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More than any other aspect of culture, issues of race and ethnicity remain taboo subjects within our nation. It is imperative therefore that students who are working to become culturally competent communicators understand the differences between race and ethnicity, and understand the ways in which these perspectives impact the lives of fellow citizens. Course Activities and Approach to Learning - Class activities will include lectures, group discussions, and individual presentations. - Student participation in class discussion is essential to learning the course material. - You are expected to be a participant in the class. If you do not understand an idea, theory, or assignment, please ask the professor for instructions and clarifications. If you do not want to raise the question in class, please come to my office. ý Policies and Procedures Code of Academic Integrity A student is expected to maintain the highest ethical standards. Dishonesty is considered a serious breach of these ethical standards, because it interferes with the University mission to provide a high quality education in which no student enjoys an unfair advantage over others. Dishonesty is also destructive of the University community, which is grounded in a system of mutual trust and places high value on personal integrity and individual responsibility. Student Accessibility Services (SAS) In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act(ADAAA), students who require reasonable accommodations due to a disability to properly execute coursework must register with Student Accessibility Services (SAS)in Boca Raton, Davie, or in Jupiter and follow all SASprocedures.  HYPERLINK "http://www.fau.edu/sas" http://www.fau.edu/sas Students at ý are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards. Academic dishonesty is considered a serious breach of these ethical standards, because it interferes with the university mission to provide a high quality education in which no student enjoys an unfair advantage over any other. Academic dishonesty is also destructive of the university community, which is grounded in a system of mutual trust and places high value on personal integrity and individual responsibility. Harsh penalties are associated with academic dishonesty. For more information, see HYPERLINK "http://wise.fau.edu/regulations/chapter4/Reg_4.001_5-26-10_FINAL.pdf"http://wise.fau.edu/regulations/chapter4/Reg_4.001_5-26-10_FINAL.pdf Students are expected to attend all of their scheduled University classes and to satisfy all academic objectives as outlined by the instructor. The effect of absences upon grades is determined by the instructor, and the University reserves the right to deal at any time with individual cases of non-attendance. Students are responsible for arranging to make up work missed because of legitimate class absence, such as illness, family emergencies, military obligation, court-imposed legal obligations or participation in University-approved activities. Examples of University-approved reasons for absences include participating on an athletic or scholastic team, musical and theatrical performances and debate activities. It is the students responsibility to give the instructor notice prior to any anticipated absence and within a reasonable amount of time after an unanticipated absence, ordinarily by the next scheduled class meeting. Instructors must allow each student who is absent for a University-approved reason the opportunity to make up work missed without any reduction in the students final course grade as a direct result of such absence. Attendance on First Day of Class Students are required to attend the first day of class for any course in which they are registered. If a student misses the first day of class for any reason, the student may be administratively withdrawn from the course. Communication Devices In order to enhance and maintain a productive atmosphere for education, personal communication devices, such as cell phones, are to be disabled in class sessions. Course Policies, Procedures, and Courtesies Attendance Students are expected to attend all class periods, on time, and are responsible for All chapters assigned, regardless of whether chapters are covered in the in-class lectures. Each absence beyond three will be subject to a five point deduction from the final point total. Class Policies: Productive class discussion depends upon both openness and mutual respect. You are expected to approach this class in a mature and honest manner. Some of the materials examined in this class are of a controversial nature, and sharp disagreements are likely to occur. Just as you would like for your attitudes and interpretations to be considered seriously by others, so too must you respect divergent opinions of others. Late work will not be accepted unless specific arrangements are made in advance. If you will miss a class assignment because of a University-approved absence, you must inform the professor of that in advance, with proper documentation, and make arrangements for fulfilling your class obligations. All agreed upon make up examinations will be conducted on reading day. Should an emergency arise, please email or telephone your teaching assistant regarding your status. Unless such arrangements are made, make-up work will not be accepted. Extra-credit or bonus points are not available; you will be evaluated based upon the assignments specified in this syllabus. Cell phones, etc., must all be turned off prior to class and may not be turned on again until class is over. This is in accordance with university policies. Laptop computers may be used for note-taking purposes, but online activity, unless specifically requested during a class session, is prohibited. Emailing and text messaging are prohibited. Class lectures and/or presentations may not be audio or video taped without specific permission in advance in each instance, and under no circumstances may tapes be made for anything other than explicitly pedagogical and educational purposes and uses. Students are encouraged to make use of the University Center for Excellence in Writing. They can help with writing difficulties (or just polishing writing style) as well as with research and documentation questions. For more information, please consult:  HYPERLINK "http://www.fau.edu/UCEW/" http://www.fau.edu/UCEW/ Religious Accommodation Policy Statement In accordance with rules of the Florida Board of Education and Florida law, students have the right to reasonable accommodations from the University in order to observe religious practices and beliefs with regard to admissions, registration, class attendance and the scheduling of examinations and work assignments. University Approved Absence Policy Statement In accordance with rules of the ý, students have the right to reasonable accommodations to participate in University approved activities, including athletic or scholastics teams, musical and theatrical performances and debate activities. It is the students responsibility to notify the course instructor at least one week prior to missing any course assignment. Group Presentations Presentation Groups will be selected during the 2nd week of the semester. Groups will be responsible for preparing selected chapters from both the texts, to be presented in class. Groups will be responsible for creating potential exam questions from the chapters presented. The entire class is responsible for outlining every chapter of the text, regardless of whether or not your particular group is presenting. Course Outline ALL ASSIGNMENTS MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED CLASS PERIOD. GRADING Grades will be based on: FOUR EXAMINATIONS Group presentations Attendance Students are expected to attend all class periods, on time, and are responsible for all chapters assigned, regardless of whether chapters are covered in the in-class lectures. Students are allowed three (3) absences for the semester. Each absence beyond three will be subject to a five point deduction from the final point total. Students are responsible for keeping up with their absences. Attendance is given more weight than some other classes because it would be impossible to make up the films, presentations, quizzes, and discussions. Exams (4) 400 points Chapter Presentation 100 points Attendance/participation 100 points TOTAL 600 POINTS Final grades will be assigned according to the following scale: 93 100% A 80 82% B- 66-69% D+ 90 92% A- 76 79% C+ 63 65% D 86 89% B+ 73 75% C 60 62% D- 83 85% B 70 72% C- BELOW 60% F Students are responsible for adapting to any announcements in class concerning changes in due dates, examinations, and schedules. Original work is expected of every student, and any plagiarism will result in an automatic F in this course. If you have any doubts about what constitutes plagiarism, ASK! READING SCHEDULE ALL READING ASSIGNMENTS MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED CLASS PERIOD. WEEK 1 Jan 10-12 Introduction to the Class Discussion of Race and Ethnicity Review syllabus WEEK 2 Jan 17-19 Schaefer: Chapter 1 Gallagher Reading/Presentation: Ch. 1 - How Our Skins Got Their Color Marvin Harris Ch. 2 Drawing the Color Line Howard Zinn WEEK 3 Jan 24-26 Schaefer: Chapter 1 Gallagher Reading/Presentation: Ch. 3- Racial Formation Michael Omi, Howard Winant Ch. 4- Defining Race and Ethnicity C. Matthew Snipp WEEK 4 Jan. 31- Feb 2 EXAM #1 COVERING SCHAEFER CHAPTER 1 AND GALLAGHER 1 - 4 READINGS Schaefer: Chapter 2 Gallagher Reading/Presentation: Ch. 15 Race Prejudice as a Sense of Group Position Herbert Blumer Ch. 17 - Discrimination and the American Creed Robert Merton WEEK 5 Feb 7-9 Schaefer: Chapter 2 Gallagher Reading/Presentation: Ch. 23 Environmental Justice in the 21st Century: Race Still Matters Robert D. Bullard Ch. 36 Racism and Popular Culture Danielle Dirks and Jennifer Mueller Video Screening Part 1 : Crash WEEK 6 Feb 14-16 Schaefer: Chapter 2 Gallagher Reading/Presentation: Ch. 37 The Media as a System of Racialization: Exploring Images of African American Women and the New Racism Marci Bounds Littlefield Ch. 38 Black and White in Movies: Portrayals of Black-White Biracial Characters in Movies Alicia Edison and George Yancey Video Screening Part 2 : Crash WEEK 7 Feb 21-23 - EXAM #2 - COVERING SCHAEFER CHAPTER 2 AND GALLAGHER READINGS Schaefer: Chapter 3 Gallagher Reading/Presentation: Ch. 21 Residential Segregation and Neighborhood Conditions in U.S. Metropolitan Areas Douglas S. Massey WEEK 8 Feb 28 - Mar 2 Schaefer: Chapter 3 Gallagher Reading/Presentation: Ch. 25 Why Are There No Supermarkets in My Neighborhood? The Long Search for Fresh Fruit, Produce, and Healthy Food Shannon N. Zenk et al. Online Article: White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack Peggy McIntosh http://www.unm.edu/~wocmxher/FAQ/White%20Privilege.pdf WEEK 9 SPRING BREAK WEEK 10 Mar 14-16 Schaefer: Chapter 4 Gallagher Reading/Presentation: Ch. 32 When the Melting Pot Boils OverL The Irish, Jews, Blacks, and Koreans of New York Roger Waldinger Ch. 34 Sweatshops in Sunset Park: A Variation of the Late-Twentieth-Century Chinese Garment Shops in New York City Xiaolan Bao WEEK 11 Mar 21-23 Schaefer: Chapter 4 Gallagher Reading/Presentation: Ch. 41 The Melting Pot and the Color Line Stephen Steinberg Ch. 42 Who Are the Other African Americans? Contemporary African and Caribbean Immigrants in the United States John R. Logan WEEK 12 Mar 28-30- EXAM #3 COVERING SCHAEFER CHAPTERS 3 AND 4 PLUS GALLAGHER CHAPTERS Schaefer: Chapter 4 Gallagher Reading/Presentation: Ch. 43 The Arab Immigrant Experience Michael W. Suleiman Ch. 44 Ethnic And Tacial Identities of Second-Generation Black Immigrants in New York City Mary C. Waters WEEK 13 Apr 4-6 Schaefer: Chapter 5 Gallagher Reading/Presentation: Ch. 24 Race, Religion, and the Color Line (Or Is That the Color Wall?) Michael O. Emerson WEEK 14 Apr 11-13 Schaefer: Chapter 5 Selected readings to be posted on Blackboard Video Screening WEEK 15 Apr 18-20 Gallagher Reading/Presentation: Part III (A) Race and Criminal Justice 26 No Equal Justice: The Color of Punishment David Cole 27 The New Jim Crow Michelle Alexander 28 Racialized Mass Incarceration: Rounding Up The Usual Suspects Lawrence D. Bobo et. al 29 The Mark of a Criminal Record Devah Pager 30 Using DNA for Justice : Color-blind or Biased? Sheldon Krimsky et al **ALL MAKE-UP EXAMS WILL BE ADMINISTERED APRIL 20, 2017 FROM 12:30-1:50** WEEK 16 Apr 25 Reading day WEEK 17 Apr 27 FINAL EXAMINATION WEEK COVERING SCHAEFER CHAPTER 5 PLUS REMAINING GALLAGHER READINGS FINAL EXAM Thur 4/27 10:30am-1:00 pm      PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1   3489:;<=>?@BCDEFHILMWXZ~    % M ǾܾǾǾо}uhk<CJaJhiCJaJhG >CJaJhoCJaJh}h75CJ\aJh9(j5CJaJho5CJaJhq5CJaJh75CJaJhyT5CJaJh}h75CJaJhY5CJaJhyTCJaJh}h7CJaJh7CJaJ.4Mi| N 0 K L f g gd9(j`gd3Ogd3Ogd7$a$gd7gd7M N V W | }  ! 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