespective of whether it is being used or not, will result in the student getting a zero for that exam/quiz). All your work must be only on the exam or quiz handed out to you. You must abide by any seating arrangement for the quizzes and/or exam. Any student can be asked to move to another seat at any time. Each exam and quiz will be out of 100 points. Please note that grades of Incomplete (I) are reserved only for students who are passing a course but have not completed all the required work because of exceptional circumstances. Other than a documentable emergency or serious illness, no student is allowed to take the exam on any day other than that stated for the same on this syllabus. All quizzes and the exam will be closed-book closed-notes. The exam and quizzes must be taken at the time scheduled and the student is responsible for keeping the dates for these in mind from the very first day of class and before making any other commitments. Irrespective of circumstances, no quiz will be given to a student any earlier or later than the time that quiz is scheduled for the class. If ill, to makeup the exam, you must present a physician's statement that outlines the nature of the illness and also specifically states that the illness was severe enough to prevent your attendance. There will be absolutely no makeup quiz in this course irrespective of circumstances. Your one lowest score on the quizzes will be dropped. If you miss a quiz for absolutely any reason, that particular quiz will by default be the one that is dropped in determining your grade (all other quizzes must be taken and all others will be counted no student can miss more than one quiz). The individual paper and group walk-through audit must be submitted at the start of class on the date specified (if there is a conflict or situation of any kind known to the student in advance of the due date, they must be submitted by email on or before that date to the instructor). The final exam must be taken by every student. SEEING YOUR EXAMS & QUIZZES, YOUR SCORES ON THESE, AND YOUR COURSE GRADE: You will always receive your scores on any quiz during the class sessions and have a chance to see your quiz during class (so do not miss any class!). If you have questions on any quiz or need further clarification please do ask at the time when I go over it in class. Grading, whether you consider it easy or hard, is determined by the instructor and is the same for everyone. As such, your score on any quiz, exam, paper, or project is final and not subject to change unless there is something that I have clearly overlooked. I do go over/grade these very carefully and there is in general very little chance of my having overlooked something. Any issue relating to a quiz or paper must be brought up no later than one week after the time that the quiz or paper is returned/gone over in class (irrespective of whether you are present or not at the time it is returned). The matter of your grade on any quiz or paper cannot be brought up or considered later in an effort to try and bump up your course average or grade or for any other reason. Please do not ask me what you need on the final exam to make a certain course grade - as that is all explained on this syllabus and for you to determine/calculate. If you wish to know your score on the final exam or to see your final exam, you must come by my office (Fleming Hall, Room 215) only on Monday December 3rd between 8:30-10:30 a.m. or on Wednesday December 5th between 5:30-6:00 p.m. If you do not come by to see your final exam on December 3rd or on December 5th at the specified times, then you can only see your final exam during the first week of the Spring 2013 semester (and no later). My office hours for Spring 2013 will be posted on my office (FL 215) door at the start of the Spring 2013 semester. Your grades are based only on your performance on the exam, quizzes, and papers etc. and nothing outside of that can/will be considered (or should be brought up by you in any way as I will not respond to any such request and/or communication). The grades are final and not subject to change based on any other considerations (whether you understand the material, are graduating, not passing, will lose your scholarship, have a job offer, need only a few more points to pass etc) as I want the process to be fair, clear, and the same for every student. As such, please do not bring up such other consideration(s) for those requests will not receive a response. I really want to see you all do well but also want you to earn the grade like everyone else in the class. CLASSROOM SEATING: During any of the class sessions, you absolutely must not sit next to someone you might be tempted to talk to during class (especially friends!). Please realize that you are in class to learn and to contribute to the learning experience. You can always socialize with and talk to friends outside of class. Please be very conscious of your conduct and not distract the instructor or disturb the class in any way. Your distracting the instructor and/or class in any way through disruptive conduct will pull your course grade down by at least one grade! As students, you must strictly abide by any seating instructions given. Any non-conformance to seating instructions or any other type of misconduct/disturbance on your part will result in a reduction of your overall course grade. A repeat misconduct will result in a more severe penalty that may include your receiving an F for the course and being barred from attending class. It is every students responsibility to not diminish the learning experience of others through any kind of misconduct. CODE OF ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY STATEMENT: Academic dishonesty during exams or in general will not be tolerated. I expect you to care and take pride in your integrity as students. Do strictly focus on your own work during exams and dont let others see your work. You are also not allowed to wear a cap during any exam or quiz. Students at ý are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards. Academic dishonesty is considered a serious breach of these ethical standards because it interferes with the university mission to provide a high quality education in which no student enjoys an unfair advantage over others. Academic dishonesty is also destructive of the university community, which is grounded in a system of mutual trust and places high value on personal integrity and individual responsibility. Harsh penalties are associated with academic dishonesty. For more information see University Regulation 4.001 at http://www.fau.edu/regulations/chapter4/4.001_Code_of_Academic_Integrity.pdf DISABILITY POLICY STATEMENT: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), students who require special accommodation due to a disability to properly execute coursework must register in a very timely manner with the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD), which on the Boca Campus is located at SU 117 (Phone: 561-297-3880), and follow all OSD procedures. If you have a disability and need classroom accommodations, it is your responsibility to complete all formalities with OSD and notify me as soon as possible. I will be glad to work with you and be of help to you. Please see me privately after class or during my office hours. OTHER COMMENTS: I look for each one of you to challenge yourself, make a commitment, do well, and get even more out of the course than you expected coming in. Do your part and be assured that I will not let you down! Please take personal responsibility and help shape a healthy learning environment by not distracting others or the instructor in any way during the class - for I do not expect and will not be accommodating of any such conduct! All cell phones/pagers/communication devices must be turned off during all class sessions. They must be turned off and stored absolutely out of sight during any exam or quiz. Please slow me down, have me repeat or explain anything you do not understand in class. The objective is for you to not only learn but also to feel comfortable and enjoy that learning experience. But, keep in mind, you must not miss class and must do all the work assigned in a timely manner. Any cell phone or communication device seen (even if not being used at the time) by the instructor during an exam or quiz will result in the student getting a zero for that exam or quiz without exception. You are absolutely not allowed to pull out and place on your desk or use a phone or communication device of any kind during class or during any exam or quiz. If a student is found doing so on any exam or quiz, the student will receive a zero and be asked to leave the room immediately (no exceptions!). You are absolutely not allowed to use a calculator on any kind of communication device during any exam. If you do so, the device will be confiscated and a zero given for the exam. Absolutely no tape, video, or any kind of recorders are allowed at any time in this course unless written permission via email is obtained from the instructor by the student to do so for a particular class lecture in the case of an emergency. I will bring the graded papers, quizzes etc. only once to class. Anything missed must be picked up from my office during my office hours. The student is responsible for all announcements, assignments given, and material covered in class irrespective of whether s/he is present or not. Class participation is encouraged. You should raise issues and ask questions so that you generate discussion, understand the material, broaden your horizon, and make the course a good learning experience. Changes (if any) to this syllabus will be at the discretion of the instructor and will be announced in class. The student is responsible for knowing and following any and all announcements made in class irrespective of whether the student is present or absent when such announcements are made. Best of Luck.... HAVE A GREAT SEMESTER... I HOPE YOU LEARN FROM, AND ENJOY THE COURSE AS MUCH AS I ENJOY TEACHING IT     PAGE 1   !*/0349=>?ʹʨm[I[[;huCJOJQJ^JaJ#hdw5>*CJOJQJ\^JaJ#hu5>*CJOJQJ\^JaJ)h%?hu5>*CJOJQJ\^JaJ)h%?h%?5>*CJOJQJ\^JaJ hdw5CJOJQJ\^JaJ haM5CJOJQJ\^JaJ hA;q5CJOJQJ\^JaJ hu5CJOJQJ\^JaJ#h#/5>*CJOJQJ\^JaJ#h]#5>*CJOJQJ\^JaJ?J? % @ % B C  ? !gdT  `^``gdrM `^``$a$? !gdw#]$ pp^p`a$?FGHIJOPQVZ[jklptƴ|kZIZ8I h]#6CJOJQJ]^JaJ h7z?6CJOJQJ]^JaJ hu6CJOJQJ]^JaJ hw#]5CJOJQJ\^JaJ&hw#]hw#]5CJOJQJ\^JaJ#hM5>*CJOJQJ\^JaJ#hu5>*CJOJQJ\^JaJ#hA;q5>*CJOJQJ\^JaJ#h '5>*CJOJQJ\^JaJ#h5>*CJOJQJ\^JaJ)hc?hc?5>*CJOJQJ\^JaJtu|} ±t_tJ5J5J)h]hM56>*CJOJQJ^JaJ)h]haM56>*CJOJQJ^JaJ)h]hrM56>*CJOJQJ^JaJ)h]hu56>*CJOJQJ^JaJ&h+uhr5>*CJOJQJ^JaJ&h+uhM5>*CJOJQJ^JaJ h:qh]#CJOJQJ^JaJhuCJOJQJ^JaJhuCJOJQJ^JaJ h7z?6CJOJQJ]^JaJ h ? 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